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The Laboratory of Lake Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1956 undertook this complicated study of Lake Ladoga. The plan of the laboratory made allowance for the detailed investigation of the phytoplankton of the lake during a series of years. In the present article are given the preliminary results of observations on the phytoplankton of the Yakimvarskii Bay from 1956 to 1957. Details are also given on the concentration of dissolved gases and biogenic substances of the bay.


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The processes of synthesis and destruction of organic matter play an important role in the ”self-cleaning” of reservoirs. The basic problem of this investigation consists of the role of phytoplankton in enriched waters of the Klyaz'minsk water reservoir through the solution of oxygen and its part in the ”self-cleaning” of the water reservoir. Observations on the interesting process of photosynthesis and the breakdown of organic matter was conducted by us on the eastern stretch of water in the Klyaz'minsk Reservoir during the growing periods of 1945 to 1948, by the widely applied bottle method (Vinberg 1934). This study reports mainly on the he vertical distribution of photosynthesis and respiration in plankton of the reservoir.


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An article discussing changes observed in phytoplankton of the Lake District. An overview is given of previous phytoplankton studies undertaken in the area, detailing some changes found in various waterbodies. Water quality changes in Lake Windermere are mentioned, including the gradual increase of dissolved organic matter (DOM), believed to be caused by the increase of sewage to the lake. The lakes in the Alps are given as an example of a similar anthropogenic pollution scenario. The treatment of a Lake District tarn with bone meal is described. The article goes on to discuss the composition of plankton throughout the year under a variety of climatic conditions. A figure shows seasonal variation in the consistuents of phytoplankton in Windermere (north basin).


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This paper describes some characteristic features of the phytoplankton of Grasmere, one of the smaller of the principal lakes of the English Lake District, and attempts to relate these to distinctive physical and chemical properties of the lake. Quantitative data presented herein are derived from 5-m vertical column samples, collected with a flexible polyethylene hose close to the deepest point of Grasmere, generally at intervals of 14 days ( 7 days from 1972 to 1978, inclusive). The study concludes that although Grasmere has been subject to increased phosphorus-loading and has quickly developed many features associated with eutrophication, the composition of its plankton has retained the characteristics of a mesotrophic, soft-water lake: a vernal diatom maximum, generally dominated by Asterionella, is followed by summer growths of nanoplanktonic species, of various colonial Chlorophyceae, before a substantial return to Asterionella-dominance in the autumn.


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This review summarizes the findings of 5 years' research (June 1970-June 1975) on the meres of the Shropshire-Cheshire Plain. A mere is a small, shallow lake; supplied principally by ground water, whose chemical composition is infkuenced by the glacial frift through which it is percolating. The seasonal periodicity of the phytoplankton in the meres involved work mainly in the Grose Mere. Here diatoms were typically dominant in Feb & March, green algae in April & May, blue-green algae in early summer and dinoflagellates in late summer. This pattern is broadly similar from year to year, and has been suggested to be representative of a 'regional type'; it is also similar to that described for many of the world's mildly eutrophic temperate lakes. Vertical distribution of phytoplankton is influenced by their buoyancy (or lack of it) of by their ability to swim. A stylized depth-time distribution of 4 major phytoplankton components in Crose Mere is given diagrammatically.


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The presence of fungi on the phytoplankton of Lake Windermere was first noted by the author in 1943. Surveys into the fungal and protozoan parasites of the planktonic algae of the English Lake District and elsewhere were carried out. This article discusses the descriptive studies, epidemics and culture work, which was carried out in connection with these studies.


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This review summarizes some recent work to find a generalized explanation of phytoplankton periodicity in lakes. Much of the observational and experimental evidence is drawn from work centred on the large enclosures (Lund Tubes) installed in Blelham Tarn, English Lake District. Observations on the phytoplankton in the tubes are related to the periodic changes that occur in natural lakes and it is suggested that such changes have common patterns, that they are due to common causes, that they are affected by similar processes and that they are therefore predictable and, potentially, manipulable.


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The use of large plastic enclosures, or 'Lund tubes', in lakes as a semi-natural basin for experiments, approximating to lakes within lakes, is discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of the tubes were studied, and the results of investigations into the validity of studies using such tubes and the effects of fertilisers on phytoplankton are presented.


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Experiments and observations on the phytoplankton of certain lakes in the English Lake District were made from early 1973 to the end of March, 1974. They included laboratory and lake bioassays and observations on the quantity and quality of the phytoplankton in six lakes. The introductory sections of the report are about algae, the ecology of phytoplankton and the scope of the contracted work. Laboratory bioassays on water from one lake, Blelham Tarn, showed that phosphorus, silicon (for diatoms) and organic substances forming complexes with iron were the major substances limiting the growth of the algae tested. The growth of the test algae was limited to different degrees by those substances and, to some extent, to a greater or lesser degree at different times of year. It is suggested that a relatively simple form of bioassay could give valuable information to water undertakings. Lake bioassays and other experiments were carried out by using large in situ tubular plastic enclosures. Two such investigations are described. The effects of a change in sewerage in two drainage basins on the phytoplankton of three lakes is described and some data given about changes since 1945 in three other lakes in the same overall drainage basin. These latter lakes have been affected too by changes in sewerage and by increasing inputs of domestic and agricultural wastes. Throughout, the relevance of the work done to practical problems of water usage is kept in mind and discussed. In the last section special reference is made to the largely unpredictable results of water transfers. The report ends with a note on river phytoplankton.


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In the mesotrophic-eutrophic Saidenbach Reservoir in Saxony, the nanoplankton and cyanobacteria have increased at the expense of diatom dominance, due to a doubling of the external phosphorus load in the last 15 years. However, the phosphorus sedimentation flux is still very high (up to 80% of the input), corresponding to more than 2 g m2 d-1 in terms of dry weight. There is a strong correlation between the abundance of diatoms in the euphotic zone and their sedimentation flux (with a delay of about 2 weeks). Only about 25% of the deposited material could be clearly attributed to plankton biomass; the remainder resulted from flocculation and precipitation processes or directly from the inflow of clay minerals. The ash content of the deposited material was high (73%). Thus the sedimentation flux can be considered to operate as an internal water-treatment/oligotrophication process within the lake. The neighbouring Neunzehnhain Reservoir still has a very clear water with a transparency up to 18 m depth. Though the sediment was not much lower than Saidenbach sediment in total phosphorus and total numbers of bacteria, sulphide was always absent and the ratio of Fe 2+ to Fe 3+ was very low in the upper (0- 5 cm) layer. Thus the external and internal phosphorus loads do not attain the critical level necessary to induce a ”phosphorus - phytoplankton” feedback loop.


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Since 1989, intensive studies have been made on a relatively new (1983-84) oligotrophic reservoir and its pre-reservoir in the Black Forest. This paper briefly reports on the hydrochemistry, especially annual variations in phosphorus loadings, and the seasonal development of phytoplankton in 1989 and 1990.


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This review considers three general aspects of research on zooplankton patchiness: the detection of patchiness, the description of patchiness and the causes of patchiness.


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The biomass of the phytoplankton and its composition is one of the most important factors in water quality control. Determination of the phytoplankton assemblage is usually done by microscopic analysis (Utermöhl's method). Quantitative estimations of the biovolume, by cell counting and cell size measurements, are time-consuming and normally are not done in routine water quality control. Several alternatives have been tried: computer-based image analysis, spectral fluorescence signatures, flow cytometry and pigment fingerprinting aided by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The latter method is based on the fact that each major algal group of taxa contains a specific carotenoid which can be used for identification and relative quantification of the taxa in the total assemblage. This article gives a brief comparative introduction to the different techniques available and presents some recent results obtained by HPLC-based pigment fingerprinting, applied to three lakes of different trophic status. The results show that this technique yields reliable results from different lake types and is a powerful tool for studying the distribution pattern of the phytoplankton community in relation to water depth. However, some restrictions should be taken into account for the interpretation of routine data.


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The dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum and the haptophyte Prymnesium parvum are well known for their toxin production and negative effects in marine coastal environments. A. minutum produces toxins which cause paralytic shellfish poisoning in humans and can affect copepods, shellfish and other marine organisms. Toxins of P. parvum are associated with massive fish mortalities resulting in negative impacts on the marine ecosystem and large economic losses in commercial aquaculture. The aim of this work is to improve our knowledge about the reliability of the use of marine invertebrate bioassays to detect microalgae toxicity, by performing: (i) a 24- to 48-h test with the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana; (ii) a 48-hour embryo-larval toxicity test with the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus; and (iii) a 72-h test with the amphipod Corophium multisetosum. The results indicate that A. franciscana and P. lividus larvae are sensitive to the toxicity of A. minutum and P. parvum. LC50 comparison analysis between the tested organisms reveals that A. franciscana is the most sensitive organism for A. minutum. These findings suggest that the use of different organizational biological level bioassays appears to be a suitable tool for A. minutum and P. parvum toxicity assessment.


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Phytoplankton counts made under the light microscope were compared to counts using an electronic dimensional particle counter. Counts were made on a monthly basis, on water samples taken from one station in the Sanyati Basin. Neither total particle numbers nor total particle volume compare closely with phytoplankton numbers. Total particle numbers were of the order of one and a half to two times greater than the phytoplankton numbers.