111 resultados para Osteogénesis imperfecta
The treatment of amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) with an anterior open bite (AOB) is a challenge for the clinician and often requires a multidisciplinary team of specialists. Most often, patients suffering from these conditions are young and a good functional and esthetic long-term result must be aspired. This clinical report illustrates the orthodontic, maxillofacial, restorative, and prosthodontic rehabilitation of a 20-year-old woman with a hypoplastic form of AI and an AOB malocclusion, having received treatment for the last 6 years. It included adhesive resin composite restorations, orthodontical and maxillofacial surgery with a one-piece Le Fort I osteotomy, and a genioplasty. Subsequent prosthodontic therapy consisted of 28 all-ceramic crowns whereby a solid interdigitation, a canine guidance, and consistent and regular contacts between tooth crowns could be achieved to assure a good functional and esthetic oral situation. The tooth preparation techniques guaranteed minimally invasive treatment. The patient was affected very positively. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: This article describes an interdisciplinary approach to the successful treatment of a patient with a hypoplastic form of amelogenesis imperfecta over a period of 6 years. It starts with a discussion of the conservative steps taken during adolescence and concludes with the final prosthetic rehabilitation with all-ceramic crowns after reaching adulthood.
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a hereditary disease occurring in humans and dogs. It is characterized by extremely fragile bones and teeth. Most human and some canine OI cases are caused by mutations in the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes encoding the subunits of collagen I. Recently, mutations in the CRTAP and LEPRE1 genes were found to cause some rare forms of human OI. Many OI cases exist where the causative mutation has not yet been found. We investigated Dachshunds with an autosomal recessive form of OI. Genotyping only five affected dogs on the 50 k canine SNP chip allowed us to localize the causative mutation to a 5.82 Mb interval on chromosome 21 by homozygosity mapping. Haplotype analysis of five additional carriers narrowed the interval further down to 4.74 Mb. The SERPINH1 gene is located within this interval and encodes an essential chaperone involved in the correct folding of the collagen triple helix. Therefore, we considered SERPINH1 a positional and functional candidate gene and performed mutation analysis in affected and control Dachshunds. A missense mutation (c.977C>T, p.L326P) located in an evolutionary conserved domain was perfectly associated with the OI phenotype. We thus have identified a candidate causative mutation for OI in Dachshunds and identified a fifth OI gene.
Between 1973 and 1988 twenty children with osteogenesis imperfecta were treated in the Department of Paediatric Surgery at the University of Berne, Switzerland. Our initial experience with the first 15 children, who had virtually no treatment during infancy and early childhood showed that they later developed severe soft tissue and skeletal deformities. Since resulting contractures and curvatures of the long bones are difficult to correct, we changed our therapeutic approach. Traditional therapy in OI was limited to the correction of bony malformations. Considering the fact, that the different elements of the locomotor system are part of a functional entity, we began early treatment combining physiotherapy and surgery.
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a heritable connective tissue disease characterized by bone fragility and increased risk of fractures. Up to now, mutations in at least 18 genes have been associated with dominant and recessive forms of OI that affect the production or post-translational processing of procollagen or alter bone homeostasis. Among those, SERPINH1 encoding heat shock protein 47 (HSP47), a chaperone exclusive for collagen folding in the ER, was identified to cause a severe form of OI in dachshunds (L326P) as well as in humans (one single case with a L78P mutation). To elucidate the disease mechanism underlying OI in the dog model, we applied a range of biochemical assays to mutant and control skin fibroblasts as well as on bone samples. These experiments revealed that type I collagen synthesized by mutant cells had decreased electrophoretic mobility. Procollagen was retained intracellularly with concomitant dilation of ER cisternae and activation of the ER stress response markers GRP78 and phospho-eIF2α, thus suggesting a defect in procollagen processing. In line with the migration shift detected on SDS-PAGE of cell culture collagen, extracts of bone collagen from the OI dog showed a similar mobility shift, and on tandem mass spectrometry, the chains were post-translationally overmodified. The bone collagen had a higher content of pyridinoline than control dog bone. We conclude that the SERPINH1 mutation in this naturally occurring model of OI impairs how HSP47 acts as a chaperone in the ER. This results in abnormal post-translational modification and cross-linking of the bone collagen.
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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Propósito y Método del Estudio: Introducción. La generación de implantes para el tratamiento y regeneración de afecciones del tejido óseo representan una enorme oportunidad de desarrollo e innovación para muchos campos de la salud humana. Metodología: nosotros generamos un implante de tres componentes (I-3C) constituido por células madre mesenquimales (CMMs), transducidas ex vivo con un vector adenoviral que expresa una combinación de las proteínas morfogenéticas de hueso 2 y 7 (AdBMP2/7), embebidas en una matriz ósea desmineralizada (MOD). Este implante fue probado en un modelo ovino (Ovis aries) en una lesión sometida a carga. Resultados: los ensayos in vitro demostraron que el tratamiento seleccionado con mayor potencial osteogénico es el que contiene la combinación AdBMP2/7 comprobado por PCR en tiempo real, Western Blot y tinciones histológicas e inmunohistoquímicas para las proteínas marcadoras de inducción a hueso, osteocalcina y colágeno tipo I. El implante fue colocado en la zona de la lesión, creada por una distracción en la diáfisis media de la tibia. Se probaron tres grupos de experimentación: control 1 sin implante (S-I); control 2 implante con CMMs (I-CMMs); implante de 3 componentes CMMs modificadas genéticamente con adenovirus que expresan proteínas morfogenéticas de hueso 2 y 7 que se encuentran embebidas en una matriz de hueso desmineralizado (I-3C). Resultados: el seguimiento radiográfico por 10 semanas después de la distracción ósea demostró una reducción en el tiempo de consolidación del grupo I-3C. La tomografía computarizada demostró en ese mismo grupo, una forma y estructura del hueso postmortem muy parecida a la de una tibia sin lesión. Estos hallazgos fueron corroborados por los ensayos de compresión e histológicos, demostrando que la calidad del hueso nuevo formado fue mayor que la de los grupos sin implante y con CMMs sin modificación genética. Contribuciones y Conclusiones: se logró desarrollar un implante de tres componentes constituido por células madre mesenquimales (CMMs), transducidas ex vivo con un vector adenoviral que expresa una combinación de las proteínas morfogenéticas de hueso 2 y 7 (AdBMP2/7), que nos permitirá continuar con los estudios clínicos necesarios para evaluar principalmente defectos en huesos y enfermedades relacionadas con el sistema óseo.
Matricellular proteins play a unique role in the skeleton as regulators of bone remodeling, and the matricellular protein osteonectin (SPARC, BM-40) is the most abundant non-collagenous protein in bone In. the absence of osteonectin, mice develop progressive low turnover osteopenia, particularly affecting trabecular bone. Polymorphisms in a regulatory region of the osteonectin gene are associated with bone mass in a subset of idiopathic osteoporosis patients, and these polymorphisms likely regulate osteonectin expression. Thus it is important to determine how osteonectin gene dosage affects skeletal function. Moreover, intermittent administration of parathyroid hormone (PTH) (1-34) is the only anabolic therapy approved for the treatment of osteoporosis, and it is critical to understand how modulators of bone remodeling, such as osteonectin, affect skeletal response to anabolic agents. In this study, 10 week old female wild type, osteonectin-haploinsufficient, and osteonectin-null mice (C57Bl/6 genetic background) were given 80 mu g/kg body weight/day PTH(1-34) for 4 weeks. Osteonectin gene dosage had a profound effect on bone microarchitecture. The connectivity density of trabecular bone in osteonectin-haploinsufficient mice was substantially decreased compared with that of wild type mice, suggesting compromised mechanical properties. Whereas mice of each genotype had a similar osteoblastic response to PTH treatment, the osteoclastic response was accentuated in osteonectin-haploinsufficient and osteonectin-null mice. Eroded surface and osteoclast number were significantly higher in PTH-treated osteonectin-null mice, as was endosteal area. In vitro studies confirmed that PTH induced the formation of more osteoclast-like cells in marrow from osteonectin-null mice compared with wild type. PTH treated osteonectin-null bone marrow cells expressed more RANKL mRNA compared with wild type. However, the ratio of RANKL:OPG mRNA was somewhat lower in PTH treated osteonectin-null cultures. Increased expression of RANKL in response to PTH could contribute to the accentuated osteoclastic response in osteonectin(-/-) mice, but other mechanisms are also likely to be involved. The molecular mechanisms by which PTH elicits bone anabolic vs. bone catabolic effects remain poorly understood. Our results imply that osteonectin levels may play a role in modulating the balance of bone formation and resorption in response to PTH. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective: Variations in genes that are critical for tooth formation may contribute to the tooth agenesis. MMPs are potential candidate genes for dental alterations based on the roles they play during embryogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible association between MMP1, MMP3, and MMP20 and tooth agenesis. Methods: One hundred sixty-seven nuclear families from two different populations were analysed, 116 from Brazil and 51 from Turkey. Probands had at least one congenitally missing tooth. DNA samples were obtained from blood or saliva samples and genotyping was performed using TagMan chemistry. In addition, Mmp20 was selected for quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis with SYBR Green I Dye in mouse tooth development. Results: Associations between tooth agenesis and MMP1 (p = 0.007), and MMP20 (p = 0.03) were found in Brazilian families. In the total dataset, MMP20 continued to be associated with tooth agenesis (p = 0.01). Mmp20 was not expressed during the initial stages of tooth development. Conclusion: Our findings provide evidence that MMP1 and MMP20 play a role in human tooth agenesis. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The amelogenesis imperfectas (Al) area geneticatly heterogeneous group of diseases that result in defective development of tooth enamel. Although X-linked, autosomal. dominant and autosomal. recessive forms of Al have been clinically characterized, only two genes (AMELX and ENAM) have been associated with Al. To date, three enamelin (ENAM) mutations have been identified. These mutations cause phenotypically diverse forms of autosomal. dominant Al. Detailed phenotype-genotype correlations have not been performed for autosomal. dominant Al due to ENAM mutations. We identified a previously unreported kindred segregating for the ENAM mutation, g.8344delG. Light and electron microscopy analyses of unerupted permanent teeth show the enamel is markedly reduced in thickness, Lacks a prismatic structure and has a laminated appearance. Taken together these histological features support the enamelin protein as being critical for the development of a normal. enamel. thickness and that it Likely has a role in regulating c-axis crystallite growth. Because there is growing molecular and phenotypic diversity in the enamelin defects, it is critical to have a nomenclature and numbering system for characterizing these conditions. We present a standardized nomenclature for ENAM mutations that will allow consistent reporting and communication. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.