986 resultados para Organic pollution


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A constructed wetland at Greenmount College, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland was built in 2004 to study the treatment of ‘dirty water’ effluent from the Greenmount dairy unit. The effluent has a mean BOD5 of c.1000 mg/L and contains milking parlour wash-water and runoff from silage clamps and yard areas lightly contaminated with cattle manure. The nominal water retention time of this wetland is 100 days. The primary purposes of the wetland are to eliminate organic pollution and eutrophication risk from nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. However the wetland should also effectively remove any zoonotic pathogens present in manure and milk. Accordingly, a 12-month microbiological survey of water in the five ponds of the wetland commenced in August 2007. The aims of the survey are to determine changes, as effluent passes through the wetland system, in a broad range of indicator organisms (faecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis and Clostridium perfringens) and the occurrence of several pathogens - Salmonella, Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium and Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map). The highest indicator organism counts - E. coli and faecal coliforms, 103-104 CFU/ml - are observed in pond 1, and a significant reduction (1-3 log10) in all indicator organisms occurs as water passes through the wetland from pond 1 to pond 5. Hence the wetland is efficient at reducing levels of indicator organisms in the dairy effluent. Salmonella and Campylobacter spp. are being detected intermittently in all the ponds, whilst Cryptosporidium and Map have yet to be detected, and so the ability of the wetland to reduce/eliminate specific pathogens is less clear at present.


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The assessment of ecological status of lotic freshwater bodies, based on stringent criteria of classification, has been defined by the Water Framework Directive (WFD), as a result of the implementation and optimization of methodologies that integrate physico-chemical, biological, and hydromorphological parameters. It is recognized that the application of this methodology is not easy, because it requires deep technical and scientific knowledge; it is time consuming in its application involving high financial costs. Thus, the main objective of this study was the development of cheaper and faster complementary methodologies that may contribute to the technical application of the classification criteria defined by the WFD, achieving the same final results of evaluation. In order to achieve this main goal, the river Mau, a small mountain river subjected to different stressors (eg, metals, pesticides), was established as the main sampling area. This thesis reviewed the historical development of various biotic indexes and its application in assessing water quality, especially highlighting the new paradigm defined by the WFD, and the corresponding actions developed for optimization and intercalibration of methodologies, evaluating the final state of water bodies. The ecological spatiotemporal characterization of the river Mau focused on the application of the WFD methodology, using at this stage only macroinvertebrates collected during four seasons. Results were compared with historical data of the last three years and they demonstrated that the river is in good condition. However, the ecological quality decreased at certain locations indicating that organisms were subjected to some type of disturbance. As the ecological quality can be conditioned by pulses of contamination from the sediments, in environmental adverse conditions, assays were performed with elutriates, obtained from sediments collected near the mining complex Braçal-Palhal. Results showed that this method was effective achieving the state of contamination, which may be important in prioritizing/scoring of critical areas within river ecosystems potentially impacted, using the WFD methodology. However, this methodology requires the collection of sediment which can promote the modification and / or loss of contaminants. To solve this potential problem, we developed a new methodology to obtain similar results. For this, we used a benthic microalga, belonging to the Portuguese flora, sensitive to organic pollution and metals. This methodology was optimized for application in situ, by immobilization of diatom in calcium alginate beads. The results showedthat their sensitivity and normal growth rate are similar to data obtained when used free cells of diatom. This new methodology allowed the achievement of a very quick response on the degree of contamination of a site, providing a complementary methodology to WFD.


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Among organic pollutants existing in coastal areas, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are of great concern due to their ubiquity and carcinogenic potential. The aim of this study was to evaluate the seasonal patterns of PAHs in the digestive gland and arm of the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) from the Northwest Atlantic Portuguese coast. In the different seasons, 18 PAHs were determined and the detoxification capacity of the species was evaluated. Ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) and ethoxycoumarin O-deethylase (ECOD) activities were measured to assess phase I biotransformation capacity. Individual PAH ratios were used for major source (pyrolytic/petrogenic) analysis. Risks for human consumption were determined by the total toxicity equivalence approach. Generally, low levels of PAHs were detected in the digestive gland and in the arm of octopus, with a predominance of low molecular over high molecular weight compounds. PAHs exhibited seasonality in the concentrations detected and in their main emission sources. In the digestive gland, the highest total PAH levels were observed in autumn possibly related to fat availability in the ecosystem and food intake. The lack of PAH elimination observed in the digestive gland after captivity could be possibly associated to a low biotransformation capacity, consistent with the negligible/undetected levels of EROD and ECOD activity in the different seasons. The emission sources of PAHs found in the digestive gland varied from a petrogenic profile observed in winter to a pyrolytic pattern in spring. In the arm, the highest PAH contents were observed in June; nevertheless, levels were always below the regulatory limits established for food consumption. The carcinogenic potential calculated for all the sampling periods in the arm were markedly lower than the ones found in various aquatic species from different marine environments. The results presented in this study give relevant baseline data for environmental monitoring of organic pollution in coastal areas.


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Cochin estuary is a shallow brackish water body situated on the south west coast of India. It is a tropical positive estuary extending between 90 40’ and 100 12’ N and 760 10’and 760 30’ E with its northern boundary at Azhikode and southern boundary at Thannermukkom bund.The abundance of benthic fauna in an ecosystem shows the close relationship to its environment and reflects the characteristics of an ecological niche. Seasonal and monthly variations in the distribution of macrobenthos in relation to sediment characteristics were conducted in Cochin estuary from 2009-10 periods. Oxidation-reduction potential showed reducing trends that affected the distribution and diversity of fauna. Seasonal variations in water quality and river discharge pattern affected the faunal composition in the different stations. Sewage mixing was the principal source of organic pollution in the Cochin estuary. The sediment pH was generally on the alkaline side ranging from 4.99 at St.9 and 8.33 at St.1.The Eh ranged from -11mV at St.3 to -625mV at St.2.The temperature varied from 260C to 320C in the estuary. The moisture content ranged from 1.63 to 12.155%, that of organic carbon from 0 09 at St. 6 to 4.29% at St.9 and that of organic matter from 0.16 to 7.39%. Seasonally, the average of Eh was highest during the monsoon (156.22 mV) and in the pre monsoon (140.94 mV). The average pH for the 9 study stations was 7.68 during monsoon period and 7.08 during post monsoon. Based on group wise seasonal analysis, the average mean abundance was maximum for polychaetes (43.47) followed by nematodes (33.62), crustaceans (21.62), molluscs (11.94) and Pisces (0.05) in the estuary. Monsoon season was most favourable for benthic faunal abundance followed by the post monsoon period in the study. The series of human interventions like dredging, discharge of industrial effluents, urbanisation and related aspects had a strong influence on the distribution, abundance of benthic macrofauna in the wetland.


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A novel biomarker was developed in Daphnia magna to detect organic pollution in groundwater. The haem peroxidase assay, which is an indirect means of measuring oxidase activity, was particularly sensitive to kerosene contamination. Exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of kerosene-contaminated groundwater resulted in a haem peroxidase activity increase by dose with a two-fold activity peak at 25%. Reproduction in D. magna remained unimpaired when exposed to concentrations below 25% for 21 days, and a decline in fecundity was only observed at concentrations above the peak in enzyme activity. The measurement of haem peroxidase activity in D. magna detected sublethal effects of kerosene in just 24 h, whilst offering information on the health status of the organisms. The biomarker may be useful in determining concentrations above which detrimental effects would occur from long-term exposure for fuel hydrocarbons. Moreover, this novel assay detects exposure to chemicals in samples that would normally be classified as non-toxic by acute toxicity tests.


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The biomonitoring technique for water quality in water bodies has been incorporated increasingly in management of the natural resources, using mainly indices of its aquatic community characteristics. In Brazil the first efforts to use this technique was restricted to the South and the Midwest region of this country. Located in the northeast region, this study was conducted at Rio Grande do Norte state and had as main objective the assessment of water quality in the Piranhas-Açu river using benthic macroinvertebrates community as biological indicators. Thus, were applied two biotic indices, the BMWP (Biological Monitoring Working Party score system) and the IBF (Family Biotic Index). According the requirements of these indices, two periods of sampling were determined as basic methodology, in dry seasons of 2006 and 2007. The sampling sites were around the municipalities of Açu, Ipanguaçu, Alto do Rodrigues and Pendências. Physical-chemical measurements; a protocol of rapid assessment of diversity of habitats, and determination of the degree of tolerance of each taxon to organic pollution were also performed. The most abundant organisms found in the river were tolerant with the prevalence of Chironomidae (Diptera) and Melanoides tuberculata. This results, together with those ones got in indices application, showed a considerable organic pollution in the four sample places and the reaches were classified as modified to impacted. According to the used indices, this study suggest that this river have significant alteration in the biotic community and water quality on the organic pollution, and this fact, occurs in the reach of the river further downstream, where were expected a good water quality. Considering these results, measures aiming the conservation of this water body are needed regarding as it is inserted into a fragile ecosystem with dry season phenomenon, and the water of this river has extremely importance for the local economy


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Macroalgal communities and environmental variables were analyzed seasonally along a polluted tropical stream in São Paulo State, Brazil, We aimed to improve the knowledge of tropical macroalgal communities, to study the longitudinal and seasonal dynamics of these communities in influenced environments, to evaluate the relationship of algal frequency and abundance with selected environmental variables, and to look for potential macroalgal species indicators. The seasonal abundance pattern was similar to natural or low influenced systems and was mainly determined by rainfall regime. However, community composition was closely related to some chemical water pollution indicators, such as phosphorus and nitrogen compounds. Some species are suggested as potential indicators of organic pollution (e.g. Oscillatoria ornata, Stigeoclonium helveticum and Schizomeris leibleinii), but more detailed studies have to be developed to determine the tolerance limits of these species. on the basis of our results and literature data, the use of occurrence of Oscillatoriales in relation to other orders of Cyanoprokaryota is suggested to be a good indicator of organic pollution in tropical lotic ecosystems.


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Schizomeris leibleinii Kützing é uma alga filamentosa comumente encontrada em ambientes aquáticos continentais eutrofizados ou poluídos por nutrientes orgânicos e é um potencial organismo indicador de poluição orgânica. Estudos envolvendo o cultivo de S. leibleinii sob concentrações variáveis de nitrato e fosfato foram efetuados durante períodos de 50 dias. A biomassa foi expressa através da quantificação da concentração de clorofila a relativa a diferentes tempos de cultivo. Além da análise das curvas de crescimento, os dados obtidos foram submetidos à Anova (uma via) e teste de Tukey para comparação entre os tratamentos. Os resultados revelaram que S. leibleinii apresentou crescimento rápido sob baixas concentrações de nitrato e fosfato, mas o melhor desempenho ocorreu em concentrações altas de nitrato. Verificou-se nesta espécie que condições de estresse ambiental provocam, inicialmente, crescimento rápido, possivelmente acompanhado de intensa reprodução. Apesar do rápido desenvolvimento, a avaliação das curvas de crescimento de S. leibleinii sugere que esta espécie é um estrategista em k. Além disso, a alga mostrou-se mais dependente da concentração de nitrato do que de fosfato, indicando o nitrogênio como limitante do crescimento em meio de cultura.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Oxigênio dissolvido (OD), demanda bioquímica do oxigênio (DBO) e demanda química do oxigênio (DQO) foram utilizados como parâmetros para se avaliar o grau e capacidade de autodepuração do ribeirão Lavapés, que atravessa a cidade de Botucatu - SP. Avaliou-se o perfil de poluição orgânica e identificadas as zonas de autodepuração, e pontualmente foi realizado uma coleta de 24 horas, de hora em hora, onde foi possível correlacionar a poluição orgânica com as atividades domésticas. A DQO mostrou-se como a melhor técnica para avaliar o perfil de poluição orgânica, identificar as zonas de depuração, e para avaliar a poluição orgânica, neste curso d água. A relação DQO/DBO foi em média 3,4 caracterizando um esgoto biodegradável, indicando que praticamente não existe adição de efluentes industriais, permitindo assim estimar a DBO através da DQO. Nos trechos de água limpa, nascente e foz, em que a DQO estava abaixo de 5 mg L-1 O2, foram utilizados os valores de oxigênio consumido (método do permanganato), o que não invalidou a identificação das zonas de depuração. No entanto pesquisas para desenvolver o método de DQO (dicromato) para baixas concentrações, abaixo de 5 mg L-1 são necessárias para uma melhor avaliação da recuperação do curso d água.


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The Preto River, located in the northwest of São Paulo State, receives a total wastewater load of 15.150 kg DBO day-1, from which 13.685 kg DBO day-1 (90.5%) corresponds to domestic sewage, and the city of São José do Rio Preto contributes with 12.400 kg DBO day-1 (90% of domestic sewage). During the period from August 1990 through January 1991, monthly sampling was carried out to evaluate the use of macroalgae as bioindicator of organic pollution. Five sampling sites were established along the main river and the following variables were analised: temperature, conductance, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, BOD, COD, total and fecal coliforms, and composition and abundance of macroalgal communities. Data were submitted to analysis of variance, correlation coefficient, cluster analysis (four different approaches) and converted to biological indices (species deficit, relative pollution, saprobity, diversity and uniformity indices). A wide range in water quality was found (particularly for conductance, oxygen, BOD and COD) among the sampling sites, which were classified into three groups (polluted, moderately polluted and unpolluted/weakly polluted). As regards the occurrence and abundance of macroalgae the Rhodophyta were found only in unpolluted or weakly polluted sites, whereas Cyanophyta occurred mostly under high pollution load; the Chlorophyta species were observed under a wide range of conditions. Among the biological indices, saprobity was the most sensitive and correlated to all water variables and the other indices. Cluster analyses showed that the composition of macroalgal communities was consistent with the levels of organic pollution in the Preto River.


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The objective of this work is to analyze the effects of salinity and wastewater on the zooplankton community of the Itanhaém river estuary, São Paulo state. Samples of zooplankton as well as physical and chemical variables of water were collected in four sites, located between the coastal line and the superior part of the estuary, including a secondary channel where wastewater is thrown without previous treatment. The samples were collected in low and high tide in winter and summer. Results showed that the estuary presents a temporal and spatial variation of physical and chemical characteristics, especially salinity, in function of the tide and seasonal variation of rain. The high values of salinity occurred in winter and high tide. Zooplankton community was adapted to the dynamic of salinity, and marine and estuarine species occurred in the low part of the estuary in winter. Although the Itanhaém river estuary has the same temporal and spatial dynamic of other estuaries, the values of salinity are low when compared with others located in the southern coast of São Paulo. Consequently, mainly oligohaline and fresh water species constitute the zooplankton community. These characteristics are due to the great drainage area of the Itanhaém river basin. The waste water modified physical and chemical characteristics of water that now presents higher concentrations of nutrients, higher values of suspended matter and lower concentrations of oxygen. It was observed a positive relation between the density of nauplii of copepods and organic pollution in this estuary.


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The aim of this study was to analyze temporal ..d vertical variation of the biomass and of phytoplankton primary productivity in an urban eutrophic reservoir, in relation to the physical and chemical characteristics of the water. The physical and chemical variables of the water were defined in the limnetic region of the reservoir, at depths of 0.0; 0.5; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 and 4.0 meters. Three samples were taken to define both the physical and chemical variables, concomitantly with the biomass (chlorophyll-a and phaeophytin) and phytoplankton primary productivity (C-14 method). Based on data obtained on differences in depth of the mixture zone and the euphotic zone, it is hypothesised that, depending on the time of the year, phytoplankton is conditioned by differences in the light and nutrient regimes, which change according to the constant loads of nutrients thrown into the system. The highest concentration of chlorophyll-a in the photic zone of the limnetic region was observed in November 2000 (1,197.3 mg Chl L -1) and the lowest in November 1999 (94.0 mg ChI L -1), whereas the profiles of primary activity of phytoplankton presented the highest rates on the surface of the water column, with values varying from 84.7 (May 2000) to 1,376.7mg C m -3 h -1 (December 2000). Annual primary productivity was calculated at 1,567.0gC m -2y -1, considered euproductive. The primary productivity profiles reported in this study are typical of aquatic eutrophic systems, rich in plankton and with low light penetration. It can be stated that Garças Lake is a system that suffers from anthropogenic impact, through receiving large loads of organic pollution, reflecting on the physical and chemical characteristics of the water and on the high values of biomass and primary phytoplankton activity. © National Institute of Ecology, New Delhi.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC