973 resultados para Opéra. 1729, dossier Toussaint
Documents relatifs à Emilie Bigottini (une lettre manuscrite en espagnol accompagnée de sa traduction française, une lettre dactylographiée non signée d'Emilie Bigottini, une photographie)
Los maestros est??n muy ocupados entre clases, tutor??as y obligaciones burocr??ticas, por eso que la formaci??n permanente impuesta est?? abocada al fracaso. De ah?? que la demanda de formaci??n deba surgir de los propios docentes. As?? que en el CP Es Puig (Lloseta, Mallorca) con el tiempo se ha ido consolidando lo que sus docentes llaman 'el dossier de las dudas'. Consta de un conjunto de folios con explicaciones escritas y visuales que dan respuesta a dudas de car??cter ling????stico que han nacido en el uso cotidiano de la lengua catalana en la escuela. As??, con este dossier se pretende procurar el uso correcto de la lengua catalana en el ??mbito escolar, de una forma f??cil y pr??ctica, y sobretodo adaptada a las necesidades del colegio.
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G01676
Despite being set in an unnamed Texan city, Ghost Rider (Mark Steven Johnson, 2007) was a landmark film for Melbourne. It was the first international production to be made at the Central City (now Docklands) Studios, much to the relief of the heavily-invested state government. And it demonstrated to the world (or more importantly, to producers resident in a small part of southern California), that the city was willing and available to be made over and made up to fit even (especially!) the most stupid filmmaking fantasies. Announcing the imminent arrival of the production in October 2004, the Herald Sun boldly predicted that '[c]ity lanes, Telstra Dome and the Yarra River will be the stars of the new action film'. In fact Melbourne is, as the filmmakers intended, (virtually) unidentifiable onscreen. For the Victorian State government, Ausfilm, Film Victoria and the Melbourne Film Office, this lack of specificity was something to be celebrated; a few months before Ghost Rider went in to production, the then State Minister for Innovation, John Brumby, declared that 'it's almost inconceivable that [Ghost Rider] won't put Melbourne on the map internationally'.
Individuals with lower limb amputation fitted with an OPRA osseointegrated fixation are facing an extensive rehabilitation program including static load bearing exercises (LBE). The application of a suitable amount of stress stimulates osseointegration and prepares the bone to tolerate the forces and moments that will be incurred during activities of daily living (ADL. At present, the monitoring is typically carried out using a normal bathroom weighing scale. This scale provides information only on the magnitude of the vertical component of the applied force. The moment around the long axis of the fixation when the femur is perpendicular to the ground is not assessed and neither are the components of force and moment generated on the other two axes.
The conventional method of attachment of prosthesis involves a socket. A new method relying on osseointegrated fixation has emerged in the last decades. It has significant prosthetic benefits. Only a few studies demonstrated the biomechanical benefits. The ultimate aim of this study was to characterise the functional outcome of individuals with lower limb amputation fitted with osseointegrated fixation, which can be assess through temporal and spatial gait characteristics. The specific objective of this study was to present the key temporal and spatial gait characteristics of individuals with transfemoral amputation (TFA).
Surgical implantations of osseointegrated fixations for bone-anchored prosthesis are developing at an unprecedented pace worldwide while initial skepticism in the orthopedic community is slowly fading away. Clearly, this option is becoming accessible to a wide range of individuals with limb loss. [1-18] The team led by Dr Rickard Branemark has previously published a number of landmark articles focusing on the benefits and safety of the OPRA fixation mainly for individual with lower limb loss, particularly those with transfemoral amputation. [1-3, 19-32] However, similar information is lacking for those with upper limb amputation. This team is once again taking a leading role by sharing a retrospective study focusing on the implant survival, adverse events, implant stability, and bone remodelling for 18 individuals with transhumeral amputation over a 5-year post-operative period. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of the safety of the procedure is accessible for the first time. In essence, the results showed an implant survival rate of 83% and 80% at 2 and 5 year follow ups, respectively. The most frequent adverse events were superficial skin infections that occurred for 28% (5) participants while the least frequent was deep bone infection that happened only once. More importantly, 38% of complications due to infections were effectively managed with nonoperative treatments (e.g., revision of skin penetration site, local cleaning, antibiotics, restriction of soft tissue mobility). Implant stability and bone remodelling were satisfactory. Clearly, this study provided better understanding of the safety of the OPRA surgical and rehabilitation procedure for individuals with upper limb amputation while establishing standards and benchmark data for future studies. However, strong evidences of the benefits are yet to be demonstrated. However, increase in health related quality of life and functional outcomes (e.g., range of movement) are likely. Altogether, the team of authors are providing further evidence that bone-anchored attachment is definitely a promising alternative to socket prostheses.
El dossier contiene los siguientes documentos pertenecientes al Pbro. Dr. Víctor Manuel Fernández: La preocupación por la vida en "Aparecida" -- Un padre que ama la vida. El contexto adecuado de nuestra preocupación por la bioética -- La defensa de los que tienen menos poder -- Vida -- El niño por nacer iluminado por la palabra -- Defender los derechos humanos implica atender la vida en el vientre materno -- La opción por la vida en esta Universidad -- ¿Qué le hace el aborto al corazón de la sociedad? -- Cuestiones sensibles en torno al aborto -- Presiones internacionales sobre América Latina con respecto a temas de salud reproductiva e identidad de género.
O objetivo do STING é oferecer uma plataforma para análise e visualização de estruturas proteicas.
Definição de superfície. Cálculo dos valores de curvatura com SurfRace.