39 resultados para PHARYNGITIS
Pharyngotonsillitis by beta-hemolytic Streptococcus mostly affects children and imunocompromissed, being Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A) the most common agent in bacterial pharyngotonsillitis. Aim: This work targeted the research of beta-hemolytic Streptococcus Group-A (SBHGA) and No-A (SBHGNA) in the oropharynx of individuals with special health needs from the APAE (Maceio-AL). Method: A prospective study with oropharynx samples from patients with Down syndrome and other mental disorders (test) and students from a private school (control) aged 5-15 years. Cultures in blood agar (5%) were identified through Gram/catalase tests and bacitracin/trirnethoprim-sulfamethoxazole disk diffusion method, applying the chi-squared statistical analysis. Results: A total of 222 bacterial colonies were isolated in 74 individuals from APAE and 65 in the control group. In the test group, previous episodes of pharyngotonsillitis were reported by 36.49% (27/74) and 9.46% (7/74) were diagnosed with symptoms and/or signs suggestive of oropharynx infection. No positive sample of S. pyogenes was confirmed at APAE, being all samples classified as SBHGNA, with 5 SBHGA in the control group. Conclusion: The early identification of beta-hemolytic Streptococcus is important for the fast treatment of pharyngotonsillitis and the absence of S. pyogenes avoid future suppurative or not-suppurative sequels in the group from APAE.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of the routine use of rapid antigen detection test in the diagnosis and treatment of acute pharyngotonsillitis in children. METHODS: This is a prospective and observational study, with a protocol compliance design established at the Emergency Unit of the University Hospital of Universidade de São Paulo for the care of children and adolescents diagnosed with acute pharyngitis. RESULTS: 650 children and adolescents were enrolled. Based on clinical findings, antibiotics would be prescribed for 389 patients (59.8%); using the rapid antigen detection test, they were prescribed for 286 patients (44.0%). Among the 261 children who would not have received antibiotics based on the clinical evaluation, 111 (42.5%) had positive rapid antigen detection test. The diagnosis based only on clinical evaluation showed 61.1% sensitivity, 47.7% specificity, 44.9% positive predictive value, and 57.5% negative predictive value. CONCLUSIONS: The clinical diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis had low sensitivity and specificity. The routine use of rapid antigen detection test led to the reduction of antibiotic use and the identification of a risk group for complications of streptococcal infection, since 42.5% positive rapid antigen detection test patients would not have received antibiotics based only on clinical diagnosis.
We report the case of a 39-year old patient with septicemia treated for pharyngitis with antibiotics since a few days. She wasn't able to swallow her antibiotics anymore because of dysphagia. Radiologic examination revealed pulmonary infiltrates and Vena iugularis interna-thrombosis. These findings and anamnesis led to the diagnosis of Lemierre syndrome inspite of lacking detection of bacteria. After changing the antibiotic therapy and start of anticoagulation further course of illness was favorable. The long duration of hospitalization was indepted to high morbidity typically seen in Lemierre syndrome.
Fever is one of the main symptoms leading to medical evaluation. Not only infections cause fever but also inflammatory disorders. To distinguish one from another, a thorough medical history and clinical evaluation are needed. Sometimes, only the clinical course will reveal the diagnosis. PFAPA-Syndrome (periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, adenitis) is the most frequent periodic fever syndrome in Switzerland. No diagnostic test is available to support the diagnosis. Some important diseases have to be ruled out, such as Immunodeficiency, cyclic neutropenia, chronic viral infections and rheumatologic disorders. To know the diagnosis of the PFAPA-Syndrome can help avoiding antibiotic courses for febrile episodes in infants. There is a clinical overlap to hereditary periodic fever syndromes as familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), Hyper-IgD and fever syndrome (HIDS), Tumor-necrosis factor receptor associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS) and others, in which a genetic basis for the disease has already been found.
A fatal combined infection with canine distemper virus (CDV) and orthopoxvirus (OPXV) in Asian marmots (Marmota caudata) is reported in this article. A total of 7 Asian marmots from a small zoological garden in Switzerland were found dead in hibernation during a routine check in the winter of 2011. The marmots died in February 2011. No clinical signs of disease were observed at any time. The viruses were detected in all individuals for which the tissues were available (n = 3). Detection of the viruses was performed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. The most consistent gross lesion was a neck and thorax edema. A necrotizing pharyngitis and a multifocal necrotizing pneumonia were observed histologically. Numerous large intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions were seen in the epithelial cells of the pharynx, of the airways, and in the skin keratinocytes. Brain lesions were limited to mild multifocal gliosis. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the marmot CDV strain was closely related to the clusters of CDVs detected in Switzerland in wild carnivores during a local outbreak in 2002 and the 2009-2010 nationwide epidemic, suggesting a spillover of this virus from wildlife. The OPXV was most closely related to a strain of cowpoxvirus, a poxvirus species considered endemic in Europe. This is the first reported instance of CDV infection in a rodent species and of a combined CDV and OPXV infection.
Halsschmerz, Dysphagie und Dyspnoe sind die häufigsten Symptomen, aufgrund derer Patienten einen Arzt aufsuchen. Hierbei handelt es sich um unspezifische Symptome mit vielfältigen Ursachen. Mögliche im Retropharyngealraum lokalisierte Pathologien sind in der überwiegenden Anzahl der Fälle selbst limitierend oder durch medikamentöse Therapien beherrschbar (Bsp.: Pharyngitis, Tonsillitis, Seitenstrangangina). Deutlich seltener sind im Spatium retropharyngeum lokalisierte Abszesse, Neoplasien (Bsp.: Lipome, Neurofibrome, Liposarkome) oder Hämatome (Schmäl F et al. HNO 2002; 50: 418 – 423). Letztlich können auch degenerative Veränderungen der Wirbelsäule, eine ektop verlaufende Arteria carotis interna oder seltene Manifestationen von Systemerkrankungen (Bsp.: Sarkoidose) zu einer unterschiedlich stark ausgeprägten Vorwölbung der Pharynxhinterwand und Einengung der Luft- und Speiseröhre führen. Anhand des vorliegenden Falls wird die klinische Präsentation sowie die radiologische Diagnose eines retropharyngealen Hämatoms diskutiert und die anatomische Beziehung der Halskompartimente mit besonderem Fokus auf den Retropharyngealraum dargestellt.
Group A streptococcus (GAS) is responsible for causing many clinical complications including the relatively benign streptococcal pharyngitis and impetigo. However. if left untreated. these conditions may lead to more severe diseases such as rheumatic fever (RF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD). These diseases exhibit high morbidity and mortality, Particularly in developing countries and in indigenous populations of affluent countries. Only ever occur following GAS infection, a vaccine offers Promise for their Prevention. As stich, we have investigated the Use of the lipid-core peptide (LCP) system for the development of multi-valent Prophylactic GAS vaccines. The current study has investigated the capacity of this system to adjuvant LIP to four different GAS peptide epitopes. Presented are the synthesis and immunological assessment of tetra-valent and tri-valent GAS LCP systems. We demonstrated their capacity to elicit systemic IgG antibody responses in B10.BR mice to all GAS peptide epitopes. The data also showed that the LCP systems Were self-adjuvanting. These findings are particularly encouraging for the development of multi-valent LCP-based GAS vaccines.
Fusobacterium necrophorum, a Gram negative, anaerobic bacterium, is a common cause of acute pharyngitis and tonsillitis and a rare cause of more severe infections of the head and neck. At the beginning of the project, there was no available genome sequence for F. necrophorum. The aim of this project was to sequence the F. necrophorum genome and identify and study its putative virulence factors contained using in silico and in vitro analysis. Type strains JCM 3718 and JCM 3724,F. necrophorum subspecies necrophorum (Fnn) and funduliforme (Fnf), respectively, and strain ARU 01 (Fnf), isolated from a patient with LS, were commercially sequenced by Roche 454 GS-FLX+ next generation sequencing and assembled into contigs using Roche GS Assembler. Sequence data was annotated semi-automatically, using the xBASE pipeline, BLASTp and Pfam. The F. necrophorum genome was determined to be approximately 2.1 – 2.3 Mb in size, with an estimated 1,950 ORFs and includes genes for a leukotoxin, ecotin, haemolysin, haemagglutinin, haemin receptor, adhesin and type Vb and Vc secretion systems. The prevalence of the leukotoxin gene was investigated in strains JCM 3718, JCM 3724 and ARU 01, as well as a clinical collection of 25 Fnf strains, identified using biochemical and molecular tests. The leukotoxin operon was found to be universal within the strain collection by PCR. HL-60 cells subjected to aliquots of concentrated high molecular weight culture supernatant, predicted to contain the secreted leukotoxins of strains JCM 3718, JCM 3724 and ARU 01, were killed in a dose-dependent manner. The cytotoxic effect of the leukotoxin against human donor white blood cells was also tested to validate the HL-60 assay. The differences in the results between the two assays were not statistically significant. Ecotin, a serine protease inhibitor, was found to be present in 100 % of the strain collection and had a highly conserved sequence with primary and secondary binding sites exposed on opposing sides of the protein. During enzyme inhibition studies, a purified recombinant F. necrophorum ecotin protein inhibited human neutrophil elastase, a protease that degrades bacteria at inflammation sites, and human plasma kallikrein, a component of the host clotting cascade. The recombinant ecotin also prolonged human plasma clotting times by up to 7-fold for the extrinsic pathway, and up to 40-fold for the intrinsic pathway. The genome sequence data provides important information about F. necrophorum type strains and enables comparative study between strains and subspecies. Results from the leukotoxin and ecotin assays can be used to build up an understanding of how the organism behaves during infection.
This study compared the prevalence of vocal problems in two Portuguese groups: 73 teachers that use their voice as professional tool (teachers’ group) and 73 non-voice professionals (control group). It also identified the risk factors that contributed to teachers’ group voice problems. A questionnaire was applied to both goups in order to obtain information about vocal health, hygiene and behavior, professional activity and general physical health. Statistical results revealed that the teachers’ group presented a higher prevalence of vocal problems than the control group: 52% reported hoarseness, 46.6% vocal fatigue and 45.2% vocal discomfort compared with 31.5%, 20.5 % e 28.7%, respectively. Environmental factors (eg., smoke and cold temperatures), vocal abuse and upper respiratory pathologies (e.g., colds, laryngitis and pharyngitis) seemed to increase teachers’ voice disorders (p-value < .05). In conclusion, the absence of vocal pedagogy in the curricular plan of teachers’ higher education associated to poor working environmental conditions and professional voice demands explained the higher prevalence of vocal problems in teachers’ group.