998 resultados para Optical propagation
We have numerically solved the Heisenberg-Langevin equations describing the propagation of quantized fields through an optically thick sample of atoms. Two orthogonal polarization components are considered for the field, and the complete Zeeman sublevel structure of the atomic transition is taken into account. Quantum fluctuations of atomic operators are included through appropriate Langevin forces. We have considered an incident field in a linearly polarized coherent state (driving field) and vacuum in the perpendicular polarization and calculated the noise spectra of the amplitude and phase quadratures of the output field for two orthogonal polarizations. We analyze different configurations depending on the total angular momentum of the ground and excited atomic states. We examine the generation of squeezing for the driving-field polarization component and vacuum squeezing of the orthogonal polarization. Entanglement of orthogonally polarized modes is predicted. Noise spectral features specific to (Zeeman) multilevel configurations are identified.
We study trapping and propagation of a matter-wave soliton through the interface between uniform medium and a nonlinear optical lattice. Different regimes for transmission of a broad and a narrow solitons are investigated. Reflections and transmissions of solitons are predicted as a function of the lattice phase. The existence of a threshold in the amplitude of the nonlinear optical lattice, separating the transmission and reflection regimes, is verified. The localized nonlinear surface state, corresponding to the soliton trapped by the interface, is found. Variational approach predictions are confirmed by numerical simulations for the original Gross-Pitaevskii equation with nonlinear periodic potentials.
We analyze the quantum dynamics of radiation propagating in a single-mode optical fiber with dispersion, nonlinearity, and Raman coupling to thermal phonons. We start from a fundamental Hamiltonian that includes the principal known nonlinear effects and quantum-noise sources, including linear gain and loss. Both Markovian and frequency-dependent, non-Markovian reservoirs are treated. This treatment allows quantum Langevin equations, which have a classical form except for additional quantum-noise terms, to be calculated. In practical calculations, it is more useful to transform to Wigner or 1P quasi-probability operator representations. These transformations result in stochastic equations that can be analyzed by use of perturbation theory or exact numerical techniques. The results have applications to fiber-optics communications, networking, and sensor technology.
The technique of frequency-resolved optical gating is used to characterize the intensity and the phase of picosecond pulses after propagation through 700 m of fiber at close to the zero-dispersion wavelength. Using the frequency-resolved optical gating technique, we directly measure the severe temporal distortion resulting from the interplay between self-phase modulation and higher-order dispersion in this regime. The measured intensity and phase of the pulses after propagation are found to be in good agreement with the predictions of numerical simulations with the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.
We consider solutions to the second-harmonic generation equations in two-and three-dimensional dispersive media in the form of solitons localized in space and time. As is known, collapse does not take place in these models, which is why the solitons may be stable. The general solution is obtained in an approximate analytical form by means of a variational approach, which also allows the stability of the solutions to be predicted. Then, we directly simulate the two-dimensional case, taking the initial configuration as suggested by the variational approximation. We thus demonstrate that spatiotemporal solitons indeed exist and are stable. Furthermore, they are not, in the general case, equivalent to the previously known cylindrical spatial solitons. Direct simulations generate solitons with some internal oscillations. However, these oscillations neither grow nor do they exhibit any significant radiative damping. Numerical solutions of the stationary version of the equations produce the same solitons in their unperturbed form, i.e., without internal oscillations. Strictly stable solitons exist only if the system has anomalous dispersion at both the fundamental harmonic and second harmonic (SH), including the case of zero dispersion at SH. Quasistationary solitons, decaying extremely slowly into radiation, are found in the presence of weak normal dispersion at the second-harmonic frequency.
We analyze the properties of light beams carrying phase singularities, or optical vortices. The transformations of topological charge during free-space propagation of a light wave, which is a combination of a Gaussian beam and a multiple charged optical vortex within a Gaussian envelope, are studied both in theory and experiment. We revise the existing knowledge about topological charge conservation, and demonstrate possible scenarios where additional vortices appear or annihilate during free propagation of such a combined beam. Coaxial interference of optical vortices is also analyzed, and the general rule for angular-momentum density distribution in a combined beam is established. We show that, in spite of any variation in the number of vortices in a combined beam, the total angular momentum is constant during the propagation. [S1050-2947(97)09910-1].
Optical fiber microwires (OFMs) are nonlinear optical waveguides that support several spatial modes. The multimodal generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation (MM-GNLSE) is deduced taking into account the linear and nonlinear modal coupling. A detailed theoretical description of four-wave mixing (FWM) considering the modal coupling is developed. Both, the intramode and the intermode phase-matching conditions is calculated for an optical microwire in a strong guiding regime. Finally, the FWM dynamics is studied and the amplitude evolution of the pump beams, the signal and the idler are analyzed.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações
Ultrasonic is a good tool to investigate the elastic properties of crystals. It enables one to determine all the elastic constants, Poisson’s ratios, volume compressibility and bulk modulus of crystals from velocity measurements. It also enables one to demonstrate the anisotropy of elastic properties by plotting sections of the surfaces of phase velocity, slowness, group velocity, Young’s modulus and linear compressibility along the a-b, b-c and a-c planes. They also help one to understand more about phonon amplification and help to interpret various phenomena associated with ultrasonic wave propagation, thermal conductivity, phonon transport etc. Study of nonlinear optical crystals is very important from an application point of view. Hundreds of new NLO materials are synthesized to meet the requirements for various applications. Inorganic, organic and organometallic or semiorganic classes of compounds have been studied for several reasons. Semiorganic compounds have some advantages over their inorganic and inorganic counterparts with regard to their mechanical properties. High damage resistance, high melting point, good transparency and non-hygroscopy are some of the basic requirements for a material to be suitable for device fabrication. New NLO materials are being synthesized and investigation of the mechanical and elastic properties of these crystals is very important to test the suitability of these materials for technological applications
A fairly rigorous analytical treatment of the power characteristics of dielectric optical waveguides with Piet Hein core-cross sectional geometry is presented in this paper. This kind of wareguide structure would be advantageous owing to the absence of corners, which are found in rectangular guides, resulting in undesirable loss (hit to the scattering of light. In order to simplify this theoretical approach. em approximation of vanishing refractive index difference between the guiding and the non-guiding sections is implemented. The variation eJ logarithmic power is shown for different dimensions of the core, corresponding to different azimuthal modal indices. It is found that the nutlet with higher index values carry less logaritlunic power in the lower tail of the propagation 's constant range, and this feature affects the higher tail. A better kind of uniformity of the power distribution is observed near the higher tail of the range of propagation Constants
The length-dependent tuning of the fluorescence spectra of a dye doped polymer fiber is reported. The fiber is pumped sideways and the fluorescence is measured from one of the ends. The excitation of a finite length of dye doped fiber is done by a diode pumped solid state laser at a wavelength of 532 nm. The fluorescence emission is measured at various positions of the fiber starting from a position closer to the pumping region and then progressing toward the other end of the fiber. We observe that the optical loss coefficients for shorter and longer distances of propagation through the dye doped fiber are different. At longer distances of propagation, a decrease in optical loss coefficient is observed. The fluorescence peaks exhibit a redshift of 12 nm from 589 to 610 nm as the point of illumination progresses toward the detector end. This is attributed to the self-absorption and re-emission of the laser dye in the fiber.
Two-photon excited (TPE) side illumination fluorescence studies in a Rh6G-RhB dye mixture doped polymer optical fiber (POF) and the effect of energy transfer on the attenuation coefficient is reported. The dye doped POF is pumped sideways using 800 nm, 70 fs laser pulses from a Ti:sapphire laser, and the TPE fluorescence emission is collected from the end of the fiber for different propagation distances. The fluorescence intensity of RhB doped POF is enhanced in the presence of Rh6G as a result of energy transfer from Rh6G to RhB. Because of the reabsorption and reemission process in dye molecules, an effective energy transfer is observed from the shorter wavelength part of the fluorescence spectrum to the longer wavelength part as the propagation distance is increased in dye doped POF. An energy transfer coefficient is found to be higher at shorter propagation distances compared to longer distances. A TPE fluorescence signal is used to characterize the optical attenuation coefficient in dye doped POF. The attenuation coefficient decreases at longer propagation distances due to the reabsorption and reemission process taking place within the dye doped fiber as the propagation distance is increased.
The propagation characteristics of amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) through a rhodamine 6 G-doped polymethyl methacrylate freestanding film waveguide were studied. This was done by shifting the excitation stripe horizontally along a transversely pumped waveguide. By this method, we could tune the ASE wavelength. The maximum tunability thus obtained was ~18 nm with a pump stripe length of 6 mm.
This thesis deals with the study of light beam propagation through different nonlinear media. Analytical and numerical methods are used to show the formation of solitonS in these media. Basic experiments have also been performed to show the formation of a self-written waveguide in a photopolymer. The variational method is used for the analytical analysis throughout the thesis. Numerical method based on the finite-difference forms of the original partial differential equation is used for the numerical analysis.In Chapter 2, we have studied two kinds of solitons, the (2 + 1) D spatial solitons and the (3 + l)D spatio-temporal solitons in a cubic-quintic medium in the presence of multiphoton ionization.In Chapter 3, we have studied the evolution of light beam through a different kind of nonlinear media, the photorcfractive polymer. We study modulational instability and beam propagation through a photorefractive polymer in the presence of absorption losses. The one dimensional beam propagation through the nonlinear medium is studied using variational and numerical methods. Stable soliton propagation is observed both analytically and numerically.Chapter 4 deals with the study of modulational instability in a photorefractive crystal in the presence of wave mixing effects. Modulational instability in a photorefractive medium is studied in the presence of two wave mixing. We then propose and derive a model for forward four wave mixing in the photorefractive medium and investigate the modulational instability induced by four wave mixing effects. By using the standard linear stability analysis the instability gain is obtained.Chapter 5 deals with the study of self-written waveguides. Besides the usual analytical analysis, basic experiments were done showing the formation of self-written waveguide in a photopolymer system. The formation of a directional coupler in a photopolymer system is studied theoretically in Chapter 6. We propose and study, using the variational approximation as well as numerical simulation, the evolution of a probe beam through a directional coupler formed in a photopolymer system.
The design and development of an evanescent wave sensor to determine the etching rate of the core of an optical fibre is discussed in this paper. The working of the device is based on the principle of propagation and loss of the evanescent wave in the cladding region of the fibre. The fraction of light intensity creeping out of the core of an uncladded fibre is a function of the core radius. As this radius decreases, the evanescent wave coupling to the medium surrounding the core enhances. This results in a decrease of the transmitted light intensity through the fibre. This technique is useful to design and fabricate optical fibres with different core geometries.