983 resultados para PCR-RFLP ANALYSIS
Four A-genome species of the genus Arachis ( A. cardenasii, A. correntina, A. duranensis, A. kempff-mercadoi), three B genomes species ( A. batizocoi, A. ipaensis and A. magna), the AABB allotetraploid A. hypogaea (cultivated peanut) and introgression lines resulting from a cross between A. hypogaea and A. cardenasii were analyzed by RFLP. The A genome species (cytologically characterized by the presence of a small chromosome pair 'A') were closely similar to each other and shared a large number of restriction fragments. In contrast, the B genome species differed more from one another and shared few fragments. The results of this study indicate that the absence of the small chromosome pair is not a good criterion for grouping species of section Arachis as B genome species, since their genome might be quite distinct from the B genome of A. hypogaea. The lowest genetic variation was detected within accessions of A. duranensis (17 accessions), followed by A. batizocoi (4 accessions) and A. cardenasii (9 plants of accession GKP 10017). The high level of genetic variation found in A. cardenasii might indicate that not all accessions of wild species of Arachis are autogamous, as reported for A. hypogaea.
We designed a novel PCR-RFLP assay to genotype for the CXCR2 +1440 (G/A) single nucleotide polymorphism, which provides a simple, low-cost, practical, and reproducible method. Allele frequencies in healthy Brazilian individuals were found to be 0.65% for allele A and 0.35% for allele G.
Due to the necessity of using noninvasive samples to study animals as elusive as the deer that occur in Brazil, we realized it was important to develop a PCR/RFLP protocol to assist in identifying such samples. Thus we developed a protocol in which a fragment of the cytochrome b gene is digested with two enzymes: SspI, which distinguishes species of the genus Mazama from Blastocerus dichotomus and Ozotoceros bezoarticus, and TAQα1 which permits differentiation between the species B. dichotomus and O. bezoarticus. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
An analysis of the dietary content of haematophagous insects can provide important information about the transmission networks of certain zoonoses. The present study evaluated the potential of polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome B (cytb)gene to differentiate between vertebrate species that were identified as possible sources of sandfly meals. The complete cytb gene sequences of 11 vertebrate species available in the National Center for Biotechnology Information database were digested with Aci I, Alu I, Hae III and Rsa I restriction enzymes in silico using Restriction Mapper software. The cytb gene fragment (358 bp) was amplified from tissue samples of vertebrate species and the dietary contents of sandflies and digested with restriction enzymes. Vertebrate species presented a restriction fragment profile that differed from that of other species, with the exception of Canis familiaris and Cerdocyon thous. The 358 bp fragment was identified in 76 sandflies. Of these, 10 were evaluated using the restriction enzymes and the food sources were predicted for four: Homo sapiens (1), Bos taurus (1) and Equus caballus (2). Thus, the PCR-RFLP technique could be a potential method for identifying the food sources of arthropods. However, some points must be clarified regarding the applicability of the method, such as the extent of DNA degradation through intestinal digestion, the potential for multiple sources of blood meals and the need for greater knowledge regarding intraspecific variations in mtDNA.
An analysis of the dietary content of haematophagous insects can provide important information about the transmission networks of certain zoonoses. The present study evaluated the potential of polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome B (cytb) gene to differentiate between vertebrate species that were identified as possible sources of sandfly meals. The complete cytb gene sequences of 11 vertebrate species available in the National Center for Biotechnology Information database were digested with Aci I, Alu I, Hae III and Rsa I restriction enzymes in silico using Restriction Mapper software. The cytb gene fragment (358 bp) was amplified from tissue samples of vertebrate species and the dietary contents of sandflies and digested with restriction enzymes. Vertebrate species presented a restriction fragment profile that differed from that of other species, with the exception of Canis familiaris and Cerdocyon thous. The 358 bp fragment was identified in 76 sandflies. Of these, 10 were evaluated using the restriction enzymes and the food sources were predicted for four: Homo sapiens (1), Bos taurus (1) and Equus caballus (2). Thus, the PCR-RFLP technique could be a potential method for identifying the food sources of arthropods. However, some points must be clarified regarding the applicability of the method, such as the extent of DNA degradation through intestinal digestion, the potential for multiple sources of blood meals and the need for greater knowledge regarding intraspecific variations in mtDNA.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O gênero Astyanax é um dos mais abundantes e diversificados da família Characidae (subfamília Tetragonopterinae), com mais de 100 espécies nominais, estando amplamente distribuído na bacia do Alto rio Paraná. Esse gênero é caracterizado pela similaridade quanto à forma do corpo, além da alta variabilidade citogenética intra e interpopulações, sendo comum a ocorrência de espécies crípticas ou complexos de espécies. Devido à escassez de dados sobre genética molecular referentes a esse gênero, e a dificuldade na identificação taxonômica, fazse necessário um estudo utilizando marcadores moleculares que visem desenvolver métodos rápidos e eficientes para caracterização de espécies de Astyanax com base em análises de DNA. Em vista dessa necessidade, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência da técnica de PCR-RFLP do gene mitocondrial Citocromo b na identificação e caracterização da variabilidade genética de cinco espécies do gênero Astyanax que ocorrem na bacia do Alto rio Paraná. O mtDNA das espécies alvo foi totalmente amplificado, num total de cerca de 1140 pares de bases (pb). As análises foram obtidas através dos haplótipos gerados com a digestão por três enzimas de restrição que clivam estes genes, sendo estas ALUI, BAMHI, e HPAII. Foram analisadas 2 populações de Astyanax paranae, A. altiparanae, A. fasciatus, A. bockmanni, e uma população de A. biotae, com amostragens variando entre 5 e 10 indivíduos de cada população. Como grupo externo foram analisadas duas populações de Astyanax ribeirae da bacia hidrográfica do rio Ribeira de Iguape. Ao final do trabalho foi possível a identificação de 4 das 6 espécies analisadas, sendo que as espécies mais divergentes são A. altiparanae e A. ribeirae, as espécies A. paranae + A. bockmanni e A. fasciatus + A. ribeirae são as mais fortemente relacionadas...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA
Because of the role that DNA damage and depletion play in human disease, it is important to develop and improve tools to assess these endpoints. This unit describes PCR-based methods to measure nuclear and mitochondrial DNA damage and copy number. Long amplicon quantitative polymerase chain reaction (LA-QPCR) is used to detect DNA damage by measuring the number of polymerase-inhibiting lesions present based on the amount of PCR amplification; real-time PCR (RT-PCR) is used to calculate genome content. In this unit, we provide step-by-step instructions to perform these assays in Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, Danio rerio, Oryzias latipes, Fundulus grandis, and Fundulus heteroclitus, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these assays.
Neogobius caspius is a small benthic fish that is native to the Caspian Sea. The importance of this fish is because of it is role as a main food resource of the sturgeon fish. The genetic diversity of N. caspius population in the Caspian Sea was studied using PCR- RFLP technique. A total of 135 samples of N. caspius were collected from coastal line in the north Caspian sea, including specimens from coasts of Anzali , Torkman Port and Chalus. Genomic DNA was extracted by phenol-chloroform method and then was amplified using a pair primer of cytochrom b gene, 2 tRNA gene and the control region sequences by a thermal cycler. D2 (5'-CCGGAGTATGTAGGGCATTCTCAC-3'), CY1 (5'-YYTAACCRRGACYAATGACTTGA-3') 12 restriction enzyme were used to digest the target gene region including: Alul HincII —Tas1 —Rsa1 -MboI -DraI -BSeNI(BSRI) Alw261(BsmAI). Bsul 51 Hin11 Bsh12851- BsuRI(HaeIII) digested PCR products were observed by silver staining method followed by Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). The results were shown the same pattern among the species. There was no polymorphism and no differentiation in population in the Neogobius caspius fish and all individuals have shown homogenous genotype.
Resumen La deficiencia en la adhesión leucocitaria bovina (BLAD) y en la enzima arginosuccinato sintetasa (Citrulinemia) son enfermedades de herencia autosómica recesiva que han sido descritas a nivel mundial en la raza Holando. El objetivo de este estudio fue optimizar e implementar una metodología de genotipado para la identificación de animales portadores de los alelos causantes de estas enfermedades en una población cohorte de terneras de recría de la raza Holando de la cuenca lechera de Cerro Largo. Las muestras de ADN de 190 terneras Holando fueron extraídas a partir de sangre fresca, siguiendo normas y protocolos del Banco de ADN de la Unidad de Biotecnología INIA Las Brujas. El genotipado fue realizado mediante análisis PCR-RFLP con las enzimas de restricción TaqI para BLAD y Eco47I (AvaII) para Citrulinemia. La confirmación del genotipado fue evaluada mediante secuenciación de los productos amplificados de ambas enfermedades. Se detectó la presencia del alelo mutante para BLAD en una sola ternera de recría y no se encontró portadoras de Citrulinemia en la población analizada. Este trabajo representó el primer relevamiento de la prevalencia génica de las enfermedades BLAD y Citrulinemia en la región Este del Uruguay