34 resultados para PASTURA CONSOCIADA
El projecte té per finalitat la implantació d’un cultiu d’arbres de fusta d’alt valor econòmic en uns terrenys que actualment estan ocupats per prats de pastura abandonats. L’objectiu prioritari que es proposa és augmentar el rendiment de la finca objecte d’estudi. Per assolir-lo es projectarà la realització d’una plantació sostenible de noguers híbrids (Juglans regia×nigra) i cirerers (Prunus avium), en la que s’aplicaran les més avançades tècniques de cultiu i una eficient metodologia que permetrà obtenir fusta noble en cicles productius curts, sempre de forma respectuosa amb el medi ambient
El paisatge de l’Alta Garrotxa ha sofert canvis radicals al llarg del temps i molt especial a les darreres dècades. Es proporcionen dades estadístiques sobre bosc, bosquina, pastura, conreu, vegetació de cinglera i zona estèril (roca nua, etc.)
Add. 1: Perfiles de proyectos
The pedagogical context can become a mediator between teaching and learning process. In a research conducted to obtain a Master’s degree, I could see how intentional organized environment refl ects in the knowledge appropriation and internalization historically produced. The objective of this study is to raise hypothesis about the favoring of the potentiating context of learning in the development of the individual with the Attention Defi cit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as well as on the organization of pedagogic environment to mediate the actions of teaching and reading learning. It is the concern to meet children with behavior considered inappropriate for the classroom environment and failure before situations that involve them. The hypothesis is that when the teaching and learning environment provides motivation to the student and awakens in him the desire to produce knowledge and take ownership of it, it is possible that it may have a potentiating development of learning. As theoretical support, I used texts from Luria (1987, 1994), Vygotsky (1994), Vigotskii, Luria and Leontiev (1998), Beaton (2005),Graeff and Vaz (2008), Pastura, Mattos and Araujo (2005). The bibliographic research was the methodology used for the study.