974 resultados para Oil Spill


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On cover: MESA, Marine Ecosystems Analysis Program.


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"December 1981."


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Shipping list no.: 94-0236-P.


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Panel discussion on the subject of the Deepwater Horizion oil spill on the Gulf Coast,held at Florida International University Biscayne Bay Campus Wolfe University Center Ballroom on May 15, 2010. Panelists included FIU Interim Provost and Executive Vice President Douglas Wartzok, School of Environment and Society director Michael Heithaus, executive director of the Applied Research Center John Proni, Biological Sciences professor James Fourqurean, Chemistry and Biology professor Piero Gardinali, Management and International Business clinical professor Edward Glab, and Geology professor Grenville Draper.


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Teacher resources for Lesson H in the Discover Oceanography 'Scheme of Work' for use in schools.


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Nowadays, Caspian Sea is in focus of more attentions than past because of its individualistic as the biggest lake in the world and the existing of very large oil and gas resources within it. Very large scale of oil pollution caused by development of oil exploration and excavation activities not only make problem for coastal facilities but also make severe damage on environment. In the first stage of this research, the location and quality of oil resources in offshore and onshore have been determined and then affected depletion factors on oil spill such as evaporation, emulsification, dissolution, sedimentation and so on have been studied. In second stage, sea hydrodynamics model is offered and tested by determination of governing hydrodynamic equations on sea currents and on pollution transportation in sea surface and by finding out main parameters in these equations such as Coriolis, bottom friction, wind and etc. this model has been calculated by using cell vertex finite volume method in an unstructured mesh domain. According to checked model; sea currents of Caspian Sea in different seasons of the year have been determined and in final stage different scenarios of oil spill movement in Caspian sea on various conditions have been investigated by modeling of three dimensional oil spill movement on surface (affected by sea currents) and on depth (affected by buoyancy, drag and gravity forces) by applying main above mentioned depletion factors.


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Nowadays, risks arising from the rapid development of oil and gas industries are significantly increasing. As a result, one of the main concerns of either industrial or environmental managers is the identification and assessment of such risks in order to develop and maintain appropriate proactive measures. Oil spill from stationary sources in offshore zones is one of the accidents resulting in several adverse impacts on marine ecosystems. Considering a site's current situation and relevant requirements and standards, risk assessment process is not only capable of recognizing the probable causes of accidents but also of estimating the probability of occurrence and the severity of consequences. In this way, results of risk assessment would help managers and decision makers create and employ proper control methods. Most of the represented models for risk assessment of oil spills are achieved on the basis of accurate data bases and analysis of historical data, but unfortunately such data bases are not accessible in most of the zones, especially in developing countries, or else they are newly established and not applicable yet. This issue reveals the necessity of using Expert Systems and Fuzzy Set Theory. By using such systems it will be possible to formulize the specialty and experience of several experts and specialists who have been working in petroliferous areas for several years. On the other hand, in developing countries often the damages to environment and environmental resources are not considered as risk assessment priorities and they are approximately under-estimated. For this reason, the proposed model in this research is specially addressing the environmental risk of oil spills from stationary sources in offshore zones.


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This work presents the development and application of a three-dimensional oil spill model for predicting the movement of an oil slick in the coastal waters of Singapore. In the model, the oil slick is divided into a number of small elements for simulating of the oil processes of spreading, advection, turbulent diffusion. This model is capable of predicting the horizontal movement of surface oil slick. Satellite images and field observations of oil slicks on the surface in the Singapore Straits are used to validate the newly developed model. Compared with the observations, the numerical results of the oil spill model show good conformity. In this study, the 3d model was generated using the geometrical data of Singapore Straits waters by GAMBIT which is a pre-processor of FLUENT programmed.


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Consumer boycotts are triggered by egregious events, but the literature has not distinguished the level of egregiousness from consumers’ preferences or disutility associated with a given level of egregiousness, nor has the literature studied how these two components of egregiousness affect boycott intensity. We provide a model of market-level boycotts that distinguishes the two egregiousness components. Consistent with the predictions of our model, the market-level intensity of consumer boycotting of BP-branded gasoline, which was triggered by the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, increased with the spill’s egregiousness level, approximated by the officially reported daily amount of oil leaked into the ocean and by other measures (i.e., the duration of the spill and the intensity of media coverage), and with consumers’ disutility from egregiousness, approximated by an area’s environmentalism and its proximity to the Gulf of Mexico.


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Bird coastal communities were studied along Bribie Island and Moreton Island, two islands within Moreton Bay, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, using the point counts method. A total of 128 five-hundred metre radius area surveys and 81 beach drive surveys were conducted and observations made over four seasons. Bird species were identified, counted and recorded. The data was compared between the two islands and, between sites on each island as oil-spill affected sites to non-oil spill affected sites. Species such as waders, shorebirds, terns/gulls and raptors were identified as species at most risk from an oil spill and the data was selected to look mainly at these species. The data indicated that sites affected by the oil spill contained 50% less oil-affected species than sites not affected by the oil spill. Bribie Island held on average 5 species per site in the oil affected sites compared to 12 species in non-oil affected sites. This same trend was observed on Moreton Island which held 6 species compared to 14 species. Bird data will continue to be counted over several years to determine whether the observed data is a true reflection of the affects of an oil spill on the habitat of shorebirds.