985 resultados para PHOSPHATE-GLASSES


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Electrical conductivity and dielectric relaxation studies on SO4 (2-) doped modified molybdo-phosphate glasses have been carried out over a wide range of composition, temperature and frequency. The d.c. conductivities which have been measured by both digital electrometer (four-probe method) and impedance analyser are comparable. The relaxation phenomenon has been rationalized using electrical modulus formalism. The use of modulus representation in dielectric relaxation studies has inherent advantages viz., experimental errors arising from the contributions of electrode-electrolyte interface capacitances are minimized. The relaxation observed in the present study is non-Debye type. The activation energies for relaxation were determined using imaginary parts of electrical modulus peaks which were close to those of the d.c. conductivity implying the involvement of similar energy barriers in both the processes. The enhanced conductivity in these glasses can be attributed to the migration of Na+, in expanded structures due to the introduction of SO4 (2-) ions.


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Optical spectroscopic properties of Er3+-doped alkaline-earth metal modified fluoropho sphate glasses have been investigated experimentally for developing broadband fiber and planar amplifiers. The results show a strong correlation between the alkaline-earth metal content and the spectroscopic parameters such as absorption and emission cross sections, full widths at half-maximum and Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters. It is found that strontium ions could have more influences on the Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters and the absorption and emission cross sections than other alkaline-earth metal ions such as Mg2+, Ca2+, Ba2+. The sample containing 23 mol% strontium fluoride exhibits the maximum emission cross section of 7.58 x 10(-21) cm(2), the broadest full width at half-maximum of 65 nm and the longer lifetime of 8.6 ms among the alkaline-earth metal modified fluorophosphates glasses studied. The Judd-Ofelt intensity parameter Omega(6)s, the emission cross sections and the full widths at half-maximum in the Er3+-doped fluorophosphate glasses studied are larger than in the silicate and phosphate glasses.


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The local structure of Na-Al-P-O-F glasses, prepared by a novel sol-gel route, was extensively investigated by advanced solid-state NMR techniques. Al-21{F-19} rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) results indicate that the F incorporated into aluminophosphate glass is preferentially bonded to octahedral Al units and results in a significant increase in the concentration of six-coordinated aluminum. The extent of Al-F and Al-O-P connectivities are quantified consistently by analyzing Al-27{P-31} and Al-21{F-19} REDOR NMR data. Two distinct types of fluorine species were identified and characterized by various F-19{Al-27}, F-19{Na-23}, and F-19{P-31} double resonance experiments, which were able to support peak assignments to bridging (Al-F-Al, -140 ppm) and terminal (Al-F, -170 ppm) units. On the basis of the detailed quantitative dipole-dipole coupling information obtained, a comprehensive structural model for these glasses is presented, detailing the structural speciation as a function of composition.


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This paper reports on the optical spectroscopic properties and thermal stability of Er3+-doped TeO2-BaO (Li2O,NaO)-La2O3 glasses for developing 1.5-mu m fiber amplifiers. Upon excitation at 977 nm laser diode, an intense 1.53-mu m infrared fluorescence has been observed with a broad full width at half maximum (FWHM) of about 60 nm for the Er3+-doped TeO2-BaO (Li2O, Na2O)-La2O3 glass with 10 mol% of BaO. The calculated fluorescence lifetime and the emission cross-sections of the 1.53-mu m transition are 2.91 ms and similar to 9.97 x 10(-21) cm(2), respectively. It is noted that the gain bandwidth, a, x FWHM, of the TeO2-BaO-La2O3Er2O3 glass is about 600, which is significantly higher than that in silicate and phosphate glasses. Meanwhile, it is interesting to note that the TeO2-BaO-La2O3-Er2O3 glass has shown a high glass thermal stability and good infrared transmittance. As a result, TeO2-BaO (Li2O, Na2O)-La2O3 glass with 10 mol% of BaO has been considered to be more useful as a host for broadband optical fiber amplifier. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of tellurite glasses of composition, 75TeO(2)-20ZnO-(5 - x)La2O3-xEr(2)O(3) (x = 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 mol%) with different hydroxl content were prepared. The effect of Er3+ and OH- groups concentration on the emission properties of Er3+: I-4(13/2) -> I-4(15/2) transition in tellurite glasses was investigated. The constant KOH-Er for Er3+ in tellurite glasses, which represents the strength of interaction between Er3+ and OH- groups in the case of energy migration, was about 14 x 10(-19) cm(4) s(-1). The interaction parameter C-Er,C-Er for the migration rate of Er3+ : 4I(13/2) -> I-4(13/2) transition in tellurite glass was 46 x 10(-40) cm(2), which indicates that concentration quenching in Er3+-doped modified tellurite glass for a given Er3+ concentration is much stronger than in silicate and phosphate glasses. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of Al(PO3)(3) content on physical, chemical and optical properties of fluorophosphate glasses for 2 mu m application, such as thermal stability, chemical durability, surface hardness, absorption spectra and emission spectra, is investigated. With the increment of Al(PO3)(3) content, the thermal stability characterized by the gap of T-g and T,, increases first and then decreases, and reaches the maximum level containing 5 mol% Al(PO3)(3) content. The density and chemical durability decrease monotonously with the introduction of Al(PO3)(3) content increasing, while the refractive index and surface hardness increase. Above properties of fluorophosphate glasses are also compared with fluoride glasses and phosphate glasses. The Judd-Ofelt parameters, absorption and emission cross sections are discussed based on the absorption spectra of Tm-doped glasses. The emission spectra are also measured and the 1.8 mu m fluorescence of the sample is obvious indicating that it is suitable to 2 mu m application. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mode-locked and single-longitudinal-mode waveguide lasers, manufactured by femtosecond laser writing in Er-Yb-doped phosphate glasses, are presented. Transform-limited 1.6-ps pulses and a cw output power exceeding 50 mW have been obtained in the two regimes. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Mode-locked and single-longitudinal-mode waveguide lasers, manufactured by femtosecond laser writing in Er-Yb-doped phosphate glasses, are presented. Transform-limited 1.6-ps pulses and a cw output power exceeding 50 mW have been obtained in the two regimes. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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The bonding properties of cations in phosphate glasses determine many short- and medium-range structural features in the glass network, hence influencing bulk properties. In this work, Pb-Al-metaphosphate glasses (1 - x)Pb-(PO(3))(2)center dot xAI(PO(3))(3) with 0 <= - x <= 1 were analyzed to determine the effect of the substitution of Pb by Al on the glass structure in the metaphosphate composition. The glass transition temperature and density were measured as a function of the Al concentration. The vibrational and structural properties were probed by Raman spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance of (31)P, (27)Al, and (207)Pb. Aluminum incorporates homogeneously in the glass creating a stiffer and less packed network. The average coordination number for Al decreases from 5.9 to 5.0 as x increases from 0.1 to 1, indicating more covalent Al-O bonds. The coordination number of Pb in these glasses is greater than 8, showing an increasing ionic behavior for compositions richer in Al. A quantitative analysis of the phosphate speciation shows definite trends in the bonding of AlO(n) groups and phosphate tetrahedra. In glasses with x < 0.48, phosphate groups share preferentially only one nonbridging O corner with an AlO(n) coordination polyhedron. For x > 0.48 more than one nonbridging O can be linked to AlO(n) polyhedra. There is no corner sharing of O between AlO(n) and PbO(n) polyhedra nor between AlO(n) themselves throughout the compositional range. The PbO(n) coordination polyhedra show considerable nonbridging O sharing, with each O participating in the coordination sphere of at least two Pb. The bonding preferences determined for Al are consistent with the behavior observed in Na-Al and Ca-Al metaphosphates, indicating this may be a general behavior for ternary phosphate glasses.


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Potassium aluminum phosphate (KAP) glasses in the system xKPO(3)-(100-x)AI(PO3)3 with x = 10, 30 and 50 mol% were prepared in the metaphosphate composition. The glasses were doped with MnO2 and their thermoluminescent (TL) response was investigated. Raman spectra showed that these glasses did not undergo structural changes with the substitution of manganese ions. The glass composition x = 50 mol% doped with 1.0 mol% of MnO2 presented the best TL response. The material displayed good sensitivity for gamma-rays, X-rays and UV light. The emission curves exhibited two TL peaks, one at a low temperature (similar to 150 degrees C) and the other at a high temperature (similar to 365 degrees C), whose positions were dependent on the type of exciting radiation applied. The results of the present study indicated that the high temperature peak is a good candidate for TL dosimetric investigations. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Transparent glasses were synthesized in the NaPO3-BaF2 WO3 tertiary system and several structural characterizations were performed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES) at the tungsten L-I and L-III absorption edges and by Raman spectroscopy. Special attention was paid to the coordination state of tungsten atoms in the vitreous network.XANES investigations showed that tungsten atoms are only six-fold coordinated (octahedra WO6) and that these glasses are free of tungstate tetrahedra (WO4).In addition, Raman spectroscopy allowed to identify a break in the linear phosphate chains as the amount of WO3 increases and the formation of P-O-W bonds in the vitreous network indicating the modifier behavior of WO6 octahedra in the glass network. Based on XANES data, we suggested a new attribution of several Raman absorption bands which allowed to identify the presence of W-O- and W=O terminal bonds and a progressive apparition of W-O-W bridging bonds for the most WO3 concentrated samples (&GE; 30% molar) due to the formation of WO6 clusters. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Erbium Er3+ and ytterbium Yb3+ codoped fluoro-phosphate glasses belonging to the system NaPO3-YF 3-BaF2-CaF2 have been prepared by the classical melt-quenching technique. Glasses containing up to 10 wt% of erbium and ytterbium fluorides have been obtained and characterized using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and UV-visible and near-infrared spectroscopy. Transparent and homogeneous glass-ceramics have been then reproducibly synthetized by appropriate heat treatment above glass transition temperature of a selected parent glass. Structural investigations of the crystallization performed through X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have evidenced the formation of fluorite-type cubic crystals based during the devitrification process. Finally, infrared to visible up-conversion emission upon excitation at 975 nm has been studied on the Er3+ and Yb 3+ codoped glass-ceramics as a function of thermal treatment time. A large enhancement of intensity of the up-conversion emissions-about 150 times- has been observed in the glass-ceramics if compared to the parent glass one, suggesting an incorporation of the rare-earth ions (REI) into the crystalline phase. © 2012 The American Ceramic Society.


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New Yb3+, Er3+ and Tm3+ doped fluoro-phosphate glasses belonging to the system NaPO3–YF3–BaF2–CaF2 and containing up to 10 wt% of rare-earth ion fluorides were prepared and characterized by differential scanning calorimetry, absorption spectroscopy and up-conversion emission spectroscopy under excitation with a 975 nm laser diode. Transparent and homogeneous glass-ceramics have been reproducibly obtained with a view to manage the red, green and blue emission bands and generate white light. X-ray diffraction as well as electron microscopy techniques have confirmed the formation of fluorite-type cubic nanocrystals at the beginning of the crystallization process while complex nanocrystalline phases are formed after a longer heat-treatment. The prepared glass-ceramics exhibit high optical transparency even after 170 h of thermal treatment. An improvement of up-conversion emission intensity – from 10 to 160 times larger – was measured in the glass-ceramics when compared to the parent glass, suggesting an important incorporation of the rare-earth ions into the crystalline phase(s). The involved mechanisms and lifetime were described in detail as a function of heat-treatment time. Finally, a large range of designable color rendering (from orange to turquoise through white) can be observed in these materials by controlling the laser excitation power and the crystallization rate.


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A series of heavy metal oxide (HMO) glasses with composition 26.66B(2)O(3)-16GeO(2)-4 Bi2O3-(53.33-x)PbO-xPbF2 (0 <= x <= 40) were prepared and characterized with respect to their bulk (glass transition and crystallization temperatures, densities, molar volumes) and spectroscopic properties. Homogeneous glasses are formed up to x = 30, while crystallization of beta-PbF2 takes place at higher contents. Substitution of PbO by PbF2 shifts the optical band gap toward higher energies, thereby extending the UV transmission window significantly toward higher frequencies. Raman and infrared absorption spectra can be interpreted in conjunction with published reference data. Using B-11 and F-19 high-resolution solid state NMR as well as B-11/F-19 double resonance methodologies, we develop a quantitative structural description of this material. The fraction of four-coordinate boron is found to be moderately higher compared to that in glasses with the same PbO/B2O3 ratios, suggesting some participation of PbF2 in the network transformation process. This suggestion is confirmed by the F-19 NMR spectra. While the majority of the fluoride ions is present as ionic fluoride, similar to 20% of the fluorine inventory acts as a network modifier, resulting in the formation of four-coordinate BO3/2F- units. These units can be identified by F-19{B-11} rotational echo double resonance and B-11{F-19} cross-polarization magic angle spinning (CPMAS) data. These results provide the first unambiguous evidence of B-F bonding in a PbF2-modified glass system. The majority of the fluoride ions are found in a lead-dominated environment. F-19-F-19 homonuclear dipolar second moments measured by spin echo decay spectroscopy are quantitatively consistent with a model in which these ions are randomly distributed within the network modifier subdomain consisting of PbO, Bi2O3, and PbF2. This model, which implies both the features of atomic scale mixing with the network former borate species and some degree of fluoride ion clustering is consistent with all of the experimental data obtained on these glasses.