821 resultados para PEDOT PEDOT:PSS polimeri biocompatibili colture cellulari
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fabrication of optoelectronic devices requires the employment of at least one transparent electrode. Usually, commercially transparent electrodes have been made by deposition of indium tin oxide (ITO) films by RF-Sputtering technique. These commercial electrodes have sheet resistance of about 100 Ω/sq and optical transmittance of 77% at the wavelength of 550 nm. The poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene-sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) is an alternative material to fabricate transparent electrodes due to its high conductivity (about 600 S/cm) and solubility in water. Soluble conductive materials exhibits advantages for processing of electrode layers, however there is a disadvantage during devices fabrication once materials with the same solvent of the electrode material cannot be coated one over the other. Alternatively, organic/Silica hybrid materials prepared by sol-gel process allow producing bulks and films with high chemical durability. In order to obtain transparent electrodes with high chemical durability, we introduced a blended material comprising the high UV-VIS transparency of organic/Silica sol-gel material and a high conductivity polymer PEDOT:PSS. The organic/Silica sol was obtained using two different molar concentrations (1:1 and 4:1), of tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) and 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GPTS). Amounts of PEDOT:PSS solutions were added to the sol material, resulting in different weight fractions of sol and polymer. G:T/P:P were deposit onto glass substrates by spray-coating. In order to perform electrical characterization of the blended material, gold electrodes were thermally evaporated onto the films. The electrical characterization was performed using a Keithley 2410 source/meter unity and the optical characterization, using a Cary50 UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The absorption coefficient and electric conductivity of the different compositions blends, as function of the PEDOT:PSS concentration, were...
The development of new electroluminescence polymers for specific colour tuning in Polymer Light Emitting Devices (PLEDs) is currently one of the most important fields for organic electronics. This work reports a synthesis of a new electroluminescent polymer and the concomitant test as PLED emissive layer. The polymer, synthesised from fluorene, is poly(9,9`-n-dihexil-2,7-fluorenodiilvinylene-alt-2,5thiophene) or PFT The luminescence shows large bands with maxima around 480 nm in absorption and 560 nm in emission. The device was made in a three layer structure, with PEDOT:PSS as hole transport layer, PFT as emissive layer and butyl-PBD as electron transport layer. The electroluminescence spectrum shows a strong band peaked at 540 nm. For an applied voltage of 12 Volt, the brightness at normal angle of viewing is near 10 cd/m(2) and the luminous efficiency is of 0.01 lm/W. A discussion about carrier transport and the electroluminescence properties is made.
Ultra-thin (thicknesses of 50-90 nm) nanocomposite films of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles (np-CoFe2O4, 18 nm in diameter) and polyelectrolytes (doped polyaniline-PANI, poly-3,4-ethylenedioxy thiophene: polystyrene sulfonic acid-PEDOT:PSS, and sulfonated lignin-SL) are assembled layer-by-layer onto interdigitated microelectrodes aiming at to create novel nanostructured sensoactive materials for liquid media chemical sensors. The nanocomposites display a distinctive globular morphology with nanoparticles densely-packed while surrounded by polyelectrolytes. Due to the presence of np-CoFe2O4 the nanocomposites display low electrical conductivity according to impedance data. On the other hand, this apparent shortcoming turns such nanocomposites much more sensitive to the presence of ions in solution than films made exclusively of conducting polyelectrolytes. For example, the electrical resistance of np-CoFe2O4/PEDOT:PSS and PANI/SL/np-CoFe2O4/SL architectures has a 10-fold decrease when they are immersed in 20 mmol. L-1 NaCl solution. Impedance spectra fitted with the response of an equivalent circuit model suggest that the interface created between nanoparticles and polyelectrolytes plays a major role on the nanocomposites electrical/dielectrical behavior. Since charge transport is sensitive to nanoparticle-polyelectrolyte interfaces as well as to the physicochemical conditions of the environment, the np-CoFe2O4-based nanocomposites can be used as sensing elements in chemical sensors operated under ac regime and room temperature.
We present the synthesis of a copolymer structure, poly(9,9′-n-di-hexyl-2,7-fluorene-alt-2,5- bithiophene), referred to herein as LaPPS43, and its physico-chemical characterization. Thin films of this polymer mixed with phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) were used as the active layer in photovoltaic devices using the ITO/PEDOT:PSS/LaPPS43: PCBM/Ca/Al bulk heterojunction structure. The devices of different active layer thicknesses were electrically studied using J-V curves and the Photo-Celiv technique. The obtained results show that LaPPS43 combined with PCBM is a promising system for photovoltaic devices. Device performance is discussed in terms of the mean drift distance x for charge carriers. Photophysical data showed that the excitonic species are all localized in the aggregated forms. The mechanism of exciton formation and dissociation is also discussed.
Organic semiconductors have great promise in the field of electronics due to their low cost in term of fabrication on large areas and their versatility to new devices, for these reasons they are becoming a great chance in the actual technologic scenery. Some of the most important open issues related to these materials are the effects of surfaces and interfaces between semiconductor and metals, the changes caused by different deposition methods and temperature, the difficulty related to the charge transport modeling and finally a fast aging with time, bias, air and light, that can change the properties very easily. In order to find out some important features of organic semiconductors I fabricated Organic Field Effect Transistors (OFETs), using them as characterization tools. The focus of my research is to investigate the effects of ion implantation on organic semiconductors and on OFETs. Ion implantation is a technique widely used on inorganic semiconductors to modify their electrical properties through the controlled introduction of foreign atomic species in the semiconductor matrix. I pointed my attention on three major novel and interesting effects, that I observed for the first time following ion implantation of OFETs: 1) modification of the electrical conductivity; 2) introduction of stable charged species, electrically active with organic thin films; 3) stabilization of transport parameters (mobility and threshold voltage). I examined 3 different semiconductors: Pentacene, a small molecule constituted by 5 aromatic rings, Pentacene-TIPS, a more complex by-product of the first one, and finally an organic material called Pedot PSS, that belongs to the branch of the conductive polymers. My research started with the analysis of ion implantation of Pentacene films and Pentacene OFETs. Then, I studied totally inkjet printed OFETs made of Pentacene-TIPS or PEDOT-PSS, and the research will continue with the ion implantation on these promising organic devices.
Conjugated polymers and conjugated polymer blends have attracted great interest due to their potential applications in biosensors and organic electronics. The sub-100 nm morphology of these materials is known to heavily influence their electromechanical properties and the performance of devices they are part of. Electromechanical properties include charge injection, transport, recombination, and trapping, the phase behavior and the mechanical robustness of polymers and blends. Electrical scanning probe microscopy techniques are ideal tools to measure simultaneously electric (conductivity and surface potential) and dielectric (dielectric constant) properties, surface morphology, and mechanical properties of thin films of conjugated polymers and their blends.rnIn this thesis, I first present a combined topography, Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM), and scanning conductive torsion mode microscopy (SCTMM) study on a gold/polystyrene model system. This system is a mimic for conjugated polymer blends where conductive domains (gold nanoparticles) are embedded in a non-conductive matrix (polystyrene film), like for polypyrrole:polystyrene sulfonate (PPy:PSS), and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS). I controlled the nanoscale morphology of the model by varying the distribution of gold nanoparticles in the polystyrene films. I studied the influence of different morphologies on the surface potential measured by KPFM and on the conductivity measured by SCTMM. By the knowledge I gained from analyzing the data of the model system I was able to predict the nanostructure of a homemade PPy:PSS blend.rnThe morphologic, electric, and dielectric properties of water based conjugated polymer blends, e.g. PPy:PSS or PEDOT:PSS, are known to be influenced by their water content. These properties also influence the macroscopic performance when the polymer blends are employed in a device. In the second part I therefore present an in situ humidity-dependence study on PPy:PSS films spin-coated and drop-coated on hydrophobic highly ordered pyrolytic graphite substrates by KPFM. I additionally used a particular KPFM mode that detects the second harmonic electrostatic force. With this, I obtained images of dielectric constants of samples. Upon increasing relative humidity, the surface morphology and composition of the films changed. I also observed that relative humidity affected thermally unannealed and annealed PPy:PSS films differently. rnThe conductivity of a conjugated polymer may change once it is embedded in a non-conductive matrix, like for PPy embedded in PSS. To measure the conductivity of single conjugated polymer particles, in the third part, I present a direct method based on microscopic four-point probes. I started with metal core-shell and metal bulk particles as models, and measured their conductivities. The study could be extended to measure conductivity of single PPy particles (core-shell and bulk) with a diameter of a few micrometers.
In questa tesi, utilizzando le particolari proprietà del polimero conduttivo poli(3,4-etilenediossitiofene) drogato con polistirene sulfonato , o PEDOT:PSS, sono stati realizzati dei transistor elettrochimici organici (OECTs), in cui il gate e canale source-drain sono stati realizzati depositando su substrato di vetro film sottili di questo polimero. I dispositivi realizzati sono stati caratterizzati, per comprenderne meglio le funzionalità e le proprietà per possibili applicazioni future, in particolare come sensori di glucosio. Il PEDOT:PSS è uno dei materiali più studiati per applicazioni della bioelettronica in virtù della sua grande stabilità chimica e termica, della reversibilità del suo processo di drogaggio, della grande conducibilità e delle sue proprietà elettrochimiche, nonché della sua attività in un vasto range di pH. Vengono trattate nell’elaborato anche le tecniche di deposizione di questo polimero per la creazione di film sottili, necessari per le varie applicazioni nell’ambito della bioelettronica organica, la quale si propone di unire la biologia e l’elettronica in un mutuale scambio di informazioni e segnali. Questa interazione si sta verificando soprattutto nel campo sanitario, come si può evincere dagli esempi riportati nella trattazione. Si conclude la parte teorica con una descrizione degli OECTs: viene spiegata la loro struttura, la capacità di connettere conducibilità ionica ed elettronica e il loro funzionamento, inserendo anche un confronto con i FET (“Field Effect Transistor”), per agevolare la comprensione dei meccanismi presenti in questi strumenti. Per la parte sperimentale si presenta invece una descrizione dettagliata dei procedimenti, degli strumenti e degli accorgimenti usati nel fabbricare i transistor sui quali si è lavorato in laboratorio, riportando anche una piccola esposizione sulle principali misure effettuate: curve caratterische I–V, transcaratteristiche e misure di corrente nel tempo sono le principali acquisizioni fatte per studiare i dispositivi. E’ stata studiata la diversa risposta degli OECTs al variare della concentrazione di PBS in soluzione, mostrando un generale rallentamento dei processi e una diminuzione della capacità di modificare la corrente source-drain al calare della concentrazione. In seguito, è stato effettuato un confronto tra transistor appena fatti e gli stessi analizzati dopo un mese, osservando una riduzione della corrente e quindi della conducibilità, seppur senza una modifica qualitativa delle curve caratteristiche (che mantengono il loro andamento). Per quanto riguarda la possibilità di usare questi dispositivi come sensori di glucosio, si introduce uno studio preliminare sulla risposta di un transistor, il cui gate è stato funzionalizzato con ferrocene, alla presenza di glucosio e glucosio ossidasi, un enzima necessario al trasferimento di elettroni, nella soluzione elettrolitica, seppur con qualche difficoltà, per via della mancanza di informazioni sui parametri da utilizzare e il range in cui compiere le misure (tuttora oggetto di ricerca).
Questa tesi descrive lo sviluppo di un OECT (Organic Eletrochemical Transistor) basato su un polimero conduttore (PEDOT:PSS) stampato su tessuto che può essere utilizzato come sensore fisico e chimico. Il lavoro di tesi si posiziona all’interno della Wearable Technology ossia il mercato emergente dei dispositivi indossabili. Essi sono caratterizzati da innumerevoli ambiti di applicazione tra i quali troviamo le varie forme di pagamento digitale, la gestione della salute e del fitness, dell'Entertainment e l’utilizzo nel mondo della moda. Questa ricerca nello specifico mostra come tali transistor, quando utilizzati come sensori chimici, possano essere impiegati per rivelare e dosare composti redox attivi quali acido ascorbico, adrenalina e dopamina. Tali sostanze sono state scelte per l’importanza che rivestono nel metabolismo umano e la loro presenza in diversi fluidi biologici, quali sudore o sangue, può essere utile per il monitoraggio, la diagnostica e la prevenzione di diverse malattie. I sensori possono essere fabbricati mediante semplici processi di stampa su un tessuto indossabile permettendo così di monitorare tali fattori in tempo reale e con un ingombro estremamente ridotto. Il tempo di vita del dispositivo tessile è stata valutata sottoponendolo a diversi cicli di lavaggio.
In questa tesi è stato esposto il lavoro, svolto in laboratorio, di fabbricazione degli OECTs, seguito dalle misure raccolte durante le prove effettuate, con le relative analisi e discussioni dei risultati ottenuti. É stato dimostrato che gli OECTs basati sul PEDOT:PSS sono in grado di fornire una misura della concentrazione di sostanze ossidanti.
In questo lavoro verra presentata la realizzazione e la caratterizzazione di transistor organici basati su un polimero conduttore, il poli(3,4-etilenediossitiofene) polistirene sulfonato, o PEDOT:PSS. Tali transistor rientrano nella categoria degli OECT o transistor elettrochimici organici e hanno la capacita di poter rilevare ed analizzare sostanze chimiche di diverso genere presenti in soluzione. I dispositivi implementati in questa tesi sono stati ottenuti tramite la deposizione del materiale organico conduttivo su substrato tessile al fine di creare un device completamente integrabile in un capo di abbigliamento o in un qualsiasi utilizzo in campo tessile. In particolare questi transistor sono stati studiati per la rilevazione di sostanze quali acido ascorbico, dopamina e adrenalina. Gli ultimi due analiti sono di importanza particolare poiche facenti parte della famiglia dei neurotrasmettitori. Inoltre in questa tesi sono stati creati fili di cotone conduttivi, sempre tramite l'utilizzo di PEDOT:PSS. Tali fili infatti sono risultati ottimi candidati per il trasporto di un segnale elettrico e per questo sono stati implementati nella costruzione di un OECT. La realizzazione dei fili conduttivi potra permettere un ulteriore avanzamento nella completa integrabilita dell'elettronica con il settore tessile. Una peculiarita aggiuntiva di questo lavoro e stata quella di utilizzare il sudore artificiale come elettrolita, oltre al normale PBS che costituisce ormai uno standard in questo tipo di ricerche. L'utilizzo del sudore artificiale rientra nell'ottica futura di un utilizzo di questi sensori come rilevatori di sostanze chimiche emesse dal corpo umano sfruttabili diversi ambiti, ovvero dall'attivita sportiva alla prevenzione, in ambito medico, di diverse malattie.
Nanomedicine is a new branch of medicine, based on the potentiality and intrinsic properties of nanomaterials. Indeed, the nanomaterials ( i.e. the materials with nano and under micron size) can be suitable to different applications in biomedicine. The nanostructures can be used by taking advantage of their properties (for example superparamagnetic nanoparticles) or functionalized to deliver the drug in a specific target, thanks the ability to cross biological barriers. The size and the shape of 1D-nanostructures (nanotubes and nanowires) have an important role on the cell fate: their morphology plays a key role on the interaction between nanostructure and the biological system. For this reason the 1D nanostructure are interesting for their ability to mime the biological system. An implantable material or device must therefore integrate with the surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM), a complex network of proteins with structural and signaling properties. Innovative techniques allow the generation of complex surface patterns that can resemble the structure of the ECM, such as 1D nanostructures. NWs based on cubic silicon carbide (3C-SiC), either bare (3C-SiC NWs) or surrounded by an amorphous shell (3C-SiC/SiO2 core/shell NWs), and silicon oxycarbide nanowires (SiOxCy NWs) can meet the chemical, mechanical and electrical requirements for tissue engineering and have a strong potential to pave the way for the development of a novel generation of implantable nano-devices. Silicon oxycarbide shows promising physical and chemical properties as elastic modulus, bending strength and hardness, chemical durability superior to conventional silicate glasses in aggressive environments and high temperature stability up to 1300 °C. Moreover, it can easily be engineered through functionalization and decoration with macro-molecules and nanoparticles. Silicon carbide has been extensively studied for applications in harsh conditions, as chemical environment, high electric field and high and low temperature, owing to its high hardness, high thermal conductivity, chemical inertness and high electron mobility. Also, its cubic polytype (3C) is highly biocompatible and hemocompatible, and some prototypes of biomedical applications and biomedical devices have been already realized starting from 3C-SiC thin films. Cubic SiC-based NWs can be used as a biomimetic biomaterial, providing a robust and novel biocompatible biological interface . We cultured in vitro A549 human lung adenocarcinoma epithelial cells and L929 murine fibroblast cells over core/shell SiC/SiO2, SiOxCy and bare 3C-SiC nanowire platforms, and analysed the cytotoxicity, by indirect and direct contact tests, the cell adhesion, and the cell proliferation. These studies showed that all the nanowires are biocompatible according to ISO 10993 standards. We evaluated the blood compatibility through the interaction of the nanowires with platelet rich plasma. The adhesion and activation of platelets on the nanowire bundles, assessed via SEM imaging and soluble P-selectin quantification, indicated that a higher platelet activation is induced by the core/shell structures compared to the bare ones. Further, platelet activation is higher with 3C-SiC/SiO2 NWs and SiOxCyNWs, which therefore appear suitable in view of possible tissue regeneration. On the contrary, bare 3C-SiC NWs show a lower platelet activation and are therefore promising in view of implantable bioelectronics devices, as cardiovascular implantable devices. The NWs properties are suitable to allow the design of a novel subretinal Micro Device (MD). This devices is based on Si NWs and PEDOT:PSS, though the well know principle of the hybrid ordered bulk heterojunction (OBHJ). The aim is to develop a device based on a well-established photovoltaic technology and to adapt this know-how to the prosthetic field. The hybrid OBHJ allows to form a radial p–n junction on a nanowire/organic structure. In addition, the nanowires increase the light absorption by means of light scattering effects: a nanowires based p-n junction increases the light absorption up to the 80%, as previously demonstrated, overcoming the Shockley-Queisser limit of 30 % of a bulk p-n junction. Another interesting employment of these NWs is to design of a SiC based epicardial-interacting patch based on teflon that include SiC nanowires. . Such contact patch can bridge the electric conduction across the cardiac infarct as nanowires can ‘sense’ the direction of the wavefront propagation on the survival cardiac tissue and transmit it to the downstream surivived regions without discontinuity. The SiC NWs are tested in terms of toxicology, biocompatibility and conductance among cardiomyocytes and myofibroblasts.
Organic Solar Cells (OSCs) represent a photovoltaic technology with multiple interesting application properties. However, the establishment of this technology into the market is subject to the achievement of operational lifetimes appropriate to their application purposes. Thus, comprehensive understanding of the degradation mechanisms occurring in OSCs is mandatory in both selecting more intrinsically stable components and/or device architectures and implementing strategies that mitigate the encountered stability issues. Inverted devices can suffer from mechanical stress and delamination at the interface between the active layer, e.g. poly(3-hexylthiophene):[6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (P3HT:PCBM), and the hole transport layer, e.g. poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(p-styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS). This work proposes the incorporation of a thin adhesive interlayer, consisting of a diblock copolymer composed of a P3HT block and a thermally-triggerable, alkyl-protected PSS block. In this context, the synthesis of poly(neopentyl p-styrene sulfonate) (PNSS) with controlled molar mass and low dispersity (Ð ≤ 1.50) via Reversible Addition-Fragmentation chain Transfer (RAFT) polymerisation has been extensively studied. Subsequently, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) was explored to characterise the thermal deprotection of P3HT-b-PNSS thin layers to yield amphiphilic P3HT-b-PSS, indicating that surface deprotection prior to thermal treatment could occur. Finally, structural variation of the alkyl protecting group in PSS allowed reducing the thermal treatment duration from 3 hours (P3HT-b-PNSS) to 45 minutes for the poly(isobutyl p-styrene sulfonate) (PiBSS) analogous copolymer. Another critical issue regarding the stability of OSCs is the sunlight-driven chemical degradation of the active layer. In the study herein, the combination of experimental techniques and theoretical calculations has allowed identification of the structural weaknesses of poly[(4,4’- bis(2-ethylhexyl) dithieno [3,2-b:2’,3’-d]silole)-2,6-diyl-alt-(4,7-bis(2-thienyl)-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole)-5,5’-diyl], Si-PCPDTBT, upon photochemical treatment in air. Additionally, the study of the relative photodegradation rates in air of a series of polymers with systematically modified backbones and/or alkyl side chains has shown no direct correlation between chemical structure and stability. It is proposed instead that photostability is highly dependent on the crystalline character of the deposited films. Furthermore, it was verified that photostability of blends based on these polymers is dictated by the (de)stabilising effect that [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) has over each polymer. Finally, a multiscale analysis on the degradation of solar cells based on poly[4,4' bis(2- ethylhexyl) dithieno[3,2-b:2',3'-d]silole)-2,6-diyl-alt-[2,5 bis(3 tetradecylthiophen 2-yl)thiazole[5,4-d]thiazole)-1,8-diyl] and PCBM, indicated that by judicious selection of device layers, architectures, and encapsulation materials, operational lifetimes up to 3.3 years with no efficiency losses can be successfully achieved.
Lo scopo di questa tesi è valutare l’attività di uptake delle cellule nei confronti di nanoparticelle di silice fluorescenti e il loro possibile effetto citotossico. Per verificare l’attività di uptake delle cellule abbiamo utilizzato 4 diverse linee cellulari tumorali umane e abbiamo studiato il comportamento delle nanoparticelle all’interno delle cellule grazie all’utilizzo del microscopio a fluorescenza, con cui abbiamo potuto valutare se le particelle sono in grado di penetrare nel nucleo, soprattutto ad alte concentrazioni o a lunghi tempi di incubazione. Per questa valutazione abbiamo effettuato incubazioni a concentrazioni crescenti di nanoparticelle e a tempi di incubazione sempre più lunghi. Inoltre, abbiamo coltivato le cellule sia in condizioni di crescita ottimali, addizionando il terreno con FBS, che in condizioni subottimali, senza l’aggiunta di FBS nel terreno, perché abbiamo ipotizzato che le proteine presenti nell’FBS potessero disporsi come una corona esternamente alle cellule, ostacolando l’uptake delle nanoparticelle. Infine, abbiamo valutato se le diverse linee cellulari avessero dei comportamenti diversi nei confronti dell’internalizzazione delle nanoparticelle. Per quanto riguarda la valutazione di un possibile effetto citotossico delle nanoparticelle, invece, abbiamo effettuato dei saggi di vitalità cellulare, anche in questo caso utilizzando 4 linee cellulari differenti. Come per l’analisi in microscopia, abbiamo effettuato l’incubazione a concentrazioni crescenti di nanoparticelle, a tempi di incubazione sempre più lunghi e in condizioni ottimali, aggiungendo FBS al terreno, o subottimali, senza FBS. Queste variazioni nelle condizioni di incubazione erano necessarie per capire se la vitalità cellulare potesse dipendere da un’alta concentrazione di nanoparticelle, da lunghi tempi di incubazione e dalla presenza o assenza di FBS e se l’effetto fosse diverso a seconda della linea cellulare sottoposta al trattamento.
The Chemically Modified Electrodes (CME) are widely used in electroanalytical chemistry as chemical sensors. The interest in the covalent anchoring of a redox mediator on the electrode surface is increasing, because it allows the sensibility and the selectivity of this kind of systems to improve. My work is situated in this field of research and involves the synthesis of new Iron(0) complexes that contain cyclopentadienone, N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) and carbonyl ancillary ligands. These complexes have shown electrochemical properties similar to those of ferrocene (organometallic compound widely used as electrochemical sensor). These complexes have been properly functionalized with a EDOT group in the NHC ligand side chain that it was after used for the realization of Electrochemically Modified PEDOT thanks to copolymerization reaction between the functionalized complex and the EDOT in different amounts. All the synthetic steps were assisted by suitable characterizations (NMR, IR, ESI-MS, cyclic voltammetry and X-ray for the monomeric compound as imidazolium salt and NHC functionalized complexes; cyclic voltammetry, IR e SEM for the copolymers). The properties of the polymer as a selective sensor was preliminarily investigated for dopamine and 2-propanol.