40 resultados para Oxidos


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The mining research is a complex activity, which should preferably involve the combination of direct and indirect techniques of geological research. The increasing demand for base metals in domestic and international markets provide the revaluation of mineral occurrences, which can be converted into deposits and mines. This paper presents the results of the application of geophysical methods of electric resistivity and induced polarization in main foliation parallel to the arrangement of the area, in a deposit of oxides and hydroxides in massive and disseminated ores, docked in gneisses and quartzites, located in the municipality of Itapira, in the North of the State of São Paulo in Brazil. Inversion models indicate the predominance of high cargabilidade that partially coincide with low resistivity values. Integration of geophysical data made possible the drafting of sections of electric walking with cross-checking distance x depth, for detailing your target. The integrated analysis of geophysical and geological structural data leads to the conclusion that the primary mining suffers structural control with the regional foliation in ores


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The lubricant oil used in engines of internal combustion must be, periodically, changed. Its mainly function in the engines is to reduce the friction between the pieces, but its presence also promotes the cleanness and the refrigeration of the equipment. These attributions, at the end of some cycles of operation, make the oil to be dirty, that is, full of contaminating substances such as water, gasoline, diesel, additives, oxidized hydro-carbons and rests of metals, not being recommended, therefore, its discarding in the environment. Thus, all the used lubricant oil that leaves the automobiles engine has been thrust, waiting for a solution. The pollution generated by the discarding of a ton of used oil per day in the soil or in the rivers is equivalent to a domestic sewer of 40 thousand of people. The indiscriminate burning of the used lubricant oil generates significant emissions of metallic oxides, besides other toxic gases, like the dioxin and sulphur oxides. In this context, the mean objective of this essay was to effectuate the rerrefine of the used lubricant oil, aiming the increase of its life cycle and consequently contributing for the reduction of the environmental pollution. According to the used process, it was possible to get a rerrefine oil, of good quality, which physicistchemistries properties are in compliance with the norms of NBR and ASTM


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The geophysical methods are used as tools that, together with other data, assist in target detail and sizing of ore bodies. This paper presents the results of the application of DC resistivity geophysical method on a manganese mineral occurrence located in Itapira, in the northern portion of São Paulo state, hosted predominantly in schists and quartzits of Itapira Group. The integration of geophysical data resulted in the elaboration of electrical resistivity models, where it was possible observe that the mineralized body, composed predominantly of manganese oxides and hydroxides, has a pattern of high resistivity (above 5000 Ω.m) both surface and subsurface. The contrast with the host rock is characterized mainly by different minerals assemblages and by the presence of local groundwater. The results accomplished in this paper reveal that the application of DC resistivity method is valid in primary evaluations of supergene deposits


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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The mineral sector is of utmost importance for Brazilian economic growth, an area which depends on basic geological research to enlarge known deposits and in process of mining, besides discovering new occurrences and mineral deposits. This set of activities is named mineral research, which planning involves economy concepts, market demands and use of methods and techniques for geological evaluation, direct and indirect. This paper aim at performing geophysical detailing on occurrences of supergenic manganese located in the northwest portion of the State of São Paulo, Itapira, for spatial dimensioning of mineral targets, besides the attempt to correlate among the content on physical parameter measured by geophysics. The lack of scientific publications by Brazilian researchers in this theme, availability of previous studies for the selected targets, commercial importance of the mineral goods for the Brazilian Trade Balance, justify the performance of the present research project


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Mira are pulsating variable stars in advanced stages of evolution. Their atmospheres are sources of intense absorption bands attributed to molecular titanium monoxide (TiO). It has been suggested that the abundance of TiO reaches its maximum value near the minimum light. In this sense, the study of the processes of formation and destruction of TiO in circumstellar envelopes of Mira stars, not only allows us to understand the physical and chemical processes that occur in these environments, as it allows to verify the correlation between the abundance of TiO and its light curve. However, the main mechanisms of formation and destruction of TiO are poorly known and, consequently, the possible correlation between the abundance of this species and the light curve. In these sense, we studied the main processes of formation and destruction of titanium monoxide in molecular layers of Mira atmospheres and determined its temporal variation as function of the stellar radius. The TiO profile along the radius was expected for the different stellar phase, however its abundance is not enough to explain the light curve. The reasons behind it are discussed in details


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[ES] El CO2 es uno de los principales gases efecto invernadero que es liberado a la atmosfera debido a la actividad humana, siendo una parte importante transferida a los oceanos.El aumento de las emisiones de carbono ha supuesto un incremento en el contenido de CO2 en la atmosfera. Del total de emisiones de CO2 debidas a la actividad antropogenica y a la deforestacion, un 47% permanece en la atmosfera, un 27% es absorbido por las plantas y un 26% es captado por los oceanos. Como consecuencia de la acumulacion en la atmosfera de CO2 y otros gases efecto invernadero como oxidos de nitrogeno y metano se esta viendo alterado el efecto invernadero natural terrestre, produciendose un aumento en la temperatura tanto en la superficie terrestre como en el oceano. Al igual que en la atmosfera, el contenido de CO2 en los oceanos esta aumentando. Los estudios del grupo QUIMA-ULPGC en la estacion ESTOC (1995-2010) han sido considerados como un importante aporte a la comunidad internacional y han sido incluidos los datos de pCO2 y pH en el Cuarto informe del IPCC (Interguvernamental Panel of Climate Change, 2007) sobre cambios climaticos oceánicos y del nivel del mar.