944 resultados para PID Controller
An adaptive control damping the forced vibration of a car while passing along a bumpy road is investigated. It is based on a simple kinematic description of the desired behavior of the damped system. A modified PID controller containing an approximation of Caputo’s fractional derivative suppresses the high-frequency components related to the bumps and dips, while the low frequency part of passing hills/valleys are strictly traced. Neither a complete dynamic model of the car nor ’a priori’ information on the surface of the road is needed. The adaptive control realizes this kinematic design in spite of the existence of dynamically coupled, excitable internal degrees of freedom. The method is investigated via Scicos-based simulation in the case of a paradigm. It was found that both adaptivity and fractional order derivatives are essential parts of the control that can keep the vibration of the load at bay without directly controlling its motion.
Neste documento descreve-se o projeto desenvolvido na unidade curricular de Tese e Dissertação durante o 2º ano do Mestrado de Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores no ramo de Automação e Sistemas, no Departamento de Engenharia Eletrotécnica (DEE) do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP). O projeto escolhido teve como base o uso da tecnologia das redes neuronais para implementação em sistemas de controlo. Foi necessário primeiro realizar um estudo desta tecnologia, perceber como esta surgiu e como é estruturada. Por último, abordar alguns casos de estudo onde as redes neuronais foram aplicadas com sucesso. Relativamente à implementação, foram consideradas diferentes estruturas de controlo, e entre estas escolhidas a do sistema de controlo estabilizador e sistema de referência adaptativo. No entanto, como o objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo de desempenho quando aplicadas as redes neuronais, não se utilizam apenas estas como controlador. A análise exposta neste trabalho trata de perceber em que medida é que a introdução das redes neuronais melhora o controlo de um processo. Assim sendo, os sistemas de controlo utilizados devem conter pelo menos uma rede neuronal e um controlador PID. Os testes de desempenho são aplicados no controlo de um motor DC, sendo realizados através do recurso ao software MATLAB. As simulações efetuadas têm diferentes configurações de modo a tirar conclusões o mais gerais possível. Assim, os sistemas de controlo são simulados para dois tipos de entrada diferentes, e com ou sem a adição de ruído no sensor. Por fim, é efetuada uma análise das respostas de cada sistema implementado e calculados os índices de desempenho das mesmas.
A levitação magnética tem sido um tema bastante investigado sobretudo devido à sua utilização em sistemas ferroviários de transportes. É o método ideal quando existe a necessidade em aplicações de restringir do contacto físico, ou a conveniência, em termos energéticos, de eliminar o atrito. O princípio de funcionamento é simples, um eletroíman cria uma força sobre um objeto ferromagnético que contraria a gravidade. Contudo um sistema de levitação por atração é instável e não linear, o que significa a necessidade de implementar um controlador para satisfazer as características de estabilidade desejadas. Ao longo deste projeto serão descritos os procedimentos teóricos e práticos que foram tomados na criação de um sistema de levitação eletromagnética. Desde a conceção física do sistema, como escolha do sensor, condicionamento de sinal ou construção do eletroíman, até aos procedimentos matemáticos que permitiram a modelação do sistema e criação de controladores. Os controladores clássicos, como o PID ou em avanço de fase, foram projetados através da técnica do Lugar Geométrico de Raízes. No projeto do controlador difuso, pelo contrário não se fez uso da modelação do sistema ou de qualquer relação matemática entre as variáveis. A utilização desta técnica de controlo destacou-se pela usa simplicidade e rapidez de implementação, fornecendo um bom desempenho ao sistema. Na parte final do relatório os resultados obtidos pelos diferentes métodos de controlo são analisados e apresentadas as respetivas conclusões. Estes resultados revelam que para este sistema, relativamente aos outros métodos, o controlador difuso apresenta o melhor desempenho tanto ao nível da resposta transitória, como em regime permanente.
Työn tavoitteena oli nostaa nestekaasua energialähteenään käyttävän lämpökäsittelyprosessin automaatioastetta sekä tehostaa prosessia. Näiden tavoitteiden avulla kehitetään standardin GJS800 mukaisen pallografiittiraudan lämpökäsittelyä niin, että päästään toivotun mukaisiin mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin eli raudan korkeaan myötörajaan ja väsymisrajaan sekä hyvään sitkeyteen yhdistettynä hyvään lastuttavuuteen.Ensin selvitettiin nestekaasun käyttöön liittyviä lupa-asioita sekä välttämättömiä turvalaitteita ja –toimintoja, jonka jälkeen mahdollisimman tarkan prosessikuvauksen avulla luotiin pohja automaatiosuunnittelulle.Automaatiosuunnittelussa tavoitteena oli mahdollisimman korkea automaatioaste. Prosessoripohjainen PID-säädin ohjaa itsenäisesti koko prosessin sen jälkeen, kun alkuarvot on syötetty tietokoneen avulla säätäjän muistiin. Tarkempien säätöjen ja muun kehitystyön seurauksena saadaan myös prosessin hyötysuhdetta kasvatettua.
Virtalähdejärjestelmä koostuu itsenäisesti toimivista virtalähdeyksiköistä. Virtalähdeyksiköt ovat rinnankytketty syöttämään virtaa kuormaan. Tämä diplomityö käsittelee virtalähdeyksiköiden ohjaamiseen liittyviä ongelmia ja ratkaisuja. Työssä suunnitellaan virtalähdejärjestelmän ohjauselektroniikkaa sekä mikrokontrollerin ohjelmakoodia. Lisäksi kehitetään ratkaisuja virtalähteen hallintaan ja automaattiseen ohjaukseen. Huomiota kiinnitetään vikasietoisuuteen ja käyttäjäystävällisyyteen.
The process of cold storage chambers contributes largely to the quality and longevity of stored products. In recent years, it has been intensified the study of control strategies in order to decrease the temperature change inside the storage chamber and to reduce the electric power consumption. This study has developed a system for data acquisition and process control, in LabVIEW language, to be applied in the cooling system of a refrigerating chamber of 30m³. The use of instrumentation and the application developed fostered the development of scientific experiments, which aimed to study the dynamic behavior of the refrigeration system, compare the performance of control strategies and the heat engine, even due to the controlled temperature, or to the electricity consumption. This system tested the strategies for on-off control, PID and fuzzy. Regarding power consumption, the fuzzy controller showed the best result, saving 10% when compared with other tested strategies.
The assembly and maintenance of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) vacuum vessel (VV) is highly challenging since the tasks performed by the robot involve welding, material handling, and machine cutting from inside the VV. The VV is made of stainless steel, which has poor machinability and tends to work harden very rapidly, and all the machining operations need to be carried out from inside of the ITER VV. A general industrial robot cannot be used due to its poor stiffness in the heavy duty machining process, and this will cause many problems, such as poor surface quality, tool damage, low accuracy. Therefore, one of the most suitable options should be a light weight mobile robot which is able to move around inside of the VV and perform different machining tasks by replacing different cutting tools. Reducing the mass of the robot manipulators offers many advantages: reduced material costs, reduced power consumption, the possibility of using smaller actuators, and a higher payload-to-robot weight ratio. Offsetting these advantages, the lighter weight robot is more flexible, which makes it more difficult to control. To achieve good machining surface quality, the tracking of the end effector must be accurate, and an accurate model for a more flexible robot must be constructed. This thesis studies the dynamics and control of a 10 degree-of-freedom (DOF) redundant hybrid robot (4-DOF serial mechanism and 6-DOF 6-UPS hexapod parallel mechanisms) hydraulically driven with flexible rods under the influence of machining forces. Firstly, the flexibility of the bodies is described using the floating frame of reference method (FFRF). A finite element model (FEM) provided the Craig-Bampton (CB) modes needed for the FFRF. A dynamic model of the system of six closed loop mechanisms was assembled using the constrained Lagrange equations and the Lagrange multiplier method. Subsequently, the reaction forces between the parallel and serial parts were used to study the dynamics of the serial robot. A PID control based on position predictions was implemented independently to control the hydraulic cylinders of the robot. Secondly, in machining, to achieve greater end effector trajectory tracking accuracy for surface quality, a robust control of the actuators for the flexible link has to be deduced. This thesis investigates the intelligent control of a hydraulically driven parallel robot part based on the dynamic model and two schemes of intelligent control for a hydraulically driven parallel mechanism based on the dynamic model: (1) a fuzzy-PID self-tuning controller composed of the conventional PID control and with fuzzy logic, and (2) adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system-PID (ANFIS-PID) self-tuning of the gains of the PID controller, which are implemented independently to control each hydraulic cylinder of the parallel mechanism based on rod length predictions. The serial component of the hybrid robot can be analyzed using the equilibrium of reaction forces at the universal joint connections of the hexa-element. To achieve precise positional control of the end effector for maximum precision machining, the hydraulic cylinder should be controlled to hold the hexa-element. Thirdly, a finite element approach of multibody systems using the Special Euclidean group SE(3) framework is presented for a parallel mechanism with flexible piston rods under the influence of machining forces. The flexibility of the bodies is described using the nonlinear interpolation method with an exponential map. The equations of motion take the form of a differential algebraic equation on a Lie group, which is solved using a Lie group time integration scheme. The method relies on the local description of motions, so that it provides a singularity-free formulation, and no parameterization of the nodal variables needs to be introduced. The flexible slider constraint is formulated using a Lie group and used for modeling a flexible rod sliding inside a cylinder. The dynamic model of the system of six closed loop mechanisms was assembled using Hamilton’s principle and the Lagrange multiplier method. A linearized hydraulic control system based on rod length predictions was implemented independently to control the hydraulic cylinders. Consequently, the results of the simulations demonstrating the behavior of the robot machine are presented for each case study. In conclusion, this thesis studies the dynamic analysis of a special hybrid (serialparallel) robot for the above-mentioned special task involving the ITER and investigates different control algorithms that can significantly improve machining performance. These analyses and results provide valuable insight into the design and control of the parallel robot with flexible rods.
Identifiointia voidaan käyttää erilaisten järjestelmien parametrointiin, ja tässä työssä kyseisellä operaatiolla mallinnettiin järjestelmäkameran vakauttamiseksi rakennettua kolmiakselista järjestelmää. Työn tavoitteena oli saada järjestelmästä matemaattinen malli niin, että sen avulla voitaisiin simuloida järjestelmän toimintaa säätävän PID-säätimen arvoja, minkä pohjalta koko järjestelmä pystyttäisiin virittämään paremmin. Tutkielmassa saatu malli muodostettiin matlab-ohjelmalla järjestelmän mittausdatan perusteella. Mittauksissa mitattiin manuaalisesti viritetyn järjestelmän tuloja sekä lähtöä, ja niiden perusteella muodostettiin ARX-mallit jokaiselle järjestelmän kolmelle akselille. Kirjainyhdistelmä ARX, viittaa nyt MISO-järjestelmään, sekä regressioon mallin tulon ja lähdön välillä. MISO- järjestelmällä on yksi lähtö ja useita tuloja, joita työssä tehdyssä mallissa oli kolme kappaletta. Mallien tarkkuudeksi saatiin 60-75%. Identifioinnista saadulle mallille muodostettiin simulointimalli, jonka avulla järjestelmä simuloitiin nopeammaksi. Simuloidut PID-arvot viritettiin järjestelmälle myös käytännössä, jonka jälkeen identifiointi toistettiin kahden identifioidun siirtofunktion vertailua varten. Järjestelmille tehtyjen askelvastekokeiden vertailun mukaan, eri identifioidusta saadut järjestelmät, jotka sisälsivät kuitenkin saman säätimen, erosivat toisistaan huomattavasti, vaikka teoriassa niiden pitäisi olla samat. Erot selittyivät mallin identifioinnin riittämättömällä tarkkuudella. Lopuksi virityksen onnistumista testattiin järjestelmällä käytännössä, tekemällä sille askelvastekokeet vanhoilla sekä simuloinnista saaduilla uusilla säätimen arvoilla. Testien mukaan järjestelmän kahden akselin asettumisaikaa saatiin muutettua 5,0 ja 0,8 sekuntia nopeammaksi, mutta kolmannesta akselista tuli epästabiili. Epästabiilius ei ole toivottua, mutta sen havaitseminen osoittaa, että stabiiliksi simuloitu järjestelmä voi todellisuudessa saada epästabiilin lopputuloksen, mikäli simulointimalli sisältää virhettä.
A neural network enhanced proportional, integral and derivative (PID) controller is presented that combines the attributes of neural network learning with a generalized minimum-variance self-tuning control (STC) strategy. The neuro PID controller is structured with plant model identification and PID parameter tuning. The plants to be controlled are approximated by an equivalent model composed of a simple linear submodel to approximate plant dynamics around operating points, plus an error agent to accommodate the errors induced by linear submodel inaccuracy due to non-linearities and other complexities. A generalized recursive least-squares algorithm is used to identify the linear submodel, and a layered neural network is used to detect the error agent in which the weights are updated on the basis of the error between the plant output and the output from the linear submodel. The procedure for controller design is based on the equivalent model, and therefore the error agent is naturally functioned within the control law. In this way the controller can deal not only with a wide range of linear dynamic plants but also with those complex plants characterized by severe non-linearity, uncertainties and non-minimum phase behaviours. Two simulation studies are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the controller design procedure.
A dynamic recurrent neural network (DRNN) that can be viewed as a generalisation of the Hopfield neural network is proposed to identify and control a class of control affine systems. In this approach, the identified network is used in the context of the differential geometric control to synthesise a state feedback that cancels the nonlinear terms of the plant yielding a linear plant which can then be controlled using a standard PID controller.
Fuzzy intelligent systems are present in a variety of equipment ranging from household appliances to Fuzzy intelligent systems are present in a variety of equipment ranging from household appliances to small devices such as digital cameras and cell phones being used primarily for dealing with the uncertainties in the modeling of real systems. However, commercial implementations of Fuzzy systems are not general purpose and do not have portability to different hardware platforms. Thinking about these issues this work presents the implementation of an open source development environment that consists of a desktop system capable of generate Graphically a general purpose Fuzzy controller and export these parameters for an embedded system with a Fuzzy controller written in Java Platform Micro Edition To (J2ME), whose modular design makes it portable to any mobile device that supports J2ME. Thus, the proposed development platform is capable of generating all the parameters of a Fuzzy controller and export it in XML file, and the code responsible for the control logic that is embedded in the mobile device is able to read this file and start the controller. All the parameters of a Fuzzy controller are configurable using the desktop system, since the membership functions and rule base, even the universe of discourse of the linguistic terms of output variables. This system generates Fuzzy controllers for the interpolation model of Takagi-Sugeno. As the validation process and testing of the proposed solution the Fuzzy controller was embedded on the mobile device Sun SPOT ® and used to control a plant-level Quanser®, and to compare the Fuzzy controller generated by the system with other types of controllers was implemented and embedded in sun spot a PID controller to control the same level plant of Quanser®
Hypertension is a dangerous disease that can cause serious harm to a patient health. In some situations the necessity to control this pressure is even greater, as in surgical procedures and post-surgical patients. To decrease the chances of a complication, it is necessary to reduce blood pressure as soon as possible. Continuous infusion of vasodilators drugs, such as sodium nitroprusside (SNP), rapidly decreased blood pressure in most patients, avoiding major problems. Maintaining the desired blood pressure requires constant monitoring of arterial blood pressure and frequently adjusting the drug infusion rate. Manual control of arterial blood pressure by clinical personnel is very demanding, time consuming and, as a result, sometimes of poor quality. Thus, the aim of this work is the design and implementation of a database of tuned controllers based on patients models, in order to find a suitable PID to be embedded in a Programmable Integrated Circuit (PIC), which has a smaller cost, smaller size and lower power consumption. For best results in controlling the blood pressure and choosing the adequate controller, tuning algorithms, system identification techniques and Smith predictor are used. This work also introduces a monitoring system to assist in detecting anomalies and optimize the process of patient care.
The present work shows the development and construction of a robot manipulator with two rotary joints and two degrees of freedom, driven by three-phase induction motors. The positions of the arm and base are made, for comparison, by a fuzzy controller and a PID controller implemented in LabVIEW® programming environment. The robot manipulator moves in an area equivalent to a quarter of a sphere. Experimental results have shown that the fuzzy controller has superior performance to PID controller when tracking single and multiple step trajectories, for the cases of load and no load
Slugging is a well-known slugging phenomenon in multiphase flow, which may cause problems such as vibration in pipeline and high liquid level in the separator. It can be classified according to the place of its occurrence. The most severe, known as slugging in the riser, occurs in the vertical pipe which feeds the platform. Also known as severe slugging, it is capable of causing severe pressure fluctuations in the flow of the process, excessive vibration, flooding in separator tanks, limited production, nonscheduled stop of production, among other negative aspects that motivated the production of this work . A feasible solution to deal with this problem would be to design an effective method for the removal or reduction of the system, a controller. According to the literature, a conventional PID controller did not produce good results due to the high degree of nonlinearity of the process, fueling the development of advanced control techniques. Among these, the model predictive controller (MPC), where the control action results from the solution of an optimization problem, it is robust, can incorporate physical and /or security constraints. The objective of this work is to apply a non-conventional non-linear model predictive control technique to severe slugging, where the amount of liquid mass in the riser is controlled by the production valve and, indirectly, the oscillation of flow and pressure is suppressed, while looking for environmental and economic benefits. The proposed strategy is based on the use of the model linear approximations and repeatedly solving of a quadratic optimization problem, providing solutions that improve at each iteration. In the event where the convergence of this algorithm is satisfied, the predicted values of the process variables are the same as to those obtained by the original nonlinear model, ensuring that the constraints are satisfied for them along the prediction horizon. A mathematical model recently published in the literature, capable of representing characteristics of severe slugging in a real oil well, is used both for simulation and for the project of the proposed controller, whose performance is compared to a linear MPC
The treatment of wastewaters contaminated with oil is of great practical interest and it is fundamental in environmental issues. A relevant process, which has been studied on continuous treatment of contaminated water with oil, is the equipment denominated MDIF® (a mixer-settler based on phase inversion). An important variable during the operation of MDIF® is the water-solvent interface level in the separation section. The control of this level is essential both to avoid the dragging of the solvent during the water removal and improve the extraction efficiency of the oil by the solvent. The measurement of oil-water interface level (in line) is still a hard task. There are few sensors able to measure oil-water interface level in a reliable way. In the case of lab scale systems, there are no interface sensors with compatible dimensions. The objective of this work was to implement a level control system to the organic solvent/water interface level on the equipment MDIF®. The detection of the interface level is based on the acquisition and treatment of images obtained dynamically through a standard camera (webcam). The control strategy was developed to operate in feedback mode, where the level measure obtained by image detection is compared to the desired level and an action is taken on a control valve according to an implemented PID law. A control and data acquisition program was developed in Fortran to accomplish the following tasks: image acquisition; water-solvent interface identification; to perform decisions and send control signals; and to record data in files. Some experimental runs in open-loop were carried out using the MDIF® and random pulse disturbances were applied on the input variable (water outlet flow). The responses of interface level permitted the process identification by transfer models. From these models, the parameters for a PID controller were tuned by direct synthesis and tests in closed-loop were performed. Preliminary results for the feedback loop demonstrated that the sensor and the control strategy developed in this work were suitable for the control of organic solvent-water interface level