956 resultados para Operative procedures
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The EORTC 22043-30041 trial investigates the role of the addition of androgen suppression to post-operative radiotherapy in patients who have undergone radical prostatectomy. As part of the quality assurance of radiotherapy (QART) a Dummy Run (DR) procedure was performed. MATERIALS AND METHOD: The protocol included detailed and published delineation guidelines. Participating institutions digitally submitted radiotherapy treatment volumes and a treatment plan for a standard clinical case. Submissions were centrally reviewed using the VODCA software platform. RESULTS: Thirty-eight submissions from thirty-one institutions were reviewed. Six were accepted without comments. Twenty-three were accepted with comments on one or more items: target volume delineation (22), OAR delineation (23), planning and dosimetry (3) or treatment verification (1). Nine submissions were rejected requiring resubmission, seven for target volume delineation reasons alone. Intervention to highlight the importance of delineation guidelines was made prior to the entry of the first patient in the trial. After this, a lower percentage of resubmissions was required. CONCLUSIONS: The EORTC 22043-30041 Dummy Run highlights the need for timely and effective QART in clinical trials. The variation in target volume and OAR definition demonstrates that clinical guidelines and radiotherapy protocols are not a substitute for QART procedures. Early intervention in response to the Dummy Run improved protocol understanding.
BACKGROUND: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common in patients undergoing cardiac surgery among whom it is associated with poor outcomes, prolonged hospital stays and increased mortality. Statin drugs can produce more than one effect independent of their lipid lowering effect, and may improve kidney injury through inhibition of postoperative inflammatory responses. OBJECTIVES: This review aimed to look at the evidence supporting the benefits of perioperative statins for AKI prevention in hospitalised adults after surgery who require cardiac bypass. The main objectives were to 1) determine whether use of statins was associated with preventing AKI development; 2) determine whether use of statins was associated with reductions in in-hospital mortality; 3) determine whether use of statins was associated with reduced need for RRT; and 4) determine any adverse effects associated with the use of statins. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Renal Group's Specialised Register to 13 January 2015 through contact with the Trials' Search Co-ordinator using search terms relevant to this review. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that compared administration of statin therapy with placebo or standard clinical care in adult patients undergoing surgery requiring cardiopulmonary bypass and reporting AKI, serum creatinine (SCr) or need for renal replacement therapy (RRT) as an outcome were eligible for inclusion. All forms and dosages of statins in conjunction with any duration of pre-operative therapy were considered for inclusion in this review. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: All authors extracted data independently and assessments were cross-checked by a second author. Likewise, assessment of study risk of bias was initially conducted by one author and then by a second author to ensure accuracy. Disagreements were arbitrated among authors until consensus was reached. Authors from two of the included studies provided additional data surrounding post-operative SCr as well as need for RRT. Meta-analyses were used to assess the outcomes of AKI, SCr and mortality rate. Data for the outcomes of RRT and adverse effects were not pooled. Adverse effects taken into account were those reported by the authors of included studies. MAIN RESULTS: We included seven studies (662 participants) in this review. All except one study was assessed as being at high risk of bias. Three studies assessed atorvastatin, three assessed simvastatin and one investigated rosuvastatin. All studies collected data during the immediate perioperative period only; data collection to hospital discharge and postoperative biochemical data collection ranged from 24 hours to 7 days. Overall, pre-operative statin treatment was not associated with a reduction in postoperative AKI, need for RRT, or mortality. Only two studies (195 participants) reported postoperative SCr level. In those studies, patients allocated to receive statins had lower postoperative SCr concentrations compared with those allocated to no drug treatment/placebo (MD 21.2 µmol/L, 95% CI -31.1 to -11.1). Adverse effects were adequately reported in only one study; no difference was found between the statin group compared to placebo. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of currently available data did not suggest that preoperative statin use is associated with decreased incidence of AKI in adults after surgery who required cardiac bypass. Although a significant reduction in SCr was seen postoperatively in people treated with statins, this result was driven by results from a single study, where SCr was considered as a secondary outcome. The results of the meta-analysis should be interpreted with caution; few studies were included in subgroup analyses, and significant differences in methodology exist among the included studies. Large high quality RCTs are required to establish the safety and efficacy of statins to prevent AKI after cardiac surgery.
This paper describes the design and implementation of an agent based network for the support of collaborative switching tasks within the control room environment of the National Grid Company plc. This work includes aspects from several research disciplines, including operational analysis, human computer interaction, finite state modelling techniques, intelligent agents and computer supported co-operative work. Aspects of these procedures have been used in the analysis of collaborative tasks to produce distributed local models for all involved users. These models have been used as the basis for the production of local finite state automata. These automata have then been embedded within an agent network together with behavioural information extracted from the task and user analysis phase. The resulting support system is capable of task and communication management within the transmission despatch environment.
Dynamic system test methods for heating systems were developed and applied by the institutes SERC and SP from Sweden, INES from France and SPF from Switzerland already before the MacSheep project started. These test methods followed the same principle: a complete heating system – including heat generators, storage, control etc., is installed on the test rig; the test rig software and hardware simulates and emulates the heat load for space heating and domestic hot water of a single family house, while the unit under test has to act autonomously to cover the heat demand during a representative test cycle. Within the work package 2 of the MacSheep project these similar – but different – test methods were harmonized and improved. The work undertaken includes: • Harmonization of the physical boundaries of the unit under test. • Harmonization of the boundary conditions of climate and load. • Definition of an approach to reach identical space heat load in combination with an autonomous control of the space heat distribution by the unit under test. • Derivation and validation of new six day and a twelve day test profiles for direct extrapolation of test results. The new harmonized test method combines the advantages of the different methods that existed before the MacSheep project. The new method is a benchmark test, which means that the load for space heating and domestic hot water preparation will be identical for all tested systems, and that the result is representative for the performance of the system over a whole year. Thus, no modelling and simulation of the tested system is needed in order to obtain the benchmark results for a yearly cycle. The method is thus also applicable to products for which simulation models are not available yet. Some of the advantages of the new whole system test method and performance rating compared to the testing and energy rating of single components are: • Interaction between the different components of a heating system, e.g. storage, solar collector circuit, heat pump, control, etc. are included and evaluated in this test. • Dynamic effects are included and influence the result just as they influence the annual performance in the field. • Heat losses are influencing the results in a more realistic way, since they are evaluated under "real installed" and representative part-load conditions rather than under single component steady state conditions. The described method is also suited for the development process of new systems, where it replaces time-consuming and costly field testing with the advantage of a higher accuracy of the measured data (compared to the typically used measurement equipment in field tests) and identical, thus comparable boundary conditions. Thus, the method can be used for system optimization in the test bench under realistic operative conditions, i.e. under relevant operating environment in the lab. This report describes the physical boundaries of the tested systems, as well as the test procedures and the requirements for both the unit under test and the test facility. The new six day and twelve day test profiles are also described as are the validation results.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This paper reports two clinical cases in which the application of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) enhanced the postoperative symptoms after pediatric surgical procedures. Background: The uses of novel technologies allow more comfort to the patients and ensure a rapid procedure, and LLLT application has shown a positive effect in the prevention of discomfort after invasive procedures. Case description: Low-level laser therapy protocol was applied after surgical removal of supernumerary tooth and frenectomy resulting in less swallow and pain with no need of medication intake. Conclusion: The laser application was well accepted by both children and parents and showed a clinical efficiency in the follow-up examinations beyond the satisfactory quality of wound healing. Clinical significance: The LLLT approach is an excellent adjuvant therapy resource for delivery an optimal postoperative after surgical procedures in children.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different restorative procedures on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth submitted to intracoronal bleaching. Fifty upper central incisors were distributed into 5 groups: GI - healthy teeth; GII - endodontically treated teeth sealed with Coltosol; GIII - endodontically treated teeth bleached and sealed with Coltosol; GIV - endodontically treated teeth bleached and restored with composite resin; and GV - endodontically treated teeth bleached and restored with a fiberglass post and composite resin. In the bleached specimens, a cervical seal was made prior to bleaching with 38% hydrogen peroxide. The gel was applied on the buccal surface and in the pulp chamber, and was then light-activated for 45 s. This procedure was repeated three times per session for four sessions, and each group was submitted to the restorative procedures described above. The specimens were submitted to fracture resistance testing in a universal testing machine. There were statistically significant differences among the groups (p < 0.05). The mean value found for GIII was the lowest (0.32 kN) and was significantly different from the values found for GI (0.75 kN), GII (0.67 kN), GIV (0.70 kN), and GV (0.72 kN), which were not significantly different from each other (p > 0.05). The restorative procedures using composite resin were found to successfully restore the fracture resistance of endodontically treated and bleached teeth.
Il rumore causato dagli aeromobili nelle varie operazioni aeroportuali è uno dei problemi più sentiti dalle popolazioni che risiedono nelle aree adiacenti gli aeroporti.Nonostante i progressi fatti dal punto di vista tecnologico, che hanno portato a una notevole riduzione del fenomeno, il continuo aumento della domanda di traffico aereo ha ridotto l’efficacia di queste migliorie tecniche, anche a causa di una scarsa pianificazione territoriale nel corso degli anni. Ci sono numerosi interventi possibili per ridurre l'inquinamento acustico, in questa tesi vengono analizzate in special modo le NAP e la loro applicazione al caso dell'aeroporto di Bologna.
A partire dalle caratteristiche chiave dell’inquinamento acustico, lo scopo della tesi è stato quello di valutare quantitativamente l’entità del rumore aeronautico prodotto dall'aeroporto Marconi e di analizzare le soluzioni tecniche e gestionali disponibili per definire misure adeguate alle caratteristiche infrastrutturali e operative dello scalo e capaci di mitigare il disturbo subito dalla popolazione. Si è tenuto conto delle profonde modificazioni in atto nel mondo dell’aviazione, il quale, avendo come obiettivo quello di fornire un servizio di trasporto sempre più sostenibile, efficace, competitivo e omogeneo sul territorio europeo, sollecita profonde innovazioni nei requisiti funzionali e tecnici. Inizialmente l’attenzione è stata rivolta alla descrizione del rumore aeronautico e del contesto in cui è inserito, soffermandosi sul concetto di sostenibilità di un’infrastruttura di trasporto. Si è proseguito con un'analisi dettagliata della normativa vigente, italiana ed europea, al fine di affrontare gli aspetti legislativi del problema e di delineare le line guida per la valutazione del rumore. Segue uno studio, dal punto di vista tecnico e infrastrutturale, dell’evoluzione della navigazione aerea e del concetto innovativo di performance based navigation, focalizzando l’interesse sul curved approach, procedura di avvicinamento non convenzionale. L'attenzione è stata, poi, dedicata alla descrizione del caso di studio e alla presentazione della metodologia usata. Mediante il supporto dell’INM, sono state determinate le curve isofoniche, quantificando la popolazione esposta a specifici livelli di rumore aeronautico per lo scenario consuntivo dell’anno 2015. Infine, sono state eseguite simulazioni future, sulla base delle previsioni di crescita del volume di traffico aereo, per definire un limite massimo per lo sfruttamento del sistema ILS in testata 30 e per valutare il beneficio generato dall’introduzione del curved approach.
INTRODUCTION An accurate description of the biomechanical behavior of the spine is crucial for the planning of scoliotic surgical correction as well as for the understanding of degenerative spine disorders. The current clinical assessments of spinal mechanics such as side-bending or fulcrum-bending tests rely on the displacement of the spine observed during motion of the patient. Since these tests focused solely on the spinal kinematics without considering mechanical loads, no quantification of the mechanical flexibility of the spine can be provided. METHODS A spinal suspension test (SST) has been developed to simultaneously monitor the force applied on the spine and the induced vertebral displacements. The system relies on cervical elevation of the patient and orthogonal radiographic images are used to measure the position of the vertebras. The system has been used to quantify the spinal flexibility on five AIS patients. RESULTS Based on the SST, the overall spinal flexibility varied between 0.3 °/Nm for the patient with the stiffer curve and 2 °/Nm for the less rigid curve. A linear correlation was observed between the overall spinal flexibility and the change in Cobb angle. In addition, the segmental flexibility calculated for five segments around the apex was 0.13 ± 0.07 °/Nm, which is similar to intra-operative stiffness measurements previously published. CONCLUSIONS In summary, the SST seems suitable to provide pre-operative information on the complex functional behavior and stiffness of spinal segments under physiological loading conditions. Such tools will become increasingly important in the future due to the ever-increasing complexity of the surgical instrumentation and procedures.
In the last decades accumulated clinical evidence has proven that intra-operative radiation therapy (IORT) is a very valuable technique. In spite of that, planning technology has not evolved since its conception, being outdated in comparison to current state of the art in other radiotherapy techniques and therefore slowing down the adoption of IORT. RADIANCE is an IORT planning system, CE and FDA certified, developed by a consortium of companies, hospitals and universities to overcome such technological backwardness. RADIANCE provides all basic radiotherapy planning tools which are specifically adapted to IORT. These include, but are not limited to image visualization, contouring, dose calculation algorithms-Pencil Beam (PB) and Monte Carlo (MC), DVH calculation and reporting. Other new tools, such as surgical simulation tools have been developed to deal with specific conditions of the technique. Planning with preoperative images (preplanning) has been evaluated and the validity of the system being proven in terms of documentation, treatment preparation, learning as well as improvement of surgeons/radiation oncologists (ROs) communication process. Preliminary studies on Navigation systems envisage benefits on how the specialist to accurately/safely apply the pre-plan into the treatment, updating the plan as needed. Improvements on the usability of this kind of systems and workflow are needed to make them more practical. Preliminary studies on Intraoperative imaging could provide an improved anatomy for the dose computation, comparing it with the previous pre-plan, although not all devices in the market provide good characteristics to do so. DICOM.RT standard, for radiotherapy information exchange, has been updated to cover IORT particularities and enabling the possibility of dose summation with external radiotherapy. The effect of this planning technology on the global risk of the IORT technique has been assessed and documented as part of a failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). Having these technological innovations and their clinical evaluation (including risk analysis) we consider that RADIANCE is a very valuable tool to the specialist covering the demands from professional societies (AAPM, ICRU, EURATOM) for current radiotherapy procedures.
"Originally prepared for Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center."
Background and Objectives: Peripheral nerve blockade requires regional anesthesia skills that trainees learn in several formats. Technical proficiency has shifted from a quota to comprehensive procedural evaluation. Successful nerve blockade is the clinical endpoint validating proficiency but patient, technical and procedural factors influence this result. The purpose of this study was to determine if procedural expertise for sciatic nerve blockade influenced postoperative pain scores and opioid requirements and if patient factors, technique and repetition influenced this outcome. Method: Sciatic nerve blockade by nerve stimulation and ultrasound guidance and training level of the resident performing the procedure were recorded. Patient obesity, trauma, chronic pain, opioid use and preoperative pain scores were compared to post-procedure pain scores and opioid analgesic requirements. Results: 102 patients received sciatic nerve blockade from 47 trainees over a 36 month interval. A significant relation between training level and improved pain scores was not demonstrated but transition from nerve stimulation to ultrasound guidance lowered scores in all groups. Nerve blockade failure was frequent with chronic opioid use and trauma. Conclusion: Analgesic outcomes should be an integral part of assessment of proficiency in regional anesthesia techniques. Evaluating outcomes of procedures throughout training will longitudinally assess technical expertise.
A class of intelligent systems located on anthropocentric objects that provide a crew with recommendations on the anthropocentric object's rational behavior in typical situations of operation is considered. We refer to this class of intelligent systems as onboard real-time advisory expert systems. Here, we present a formal model of the object domain, procedures for obtaining knowledge about the object domain, and a semantic structure of basic functional units of the onboard real-time advisory expert systems of typical situations. The stages of the development and improvement of knowledge bases for onboard real-time advisory expert systems of typical situations that are important in practice are considered.