981 resultados para Ornamental shrubs.


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In the present study, ectoparasite infestation of common freshwater ornamental fish species imported into Iran including: Dwarf gourami (Colisa lalia), Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare), Oscar (Astronatus ocellatus), Red eye Tetra ( Moenkhansia Sanctaefilomenae), Barb( Capoeta tetrazona), Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum), Goldfish(Carassius auratus), Red fin Shark (Lebeo elythrurus, Catfish (Hypostomus plecostomus) and Pangasius sutchi ( Pangasius hypophthalmus) from May until April was investigated.A total of 6 specimens sample of each fish species) randomly were obtained and taken alive to the lab. After observing gill and skin wet smear under the microscope , gill was dissected and examined carefully .Photo and films were taken from the isolated parasites and parasite identification was performed according to Yamaguti AP1), Bychowsky (■Y).From a total of examined fishes 1\ ► sample (YY.V.) were parasitized .Parasite groups that were observed consisting ciliated protozoan myxosporidian , monogenean Digenean metacercaria and crustacean .The only non-parasitized fish was Barb. Monogenea Trianchoratus sp. , Cleidodiscus sp. , Ancylodiscoides sp. , Thaparocleidus sp. , Centrocestus formosanus metacercaria and Myxobolus longisporus report for the first time in ornamental fish which imported from Southeast of Asia to Iran. According to the results, it seems that severe quarantine and sanitary rules are necessary.


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Preliminary studies undertaken to investigate the availability of ornamental fish species in Uganda’s natural water systems, revealed significant abundance of coloured fishes in Uganda’s water systems including the Kyoga and Victoria Lake system. These species are able to breed in captivity and to feed on artificial diets in ponds and glass tanks. The species are attractive and are highly marketable. These observations indicate the potential to culture ornamental fishes as away of diversifying the range of aquaculture species, a means to generate income and to improve livelihoods in Uganda.


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A Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura Tropical iniciou em principios dos anos 80 um Banco de Gemoplasma tendo reunido atualmente um total de quase 700 acessos no campo, do gênero Ananas e outras bromeliáceas, sendo uma das maiores coleções de gemoplasma desse gênero no mundo, reunindo expressiva variabilidade genética intra e interespecífica. A coleção está em condições de campo e uma duplicata vem sendo introduzida na conservação in vitro desde 2003, como cópia de segurança. A variabilidade genética do gênero Ananas, no entanto, é ainda muito pouco explorada, apesar do potencial que essas plantas têm para a geração de diversos produtos. Os genótipos silvestres possuem uma diversidade de formas e cores, que chamam atenção pela beleza e exoticidade. Essas características conferem a essas plantas um grande potencial para serem usadas como planta omamental. O abacaxi já vem se destacando como fruteira omamental, representando, atualmente, o segundo produto mais exportado da floricultura do Ceará. Essa comercialização, no entanto, está pautada em apenas duas cultivares, o Ananas comosus var. erectifolius (=Lucidus) e o Ananas comosus var. bracteatus (=Ananas Porteanus).


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El mercado de plantas ornamentales tropicales ha mostrado un crecimiento expresivo y la búsqueda por novedades es constante. Actualmente hay pocas variedades de bananos ornamentales disponibles para comercialización, y en su mayoría constituyen el uso directo de especies de las secciones Rhodoclamys (M. ornata y M. velutina) y Callimusa (M. coccinea). La generación de nuevas variedades de banano ornamental para diferentes usos constituye una alternativa para satisfacer esta demanda. La Embrapa Yuca y Frutales mantiene un banco de germoplasma de Musa spp. con 290 accesiones, que contemplan variedades y especies silvestres de la sección Eumusa, con un predominio de M. acuminata y M. balbisiana, con diferentes grados de ploidia y combinaciones de los genomas A y B. La colección también alberga representantes de las secciones Rhodochlamys y Callimusa. Tradicionalmente el uso de este germoplasma estaba direccionado sólo a la producción de cultivares para la alimentación, y ha generado varios cultivares productivos, con frutos de buena calidad y resistentes al mal de Panamá, Sigatoka amarilla y Sigatoka negra.


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Plant galls constitute a branch of study and research which has been to me a subject of much interest for some time. At the start of this work, it was intended to include Plant galls in general, but after some months this was found to be too comprehensive a field and would in fact take a great many years to study fully. Even leaf galls alone, both of herbs and trees provide so large a field of investigation that ultimately I decided to confine my attention to those or our native trees and shrubs. Upon looking up the literature on this subject, it will be found that in nearly all cases, either the gall is described fully and mere mention made or the agent concerned in its production, or vice versa. This state of things is most unsatisfactory, as in studying galls, both the gall-maker and the gall formation must be examined in detail before it is safe to apply nomenclature. This work, therefore, sets out to give accurate and scientific descriptions of both galls and gall-makers. The difficulties encountered are manifold; firstly, our trees are all deciduous, hence, the collecting period is necessarily restricted to that time of the year between the appearance of the buds and the fall of the leaf. Secondly, the rearing of imagines is always difficult, especially in the case or the autumn gall; more will be said on this matter later. Lastly, due to war-time conditions much trouble was experienced in obtaining suitable literature and many invaluable books on this subject were unprocurable. The Plates at the back have all been copied from original material except in the case or the Phytoptid mites which have been sketched with the help of illustrations, the reason for this being the difficulty of making suitable mounts of these minute creatures, Where possible all stages or at least larva and imago have been sketched, together with the host plant and the type of gall-formation produced. Slides have also been made of most larvae and the imagines attached to cards and pinned on to pith or cork in the usual manner.


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Cotoneaster pannosus (Rosaceae), an ornamental shrub native to China, is reported for the first time in Tarragona Province (Catalonia, Spain). Data on demography and accompanying species for the new locality are provided, in addition to a chrorological update at nation level.


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Tesis (Maestría en Artes con Especialidad en Educación por el Arte) U.A.N.L.


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Ce mémoire de maîtrise porte sur une poétique de l’excès dans Orlando de Virginia Woolf et Nightwood de Djuna Barnes comme une stratégie combattant la tendance qu’a le modernisme à dévaloriser l’écriture des femmes comme étant trop ornementale. J’expose comment Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, et Wyndham Lewis tentent de récupérer la notion du détail afin d’affirmer une poétique masculin. Je fais appel également aux oeuvres de l’architecte autrichien Adolf Loos qui souligne sa dénonciation de l’ornement comme régressif. Dans Orlando et Nightwood, je considère l’excès associé au corps. Je soutiens que, dans ces textes, les corps dépassent les limites de la représentation moderniste. Je considère aussi comment Orlando et Nightwood font apparaître la narration comme ornement et écrivent excessivement l’histoire et le temps. Pour conclure, je propose une façon de lire l’excès afin de reconceptualiser le potentiel de production de la signification dans des textes modernistes.