208 resultados para Orangutans Pongo-pygmaeus


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A group of passionate and naïve young people leave their known worlds behind to spend 100 days in the jungles of Borneo. Their mission is to confront one of the great global challenges of our time, saving rainforests and giving hope to endangered orangutans. Their task is enormous and the odds are against them. Jojo, an orphaned baby orangutan, is entrusted in their care and they must find a way to return her to her forest home. To do this, they need to build an orangutan rehabilitation centre and find ways to help the local communities protect their forest. Under the guidance of their mentor Dr Willie Smits, they introduce an innovative satellite monitoring system called Earthwatchers and enlist the help of school students around the world. The system is put to the test when the bulldozers move in and threaten the future of a nearby community living in a traditional longhouse. This is a story about what it takes it be an eco-warrior, an individual willing to step up and take action to avert a global catastrophe taking place before our eyes. The eco-warriors represent a new generation, ready to face what is happening on our planet and willing to do something, no matter how small, to build a more humane and balanced world. For them, every individual matters, every action counts. - Written by Cathy Henkel


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"Every year deliberately lit fires rage across Indonesia. They destroy pristine rainforest, endanger orangutans and contribute to climate change. A young carbon trading entrepreneur goes in search of a solution." "Dorjee Sun, a young Australian Entrepreneur, believes there's money to be made from protecting rainforests in Indonesia, saving the orangutan from extinction and making a real impact on climate change. Armed with a laptop and a backpack, he sets out across the globe to find investors in his carbon trading scheme. It is a battle against time. Achmadi, the palm oil farmer is ready to set fire to his land to plant more palm oil, and Lone's orangutan centre has reached crisis point with over 600 orangutans rescued from the fires. The Burning Season is an eco-thriller about a young man not afraid to confront the biggest challenge of our time."


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Inspired by the demonstration that tool-use variants among wild chimpanzees and orangutans qualify as traditions (or cultures), we developed a formal model to predict the incidence of these acquired specializations among wild primates and to examine the evolution of their underlying abilities. We assumed that the acquisition of the skill by an individual in a social unit is crucially controlled by three main factors, namely probability of innovation, probability of socially biased learning, and the prevailing social conditions (sociability, or number of potential experts at close proximity). The model reconfirms the restriction of customary tool use in wild primates to the most intelligent radiation, great apes; the greater incidence of tool use in more sociable populations of orangutans and chimpanzees; and tendencies toward tool manufacture among the most sociable monkeys. However, it also indicates that sociable gregariousness is far more likely to produce the maintenance of invented skills in a population than solitary life, where the mother is the only accessible expert. We therefore used the model to explore the evolution of the three key parameters. The most likely evolutionary scenario is that where complex skills contribute to fitness, sociability and/or the capacity for socially biased learning increase, whereas innovative abilities (i.e., intelligence) follow indirectly. We suggest that the evolution of high intelligence will often be a byproduct of selection on abilities for socially biased learning that are needed to acquire important skills, and hence that high intelligence should be most common in sociable rather than solitary organisms. Evidence for increased sociability during hominin evolution is consistent with this new hypothesis. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study, protein electrophoresis was assayed to detect genetic variation in Genus Nycticebus. A total of 29 samples (2 N. coucang and 27 N. pygmaeus) were analyzed for 42 genetic loci. In the 27 samples of N. pygmaeus, 4 loci were observed to be polymorphic. Therefore, the estimated P value (proportion of polymorphic loci) is 0.095, the A value (average number of alleles each locus) is 1.045, and the H value (mean individual heterozygosity) is 0.040. After comparing the H of N. pygmaeus with those of other primates reported, we found that the protein variation in N. pygmaeus is slightly lower than the average level. Additionally, we also observed obvious allele difference between N. pygmaeus and N. coucang. There are no shared alleles between these two species in eight loci. The NEI's genetic distance between them was calculated as 0.2541, which falls in the spectrum of genetic difference between species in primates.


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本研究测定了懒猴属( Nycticebus) D 环的部分序列和细胞色素b 基因的全序列(1 140 bp) , 分析了 该属物种之间的系统发育进化关系。在DNA 水平上, 序列分析结果一致地提供了新的分类学证据: 支持Rata2 jszczak 和Groves 的观点, 即N1intermedus 只是N1 pygmaeus 的成体(Ratajszczak , 1998 ; Groves , 1971) 。对两种 序列的数据做了联合及个别分析, 获得相似的系统树, 支持懒猴属由两个单系群组成: 第一群由N1 pygmaeus 聚成, 第二群由N1coucang 聚成。该结果也提供了新的分子遗传证据, 支持懒猴属由N1coucang 和 N1 pygmaeus 两物种组成。


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Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in 15 specimens of three species of slow lorises-Nycticebus coucang, N. intermedius, and N. pygmaeus-were analyzed in order to study the evolutionary relationships among the species. Eight restriction types were observed in the samples. Phylogenetic trees constructed on the basis of genetic distances showed that the slow lorises sort into two clusters: four types of N. coucang and three types of N. intermedius plus one type of N. pygmaeus. Our results suggest that there are two valid species in the genus Nycticebus-N. coucang and N. pygmaeus-and that N. intermedius should be included within N. pygmaeus. Divergence between the two species may have begun 2.7 Ma (million years ago). Evolution of gross morphology, chromosomes, and mitochondrial DNA in the slow lorises appears to be concordant.


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The karyotypes of three species (N. coucang, N. intermedius, and N. pygmaeus) of genus Nycticebus, collected from the southern Yunnan of China, have been studied. All individuals from three species possess 2n=50 chromosomes, and all chromosomes in their complement are biarm chromosomes. The karyotype of slow loris (N. coucang) is characterized by having a secondary constriction and Ag-NORs in the short arms of pair No. 1. The G-banding patterns of three species are very similar. Three species are found to have multiple Ag-NORs. In N. coucang, NORs were observed on five pairs (Nos. 1, 6, 9, 15, and 23) and in N. intermedius and N. pygmaeus, NORs were found on four pairs (Nos. 6, 9, 15, and 20). This finding indicates that slow lorises, as primitive primates, also have multiple NOR-bearing chromosomes. Finally, the classification of genus Nycticebus by karyotype analysis is discussed, and our results suggest that there are at least two valid species, namely: N. coucang and N. pygmaeus.


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Bamboo bats are a group of small bats with unique skull and morphology. They roost inside hollow bamboo stems in tropical and subtropical Asia and the Ambon Islands (Moluccas). We examined 53 specimens of Tylonycteris from southern and southwestern China. Comparisons of skull and external characteristics, pelage color, shapes of thumbpads and footpads, and statistical analysis of cranial measurements revealed that specimens from Damenglong, Jinghong County, Xishuang-banna, Yunnan, are distinctly different from the other two species of Tylonycteris described so far. The Yunnan specimens are the smallest in size; have dark blackish brown pelage color; and have larger upper premolars, smaller first lower premolars, and longer C-M-3. They are sympatric with the previously described species. Here we review the genus Tylonycteri and describe a new species, Tylonycteris pygmaeus, from the Yunnan material.


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用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术分析了蜂猴(N. coucang)和倭蜂猴(N. pygmaeus) 的血红蛋白(Hb)、乳酸脱氢酶、酯酶、苹果酸脱氢酶同功酶。用醋酸薄膜电泳分 析了蜂猴和倭蜂猴的血清 蛋白成分, 并进行了比较。懒猴的LDH-B含量明显低 于高等灵长类。


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The present study examines those features which promote bat feeding in agricultural riparian areas and the riparian habitat associations of individual species. Activity of Nathusius' pipistrelle (Pipistrellus nathusii), common pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus), soprano pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pygmaeus), Leisler's bat (Nyctalus leisleri), and Myotis species (Myotis sp.) were recorded, and their habitat associations both "between" and "within" riparian areas were analyzed. General feeding activity was associated with reduced agricultural intensity, riparian hedgerow provision, and habitat diversity. Significant habitat associations for P. pipistrellus were observed only within riparian areas. Myotis species and P. pygmaeus were significantly related to indices of landscape structure and riparian hedgerow across spatial scales. Myotis species were also related to lower levels of riffle flow at both scales of analysis. The importance of these variables changed significantly, however, between analysis scales. The multi-scale investigation of species-habitat associations demonstrated the necessity to consider habitat and landscape characteristics across spatial scales to derive appropriate conservation plans.


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As comunidades de macrofauna bentónica são ecológica e economicamente relevantes, sendo fonte de diversos bens e serviços. A sua identificação, caracterização e mapeamento são importantes para identificar áreas marinhas protegidas e para uma melhor utilização do ambiente marinho. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo holístico da diversidade e distribuição espacial das comunidades de macrofauna bentónica ao longo da plataforma continental Portuguesa. Cerca de 145 locais posicionados ao longo da plataforma ocidental e setentrional foram amostrados com uma draga Smith-McIntyre de área 0,1 m2, a profundidades que variaram entre os 13 e 195 metros. Os sedimentos foram caracterizados em termos de granulometria, de matéria orgânica e geoquímica. São propostos seis habitats bentónicos principais para a plataforma continental Portuguesa, analisada a relação entre os dados biológicos e ambientais e discutidas questões biogeográficas relacionadas com a distribuição espacial de espécies e das comunidades. A distribuição da granulometria e assinatura geoquímica dos sedimentos da plataforma continental revelou-se bastante complexa, refletindo importantes diferenças nas fontes (naturais e antropogénicas), origem fluvial, geomorfologia da plataforma, hidrodinamismo e atividade biológica. Relativamente à macrofauna, entre os mais de 30 mil indivíduos recolhidos, foram identificados cerca de 737 taxa, dos quais quatro são novas espécies e aproximadamente 40 correspondem a primeiras ocorrências para a costa Portuguesa. As espécies mais frequentes foram a Ampharete finmarchica, Ampelisca sp. e Lumbrineris lusitanica sp. nov. enquanto as mais abundantes foram Mediomastus fragilis, Polygordius appendiculatus e Ampharete finmarchica. A abundância por local de amostragem variou entre 7 e 1.307 espécimens e a diversidade alfa atingiu um máximo de 96 taxa. Os sedimentos mais grosseiros apresentaram maior diversidade e abundância comparativamente com os sedimentos envasados. Foram identificados seis habitats bentónicos na plataforma continental Portuguesa: (a) sedimentos grosseiros com Protodorvillea kefersteini, Pisione remota, Angulus pygmaeus e várias espécies intersticiais; (b) areias finas hidrodinamicamente expostas e próximas da linha de costa com Magelona johnstoni, Urothoe pulchella e Angulus fabula; (c) comunidade de Abra alba em areia envasadas da plataforma profunda do noroeste; (d) Galathowenia oculata, Lumbrinerides amoureuxi e outros poliquetas escavadores e tubícolas em areais envasadas muito profundas na plataforma sudoeste; (e) Euchone rubrocincta, Nematonereis unicornis e várias espécies setentrionais nas areias envasadas da plataforma sul; (f) vasas com Sternaspis scutata, Heteromastus filiformis e Psammogammarus caecus. A granulometria do sedimento (particularmente teor em finos), matéria orgânica, profundidade e hidrodinamismo foram as variáveis ambientais com a maior relação com os padrões de distribuição da macrofauna. As espécies cosmopolitas e de latitudes superiores (clima Boreal ou Temperado Frio) dominaram o setor noroeste, sendo substituídas por espécies mais quentes na área de transição entre os canhões da Nazaré e S. Vicente, que dominaram por conseguinte a plataforma sul. O presente estudo evidenciou a abundância e diversidade da macrofauna bentónica ao longo da área costeira de Portugal, na qual coexistem faunas das províncias biogeográficas do norte da Europa, bem como subtropicais. Integrado com outro estudos, este poderá ser a base para uma melhor gestão da plataforma continental Portuguesa.


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Study Objectives: Interspecific variation in sleep measured in captivity correlates with various physiological and environmental factors, including estimates of predation risk in the wild. However, it remains unclear whether prior comparative studies have been confounded by the captive recording environment. Herein we examine the impact of predation pressure on sleep in sloths living in the wild. Design: Comparison of two closely related sloth species, one exposed to predation and one free from predation. Setting: Panamanian mainland rainforest (predators present) and island mangrove (predators absent). Participants: Mainland (Bradypus variegatus, 5 males and 4 females) and island (Bradypus pygmaeus, 6 males) sloths. Interventions: None. Measurements and Results: EEG and EMG activity were recorded using a miniature data logger. Although both species spent between 9 and 10 hours per day sleeping, the mainland sloths showed a preference for sleeping at night, whereas island sloths showed no preference for sleeping during the day or night. EEG activity during NREM sleep showed lower low-frequency power, and increased spindle and higher frequency power in island sloths when compared to mainland sloths. Conclusions: In sloths sleeping in the wild, predation pressure influenced the timing of sleep, but not the amount of time spent asleep. The preference for sleeping at night in mainland sloths may be a strategy to avoid detection by nocturnal cats. The pronounced differences in the NREM sleep EEG spectrum remain unexplained, but might be related to genetic or environmental factors.


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La masse corporelle et la direction des charges sont des facteurs qui peuvent modifier la morphologie des surfaces articulaires qui sont généralement orientées et de taille suffisante pour résister aux charges chroniques. Chez les hominoïdes, les forces de tension et compression, générées par la locomotion, sont transmises à travers l’articulation du coude. Ces espèces ont une morphologie similaire de l’extrémité distale de l’humérus, mais qui présente certaines différences selon la taille des individus et leurs modes de locomotion. Ce projet tente de caractériser plus exhaustivement cette variation en analysant la largeur des surfaces articulaires ainsi que leur position et orientation par rapport à l’axe long de la diaphyse. La prémisse de ce mémoire est que, chez les espèces plus arboricoles, la morphologie de l’articulation distale de l’humérus répond aux stress transverses générés par les puissants muscles fléchisseurs du poignet et des doigts qui traversent le coude obliquement. En revanche, les espèces plus terrestres présentent une morphologie permettant de résister aux forces axiales provenant du contact avec le sol. Des coordonnées tridimensionnelles et des mesures linéaires ont été recueillies sur un échantillon squelettique d’individus des genres Homo, Pan, Gorilla et Pongo. Les résultats obtenus révèlent que l’orientation et la position des surfaces articulaires de la trochlée correspondent aux types de locomotion, or leur taille et celle et du capitulum semblent être influencées par la taille des individus. L’hypothèse suggérant que les stress reliés aux divers modes de locomotion des hominoïdes influencent la morphologie de l’articulation distale de l’humérus est donc supportée.


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Cette étude comparative est une révision de la famille des Harrimaniidae basée sur les caractères morphologiques d'espèces connues et nouvelles provenant des collections de William E. Ritter, Theodore H. Bullock et Kandula P. Rao rassemblées au cours du 20e siècle. Les descriptions présentées ici portent le total des genres de cinq à neuf par l'ajout de Horstia n. gen., Mesoglossus n. gen., Ritteria n. gen et Saxipendium, un genre auparavant attribué à la famille monospécifique des Saxipendidae. Le nombre d'espèces est porté à 34 par la description de cinq nouvelles espèces du Pacifique oriental: Horstia kincaidi, Mesoglossus intermedius, Mesoglossus macginitiei, Protoglossus mackiei et Ritteria ambigua. La description d'une sixième espèce, Stereobalanus willeyi Ritter et Davis, 1904 (nomen nudum) est présentée ici pour la première fois, ainsi qu'une description abrégée de Saxipendium coronatum. Quatre espèces précédemment attribuées au genre Saccoglossus sont transférées au genre Mesoglossus: M. bournei, M. caraibicus, M. gurneyi, et M. pygmaeus et Saccoglossus borealis est transféré au genre Harrimania. Une hypothèse phylogénétique sur la famille des Harrimaniidae est émise, présentant l'évolution possible des caractères morphologiques au sein du groupe. Finalement, des notes sur la distribution géographique étendue mais discontinue de plusieurs espèces suggère que les entéropneustes auraient pu avoir une distribution ancienne continue et plus grande qui aurait été fragmentée par la suite.


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Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, les relations entre morphologie, locomotion et croissance chez les hominoïdes sont analysées sous l'angle des proportions métaphysaires et de leur acquisition. Plusieurs niveaux d'analyse — intermembre, supérieur et inférieur — sont abordés dans une perspective ontogénique. La masse corporelle et la direction des charges influencent la morphologie des surfaces articulaires et métaphysaires mais aussi leur développement. Les charges étant dépendantes du mode locomoteur et celui-ci se modifiant en fonction de l'âge, on tente de voir à quel(s) moment(s) les changements proportionnels ont lieu et pourquoi ils apparaissent. Des mesures linéaires ont été recueillies sur l'humérus, le radius, le fémur et le tibia sur un échantillon squelettique des espèces H. sapiens, P. troglodytes, G. gorilla et P. pygmaeus. À partir de ces mesures et du calcul de certains ratios, des comparaisons intra et interspécifiques ont été réalisées. Les différences les plus significatives entre les espèces se dévoilent au niveau intermembre et sont relatives aux différents pourcentages d'utilisation des membres supérieurs ou inférieurs. Au sein des espèces, les résultats révèlent une similarité dans les réactions des surfaces métaphysaires au niveau intermembre, supérieur et inférieur. Les changements proportionnels ont lieu entre les stades 0 et 1 pour H. sapiens (première marché indépendante), entre les stades 2 et 4 pour P. troglodytes (majorité du poids corporel soutenue par les membres inférieurs) et entre les stades 3 et 5 pour G. gorilla (taille adulte et quadrupédie très majoritaire). Pour P. pygmaeus aucun stade en particulier n'a été ciblé par les analyses et cela concorde avec l'homogénéité de ses modes de locomotion employés au cours de la vie. Les différences proportionnelles répondent à des changements locomoteurs majeurs. Australopithecus afarensis est intermédiaire entre H. sapiens et les grands singes pour de nombreuses comparaisons. Au niveau du genou, les plus jeunes individus A. afarensis ne montrent pas de morphologie bipède, similaire aux humains.