998 resultados para PHYSICAL MAP


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Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited retinal degenerative disease that is the leading cause of inherited blindness worldwide. Characteristic features of the disease include night blindness, progressive loss of visual fields, and deposition of pigment on the retina in a bone spicule-like pattern. RP is marked by extreme genetic heterogeneity with at least 19 autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive and X-linked loci identified. RP10, which maps to chromosome 7q, was the fifth autosomal dominant RP locus identified, and accounts for the early-onset disease in two independent families. Extensive linkage and haplotype analyses have been performed in these two families which have allowed the assignment of the disease locus to a 5-cM region on chromosome 7q31.3. In collaboration with Dr. Eric Green (National Center for Human Genome Research, National Institutes of Health), a well-characterized physical map of the region was constructed which includes YAC, BAC and cosmid coverage. The entire RP10 critical region resides within a 9-Mb well-characterized YAC contig. These physical maps not only provided the resources to undertake the CAIGES (cDNA amplification for identification of genomic expressed sequences) procedure for identification of retinal candidate genes within the critical region, but also identified a number of candidate genes, including transducin-$\gamma$ and blue cone pigment genes. All candidate genes examined were excluded. In addition, a number of ESTs were mapped within the critical region. EST20241, which was isolated from an eye library, corresponded to the 3$\sp\prime$ region of the ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) 5 gene. ARF5, with its role in vesicle transport and possible participation in the regulation of the visual transduction pathway, became an extremely interesting candidate gene. Using a primer walking approach, the entire 3.2 kb genomic sequence of the ARF5 gene was generated and developed intronic primers to screen for coding region mutations in affected family members. No mutations were found in the ARF5 gene, however, a number of additional ESTs have been mapped to the critical region, and, as the large-scale sequencing projects get underway, megabases of raw sequence data from the RP10 region are becoming available. These resources will hasten the isolation and characterization of the RP10 gene. ^


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The bovine RPCI-42 BAC library was screened to construct a sequence-ready ~4 Mb single contig of 92 BAC clones on BTA 1q12. The contig covers the region between the genes KRTAP8P1 and CLIC6. This genomic segment in cattle is of special interest as it contains the dominant gene responsible for the hornless or polled phenotype in cattle. The construction of the BAC contig was initiated by screening the bovine BAC library with heterologous cDNA probes derived from 12 human genes of the syntenic region on HSA 21q22. Contig building was facilitated by BAC end sequencing and chromosome walking. During the construction of the contig, 165 BAC end sequences and 109 single-copy STS markers were generated. For comparative mapping of 25 HSA 21q22 genes, genomic PCR primers were designed from bovine EST sequences and the gene-associated STSs mapped on the contig. Furthermore, bovine BAC end sequence comparisons against the human genome sequence revealed significant matches to HSA 21q22 and allowed the in silico mapping of two new genes in cattle. In total, 31 orthologues of human genes located on HSA 21q22 were directly mapped within the bovine BAC contig, of which 16 genes have been cloned and mapped for the first time in cattle. In contrast to the existing comparative bovine-human RH maps of this region, these results provide a better alignment and reveal a completely conserved gene order in this 4 Mb segment between cattle, human and mouse. The mapping of known polled linked BTA 1q12 microsatellite markers allowed the integration of the physical contig map with existing linkage maps of this region and also determined the exact order of these markers for the first time. Our physical map and transcript map may be useful for positional cloning of the putative polled gene in cattle.


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The etiological role of enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) in diarrheal diseases of man and domestic animals is firmly established. Besides the production of enterotoxins (ST and LT), ETEC produces other important virulence factors; the colonization factor antigens (CFAs). CFAs mediate the attachment of ETEC to the epithelial cells of the small intestine, and this favors colonization by the bacteria and facilitates delivery of the enterotoxins to the intestinal cells.^ The production of enterotoxin and CFA is determined by plasmids and has been found to be restricted to a select number of E. coli serotypes.^ In this work, plasmid DNA analysis was performed in twenty-three CFA/II-producing enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains and their spontaneous CFA/II-negative derivatives. In some cases, strains lost the high molecular weight plasmid and also the ability to produce CFA/II, ST and LT. In other cases there was a deletion of the plasmid, which produced strains that were CFA/II('-), ST('-), LT('-) or CFA/II('-), ST('+), LT('+).^ The CFA/II plasmid from strain PB-176 (06:H16:CFA/II('+), ST('+), LT('+)) was transferred by transformation into E. coli K12 with concomitant transfer of the three characteristics: CFA/II, ST and LT.^ A physical map of the prototype CFA/II:ST:LT (pMEP60) plasmid was constructed by restriction endonuclease analysis and compared to plasmids from three other CFA/II-producing strains. A CFA/II-negative (but ST and LT positive) deletion derivative of pMEP60 (pMEP30) was also included in the map. The four CFA/II plasmids analyzed had a common region of approximately 30 kilobase pairs. The toxin genes were approximately 5 kbp apart and about 20 kbp from the common region. The information given by this physical map could be of great value when constructing a clone that will express the CFA/II genes but not the toxin genes. ^


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Molecular mechanisms that underlie preleukemic myelodysplasia (MDS) and acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) are poorly understood. In MDS or AML with a refractory clinical course, more than 30% of patients have acquired interstitial or complete deletions of chromosome 5. The 5q13.3 chromosomal segment is commonly lost as the result of 5q deletion. Reciprocal and unbalanced translocations of 5q13.3 can also occur as sole anomalies associated with refractory AML or MDS. This study addresses the hypothesis that a critical gene at 5q13.3 functions either as a classical tumor suppressor or as a chromosomal translocation partner and contributes to leukemogenesis. ^ Previous studies from our laboratory delineated a critical region of loss to a 2.5–3.0Mb interval at 5q13.3 between microsatellite markers D5S672 and GATA-P18104. The critical region of loss was later resolved to an interval of approximately 2Mb between the markers D5S672 and D5S2029. I, then generated a long range physical map of yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) and developed novel sequence tagged sites (STS). To enhance the resolution of this map, bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) were used to construct a triply linked contig across a 1 Mb interval. These BACs were used as probes for fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) on an AML cell line to define the 5q13.3 critical region. A 200kb BAC, 484a9, spans the translocation breakpoint in this cell line. A novel gene, SSDP2 (single stranded DNA binding protein), is disrupted at the breakpoint because its first four exons are encoded within 140kb of BAC 484a9. This finding suggests that SSDP2 is the critical gene at 5q13.3. ^ In addition, I made an observation that deletions of chromosome 5q13 co-segregate with loss of the chromosome 17p. In some cases the deletions result from unbalanced translocations between 5q13 and 17p13. It was confirmed that the TP53 gene is deleted in patients with 17p loss, and the remaining allele harbors somatic mutation. Thus, the genetic basis for the aggressive clinical course in AML and MDS may be caused by functional cooperation between deletion or disruption of the 5q13.3 critical gene and inactivation of TP53. ^


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Transposon mutagenesis provides a direct selection for mutants and is an extremely powerful technique to analyze genetic functions in a variety of prokaryotes. Transposon mutagenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been limited in part because of the inefficiency of the delivery systems. This report describes the development of conditionally replicating shuttle phasmids from the mycobacteriophages D29 and TM4 that enable efficient delivery of transposons into both fast- and slow-growing mycobacteria. These shuttle phasmids consist of an Escherichia coli cosmid vector containing either a mini-Tn10(kan) or Tn5367 inserted into a nonessential region of the phage genome. Thermosensitive mutations were created in the mycobacteriophage genome that allow replication at 30°C but not at 37°C (TM4) or 38.5°C (D29). Infection of mycobacteria at the nonpermissive temperature results in highly efficient transposon delivery to the entire population of mycobacterial cells. Transposition of mini-Tn10(kan) occurred in a site-specific fashion in M. smegmatis whereas Tn5367 transposed apparently randomly in M. phlei, Bacille Calmette–Guérin (BCG), and M. tuberculosis. Sequence analysis of the M. tuberculosis and BCG chromosomal regions adjacent to Tn5367 insertions, in combination with M. tuberculosis genomic sequence and physical map data, indicates that the transpositions have occurred randomly in diverse genes in every quadrant of the genome. Using this system, it has been readily possible to generate libraries containing thousands of independent mutants of M. phlei, BCG, and M. tuberculosis.


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Vibrio cholerae, the etiologic agent of the diarrheal disease cholera, is a Gram-negative bacterium that belongs to the γ subdivision of the family Proteobacteriaceae. The physical map of the genome has been reported, and the genome has been described as a single 3.2-Mb chromosome [Majumder, R., et al. (1996) J. Bacteriol. 178, 1105–1112]. By using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of genomic DNA immobilized in agarose plugs and digested with the restriction enzymes I-CeuI, SfiI, and NotI, we have also constructed the physical map of V. cholerae. Our analysis estimates the size of the genome at 4.0 Mb, 25% larger than the physical map reported by others. Our most notable finding is, however, that the V. cholerae chromosome appears to be not the single chromosome reported but two unique and separate circular megareplicons.


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A physical map of the 31-megabase Aspergillus nidulans genome is reported, in which 94% of 5,134 cosmids are assigned to 49 contiguous segments. The physical map is the result of a two-way ordering process, in which clones and probes were ordered simultaneously on a binary DNA/DNA hybridization matrix. Compression by elimination of redundant clones resulted in a minimal map, which is a chromosome walk. Repetitive DNA is nonrandomly dispersed in the A. nidulans genome, reminiscent of heterochromatic banding patterns of higher eukaryotes. We hypothesize gene clusters may arise by horizontal transfer and spread by transposition to explain the nonrandom pattern of repeats along chromosomes.


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We previously have described a mouse model for polycystic kidney disease (PKD) caused by either of two mutations, kat or kat2J, that map to the same locus on chromosome 8. The homozygous mutant animals have a latent onset, slowly progressing form of PKD with renal pathology similar to the human autosomal-dominant PKD. In addition, the mutant animals show pleiotropic effects that include facial dysmorphism, dwarfing, male sterility, anemia, and cystic choroid plexus. We previously fine-mapped the kat2J mutation to a genetic distance of 0.28 ± 0.12 centimorgan between D8Mit128 and D8Mit129. To identify the underlying molecular defect in this locus, we constructed an integrated genetic and physical map of the critical region surrounding the kat2J mutation. Cloning and expression analysis of the transcribed sequences from this region identified Nek1, a NIMA (never in mitosis A)-related kinase as a candidate gene. Further analysis of the Nek1 gene from both kat/kat and kat2J/kat2J mutant animals identified a partial internal deletion and a single-base insertion as the molecular basis for these mutations. The complex pleiotropic phenotypes seen in the homozygous mutant animals suggest that the NEK1 protein participates in different signaling pathways to regulate diverse cellular processes. Our findings identify a previously unsuspected role for Nek1 in the kidney and open a new avenue for studying cystogenesis and identifying possible modes of therapy.


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Chromosome 7q22 has been the focus of many cytogenetic and molecular studies aimed at delineating regions commonly deleted in myeloid leukemias and myelodysplastic syndromes. We have compared a gene-dense, GC-rich sub-region of 7q22 with the orthologous region on mouse chromosome 5. A physical map of 640 kb of genomic DNA from mouse chromosome 5 was derived from a series of overlapping bacterial artificial chromosomes. A 296 kb segment from the physical map, spanning Ache to Tfr2, was compared with 267 kb of human sequence. We identified a conserved linkage of 12 genes including an open reading frame flanked by Ache and Asr2, a novel cation-chloride cotransporter interacting protein Cip1, Ephb4, Zan and Perq1. While some of these genes have been previously described, in each case we present new data derived from our comparative sequence analysis. Adjacent unfinished sequence data from the mouse contains an orthologous block of 10 additional genes including three novel cDNA sequences that we subsequently mapped to human 7q22. Methods for displaying comparative genomic information, including unfinished sequence data, are becoming increasingly important. We supplement our printed comparative analysis with a new, Web-based program called Laj (local alignments with java). Laj provides interactive access to archived pairwise sequence alignments via the WWW. It displays synchronized views of a dot-plot, a percent identity plot, a nucleotide-level local alignment and a variety of relevant annotations. Our mouse–human comparison can be viewed at http://web.uvic.ca/~bioweb/laj.html. Laj is available at http://bio.cse.psu.edu/, along with online documentation and additional examples of annotated genomic regions.


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Allelic association between pairs of loci is derived in terms of the association probability ρ as a function of recombination θ, effective population size N, linear systematic pressure v, and time t, predicting both ρrt, the decrease of association from founders and ρct, the increase by genetic drift, with ρt = ρrt + ρct. These results conform to the Malecot equation, with time replaced by distance on the genetic map, or on the physical map if recombination in the region is uniform. Earlier evidence suggested that ρ is less sensitive to variations in marker allele frequencies than alternative metrics for which there is no probability theory. This robustness is confirmed for six alternatives in eight samples. In none of these 48 tests was the residual variance as small as for ρ. Overall, efficiency was less than 80% for all alternatives, and less than 30% for two of them. Efficiency of alternatives did not increase when information was estimated simultaneously. The swept radius within which substantial values of ρ are conserved lies between 385 and 893 kb, but deviation of parameters between measures is enormously significant. The large effort now being devoted to allelic association has little value unless the ρ metric with the strongest theoretical basis and least sensitivity to marker allele frequencies is used for mapping of marker association and localization of disease loci.


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Locus content maps are derived from monosomic or disomic chromosomes broken by radiation, shearing, or other clastogen, the fragments being distributed among clones by dilution or incorporation into the cells of another species and scored for segregation of markers. Locus content maps provide evidence about radiosensitivity of chromosome regions, support for order, and approximate location. Omission of the most aberrant and least informative clones increases efficiency of localization. Correct analysis must allow for preferential retention of certain sequences, monosomy or polysomy of donor chromosomes, and error filtration. Combination of these refinements extracts substantially more information from fewer clones. Because of unmodeled peculiarities in the data, the best analysis does not recover the physical map but roughly localizes markers that may be monomorphic and therefore unsuitable for linkage mapping. As with linkage for polymorphic loci, distance in the composite map should be confirmed by physical methods.


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Telomeres are specialized structures located at the ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes that ensure their complete replication and protect them from fusion and degradation. We report here the characterization of the telomeres of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We show that the chromosomes terminate in 4-9 kb of tandem repeats of the sequence TTAGGC. Furthermore, we have isolated clones corresponding to 11 of the 12 C. elegans telomeres. Their subtelomeric sequences are all different from each other, demonstrating that the terminal TTAGGC repeats are sufficient for general chromosomal capping functions. Finally, we demonstrate that the me8 meiotic mutant, which is defective in X chromosome crossing over and segregation, bears a terminal deficiency, that was healed by the addition of telomeric repeats, presumably by the activity of a telomerase enzyme. The 11 cloned telomeres represent an important advance for the completion of the physical map and for the determination of the entire sequence of the C. elegans genome.


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A strategy of "sequence scanning" is proposed for rapid acquisition of sequence from clones such as bacteriophage P1 clones, cosmids, or yeast artificial chromosomes. The approach makes use of a special vector, called LambdaScan, that reliably yields subclones with inserts in the size range 8-12 kb. A number of subclones, typically 96 or 192, are chosen at random, and the ends of the inserts are sequenced using vector-specific primers. Then long-range spectrum PCR is used to order and orient the clones. This combination of shotgun and directed sequencing results in a high-resolution physical map suitable for the identification of coding regions or for comparison of sequence organization among genomes. Computer simulations indicate that, for a target clone of 100 kb, the scanning of 192 subclones with sequencing reads as short as 350 bp results in an approximate ratio of 1:2:1 of regions of double-stranded sequence, single-stranded sequence, and gaps. Longer sequencing reads tip the ratio strongly toward increased double-stranded sequence.


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The physical map of the 100-Mb Caenorhabditis elegans genome consists of 17,500 cosmids and 3500 yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs). A total of 22.5 Mb has been sequenced, with the remainder expected by 1998. A further 15.5 Mb of unfinished sequence is freely available online: because the areas sequenced so far are relatively gene rich, about half the 13,000 genes can now be scanned. More than a quarter of the genes are represented by expressed sequence tags (ESTs). All information pertaining to the genome is publicly available in the ACeDB data base.


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The mouse is the best model system for the study of mammalian genetics and physiology. Because of the feasibility and importance of studying genetic crosses, the mouse genetic map has received tremendous attention in recent years. It currently contains over 14,000 genetically mapped markers, including 700 mutant loci, 3500 genes, and 6500 simple sequence length polymorphisms (SSLPs). The mutant loci and genes allow insights and correlations concerning physiology and development. The SSLPs provide highly polymorphic anchor points that allow inheritance to be traced in any cross and provide a scaffold for assembling physical maps. Adequate physical mapping resources--notably large-insert yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) libraries--are available to support positional cloning projects based on the genetic map, but a comprehensive physical map is still a few years away. Large-scale sequencing efforts have not yet begun in mouse, but comparative sequence analysis between mouse and human is likely to provide tremendous information about gene structure and regulation.