670 resultados para Osteoarthritis
Age-related changes in the composition of the cartilage matrix may be associated with the development of osteoarthritis, a relatively late-onset disease characterised by the destruction of joint cartilage. In order to investigate whether differences in the VNTR polymorphic region of aggrecan affect cartilage functionality and therefore the development of osteoarthritis, we examined the aggrecan polymorphic genotypes of a sample of 134 Australian twins aged over 50 (including 34 monozygotic and 27 dizygotic twin pairs). Clinical measures of hand, hip and knee osteoarthritis, as well as self-reported bone and joint pain, were tested for association with the aggrecan polymorphism. The results were consistent with either a deleterious effect of allele 27, or a protective effect of alleles 25 and 28, providing some additional evidence for an association between the aggrecan VNTR polymorphism and osteoarthritis of the hands, hips and knees.
Improvement in analysis and reporting results of osteoarthritis (OA) clinical trials has been recently obtained because of harmonization and standardization of the selection of outcome variables (OMERACT 3 and OARSI). Moreover, OARSI has recently proposed the OARSI responder criteria. This composite index permits presentation of results of symptom modifying clinical trials in OA based on individual patient responses (responder yes/no). The 2 organizations (OMERACT and OARSI) established. a task force aimed at evaluating: (1) the variability of observed placebo and active treatment effects using the OARSI responder criteria; and (2) the possibility of proposing a simplified set of criteria. The conclusions of the task force were presented and discussed during the OMERACT 6 conference, where a simplified set of responder criteria (OMERACT-OARSI set of criteria) was proposed.
Background Mobilization with movement (MWM) has been shown to reduce pain, increase range of motion (ROM) and physical function in a range of different musculoskeletal disorders. Despite this evidence, there is a lack of studies evaluating the effects of MWM for hip osteoarthritis (OA). Objectives To determine the immediate effects of MWM on pain, ROM and functional performance in patients with hip OA. Design Randomized controlled trial with immediate follow-up. Method Forty consenting patients (mean age 78 ± 6 years; 54% female) satisfied the eligibility criteria. All participants completed the study. Two forms of MWM techniques (n = 20) or a simulated MWM (sham) (n = 20) were applied. Primary outcomes: pain recorded by numerical rating scale (NRS). Secondary outcomes: hip flexion and internal rotation ROM, and physical performance (timed up and go, sit to stand, and 40 m self placed walk test) were assessed before and after the intervention. Results For the MWM group, pain decreased by 2 points on the NRS, hip flexion increased by 12.2°, internal rotation by 4.4°, and functional tests were also improved with clinically relevant effects following the MWM. There were no significant changes in the sham group for any outcome variable. Conclusions Pain, hip flexion ROM and physical performance immediately improved after the application of MWM in elderly patients suffering hip OA. The observed immediate changes were of clinical relevance. Future studies are required to determine the long-term effects of this intervention.
OBJECTIVE: Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is a disease caused by mutations in the Hfe gene characterised by systemic iron overload and associated with an increased prevalence of osteoarthritis (OA) but the role of iron overload in the development of OA is still undefined. To further understand the molecular mechanisms involved we have used a murine model of HH and studied the progression of experimental OA under mechanical stress. DESIGN: OA was surgically induced in the knee joints of 10-week-old C57BL6 (wild-type) mice and Hfe-KO mice. OA progression was assessed using histology, micro CT, gene expression and immunohistochemistry at 8 weeks after surgery. RESULTS: Hfe-KO mice showed a systemic iron overload and an increased iron accumulation in the knee synovial membrane following surgery. The histological OA score was significantly higher in the Hfe-KO mice at 8 weeks after surgery. Micro CT study of the proximal tibia revealed increased subchondral bone volume and increased trabecular thickness. Gene expression and immunohistochemical analysis showed a significant increase in the expression of matrix metallopeptidase 3 (MMP-3) in the joints of Hfe-KO mice compared with control mice at 8 weeks after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: HH was associated with an accelerated development of OA in mice. Our findings suggest that synovial iron overload has a definite role in the progression of HH-related OA
The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare pain as reported by outpatients with fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and low back pain, in view of designing more adequate physical therapy treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A Portuguese version of the McGill Pain Questionnaire - where subjects are asked to choose, from lists of pre-categorized words, one or none that best describes what they feel - was used to assess pain intensity and quality of 64 patients, of which 24 had fibromyalgia, 22 had osteoarthritis, and 18 had low back pain. The pre-categorized words were organized into 4 major classes -- sensory, affective, evaluative, and miscellaneous. RESULTS: Patients with fibromyalgia reported, comparatively, more intense pain through their choice of pain descriptors, both sensory and affective; they also chose a higher number of words from these classes than patients in the other groups and were the only ones to choose specific affective descriptors such as "vicious", "wretched", "exhausting", "blinding". CONCLUSION: Assuming that each disease presents unique qualities of pain experience, and that these can be pointed out by means of this questionnaire by patients' choice of specific groups of words, the findings suggest that fibromyalgia include not only a physical component, but also a psycho-emotional component, indicating that they require both emotional/affective and physical care.
La osteoartritis es una enfermedad crónica y degenerativa del cartÃlago articular con elevada prevalencia en pacientes mayores de 60. En su etiologÃa confluyen alteraciones mecánicas y bioquÃmicas del sistema músculo-esquelético que provocan disbalance entre sÃntesis y degradación condral., con deterioro y pérdida tisular. El cartÃlago articular es un tejido paucicelular. Sus escasos condrocitos se dispersan en una matriz moduladora bioquÃmica y morfológica. La homeostasis osteocondral resume acciones estimulantes, inhibidoras y reguladoras de citokinas e interleukinas Son péptÃdos liberados por las membranas celulares al lÃquido sinovial, que difunden hacia el cartÃlago en tanto órgano blanco. Importante avance en la fisiopatologÃa de la inflamación fue el descubrimiento del rol del óxido nÃtrico (ON) derivado metabólico de la arginina por acción de las ON-Sintasas (ONS). Estimula la producción de colagenasas (MMP-1), que intensifican la resorción de proteoglicanos En OA también aumenta el factor de necrosis tumoral TNFa, rápidamente activado por su enzima convertidora TACE. Objetivo Evaluar efectos de antiinflamatorios sobre cultivo de cartÃlago articular de pacientes con osteoartritis y cuantificar in vitro producción de MMPs, relación NO2/NO3. IL6 y TNFa. Material y métodos: En sobrenadante de los cultivos se determinarán por espectrofotometrÃa niveles de NO-2 y NO-3 (Griess et al, 1992) y usando ELISA doble sándwich la actividad de colagenasa (MMP-1), IL-6 y TNF-a, contrastadas con anticuerpos monoclonales .Los parámetros obtenidos con y sin agregado de fármacos, se correlacionarán con la microscopÃa óptica.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common painful inflammatory condition occurring mainly in the later half of life. Hipe and knee are the joints mostly affected. Petiveria alliacea (tipi) popularly known as an anti-rheumatic medicine, has been used by OA patients to relief pain. This one-week cross-over double-blind trial has preliminary evaluated the analgesic effect of tipi tea in 14 patients with hip and knee OA. Imperata exaltata (sape) was used as the Placebo tea. The pain assessments that were made at baseline and before the start of the second treatment period by treatment groups were comparable. While taking tipi or placebo tea patients experienced a statistically significant improvement in pain on motion and pain at night. The comparison between the improvements reported while on tipi and placebo tea, however, did not disclose any statistically significant difference. At the conclusion of the study 7 patients preferred tipi tea and 6 preferred placebo tea (NS). Two patients reported insomnia, one durign placebo treatment and the other during tipi treatment. In this preliminary report both teas succeeded in the aim of relieving pain.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of our study was to evaluate the role of cell-membrane expressed TLRs and the signaling molecule MyD88 in a murine model of OA induced by knee menisectomy (surgical partial removal of the medial meniscus [MNX]). METHODS: OA was induced in 8-10weeks old C57Bl/6 wild-type (WT) female (n=7) mice and in knockout (KO) TLR-1 (n=7), -2 (n=8), -4 (n=9) -6 (n=5), MyD88 (n=8) mice by medial menisectomy, using the sham-operated contralateral knee as a control. Cartilage destruction and synovial inflammation were evaluated by knee joint histology using the OARSI scoring method. Apoptotic chondrocytes and cartilage metabolism (collagen II synthesis and MMP-mediated aggrecan degradation) were analyzed using immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Operated knees exhibited OA features at 8weeks post-surgery compared to sham-operated ones. In menisectomized TLR-1, -2, -4, and -6 deficient mice, cartilage lesions, synovial inflammation and cartilage metabolism were similar to that in operated WT mice. Accordingly, using the same approach, we found no significant protection in MyD88-deficient mice in terms of OA progression as compared to WT littermates. CONCLUSIONS: Deficiency of TLRs or their signalling molecule MyD88 did not impact on the severity of experimental OA. Our results demonstrate that MyD88-dependent TLRs are not involved in this murine OA model. Moreover, the dispensable role of MyD88, which is also an adaptor for IL-1 receptor signaling, suggests that IL-1 is not a key mediator in the development of OA. This latter hypothesis is strengthened by the lack of efficiency of IL-1β antagonist in the treatment of OA.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of pulsed signal therapy in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis (Kellgren II or III). METHODS: A randomized, double-blind controlled clinical trial. The first 95 patients sent to the clinic with knee osteo-arthritis were selected and randomized into treatment with pulsed signal therapy or conventional physiotherapy. Assessment included recording of usual demographic data, pertinent history, baseline medication and radiographs. Clinical evaluation was made at baseline, 6 weeks and 6 months after the end of treatment by the same blinded doctor. At each follow-up time, the patient was asked to complete a visual analogue pain scale and a Lequesne score. The doctor recorded the degree of pain on motion and the ability to move the affected knee. RESULTS: Both treatments resulted in significant improvements in pain and physical function. A statistical difference was observed only for activities of daily living, where the physiotherapy was more efficient (p<0.03). The cost of treatment with pulsed signal therapy was significantly higher, double the treatment cost of conventional physiotherapy. CONCLUSION: Like physiotherapy, pulsed signal therapy has improved the clinical state of treated patients but with no significant statistical difference. Pulsed signal therapy is, however, more expensive.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the thickness of cartilage at the posterior aspect of the medial and lateral condyle in Osteoarthritis (OA) knees compared to non-OA knees using computed tomography arthrography (CTA). DESIGN: 535 consecutive knee CTAs (mean patient age = 48.7 ± 16.0; 286 males), were retrospectively analyzed. Knees were radiographically classified into OA or non-OA knees according to a modified Kellgren/Lawrence (K/L) grading scheme. Cartilage thickness at the posterior aspect of the medial and lateral femoral condyles was measured on sagittal reformations, and compared between matched OA and non-OA knees in the whole sample population and in subgroups defined by gender and age. RESULTS: The cartilage of the posterior aspect of medial condyle was statistically significantly thicker in OA knees (2.43 mm (95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.36, 2.51)) compared to non-OA knees (2.13 mm (95%CI = 2.02, 2.17)) in the entire sample population (P < 0.001), as well as for all subgroups of patients over 40 years old (all P ≤ 0.01), except for females above 60 years old (P = 0.07). Increase in cartilage thickness at the posterior aspect of the medial condyle was associated with increasing K/L grade in the entire sample population, as well as for males and females separately (regression coefficient = 0.10-0.12, all P < 0.001). For the lateral condyle, there was no statistically significant association between cartilage thickness and OA (either presence of OA or K/L grade). CONCLUSIONS: Cartilage thickness at the non-weight-bearing posterior aspect of the medial condyle, but not of the lateral condyle, was increased in OA knees compared to non-OA knees. Furthermore, cartilage thickness at the posterior aspect of the medial condyle increased with increasing K/L grade.
BACKGROUND: Anatomical total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) for glenohumeral osteoarthritis (OA) and severe posterior glenoid wear may entail early postoperative complications (recurrence of posterior subluxation, glenoid loosening). To avoid these mechanical problems, reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) has recently been proposed, mainly for its intrinsic stability. Our purpose was to present the results of TSA and RSA in glenohumeral OA with posterior glenoid wear of at least 20°. HYPOTHESIS: By virtue of its constrained design, RSA could prevent recurrence of posterior subluxation and limit the occurrence of mechanical complications. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A consecutive series of 23 patients (27 shoulders) were treated for glenohumeral OA with total shoulder prostheses: 19 TSAs and 8 RSAs. Mean age was 70years (range, 47-85years), mean retroversion angle 28° (20°-50°) and mean subluxation index 74% (57-89%). Constant Score, Subjective Shoulder Value (SSV), QuickDASH and Simple Shoulder Test (SST) were measured, and radiological examinations were performed at a mean follow-up of 52months (24-95months). RESULTS: TSA and RSA patients respectively displayed Constant Scores of 65 and 65, SSV of 79% and 74%, QuickDASH of 16 and 27, and SST of 88 and 78. Two patients underwent surgical revision of TSA because of glenoid loosening; 52% of TSA patients presented complete radiolucent lines and 11% recurrence of posterior subluxation. CONCLUSION: Complications are frequently observed after shoulder arthroplasty for OA with severe glenoid retroversion. RSA could be an alternative to TSA for selected patients, independently of rotator cuff status. Studies on RSA in this specific indication with longer follow-up are now needed. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level IV; retrospective case series.