885 resultados para Orthopedic surgery
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do fixador esquelético pino-resina, configuração tipo II, coadjuvado pelo enxerto ósseo esponjoso autólogo, no tratamento das complicações secundárias à imobilização inadequada de fraturas do rádio e ulna em 10 cães, com peso entre 1,8 e 33,6 kg. Detectou-se não-união (n=4), osteomielite (n=1), má-união (n=1), falência ou quebra de implante (n=4), sendo 60% das lesões referente ao uso prévio de pino intramedular no rádio. A montagem do fixador foi realizada com transfixação de pinos lisos em sua maioria angulados, cujas extremidades excedentes foram dobradas e estabilizadas com resina acrílica. em todos os casos, utilizou-se enxerto esponjoso autólogo fresco, após debridamento do foco de fratura. O tempo de permanência do aparelho variou entre 45 dias e 5 meses e a maior complicação foi o afrouxamento dos pinos transfixantes. A consolidação das fraturas ocorreu por formação de calo periosteal de mínimo a moderado, indicando boa rigidez da montagem.
O enxerto ósseo esponjoso autólogo é formado por osso trabecular, poroso e altamente celular. Visto ser de fundamental importância na cirurgia ortopédica de pequenos animais, o trabalho teve por objetivo discorrer sobre a função, locais de colheita, cuidados, formas de aplicação, indicações e contra-indicações desse enxerto. Ele estimula a formação óssea devido ao fornecimento de células vivas e fatores de crescimento, mas não possui suporte mecânico. A asa do ílio craniodorsal, úmero proximal, tíbia proximal e fêmur distal, são os locais de colheita mais utilizados em cães. A asa do ílio consiste no local mais satisfatório para gatos. Para maximizar a incorporação do enxerto com o tecido hospedeiro, devem ser tomados alguns cuidados entre a colheita e a transferência para a área receptora. Além disso, pode ser aplicado sem compressão dentro do local recipiente. A freqüência de complicações é considerada baixa.
Microbial contamination of an enclosed area may come from outside or be generated within the area itself. In the study described here, bioaerosol levels in hospital air were quantified and related to those found in the air outside, taking into account some of the environmental variables that affect air quality, such as the number of occupants of a room and the type of ventilation. Airborne bacteria were collected for five minute by blowing air at 500 L min -1 in high speed jets on to the surface on plates culture in a single-stage bioaerosol impactor. The mean viable count of bacteria in the air outside in the hospital, São Paulo State, was 77 ± 4 CFU m -3, while in the air inside the hospital it was 302 ± 260 CFU m-3. The operating theatre was the only space sampled with a controlled environment and, after orthopedic surgery, it had the highest bioaerosol count recorded (867 ± 482 CFU m-3). In the enclosed environments, nine bacterial species were identified. Despite the difficulty in establishing precise numbers of bacteria in the bioaerosols in hospital environments, the values obtained demonstrate a need to instigate suitable programs to keep the microbial density low in these environments, and eliminate microorganisms presenting a significant risk to their occupants. It is also recommended that such programs include the monitoring of hospital air, with the aim of defining standards for acceptable numbers of bacteria in the bioaerosol.
The importance of thrombosis and anticoagulation in clinical practice is rooted firmly in several fundamental constructs that can be applied both broadly and globally. Awareness and the appropriate use of anticoagulant therapy remain the keys to prevention and treatment. However, to assure maximal efficacy and safety, the clinician must, according to the available evidence, choose the right drug, at the right dose, for the right patient, under the right indication, and for the right duration of time. The first International Symposium of Thrombosis and Anticoagulation in Internal Medicine was a scientific program developed by clinicians for clinicians. The primary objective of the meeting was to educate, motivate and inspire internists, cardiologists and hematologists by convening national and international visionaries, thought-leaders and dedicated clinician-scientists in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This article is a focused summary of the symposium proceedings. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009.
The hyoid bone contributes to the maintenance of the airway, chewing and swallowing, given to its anatomical and functional relations to the craniocervical complex. Cephalometric analysis has great importance for orthopedics, orthodontics and oral maxillary surgery. For the treatment of patients with special care needs, the cephalometric evaluation of the position of the hyoid bone should also contribute as a complementary element for dental diagnosis and the selection of the adequate treatment. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the alteration of the hyoid position after carrying out the functional orthopedic maxillary treatment in a 9 year-old patient with Down Syndrome. Initial cephalometric analysis revealed inadequate position of hyoid bone. The association of speech therapy to dynamic functional rehabilitation of jaws showed a positive effect in occlusal relation and facial expression. After treatment, all dimensions obtained from the hyoid triangle were higher than initial ones, except the anterior-posterior value of C3-H, which suggested function improvement of stomatognathic system. Once considered its anatomical and physiological relationship with the others structures of the stomatognathic system, cephalometric analysis of hyoid bone position was helpful to the comprehension of the craniofacial abnormalities related to chromosomal anomaly, and thus is essential to the interdisciplinary dialogue.
Pós-graduação em Anestesiologia - FMB
The aim of this work is to study a still little known technique in the Brazilian Veterinary Medicine, that is the use of the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), specifically in the small animals orthopedics, including the concept of PRP, why its use in orthopedics, its production method and application, its indications, vantages and disadvantages, and also evaluate the results achieved through the use of PRP both in Human Medicine as in Veterinary Medicine. Moreover, it aims to establish the feasibility of this technique for its use in veterinary orthopedic surgery, especially as an adjunct in fracture repair
A articulação coxofemoral em cães tem sido, ao longo dos anos, a mais frequentemente lesionada, principalmente de forma traumática, por acidentes automobilísticos ou atropelamentos. O tratamento de escolha para resolver a luxação coxofemoral é o método por redução fechada. Entretanto, na generalidade dos casos, esta técnica não se mostra suficiente para correta estabilização articular, pois há outras afecções envolvidas ou a cronicidade da lesão impede uma manobra efetiva. Sendo assim, recorre-se à cirurgia para correção da luxação. Diversas são as técnicas cirúrgicas praticadas para tal enfermidade. O pino transarticular é um procedimento usado há muito tempo. Essa técnica requer aceitável coaptação articular e é recomendada em casos de grave lesão capsular. Porém, seu uso é discutível por causar lesões degenerativas na articulação ou migração do implante. Dessa forma, a sutura extra-articular vem sendo estudada por apresentar uma estratégia alternativa que não prejudica as estruturas da região operada e por vir demonstrando resultados satisfatórios. Nas situações de luxação recorrente, necrose asséptica da cabeça do fêmur e fraturas de cabeça e colo femoral ou acetabular, a colocefalectomia deve ser empregada. Considerada como técnica de salvamento, esta pode ser utilizada após insucesso dos outros métodos para correção da articulação coxofemoral. Vários estudos foram selecionados para que seus resultados fossem analisados. Assim conclui-se que não existe uma técnica ideal. Todas apresentam adequada congruência articular, porém os implantes metálicos exibem grandes possibilidades de complicação pós-operatória, a sutura extra articular fornece boa estabilidade e poucas lesões locais e a colocefalectomia fica sendo como o último recurso, caso ocorra falha...
The objective of the study was to compare epidural and systemic tramadol for postoperative analgesia in bitches undergoing ovariohysterectomy. Twenty animals, randomly divided into two groups, received either epidural (EPI) or intramuscular (IM) tramadol (2 mg/kg) 30 min before anesthetic induction. Analgesia, sedation, cardiorespiratory parameters, end-tidal isoflurane, blood catecholamines and cortisol, and arterial blood gases were measured at different time points up to 24 hr after agent administration. There were no differences between the two groups regarding cardiorespiratory parameters, end-tidal isoflurane, and pain scores. Two dogs in the IM and one in the EPI group required supplemental analgesia. Cortisol was increased (P<0.05) at 120 min (3.59 mu g/dL and 3.27 mu g/dL in the IM and EPI groups, respectively) and 240 min (2.45 mu g/dL and 2.54 mu g/dL in the IM and EPI groups, respectively) compared to baseline. Norepinephrine was also increased (P<0.05) at 120 min in both groups compared to baseline values. Epinephrine values were higher (P<0.05) in the IM group compared with the EPI group at 50 min, 120 min, and 1,440 min after tramadol administration. Epidural tramadol is a safe analgesic, but does not appear to have improved analgesic effects compared with IM administration. (J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 2012; 48:310-319. DOI 10.5326/JAAHA-MS-5795)
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between tourniquet and total operative time during total knee arthroplasty and the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis. METHODS: Seventy-eight consecutive patients from our institution underwent cemented total knee arthroplasty for degenerative knee disorders. The pneumatic tourniquet time and total operative time were recorded in minutes. Four categories were established for total tourniquet time: <60, 61 to 90, 91 to 120, and >120 minutes. Three categories were defined for operative time: <120, 121 to 150, and >150 minutes. Between 7 and 12 days after surgery, the patients underwent ascending venography to evaluate the presence of distal or proximal deep vein thrombosis. We evaluated the association between the tourniquet time and total operative time and the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis after total knee arthroplasty. RESULTS: In total, 33 cases (42.3%) were positive for deep vein thrombosis; 13 (16.7%) cases involved the proximal type. We found no statistically significant difference in tourniquet time or operative time between patients with or without deep vein thrombosis. We did observe a higher frequency of proximal deep vein thrombosis in patients who underwent surgery lasting longer than 120 minutes. The mean total operative time was also higher in patients with proximal deep vein thrombosis. The tourniquet time did not significantly differ in these patients. CONCLUSION: We concluded that surgery lasting longer than 120 minutes increases the risk of proximal deep vein thrombosis.
Introduction / objectives The number of orthopedic surgery, especially surgery of total hip and knee, have been more frequent due to technological advances. This study aims to determine the microbial load in the instruments used in clean surgeries, quantifying and identifying the genus and species of microbial growth.Methods Orthopedic surgical instruments were immersed, after use, in sterile water, sonicated in ultrasonic washer and consecutively shaken. Then, the lavage was filtered through a 0.45micron membrane, the result was incubated in aerobic medium, anaerobic medium and medium for fungi and yeasts. Results In clean surgeries, results showed that 47% of used instruments had microbiological growth in the range of 1 to 100 CFU/instrument. The most prevalent organism was Staphylococcus coagulase negative (28%), followed by Bacillus subtilis (11%).This study refuted the hypothesis that clean surgeries happen in micro-organismsfree surgery field. Conclusion The microbiological findings reinforce the importance of antibiotic prophylaxis, practice already well established for this category of surgical procedure.
This paper presents methods based on Information Filters for solving matching problems with emphasis on real-time, or effectively real-time applications. Both applications discussed in this work deal with ultrasound-based rigid registration in computer-assisted orthopedic surgery. In the first application, the usual workflow of rigid registration is reformulated such that registration algorithms would iterate while the surgeon is acquiring ultrasound images of the anatomy to be operated. Using this effectively real-time approach to registration, the surgeon would then receive feedback in order to better gauge the quality of the final registration outcome. The second application considered in this paper circumvents the need to attach physical markers to bones for anatomical referencing. Experiments using anatomical objects immersed in water are performed in order to evaluate and compare the different methods presented herein, using both 2D as well as real-time 3D ultrasound.
In the field of computer assisted orthopedic surgery (CAOS) the anterior pelvic plane (APP) is a common concept to determine the pelvic orientation by digitizing distinct pelvic landmarks. As percutaneous palpation is - especially for obese patients - known to be error-prone, B-mode ultrasound (US) imaging could provide an alternative means. Several concepts of using ultrasound imaging to determine the APP landmarks have been introduced. In this paper we present a novel technique, which uses local patch statistical shape models (SSMs) and a hierarchical speed of sound compensation strategy for an accurate determination of the APP. These patches are independently matched and instantiated with respect to associated point clouds derived from the acquired ultrasound images. Potential inaccuracies due to the assumption of a constant speed of sound are compensated by an extended reconstruction scheme. We validated our method with in-vitro studies using a plastic bone covered with a soft-tissue simulation phantom and with a preliminary cadaver trial.
Surgical repair of the rotator cuff repair is one of the most common procedures in orthopedic surgery. Despite it being the focus of much research, the physiological tendon-bone insertion is not recreated following repair and there is an anatomic non-healing rate of up to 94%. During the healing phase, several growth factors are upregulated that induce cellular proliferation and matrix deposition. Subsequently, this provisional matrix is replaced by the definitive matrix. Leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) contain growth factors and has a stable dense fibrin matrix. Therefore, use of LPRF in rotator cuff repair is theoretically attractive. The aim of the present study was to determine 1) the optimal protocol to achieve the highest leukocyte content; 2) whether L-PRF releases growth factors in a sustained manner over 28 days; 3) whether standard/gelatinous or dry/compressed matrix preparation methods result in higher growth factor concentrations. 1) The standard L-PRF centrifugation protocol with 400 x g showed the highest concentration of platelets and leukocytes. 2) The L-PRF clots cultured in medium showed a continuous slow release with an increase in the absolute release of growth factors TGF-β1, VEGF and MPO in the first 7 days, and for IGF1, PDGF-AB and platelet activity (PF4=CXCL4) in the first 8 hours, followed by a decrease to close to zero at 28 days. Significantly higher levels of growth factor were expressed relative to the control values of normal blood at each culture time point. 3) Except for MPO and the TGFβ-1, there was always a tendency towards higher release of growth factors (i.e., CXCL4, IGF-1, PDGF-AB, and VEGF) in the standard/gelatinous- compared to the dry/compressed group. L-PRF in its optimal standard/gelatinous-type matrix can store and deliver locally specific healing growth factors for up to 28 days and may be a useful adjunct in rotator cuff repair.
Delayed fracture healing and non-unions represent rare but severe complications in orthopedic surgery. Further knowledge on the mechanisms of the bone repair process and of the development of a pseudoarthrosis is essential to predict and prevent impaired healing of fractures. The present study aimed at elucidating differences in gene expression during the repair of rigidly and non-rigidly fixed osteotomies. For this purpose, the MouseFix™ and the FlexiPlate™ systems (AO Development Institute, Davos, CH), allowing the creation of well defined osteotomies in mouse femora, were employed. A time course following the healing process of the osteotomy was performed and bones and periimplant tissues were analyzed by high-resolution X-ray, MicroCT and by histology. For the assessment of gene expression, Low Density Arrays (LDA) were done. In animals with rigid fixation, X-ray and MicroCT revealed healing of the osteotomy within 3 weeks. Using the FlexiPlate™ system, the osteotomy was still visible by X-ray after 3 weeks and a stabilizing cartilaginous callus was formed. After 4.5 weeks, the callus was remodeled and the osteotomy was, on a histological level, healed. Gene expression studies revealed levels of transcripts encoding proteins associated with inflammatory processes not to be altered in tissues from bones with rigid and non-rigid fixation, respectively. Levels of transcripts encoding proteins of the extracellular matrix and essential for bone cell functions were not increased in the rigidly fixed group when compared to controls without osteotomy. In the FlexiPlate™ group, levels of transcripts encoding the same set of genes were significantly increased 3 weeks after surgery. Expression of transcripts encoding BMPs and BMP antagonists was increased after 3 weeks in repair tissues from bones fixed with FlexiPlate™, as were inhibitors of the WNT signaling pathways. Little changes only were detected in transcript levels of tissues from rigidly fixed bones. The data of the present study suggest that rigid fixation enables accelerated healing of an experimental osteotomy as compared to non-rigid fixation. The changes in the healing process after non-rigid fixation are accompanied by an increase in the levels of transcripts encoding inhibitors of osteogenic pathways and, probably as a consequence, by temporal changes in bone matrix synthesis.