184 resultados para PECTORAL GIRDLE
The distribution and density of the ampullary electroreceptors in the skin of elasmobranchs are influenced by the phylogeny and ecology of a species. Sensory maps were created for 4 species of pristid sawfish. Their ampullary pores were separated into pore fields based on their innervation and cluster formation. Ventrally, ampullary pores are located in 6 areas (5 in Pristis microdon), covering the rostrum and head to the gills. Dorsally, pores are located in 4 areas (3 in P. microdon), which cover the rostrum, head and may extend slightly onto the pectoral fins. In all species, the highest number of pores is found on the dorsal and ventral sides of the rostrum. The high densities of pores along the rostrum combined with the low densities around the mouth could indicate that sawfish use their rostrum to stun their prey before ingesting it, but this hypothesis remains to be tested. The directions of ampullary canals on the ventral side of the rostrum are species specific. P. microdon possesses the highest number of ampullary pores, which indicates that amongst the study species this species is an electroreception specialist. As such, juvenile P. microdon inhabit low-visibility freshwater habitats.
Skeletal muscle cells are highly specialised in order to accomplish their function. During development, the fusion of hundreds of immature myoblasts creates large syncytial myofibres with a highly ordered cytoplasm filled with packed myofibrils. The assembly and organisation of contractile myofibrils must be tightly controlled. Indeed, the number of proteins involved in sarcomere building is impressive, and the role of many of them has only recently begun to be elucidated. Myotilin was originally identified as a high affinity a-actinin binding protein in yeast twohybrid screen. It was then found to interact also with filamin C, actin, ZASP and FATZ-1. Human myotilin is mainly expressed in striated muscle and induces efficient actin bundling in vitro and in cells. Moreover, mutations in myotilin cause different forms of muscle disease, now collectively known as myotilinopathies. In this thesis, consisting of three publications, the work on the mouse orthologue is presented. First, the cloning and molecular characterisation of the mouse myotilin gene showed that human and mouse myotilin share high sequence homology and a similar expression pattern and gene regulation. Functional analysis of the mouse promoter revealed the myogenic factor-binding elements that are required for myotilin gene transcription. Secondly, expression of myotilin was studied during mouse embryogenesis. Surprisingly, myotilin was expressed in a wide array of tissues at some stages of development; its expression pattern became more restricted at perinatal stages and in adult life. Immunostaining of human embryos confirmed broader myotilin expression compared to the sarcomeric marker titin. Finally, in the third article, targeted deletion of myotilin gene in mice revealed that it is not essential for muscle development and function. These data altogether indicate that the mouse can be used as a model for human myotilinopathy and that loss of myotilin does not alter significantly muscle structure and function. Therefore, disease-associated mutant myotilin may act as a dominant myopathic factor.
Poikkijuovaisen luuranko- ja sydänlihaksen supistumisyksikkö, sarkomeeri, koostuu tarkoin järjestyneistä aktiini- ja myosiinisäikeistä. Rakenne eroaa muista solutyypeistä, joissa aktiinisäikeistö muovautuu jatkuvasti ja sen järjestyminen säätelee solun muotoa, solujakautumista, soluliikettä ja solunsisäisten organellien kuljetusta. Myotilin, palladin ja myopalladin kuuluvat proteiiniperheeseen, jonka yhteispiirteenä ovat immunoglobuliinin kaltaiset (Igl) domeenit. Proteiinit liittyvät aktiinitukirankaan ja niiden arvellaan toimivan solutukirangan rakenne-elementteinä ja säätelijöinä. Myotilinia ja myopalladinia ilmennetään poikkijuovaisessa lihaksessa. Sen sijaan palladinin eri silmukointimuotoja tavataan monissa kudostyypeissä kuten hermostossa, ja eri muodoilla saattaa olla solutyypistä riippuvia tehtäviä. Poikkijuovaisessa lihaksessa kaikki perheen jäsenet sijaitsevat aktiinisäikeitä yhdistävässä Z-levyssä ja ne sitovat Z-levyn rakenneproteiinia, -aktiniinia. Myotilingeenin pistemutaatiot johtavat periytyviin lihastauteihin, kun taas palladinin mutaatioiden on kuvattu liittyvän periytyvään haimasyöpään ja lisääntyneeseen sydäninfarktin riskiin. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettin myotilinin ja pallainin toimintaa. Kokeissa löydettiin uusia palladinin 90-92kDa alatyyppiin sitoutuvia proteiineja. Yksi niistä on aktiinidynamiikkaa säätelevä profilin. Profilinilla on kahdenlaisia tehtäviä; se edesauttaa aktiinisäikeiden muodostumista, mutta se voi myös eristää yksittäisiä aktiinimolekyylejä ja edistää säikeiden hajoamista. Solutasolla palladinin ja profilinin sijainti on yhtenevä runsaasti aktiinia sisältävillä solujen reuna-alueilla. Palladinin ja profilinin sidos on heikko ja hyvin dynaaminen, joka sopii palladinin tehtävään aktiinisäideiden muodostumisen koordinoijana. Toinen palladinin sitoutumiskumppani on aktiinisäikeitä yhteensitova -aktiniini. -Aktiniini liittää solutukirangan solukalvon proteiineihin ja ankkuroi solunsisäisiä viestintämolekyylejä. Sitoutumista välittävä alue on hyvin samankaltainen palladinissa ja myotilinissa. Luurankolihaksen liiallinen toistuva venytys muuttaa Z-levyjen rakennetta ja muotoa. Prosessin aikana syntyy uusia aktiinifilamenttejä sisältäviä tiivistymiä ja lopulta uusia sarkomeereja. Löydöstemme perusteella myotilinin uudelleenjärjestyminen noudattaa aktiinin muutoksia. Tämä viittaa siihen, että myotilin liittää yhteen uudismuodostuvia aktiinisäikeitä ja vakauttaa niitä. Myotilin saattaa myös ankkuroida viesti- tai rakennemolekyylejä, joiden tehtävänä on edesauttaa Z-levyjen uudismuodostusta. Tulostemme perusteella arvelemme, että myotilin toimii Z-levyjen rakenteen vakaajana ja aktiinisäikeiden säätelijänä. Palladinin puute johtaa sikiöaikaiseen kuolemaan hiirillä, mutta myotilinin puutoksella ei ole samanlaisia vaikutuksia. Tuotettujen myotilin poistogeenisten hiirten todetiin syntyvän ja kehittyvän normaalisti eikä niillä esiintynyt rakenteellisia tai toiminnallisia häiriöitä. Toisaalta aiemmissa kokeissa, joissa hiirille on siirretty ihmisen lihastautia aikaansaava myotilingeeni, nähdään samankaltaisia kuin sairailla ihmisillä. Näin ollen muuntunut myotilin näyttä olevan lihaksen toiminnalle haitallisempi kuin myotilinin puute. Myotilinin ja palladinin yhteisvaikutusta selvittääksemme risteytimme myotilin poistegeenisen hiiren ja hiirilinjan, joka ilmentää puutteellisesti palladinin 200 kDa muotoa. Puutteellisesti 200 kDa palladinia ilmentävien hiirten sydänlihaksessa todettiin vähäisiä hienorakenteen muutoksia, mutta risteytetyillä hiirillä tavattiin rakenteellisia ja toiminnallisia muutoksia myös luurankolihaksessa. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että palladinin 200 kDa muoto säätelee sydänlihassolujen rakennetta. Luurankolihaksessa sen sijaan myotilinilla ja palladinilla näyttäisi olevan päällekkäisiä tehtäviä.
Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) are rare tumors of soft tissue occurring most frequently in the extremities. Modern treatment of extremity STS is based on limb-sparing surgery combined with radiotherapy. To prevent local recurrence, a healthy tissue margin of 2.5 cm around the resected tumor is required. This results in large defects of soft tissue and bone, necessitating the use of reconstructive surgery to achieve wound closure. When local or pedicled soft tissue flaps are unavailable, reconstruction with free flaps is used. Free flaps are elevated at a distant site, and have their blood flow restored at the recipient site through microvascular anastomosis. When limb-sparing surgery is made impossible, amputation is the only option. Proximal amputation such as forequarter amputation (FQA) causes considerable morbidity, but is nevertheless warranted for carefully selected patients for cure or palliation. 116 patients treated in 1985 - 2006 were included in the study. Of these, 93 patients treated with limb-sparing surgery and microvascular reconstructive surgery after resection of extremity STS. 25 patients who underwent FQA were also included. Patients were identified and their medical records retrospectively reviewed. In all, 105 free flap procedures were performed for 103 patients. A total of 95 curatively treated STS patients were included in survival analysis. The latissimus dorsi, used in 56% of cases, was the most frequently used free flap. Free flap success rate was 96%. There were 9% microvascular anastomosis complications and 15% wound complications. For curatively treated STS patients, local recurrence-free survival at 5 years was 73.1%, metastasis-free survival 58.3%, and overall disease-specific survival 68.9%. Functional results were good, with 75% of patients regaining normal or near-normal function after lower extremity, and 55% after upper extremity STS resection. Among curatively treated forequarter amputees, 5-year disease-free survival was 44%. In the palliatively treated group median time until disease death was 14 months. Microvascular reconstruction after extremity soft tissue sarcoma resection is safe and reliable, and produces well-healing wounds allowing early oncological treatment. Oncological outcome after these procedures is comparable to that of other extremity sarcoma patients. Functional results are generally good. Forequarter amputation is a useful treatment option for soft tissue tumors of the shoulder girdle and proximal upper extremity. When free flap coverage of extended forequarter amputation is required, the preferable flap is a fillet flap from the amputated extremity. Acceptable oncological outcome is achieved for curatively treated FQA patients. In the palliatively treated patient considerable periods of increased quality of life can be achieved.
Plexins (plxn) are receptors of semaphorins (sema), which were originally characterized as axon guidance cues. Semaphorin-plexin signalling has now been implicated in many other developmental and pathological processes. In this thesis, my first aim was to study the expression of plexins during mouse development. My second aim was to study the function of Plexin B2 in the development of the kidney. Thirdly, my objective was to elucidate the evolutionary conservation of Plexin B2 by investigating its sequence, expression and function in developing zebrafish. I show by in situ hybridisation that plexins are widely expressed also in the non-neuronal tissues during mouse development. Plxnb1 and Plxnb2, for example, are expressed also in the ureteric epithelium, developing glomeruli and undifferentiated metanephric mesenchyme of the developing kidney. Plexin B2-deficient (Plxnb2-/-) mice die before birth and have severe defects in the nervous system. I demonstrate that they develop morphologically normal but hypoplastic kidneys. The ureteric epithelium of Plxnb2-/- kidneys has fewer branches and a lower rate of proliferating cells. 10% of the embryos show unilateral double ureters and kidneys. The defect in the branching is intrinsic to the epithelium as the isolated ureteric epithelium grown in vitro fails to respond to Glial-cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor (Gdnf). We prove by co-immunoprecipitation that Plexin B2 interacts with the Gdnf-receptor Ret. Sema4C, the Plexin B2 ligand, increases branching of the ureteric epithelium in controls but not in Plxnb2-/- kidney explants. These results suggest that Sema4C-Plexin B2 signalling modulates ureteric branching in a positive manner, possibly through directly regulating the activation of Ret. I cloned the zebrafish orthologs of Plexin B2, Plexin B2a and B2b. The corresponding proteins contain the conserved domains the B-subfamily plexins. Especially the expression pattern of plxnb2b recapitulates many aspects of the expression pattern of Plxnb2 in mouse. Plxnb2a and plxnb2b are expressed, for example, in the pectoral fins and at the midbrain-hindbrain region during zebrafish development. The nearly complete knockdown of Plexin B2a alone or together with the 45% knockdown of Plexin B2b did not interfere with the normal development of the zebrafish. In conclusion, my thesis reveals that plexins are broadly expressed during mouse embryogenesis. It also shows that Sema4C-Plexin B2 signalling modulates the branching of the ureteric epithelium during kidney development, perhaps through a direct interaction with Ret. Finally, I show that the sequence and expression of Plexin B2a and B2b are conserved in zebrafish. Their knockdown does not, however, result in the exencephaly phenotype of Plxnb2-/- mice.
Brachial plexus birth injury (BPBI) is caused by stretching, tearing or avulsion of the C5-C8 or Th1 nerve roots during delivery. Foetal-maternal disproportion is the main reason for BPBI. The goal of this study was to find out the incidence of posterior subluxation of the humeral head during first year of life in BPBI and optimal timing of the ultrasonographic screening of the glenohumeral joint. The glenohumeral congruity and posterior subluxation of the humeral head associated to muscle atrophy were assessed and surgical treatment of the shoulder girdle as well as muscle changes in elbow flexion contracture were evaluated. The prospective, population based part of the study included all neonates born in Helsinki area during years 2003-2006. Patients with BPBI sent to the Hospital for Children and Adolescents because of decreased external rotation, internal rotation contracture or deformation of the glenohumeral joint as well as patients with elbow flexion contracture were also included in this prospective study. The incidence of BPBI was calculated to be 3.1/1000 newborns in Helsinki area. About 80% of the patients with BPBI recover totally during the follow-up within the first year of life. Permanent plexus injury at the age of one year was noted in 20% of the patients (0.64/1000 newborns). Muscle imbalance resulted in sonographically detected posterior subluxation in one third of the patients with permanent BPBI. If muscle imbalance and posterior subluxation are left untreated bony deformities will develop. All patients with internal rotation contracture of the glenohumeral joint presented muscle atrophy of the rotator cuff muscles. Especially subscapular and infraspinous muscles were affected. A correlation was found particularly between greatest thickness of subscapular muscle and subluxation of the humeral head, degree of glenoid retroversion, as well as amount of internal rotation contracture. Supinator muscle atrophy was evident among all the studied patients with elbow flexion contracture. Brachial muscle pathology seemed to be an important factor for elbow flexion contracture in BPBI. Residual dysfunction of the upper extremity may require operative treatment such as tendon lengthening, tendon transfers, relocation of the humeral head or osteotomy of the humerus. Relocation of the humeral head improved the glenohumeral congruency among patients under 5 years of age. Functional improvement without remodeling of the glenohumeral joint was achieved by other reconstructive procedures. In conclusion: Shoulder screening by US should be done to all patients with permanent BPBI at the age of 3 and 6 months. Especially atrophy of the subscapular muscle correlates with glenohumeral deformity and posterior subluxation of the humeral head, which has not been reported in previous studies. Permanent muscle changes are the main reason for diminished range of motion of the elbow and forearm. Relocation of the humeral head, when needed, should be performed under the age of 5 years.
The purpose of the present study was to confirm the migratory habits of the anchovy, Lycengraulis olidus (Günther), between fresh and sea water environments. Anchovies were examined from three freshwater localities: Bella Vista and Rosario (Paraná river) and Punta Lara (La Plata river), and from four marine localities; Mar del Plata, Bahia Blanca, San Blas and Patagones, all in the Argentine Republic. Five meristic and nine morphometric characters were selected for study, namely: vertebrae; dorsal, pectoral and anal fin rays; gill rakers on the first gill arch; head-length; body-depth; distance between the snout and dorsal, pectoral, ventral and anal fin; eye-diameter; snout and maxilary. The food of the anchovy in fresh and sea water consists principally of fish and crustaceans including copepods, paleamonids, sergestids and larvae of Brachyura. The condition factor of the anchovy was lower in the fresh-water samples and higher in the marine samples. (PDF has 32 pages (two pages on each)
Developmental stages of 22 species representing 16 genera of agonid fishes occurring in the northeastern Pacific Ocean from San Francisco Bay to the Arctic Ocean are presented. Three of these species also occur in the North Atlantic Ocean. Larval stages of nine species are described for the first time. Additional information or illustrations intended to augment original descriptions are provided for eight species. Information on five other species is provided from the literature for comparative purposes. The primary objective of this guide is to present taxonomic characters to help identify the early life history stages of agonid fishes in field collections. Meristic, morphometric, osteological, and pigmentation characters are used to identify agonid larvae. Meristic features include numbers of median-fin elements, pectoral-fin rays, dermal plates, and vertebrae. Eye diameter, body depth at the pectoral-fin origin, snout to first dorsal-fin length, and pectoral-fin length are the most useful morphological characters. Presence, absence, numbers, and/or patterns of dermal plates in lateral rows or on the ventral surface of the gut are also useful. Other important characters are the presence, absence, numbers, and ornamentation of larval head spines. Lastly, distinct pigmentation patterns are often diagnostic. The potential utility of larval characters in phylogenetic analysis of the family Agonidae is discussed. (PDF file contains 92 pages.)
This report presents meristic data for nearly all of the known species of Sebasles. Rudimentary caudal ray counts tend to be higher in more active species. The number of caudal rays supported by the hypurals is consistently 14, whereas the number of branched caudal rays varies between 11 and 13. Vertebral counts and most fin-ray counts tend to be lower in species or populations in warmer latitudes, except for pectoral ray counts which tend to have an opposite geographic pattern. On the basis of the small magnitude of meristic and morphometric differences and the lack of other differences between northern and southern samples of "Sebasles caurinus," Sebaslichlhys vexillaris Jordan and Gilbert is regarded as a junior synonym of Sebasles caurinus Richardson. The patterns of bilateral variation in paired meristics are analyzed and their mechanism discussed. The frequency distribution of pectoral ray counts in their right-left combination is shown to be useful in species separation. No association was found between any combination of two meristic features in any species. The author proposes that intrasample associations between meristic features are evidence of sampling heterogeneity. (PDF file contains 21 pages.)
Detailed descriptions of the early development of the striped bass, Roccus saxitilis (Walbaum), with emphasis on variation in size and morphology, sequence of fin formation, changes in body form, and attainment of the full complement of maristic numbers, are presented and illustrated for the first time. The egg is spherical, transparent, non-adhesive and relatively large. It is pelagic and buoyant, although it sinks in quiet fresh water. When unfertilized, it averages 1.3 mm, in diameter, but is 3.4 mm. when fertilized and water-hardened. The granular yolk sac, green when alive and whitish-yellow when preserved, averages 1.2 mm., and the single amber-colored oil globule is about 0.6 mm. in diameter. Newly hatched striped bass prolarvae, which range from 2.9-3.7 mm. in total length, are relatively undeveloped and nearly transparent, with no mouth opening, unpigmented eyes, and a greatly enlarged yolk sac with the large oil globule projecting beyond the head. When 5-6 mm. long the yolk sac and oil globule are assimilated and the postlarvae I show advanced development of the internal anatomy. Although the fish is still transparent, scattered melanophores are found on the head and body and chromatophores in the eyes and the ventro-posterior edge of the body. Postlarvae transform to young between 7 and 10 mm. in length when the finfolds are lost except in the dorsal, anal and caudal regions. The largest fish in this group possess a well-formed skeleton with a full complement of 25 vertebrae. Between 10 and 20 mm. in length all fish are fully transformed, muscular tissue renders most of the internal structure obscure, and the myotomes, which generally correspond in number with the vertebrae, are no longer visible. At fish lengths of 20-30 mm. scales are found on all specimens, and with the exception of the pectoral fin-rays, a full complement of meristic structures is present in all other fins. At this stage the body is pigmented uniformly with small spots. Linear regressions between several dependent variables and the , independent variable of standard length indicate that the rate of development of head, eye. and snout to anus lengths is proportional to the length of the larvae and young. Body depth and standard length are non-linear among newly-hatched larvae. Hatchery-reared striped bass demonstrated a slow rate of growth, and were regarded as "stunted," when compared to growth rates observed in another study and field collections. Observations were also made on abnormal eggs and teratological larvae and young. Blue-sac disease is tentatively identified and described for the first time in larvae and pugnosed larvae and young are also described for the first time in striped bass.
O gênero Achirus é composto por nove espécies distribuídas em oceanos e rios em ambos os lados da América do Norte, Central e Sul. Devido à ausência de descrições anatômicas adequadas e de um estudo recente que englobe todo o gênero, as espécies são frequentemente difíceis de serem identificadas e estudadas dentro de um contexto filogenético/biogeográfico. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo objetivou revisar a taxonomia do gênero Achirus através da análise morfológica/osteológica de algumas de suas espécies (cf. Achirus lineatus e Achirus declivis), comparando-as com os dados existentes em literatura relativos às demais espécies do gênero. Os resultados sugerem que todas as espécies são válidas, entretanto, evidencia a pouca quantidade de informações relativas às espécies Achirus mucuri e Achirus zebrinus. Achirus declivis diferiu de Achirus lineatus por possuir a região dorsal mais inclinada, o proceso ascendente do pré-maxilar do lado cego obliquamente direcionado, com o processo anterior expandido e a nadadeira peitoral desenvolvida. Achirus achirus apresentou uma distribuição consideravelmente maior do que o documentado na literatura. Adicionalmente, é apresentada uma chave de identificação englobando todas as espécies pertencentes ao gênero Achirus, bem como a revisão de sua distribuição geográfica, comparando-as com modelos biogeográficos propostos em literatura para táxons neotropicais.
A Doença Inflamatória Intestinal (DII) é uma desordem caracterizada pela inflamação difusa do trato gastrointestinal. Os dois principais tipos de DII são a Retocolite Ulcerativa (RCU) e a Doença de Crohn (DC) e ambas cursam com alterações no estado nutricional (EN). O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a composição corporal, obtida por meio de diferentes métodos, em pacientes com DC e RCU em atendimento ambulatorial, avaliando possíveis diferenças nos grupos de doentes entre si e quando comparados a indivíduos saudáveis. Foi realizado um estudo transversal incluindo 101 pacientes com DII, sendo 50 com DC (GDC) e 51 com RCU (GRCU), além de 35 indivíduos saudáveis (GCON), selecionados no Ambulatório do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE) da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Informações sócio-demográficas e pessoais, como prática de exercício físico, tabagismo, doenças pregressas e procedimentos cirúrgicos prévios foram coletadas. A avaliação antropométrica consistiu de: peso; altura; circunferências do braço, da cintura e do quadril; circunferência muscular do braço (CMB) e pregas cutâneas do tríceps, bíceps, peitoral, axilar, subescapular, suprailíaca, supraespinhal, abdominal, perna e coxa. O percentual de gordura corporal (% GC) foi estimado a partir de equações que utilizam o somatório de pregas cutâneas e por meio de bioimpedância elétrica (BIA). Para estimar o percentual de gordura subcutânea foi utilizado o somatório de dez dobras. As variáveis laboratoriais analisadas foram: hemograma completo, proteínas totais, albumina, globulina, velocidade de hemossedimentação e proteína C reativa. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando-se o software STATA versão 10.0. A classificação do EN, por meio do índice de massa corporal (IMC), evidenciou baixa prevalência de desnutrição nos três grupos avaliados. Ao analisar diretamente as medidas antropométricas de peso e IMC, observou-se que os pacientes com DC apresentaram valores significativamente menores do que os indivíduos do grupo controle. A avaliação da CMB mostrou que os pacientes do GDC e GRCU apresentaram depleção de massa magra em comparação aos indivíduos do GCON, porém sem apresentar diferenças entre os dois grupos de pacientes com DII. Em relação ao %GC obtido por BIA não foram verificadas diferenças entre os três grupos de estudo. Ao se verificar o %GC com a utilização das fórmulas de Peterson, Durnin & Womersley e Jackson & Pollock (que utiliza o somatório de três dobras) observou-se que os pacientes com DC apresentaram tecido adiposo significativamente depletado em relação aos indivíduos do GCON e do GRCU. Ao compararmos os %GC obtidos por diferentes métodos de estimativa, observou-se que as equações de Jackson & Pollock (que utilizam o somatório de três e sete dobras) apresentaram resultados significativamente menores quando comparados aos das equações de Peterson e Durnin & Womersley, nos dois grupos de pacientes. Os níveis séricos de proteínas totais e albumina, e a contagem total de hemácias foram menores nos indivíduos com DC quando comparados aos indivíduos do grupo controle e/ou aos indivíduos do grupo com RCU. Os pacientes com DC apresentaram comprometimento importante do EN em comparação aos pacientes com RCU e, notadamente, em relação aos indivíduos saudáveis.
The Caranx hippos species complex comprises three extant species: crevalle jack (Caranx hippos) (Linnaeus, 1766) from both the western and eastern Atlantic oceans; Pacific crevalle jack (Caranx caninus) Günther, 1868 from the eastern Pacific Ocean; and longfin crevalle jack (Caranx fischeri) new species, from the eastern Atlantic, including the Mediterranean Sea and Ascension Island. Adults of all three species are superficially similar with a black blotch on the lower half of the pectoral fin, a black spot on the upper margin of opercle, one or two pairs of enlarged symphyseal canines on the lower jaw, and a similar pattern of breast squamation. Each species has a different pattern of hyperostotic bone development and anal-fin color. The two sympatric eastern Atlantic species also differ from each other in number of dorsal-and anal-fin rays, and in large adults of C. fischeri the lobes of these fins are longer and the body is deeper. Caranx hippos from opposite sides of the Atlantic are virtually indistinguishable externally but differ consistently in the expression of hyperostosis of the first dorsalfin pterygiophore. The fossil species Caranx carangopsis Steindachner 1859 appears to have been based on composite material of Trachurus sp. and a fourth species of the Caranx hippos complex. Patterns of hyperostotic bone development are compared in the nine (of 15 total) species of Caranx sensu stricto that exhibit hyperostosis.
Prior to Pietsch’s (1993) revision of the genus Triglops, identification of their larvae was difficult; six species co-occur in the eastern North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea and three co-occur in the western North Atlantic Ocean. We examined larvae from collections of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center and Atlantic Reference Centre and used updated meristic data, pigment patterns, and morphological characters to identify larvae of Triglops forficatus, T. macellus, T. murrayi, T. nybelini, T. pingeli, and T. scepticus; larvae of T. metopias, T. dorothy, T. jordani, and T. xenostethus have yet to be identified and are thus not included in this paper. Larval Triglops are characterized by a high myomere count (42–54), heavy dorsolateral pigmentation on the gut, and a pointed snout. Among species co-occurring in the eastern North Pacific Ocean, T. forficatus, T. macellus, and T. pingeli larvae are distinguished from each other by meristic counts and presence or absence of a series of postanal ventral melanophores. Triglops scepticus is differentiated from other eastern North Pacific Ocean larvae by having 0–3 postanal ventral melanophores, a large eye, and a large body depth. Among species co-occurring in the western North Atlantic Ocean, T. murrayi and T. pingeli larvae are distinguished from each other by meristic counts (vertebrae, dorsal-fin rays, and anal-fin rays once formed), number of postanal ventral melanophores, and first appearance and size of head spines. Triglops nybelini is distinguished from T. murrayi and T. pingeli by a large eye, pigment on the lateral line and dorsal midline in flexion larvae, and a greater number of dorsal-fin rays and pectoral-fin rays once formed.
A new species of mullet (Mugil) from Nipe Bay. North coast of Oriente Province, Cuba. The absence of axillary scale of pectoral fins, a very slender body and a notably elongated caudal peduncle are among the most diagnostic features of a new species.