968 resultados para PHOSPHOLIPID-VESICLES


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The purpose of this thesis project is to study changes in the physical state of cell membranes during cell entry, including how these changes are connected to the presence of ceramide. The role of enzymatical manipulation of lipids in bacterial internalization is also studied. A novel technique, where a single giant vesicle is chosen under the microscope and an enzyme coupled-particle attached to the micromanipulator pipette towards the vesicle, is used. Thus, the enzymatic reaction on the membrane of the giant vesicle can be followed in real-time. The first aim of this study is to develop a system where the localized sphingomyelinase membrane interaction could be observed on the surface of the giant vesicle and the effects could be monitored with microscopy. Domain formation, which resembles acid sphingomyelinase (ASMase), causes CD95 clustering in the cell membrane due to ceramide production (Grassmé et al., 2001a; Grassmé et al., 2001b) and the formation of small vesicles inside the manipulated giant vesicle is observed. Sphingomyelinase activation has also been found to be an important factor in the bacterial and viral invasion process in nonphagocytic cells (Grassmé et al., 1997; Jan et al., 2000). Accordingly, sphingomyelinase reactions in the cell membrane might also give insight into bacterial or viral cellular entry events. We found sphingomyelinase activity in Chlamydia pneumonia elementarybodies (EBs). Interestingly, the bacterium enters host cells by endocytosis but the internalization mechanism of Chlamydia is unknown. The hypothesis is that sphingomyelin is needed for host cell entry in the infection of C. pneumonia. The second project focuses on this subject. The goal of the third project is to study a role of phosphatidylserine as a target for a membrane binding protein. Phosphatidylserine is chosen because of its importance in fusion processes. This will be another example for the importance of lipids in cell targeting, internalization, and externalization.


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Two series of cholesterol-based cationic gemini lipids with and without hydroxyl functions at the headgroups possessing different lengths of polymethylene -(CH2)(n)-] (n = 3, 4, 5, 6, 12) spacer have been synthesized. Each gemini lipid formed stable suspension in water. The suspensions of these gemini lipids in water were investigated using transmission electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering, zeta potential measurements and X-ray diffraction to characterize the nature of the individual aggregates formed therein. The aggregation properties of these gemini lipids in water were found to strongly depend upon the length of the spacer and the presence of hydroxyl group at the headgroup region. Lipoplex formation (DNA binding) and the release of the DNA from such lipoplexes were performed to understand the nature of interactions that prevail between these cationic cholesterol aggregates and duplex DNA. The interactions between such gemini lipids and DNA depend both on the presence of OH on the headgroups and the spacer length between the headgroups. Finally, we studied the effect of incorporation of each cationic gemini lipid into dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine vesicles using differential scanning calorimetry. The properties of the resulting mixed membranes were found again to depend upon the nature of the headgroup and the spacer chain length.


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By employing poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) shielding and a polymer cushion to achieve air stability of the lipid membrane, we have analyzed PEG influence on dried membranes and the interaction with cholesterol. Small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) formed by the mixture of 1,2-dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) with different molar fraction of 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-[methoxy(poly(ethylene glycol))-2000] (DSPE-PEG(2000)) adsorb and fuse into membranes on different polymer-modified silicon dioxide surfaces, including chitosan, poly(L-lysine) (PLL), and hyaluronic acid, Dried membranes arc further examined by ellipsometer and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Only chitosan can support a visible and uniform lipid array. The thickness of dry PEGylated lipid membrane is reduced gradually as the molar fraction of PEG increases. AFM scanning confirms the lipid membrane stacking for vesicles containing low PEG, and only a proper amount of PEG can maintain a single lipid hi lover; however, the air stability of the membrane will be destroyed if overloading. PEG. Cholesterol incorporation can greatly improve the structural stability of lipid membrane, especially for those containing high molar fraction of PEG. Different amounts of cholesterol influence the thickness and surface morphology of dried membrane.


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The interactions of lanthanide ions and the Ln-DTPA (DTPA = diethylenetriaminepentaacetate) complex with di palmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE) bilayers are studied by 2D NOESY and FT-Raman spectroscopy. Proton NMR spectroscopic results show that lanthanide ions combine with phosphate groups in the polar region of the outer layer of DPPC liposomes, leading to the separation in chemical shift of the proton signal of N(CH3)(3) The conformational change of the O-C-C-N+ backbone from the gauche conformer to the trans one is not found; i.e., the orientation of the polar headgroup is still parallel to the surface of the bilayers. The Ln-DTPA complex at low concentration in a pH 7.4 solution localizes far away from bilayers and thereby has little effect on the structure of bilayers. The FT-Raman spectroscopic results indicate that lanthanide ions affect strongly the fluidity of acyl chains of DPPE bilayers while the Ln-DTPA complex affects it slightly.


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One and two dimentional NMR methods were used to investigate the interactions of lanthanide complexes (Lncit(2) and Ln-DTPA) with phospholipid bilayers, The results showed that in the phospholipid bilayers dispersion containing citrate ligand at pH 7.4, lanthanide ions would initially combine with citrate ligand and form Lncit, complexes which have little effect on the structure of phospholipid bilayers. Ln-DTPA complex does not affect the bilayers structure either. These results provided important experimental data for evaluating scientifically the toxicities of lanthanide ions when they were introduced into the biological body.


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Order parameter profiles extracted from the NMR spectra of model membranes are a valuable source of information about their structure and molecular motions. To al1alyze powder spectra the de-Pake-ing (numerical deconvolution) ~echnique can be used, but it assumes a random (spherical) dist.ribution of orientations in the sample. Multilamellar vesicles are known to deform and orient in the strong magnetic fields of NMR magnets, producing non-spherical orientation distributions. A recently developed technique for simultaneously extracting the anisotropies of the system as well as the orientation distributions is applied to the analysis of partially magnetically oriented 31p NMR spectra of phospholipids. A mixture of synthetic lipids, POPE and POPG, is analyzed to measure distortion of multilamellar vesicles in a magnetic field. In the analysis three models describing the shape of the distorted vesicles are examined. Ellipsoids of rotation with a semiaxis ratio of about 1.14 are found to provide a good approximation of the shape of the distorted vesicles. This is in reasonable agreement with published experimental work. All three models yield clearly non-spherical orientational distributions, as well as a precise measure of the anisotropy of the chemical shift. Noise in the experimental data prevented the analysis from concluding which of the three models is the best approximation. A discretization scheme for finding stability in the algorithm is outlined


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Les liposomes sont des nanovecteurs polyvalents et prometteurs quant à leur utilisation dans plusieurs domaines. Il y a une décennie, un nouveau type de liposome constitué d’amphiphiles monoalkylés et de stérols est né fortuitement dans notre groupe. Ils sont nommés Stérosomes puisqu’ils contiennent une grande proportion de stérols, entre 50 et 70 mol %. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont de développer de nouvelles formulations de Stérosomes ayant des caractéristiques spécifiques et d’acquérir une compréhension plus profonde des règles physicochimiques qui dictent leur comportement de phase. Nous avons spécifiquement examiné le rôle de motifs moléculaires des stérols, de la charge interfaciale et de la capacité à former des liaisons H dans les interactions intermoléculaires menant à l’autoassemblage. Le comportement de phase a été caractérisé par calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC), par spectroscopie infrarouge (IR) et par spectroscopie de résonance magnétique nucléaire du deutérium (²H NMR). Premièrement, nous avons établi certaines corrélations entre la structure des stérols, leur tendance à former des bicouches fluides en présence d'amphiphile monoalkylé et la perméabilité des grandes vésicules unilamellaires (LUV) formées. La nature des stérols module les propriétés de mélange avec de l’acide palmitique (PA). Les stérols portant une chaîne volumineuse en position C17 sont moins aptes à induire des bicouches fluides que ceux qui ont une chaîne plus simple, comme celle du cholestérol. Un grand ordre de la chaîne alkyle de PA est un effet commun à tous les stérols investigués. Il a été démontré que la perméabilité des LUV peut être contrôlée en utilisant des stérols différents. Cependant, ces stérols n’ont aucun impact significatif sur la sensibilité des Stérosomes au pH. Afin de créer des liposomes qui sont sensibles au pH et qui ont une charge positive à la surface, des Stérosomes composés de stéarylamine et de cholestérol (Chol) ont été conçus et caractérisés. Il a été conclu que l’état de protonation de l’amine, dans ce travail, ou du groupe carboxylique, dans un travail précédent, confère une sensibilité au pH et détermine la charge à la surface du liposome. Les premiers Stérosomes complètement neutres ont été fabriqués en utilisant un réseau de fortes liaisons H intermoléculaires. Le groupe sulfoxyde est capable de former de fortes liaisons H avec le cholestérol et les molécules d’eau. Une bicouche fluide métastable a été obtenue, à la température de la pièce, à partir d'un mélange équimolaire d’octadécyl méthyl sulfoxyde (OMSO) et de Chol. Ce comportement distinct a permis d’extruder le mélange pour former des LUV à la température de la pièce. Après 30 h, le temps de vie de la phase métastable, des Stérosomes stables et imperméables existaient toujours sous une forme solide. Un diagramme de température-composition a été proposé afin de résumer le comportement de phase des mélanges d’OMSO/Chol. Finalement, nous avons élaboré des Stérosomes furtifs en incorporant du polyéthylène glycol (PEG) avec une ancre de cholestérol (PEG-Chol) à l’interface de Stérosomes de PA/Chol. Jusqu’à 20 mol % de PEG-Chol peut être introduit sans perturber la structure de la bicouche. La présence du PEG-Chol n’a aucun impact significatif sur la perméabilité de la LUV. L'encapsulation active de la doxorubicine, un médicament contre le cancer, a été réalisée malgré la faible perméabilité de ces LUV et la présence du PEG à l’interface. L’inclusion de PEG a modifié considérablement les propriétés de l’interface et a diminué la libération induite par la variation de pH observée avec des LUV nues de PA/Chol. Cette formulation inédite est potentiellement utile pour l’administration intraveineuse de médicaments.


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Siramesine (SRM) is a sigma-2 receptor agonist which has been recently shown to inhibit growth of cancer cells. Fluorescence spectroscopy experiments revealed two distinct binding sites for this drug in phospholipid membranes. More specifically, acidic phospholipids retain siramesine on the bilayer surface due to a high-affinity interaction, reaching saturation at an apparent 1:1 drug-acidic phospholipid stoichiometry, where after the drug penetrates into the hydrocarbon core of the membrane. This behavior was confirmed using Langmuir films. Of the anionic phospholipids, the highest affinity, comparable to the affinities for the binding of small molecule ligands to proteins, was measured for phosphatidic acid (PA, mole fraction Of X-PA = 0.2 in phosphatidylcholine vesicles), yielding a molecular partition coefficient of 240 +/- 80 x 10(6). An MD simulation on the siramesine:PA interaction was in agreement with the above data. Taking into account the key role of PA as a signaling molecule promoting cell growth our results suggest a new paradigm for the development of anticancer drugs, viz. design of small molecules specifically scavenging phospholipids involved in the signaling cascades controlling cell behavior.


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At low ionic strength dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) exhibits a broad phase transition region characterized by several superimposed calorimetric peaks. Peculiar properties, such as sample transparency, are observed only in the transition region. In this work we use differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), turbidity. and optical microscopy to study the narrowing of the transition region with the increase of ionic strength (0-500 mM NaCl). Upon addition of salt, the temperature extension of the transition region is reduced, and the number of calorimetric peaks decreases until a single cooperative event at T(m) = 23 degrees C is observed in the presence of 500 mM NaCl. The transition region is always coupled with a decrease in turbidity, but a transparent region is detected within the melting process only in the presence of up to 20 mM NaCl. The vanishing of the transparent region is associated with one of the calorimetric peaks. Optical microscopy of giant vesicles shows that bilayers first rupture when the transition region is reached and Subsequently lose optical contrast. Fluorescence microscopy reveals a blurry and undefined image in the transparent region, suggesting a different lipid self-assembly. Overall sample turbidity can be directly related to the bilayer optical contrast. Our observations are discussed in terms of the bilayer being perforated along the transition region. In the narrower temperature interval of the transparent region, dependent on the ionic strength, the perforation is extensive and the bilayer completely loses the optical contrast.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Sonicated mixtures of dimethyldioctadecylammonium chloride (DODAC), egg phosphatidylcholine (PC), dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC), and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) were used to analyze vesicle effects on the rate of decarboxylation of 6-nitrobenzisoxazol-3-carboxylic acid (Nboc). Electron microscopic images of the vesicles were obtained with trehalose, a know cryoprotector. Phase diagrams and phase transitions temperatures of the vesicle bilayers were determined. Nboc decarboxylation rates increased in the presence of vesicles prepared with both phospholipids and DODAC/phospholipid mixtures. Quantitative analysis of vesicular effects was done using pseudophase models. Phospholipids catalyzed up to 140-fold while the maximum catalysis by DODAC/lipid vesicles reached 800-fold. Acceleration depends on alkyl chain length, fatty acid insaturation of the lipids, and the DODAC/phospholipid molar ratio. Catalysis is not related to the liquid crystalline-gel state of the bilayer and may be related to the relative position of Nboc with respect to the interface.


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We study the photodecomposition of phospholipid bilayers in aqueous solutions of methylene blue. Observation of giant unilamellar vesicles under an optical microscope reveals a consistent pattern of membrane disruption as a function of methylene blue concentration and photon density for different substrates supporting the vesicles.


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We examined the interaction of the cationic antimicrobial peptide (AMP) tritrpticin (VRRFPWWWPFLRR, TRP3) with Langmuir monolayers of zwitterionic (dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine, DPPC, and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylethanolamine, DPPE) and negatively charged phospholipids (dipalmitoyl phosphatidic acid, DPPA, and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylglycerol, DPPG). Both surface pressure and surface potential isotherms became more expanded upon addition of TRP3 (DPPE similar to DPPC << DPPA < DPPG). The stronger interaction with negatively charged phospholipids agrees with data for vesicles and planar lipid bilayers, and with AMPs greater activity against bacterial membranes versus mammalian cell membranes. Considerable expansion of negatively charged monolayers occurred at 10 and 30 mol% TRP3, especially at low surface pressure. Moreover, a difference was observed between PA and PG, demonstrating that the interaction, besides being modulated by electrostatic interactions, displays specificity with regard to headgroup, being more pronounced in the case of PG, present in large quantities in bacterial membranes. In previous studies, it was proposed that the peptide acts by a toroidal pore-like mechanism [1,2]. Considering the evidence from the literature that PG shows a propensity to form a positive curvature as do toroidal pores, the observation of TRP3's preference for the PG headgroup and the dramatic increase in area promoted by this interaction represent further support for the toroidal pore mechanism of action proposed for TRP3. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Miltefosine (MT) is an alkylphospholipid approved for breast cancer metastasis and visceral leishmaniasis treatments, although the respective action mechanisms at the molecular level remain poorly understood. In this work, the interaction of miltefosine with the lipid component of stratum corneum (SC), the uppermost skin layer, was studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of several fatty acid spin-labels. In addition, the effect of miltefosine on (i) spherical lipid vesicles of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and (ii) lipids extracted from SC was also investigated, by EPR and time-resolved polarized fluorescence methods. In SC of neonatal Wistar rats, 4% (w/w) miltefosine give rise to a large increase of the fluidity of the intercellular membranes, in the temperature range from 6 to about 50 degrees C. This effect becomes negligible at temperatures higher that ca. 60 degrees C. In large unilamelar vesicles of DPPC no significant changes could be observed with a miltefosine concentration 25% molar, in close analogy with the behavior of biomimetic vesicles prepared with bovine brain ceramide, behenic acid and cholesterol. In these last samples, a 25 mol% molar concentration of miltefosine produced only a modest decrease in the bilayer fluidity. Although miltefosine is not a feasible skin permeation enhancer due to its toxicity, the information provided in this work could be of utility in the development of a MT topical treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The aim of this thesis was to apply the techniques of the atomic force microscope (AFM) to biological samples, namely lipid-based systems. To this end several systems with biological relevance based on self-assembly, such as a solid-supported membrane (SSM) based sensor for transport proteins, a bilayer of the natural lipid extract from an archaebacterium, and synaptic vesicles, were investigated by the AFM. For the characterization of transport proteins with SSM-sensors proteoliposomes are adsorbed that contain the analyte (transport protein). However the forces governing bilayer-bilayer interactions in solution should be repulsive under physiological conditions. I investigated the nature of the interaction forces with AFM force spectroscopy by mimicking the adsorbing proteoliposome with a cantilever tip, which was functionalized with charged alkane thiols. The nature of the interaction is indeed repulsive, but the lipid layers assemble in stacks on the SSM, which expose their unfavourable edges to the medium. I propose a model by which the proteoliposomes interact with these edges and fuse with the bilayer stacks, so forming a uniform layer on the SSM. Furthermore I characterized freestanding bilayers from a synthetic phospholipid with a phase transition at 41°C and from a natural lipid extract of the archaebacterium Methanococcus jannaschii. The synthetic lipid is in the gel-phase at room temperature and changes to the fluid phase when heated to 50°C. The bilayer of the lipid extract shows no phase transition when heated from room temperature to the growth temperature (~ 50°C) of the archeon. Synaptic vesicles are the containers of neurotransmitter in nerve cells and the synapsins are a family of extrinsic membrane proteins, that are associated with them, and believed to control the synaptic vesicle cycle. I used AFM imaging and force spectroscopy together with dynamic light scattering to investigate the influence of synapsin I on synaptic vesicles. To this end I used native, untreated synaptic vesicles and compared them to synapsin-depleted synaptic vesicles. Synapsin-depleted vesicles were larger in size and showed a higher tendency to aggregate compared to native vesicles, although their mechanical properties were alike. I also measured the aggregation kinetics of synaptic vesicles induced by synapsin I and found that the addition of synapsin I promotes a rapid aggregation of synaptic vesicles. The data indicate that synapsin I affects the stability and the aggregation state of synaptic vesicles, and confirm the physiological role of synapsins in the assembly and regulation of synaptic vesicle pools within nerve cells.