992 resultados para PERSONAL EXPOSURE
Changes in urinary porphyrin excretion may be the result of hereditary causes and/or from environmental or occupational exposure. The objective of this study was to measure the amount of some porphyrins in spot urine samples obtained from volunteers randomly selected from a healthy adult population of São Paulo with a sensitive HPLC method and to estimate normal ranges for a non-exposed population. Spot urine samples were collected from 126 subjects (both genders, 18 to 65 years old) not occupationally exposed to porphyrinogenic agents. Porphyrin fractions were separated on RP-18 HPLC column eluted with a methanol/ammonium acetate buffer gradient, pH 4.0, and measured fluorometrically (excitation 405 nm/emission 620 nm). The amount of porphyrins was corrected for urinary creatinine excretion. Only 8-carboxyl (uro) and 4-carboxyl (copro) porphyrins were quantified as µg/g creatinine. Data regarding age, gender, occupational activities, smoking and drinking habits were analyzed by Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Uroporphyrin results did not differ significantly between the subgroups studied. Copro and uro + copro porphyrins were significantly different for smokers (P = 0.008) and occupational activities (P = 0.004). With respect to alcohol consumption, only men drinking >20 g/week showed significant differences in the levels of copro (P = 0.022) and uro + copro porphyrins (P = 0.012). The 2.5-97.5th percentile limit values, excluding those for subjects with an alcohol drinking habit >20 g/week, were 0-20.8, 11.7-93.1, and 15.9-102.9 µg/g creatinine for uro, copro and uro + copro porphyrins, respectively. These percentile limit values can be proposed as a first attempt to provide urinary porphyrin reference values for our population, serving for an early diagnosis of porphyrinopathies or as biomarkers of exposure to porphyrinogenic agents.
El objetivo fue determinar la prevalencia de síntomas cutáneos asociados a Dermatitis de Contacto y su relación con factores socios demográficos y ocupacionales, en el personal asistencial de un laboratorio clínico de la ciudad de Bogotá en el año 2012. Es un estudio descriptivo observacional de corte transversal (n= 100) se estimo la prevalencia de síntomas cutáneos de Dermatitis de Contacto y sus factores asociados socio demográficos y ocupacionales en el personal asistencial de un laboratorio clínico de la ciudad de Bogotá en Se usó como instrumento el cuestionario Nórdico para Enfermedades profesionales de la piel (NOQS) en su versión larga validada al español. La sensibilidad y especificidad del cuestionario aplicado en lo referente a las preguntas sobre eczema fue del 96 y 75% respectivamente. Los resultados encontrados fueron que la prevalencia de la sintomatología cutánea de Dermatitis de contacto en la población estudiada fue de 30% para manos y de 16 % para muñecas o antebrazos.
Descriptive study that identified chemical agents (AQ) use and training on risk management and waste disposal techniques in a public Hospital in Valencia. A questionnaire was answered by 48 workers. Information obtained was: personal data, occupational history, AQ used; knowledge of risk management and waste disposal. There were 16 occupations from 12 “High Risk” areas. “Adult emergency” was the one with more workers (11 individuals), followed by “sterilization” and “clinical laboratory” (7 each) and oncology (5). The remained areas had less than 8.3% workers. The most used anesthetic agents were: Halothane, Enfluorane and Isofluorane 4.17% each and main antineoplastics used were: Doxorubicin 16.67% and Paclitaxel, 5-Fluoracil and Etoposide, 8.33% each. The most mentioned substances were: alcohol (70.8%) and Chlorine (64.6%). None of the answers regarding knowledge of AQ’ risk management and waste disposal was satisfactory. Statistical associations between training and several variables such as age, time in their job and being or not a professional, resulted non-significant. The correlation between training and the knowledge of AQ’s management was significant (p < 0.001). Participants showed that their knowledge about chemical occupational risk factors they are exposed to is still insufficient. Therefore, this theme should be included in graduate course curricula. These results provide important data and will serve as a pilot research for the follow up Phase II study that will include clinical aspects and environmental and biological monitoring.
El personal que labora en áreas de campo en las empresas de hidrocarburos se enfrenta de manera sistemática a diferentes exposiciones ocupacionales que pueden estar relacionadas con el estrés laboral o tener algún tipo de incidencia en este sentido. Objetivo: establecer la prevalencia de síntomas de estrés percibidos por un grupo de trabajadores que laboran en cuatro campos de perforación de hidrocarburos e identificar su relación con el turno y área de trabajo (administración y producción) en que desempeñan su labor. Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal, en una empresa del sector hidrocarburos que opera en el municipio de Puerto Boyacá, con una muestra de 115 trabajadores, la información se recolectó a través de la aplicación del cuestionario para la evaluación del estrés – Tercera versión del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de la República de Colombia y la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá. Resultados: El género de mayor frecuencia fue el masculino con el 86%, el 39% de los trabajadores se encuentra en el grupo etario entre los 47-57 años refirió un nivel de estrés alto. Se observó que la línea operativa y profesional y los analistas, fueron los que reportaron un nivel de estrés alto. Conclusiones: El trabajo que desarrolla el personal que labora por turnos en campos de perforación, es un generador de estrés por lo que debe ser monitoreado de forma periódica, haciendo énfasis en la promoción de estilos laborales saludables y la prevención de diagnósticos que afecten el componente conductual.
Introducción: Las condiciones de trabajo y salud de la población trabajadora han sido estudiadas en los diferentes sectores económicos, y para esto se han aplicado diversos instrumentos para la identificación de los factores de riesgo. Sin embargo, el estudio en los trabajadores de las instituciones de educación superior, aún es escaso y limitado. Este trabajo de investigación abordó las condiciones de trabajo y salud y los factores de riesgo asociados de los empleados de laboratorios y de talleres de las diferentes unidades de una Universidad privada en Bogotá D.C. Objetivo: Determinar las condiciones de trabajo y salud del personal de laboratorios y de talleres en el 2014 de las diferentes unidades de una Universidad privada en Bogotá D.C. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal, en una muestra de 87 trabajadores de laboratorios y de talleres. En el análisis univariado se calcularon para las variables cualitativas frecuencias y proporciones, y para las variables cuantitativas medidas de tendencia central y dispersión acorde a la distribución de los datos. Para el análisis bivariado, se realizó la comparación de las prevalencias entre los factores de riesgo locativos, físicos, químicos, biológicos, biomecánicos y psicológicos de cada unidad y las condiciones de trabajo y salud; así como su asociación con los factores sociodemográficos y laborales, por medio de la prueba de asociación Chi-Cuadrado de Pearson. El nivel de significancia establecido fue p<0.05. Resultados: Se encontró que las variables respiración de sustancias y manipulación manual de cargas se encuentran asociadas al cargo de los trabajadores de laboratorios y de talleres. También de la muestra de trabajadores la mayoría infirió no tener una exposición significativa a los riesgos locativo, físico, biológico y psicosocial; mientras que para riesgo químico y biomecánico se encontraron frecuencias de más del 60% entre los participantes. Los hallazgos de este estudio corresponden únicamente a la percepción de los trabajadores frente a sus condiciones de trabajo y salud, puesto que no se realizaron mediciones higiénicas ni exámenes médicos a los participantes. Conclusiones: En este estudio se encontró que la exposición a riesgos locativo, físico, biológico y psicosocial es baja; mientras que es alta para riesgo químico debida a la manipulación e inhalación de sustancias químicas tóxicas, y a riesgo biomecánico a causa de las posturas prolongadas y mantenidas, la manipulación manual de cargas, los movimientos repetitivos y realizar fuerzas. En relación a las condiciones de salud mental, se encontró que la población no presenta algún estado emocional o psicológico que llame la atención, lo que en consecuencia se refleja en el buen estado de salud físico.
OBJETIVOS: Identificar la percepción del riesgo biológico de los trabajadores asistenciales del Hospital Central de la Policía Nacional en la ciudad de Bogotá. METODOS: se realizó un estudio analítico de corte transversal para describir la percepción acerca del riesgo biológico en 159 trabajadores asistenciales de un hospital de alta complejidad en la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia), la información se recolectó por medio de la utilización de la encuesta validada nota técnica 578 (Portell M, Solé M, 2001). Se realizó la caracterización de la población por variables de sexo, edad, tiempo de experiencia y servicio al cual pertenece y se promediaron las respuestas obtenidas para cada ítem encuestado, obteniendo una clasificación para cada dimensión de percepción de riesgo baja (1 a 3), media (4 a 5) o alta (6 a 7). Resultados: De los 159 trabajadores asistenciales encuestados el 80.4% eran de género femenino, el 22.2% pertenecían al servicio de urgencias, el 16,5% al servicio de medicina interna y el 9.5% al servicio de pediatría, de los encuestados el 62.9% fueron auxiliares de enfermería, el 21,4% enfermeras jefes y el 6.9% médicos. Se obtuvo una percepción de riesgo alta (media aritmética mayor de 5) para todas las variables incluidas en la encuesta, demostrando conocimiento de todo el personal acerca de la alta exposición a accidentes de tipo biológico. No se encontró asociación entre la labor desempeñada y la percepción del riesgo biológico, sin embargo, se encontró una asociación entre el tiempo de experiencia del trabajador y una disminución en la magnitud del riesgo percibido (Chi cuadrado de asociación, p=0.042). Conclusiones: Los trabajadores asistenciales identifican la magnitud del riesgo biológico al que se encuentran expuestos en sus labores del día a día, sin embargo, es necesaria una mayor participación por parte del personal directivo y de los responsables de la prevención en temas de reacción ante accidentes y en la valoración del riesgo, especialmente en personas que llevan mucho tiempo desempeñando la labor.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is reported to be caused by traumatic events that are outside the range of usual human experience including (but not limited to) military combat, violent personal assault, being kidnapped or taken hostage and terrorist attacks. Initial data suggests that at least 1 out of 6 Iraq War veterans are exhibiting symptoms of depression, anxiety and PTSD. Virtual Reality (VR) delivered exposure therapy for PTSD has been used with reports of positive outcomes. The aim of the current paper is to present the rationale and brief description of a Virtual Iraq PTSD VR therapy application and present initial findings from its use with PTSD patients. Thus far, Virtual Iraq consists of a series of customizable virtual scenarios designed to represent relevant Middle Eastern VR contexts for exposure therapy, including a city and desert road convoy environment. User-centered design feedback needed to iteratively evolve the system was gathered from returning Iraq War veterans in the USA and from a system deployed in Iraq and tested by an Army Combat Stress Control Team. Results from an open clinical trial at San Diego Naval Medical Center of the first 18 treatment completers indicate that 14 no longer meet PTSD diagnostic criteria at post-treatment, with only one not maintaining treatment gains at 3 month follow-up. Clinical tests are also currently underway at Ft. Lewis, Emory University, Weill Cornell Medical College, Walter Reed Army Medical Center and 10 other sites. Other sites are preparing to use the application for a variety of PTSD and VR research purposes.
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is reported to be caused by exposure to traumatic events including (but not limited to) military combat, violent personal assault, being kidnapped or taken hostage and terrorist attacks. Initial data suggest that at least 1 out of 6 Iraq War veterans are exhibiting symptoms of depression, anxiety and PTSD. Virtual reality (VR) delivered exposure therapy for PTSD has been used with reports of positive outcomes. The aim of the current paper, is to present the rationale and brief description of a Virtual Iraq/Afghanistan PTSD VR therapy application and present initial findings from its use with PTSD patients. Thus far, Virtual Iraq/Afghanistan consists of a series of customizable virtual scenarios designed to represent relevant Middle Eastern VR contexts for exposure therapy, including a city and desert road convoy environment. User-centered design feedback, needed to iteratively evolve the system, was gathered from returning Iraq War veterans in the USA and from a system deployed in Iraq and tested by an Army Combat Stress Control Team. Results from an open clinical trial at San Diego Naval Medical Center of the first 20 treatment completers indicate that 16 no longer met PTSD screening criteria at post-treatment, with only one not maintaining treatment gains at 3 month follow-up.
Alkyl esters of p–hydroxybenzoic acid (parabens) are widely used as preservatives in personal care products, foods and pharmaceuticals. Their oestrogenic activity, their measurement in human breast tissue and their ability to drive proliferation of oestrogen-responsive human breast cancer cells has opened a debate on their potential to influence breast cancer development. Since proliferation is not the only hallmark of cancer cells, we have investigated the effects of exposure to parabens at concentrations of maximal proliferative response on migratory and invasive properties using three oestrogen-responsive human breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7, T-47-D, ZR-75-1). Cells were maintained short-term (1 week) or long-term (20±2 weeks) in phenol-red-free medium containing 5% charcoal-stripped serum with no addition, 10-8M 17-oestradiol, 1-5x10-4M methylparaben, 10-5M n-propylparaben or 10-5M n-butylparaben. Long-term exposure (20±2 weeks) of MCF-7 cells to methylparaben, n-propylparaben or n-butylparaben increased migration as measured using a scratch assay, time-lapse microscopy and xCELLigence technology: invasive properties were found to increase in matrix degradation assays and migration through matrigel on xCELLigence. Western immunoblotting showed an associated downregulation of E-cadherin and -catenin in the long-term paraben-exposed cells which could be consistent with a mechanism involving epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Increased migratory activity was demonstrated also in long-term paraben-exposed T-47-D and ZR-75-1 cells using a scratch assay and time-lapse microscopy. This is the first report that in vitro, parabens can influence not only proliferation but also migratory and invasive properties of human breast cancer cells.
Aims: We evaluated solvents and total particulates exposures in auto body repair shops together with a search of painter's related complaints. Methods: 26 painters exposures were evaluated by pumped personal sampling; solvents were retained in charcoal sorbent tubes and the particulates in PVC filters. Painter's personal habits and their work characteristics were obtained through a questionnaire, applied in a private interview. For the symptoms the Q16 questionnaire was used, added of questions about complaints during the painting. Results: High exposures were detected during spray painting. For solvents, the TLV-STEL adjusted for the mixtures was surpassed in six evaluations. However, as repaint is a short-term operation, it makes the average concentrations weighed for the work shift lower than the TLV-TWA adjusted for the mixtures. Total particulate concentrations had surpassed the TLV-TWA in four of the evaluations. Symptoms frequency in the Q16 questionnaire was higher for painters than for the controls (Mann-Whitney test U=193; p=0.008), and they showed positive correlations with the age (Spearman r=0.354, t=1.85, p=0.076), the number of years in the profession (Spearman r=0.433, t=2.35, p=0.027) and the alcoholic beverage consumption (Spearman r=0.457, t=2.516, p=0.019). Conclusions: The painting work done at car repair shops can result in high solvent and particulate exposures, although they are short-term operations. Their acute and chronic effects for the painters do not have been clearly evidenced in the present study, continuing deserving multidisciplinary attention.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Amphibole asbestos (AA) has been detected on the surface of tree bark in forests neighboring an abandoned vermiculite mine near Libby, Montana. In the present study, simulations were performed to assess potential AA exposure associated with United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service (FS) occupational activities. Bark samples were collected prior, and personal breathing zone (PBZ) and Tyvek clothing wipe samples were collected during and immediately after trials that simulated FS activities. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analyses revealed AA bark concentrations up to 15 million structures per square centimeter (s/cm2). AA was detected in 25% of the PBZ TEM samples. AA was detected on wipe samples collected from all activities evaluated. This research demonstrates the potential for airborne exposure and transport of AA in the Kootenai National Forest. These findings are especially relevant to those that work in the area and to the general public who may conduct recreational activities.
Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and DNA damage were analyzed in coke oven (n = 37), refractory (n = 96), graphite electrode (n = 26), and converter workers (n = 12), whereas construction workers (n = 48) served as referents. PAH exposure was assessed by personal air sampling during shift and biological monitoring in urine post shift (1-hydroxypyrene, 1-OHP and 1-, 2 + 9-, 3-, 4-hydroxyphenanthrenes, SigmaOHPHE). DNA damage was measured by 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodGuo) and DNA strand breaks in blood post shift. Median 1-OHP and SigmaOHPHE were highest in converter workers (13.5 and 37.2 microg/g crea). The industrial setting contributed to the metabolite concentrations rather than the air-borne concentration alone. Other routes of uptake, probably dermal, influenced associations between air-borne concentrations and levels of PAH metabolites in urine making biomonitoring results preferred parameters to assess exposure to PAH. DNA damage in terms of 8-oxo-dGuo and DNA strand breaks was higher in exposed workers compared to referents ranking highest for graphite-electrode production. The type of industry contributed to genotoxic DNA damage and DNA damage was not unequivocally associated to PAH on the individual level most likely due to potential contributions of co-exposures.
Background. In the United States, the incidence of pancreatic cancer has increased; more than 37,000 new cases of pancreatic cancer were diagnosed in the year 2007. Overall, the five-year survival rate is about 5% and pancreatic cancer ranks the fourth leading cause of cancer-related mortality among men and women. Despite the observed progress in cancer diagnosis and treatment, pancreatic cancer remains an unresolved significant public health problem in the United States. Familial pancreatic cancer has been confirmed to be responsible for approximately 10% of pancreatic cancer cases. However, 90% are still without known inherited predisposition. Until now, the role of oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) and hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) among women with pancreatic cancer remain unclear. We examined the association of exogenous hormonal uses in US women with risk of pancreatic cancer. ^ Methods. This was an active hospital-based case-control study which is conducted at the department of gastrointestinal medical oncology in The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Between January 2005 and December 2007, a total of 287 women with pathologically confirmed pancreatic cancer (cases) and 287 healthy women (controls) were included in this investigation. Both cases and controls were frequency matched by age and race. Information about the use of hormonal contraceptives and hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) preparations as well as information about several risk factors of pancreatic cancer were collected by personal interview. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed in this study to analyze the data. ^ Results. We found a statistical significant protective effect for use of exogenous hormone preparations on pancreatic cancer development (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 0.4; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.2–0.8). In addition, a 40% reduction in pancreatic cancer risk was observed among women who ever used any of the contraceptive methods including oral contraceptive pills (AOR, 6; 95% CI, 0.4–0.9). ^ Conclusions. Consistent with previous studies, the use of exogenous hormone preparations including oral contraceptive pills may confers a protective effect for pancreatic cancer development. More studies are warranted to explore for the underlying mechanism of such protection.^
Research studies on the association between exposures to air contaminants and disease frequently use worn dosimeters to measure the concentration of the contaminant of interest. But investigation of exposure determinants requires additional knowledge beyond concentration, i.e., knowledge about personal activity such as whether the exposure occurred in a building or outdoors. Current studies frequently depend upon manual activity logging to record location. This study's purpose was to evaluate the use of a worn data logger recording three environmental parameters—temperature, humidity, and light intensity—as well as time of day, to determine indoor or outdoor location, with an ultimate aim of eliminating the need to manually log location or at least providing a method to verify such logs. For this study, data collection was limited to a single geographical area (Houston, Texas metropolitan area) during a single season (winter) using a HOBO H8 four-channel data logger. Data for development of a Location Model were collected using the logger for deliberate sampling of programmed activities in outdoor, building, and vehicle locations at various times of day. The Model was developed by analyzing the distributions of environmental parameters by location and time to establish a prioritized set of cut points for assessing locations. The final Model consisted of four "processors" that varied these priorities and cut points. Data to evaluate the Model were collected by wearing the logger during "typical days" while maintaining a location log. The Model was tested by feeding the typical day data into each processor and generating assessed locations for each record. These assessed locations were then compared with true locations recorded in the manual log to determine accurate versus erroneous assessments. The utility of each processor was evaluated by calculating overall error rates across all times of day, and calculating individual error rates by time of day. Unfortunately, the error rates were large, such that there would be no benefit in using the Model. Another analysis in which assessed locations were classified as either indoor (including both building and vehicle) or outdoor yielded slightly lower error rates that still precluded any benefit of the Model's use.^