56 resultados para Oci
Resumen tomado del autor
Este estudio de caso, que tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia de la Organización para la Cooperación Islámica (OCI) en la inserción social de la minoría étnica Hui en China, defiende la hipótesis de que los esfuerzos de la OCI han logrado que la difamación en contra de la religión ocupe un lugar importante en la agenda de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas, alcanzando estándares para la protección de los derechos de la minoría Hui. De esta manera se protege no sólo el desarrollo económico de los Hui sino también su desarrollo cultural. Para comprobar esta hipótesis se desarrolló una investigación cualitativa, analítica y explicativa; con un enfoque constructivista.
El objetivo de este recurso es incidir en las posibilidades creativas del alumnado para construir alternativas a su tiempo libre. Se proponen actividades que permitan detectar y valorar positivamente la identidad cultural de los jóvenes. El elemento motivador lo constituyen una serie de cartas que llegan al aula en las que se presenta el contexto donde trabajar los contenidos a través de las diferentes actividades. El final de las cartas, a través de interrogantes, constituye el punto de partida de cada una de las actividades y convierten a los alumnos en protagonistas. Se plantean propuestas de actividades complementarias y la creación en el aula del 'rincón de Momo', que sirve para la recogida de todos los materiales utilizados y elaborados por el alumnado. Los títulos de las propuestas son íCuidado con nuestro tiempo!; Juegos y juguetes; El teatro y la música; Nos organizamos; donde me encontraréis siempre.
Unidad monográfica que, desde la perspectiva del Area Transversal 'Educación del Consumidor', trata de el ocio. Es un material didáctico para docentes de todos los niveles que pretende servir de estímulo y guía para que profesorado y, también, alumnado desarrollen nuevas vías de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Aparte de una información general sobre el tema, sus contenidos tratan de los conceptos de tiempo libre y tiempo liberado.
Complementa a esta publicación un libro del educador con el título: L'oci ; El mitjans de comunicació ; Civisme a l'esport. Premio Educación y Sociedad
Complementa a esta publicación un libro del profesor con el título: L'oci ; Els mitjans de comunicació ; Civisme a l'esport. Premio Educación y Sociedad 1993
L’objectiu general d’aquesta tesi és conèixer la prevalença i el patró de consum d’alcohol d’una mostra de 2,137 estudiants de la Universitat de Girona (17-35 anys). S’utilitzà un disseny multimètode integrant la metodologia quantitativa (estudi d’enquesta) amb la metodología qualitativa (grups focals). Un 65% dels joves són consumidors habituals d’alcohol. La influència social de pares, germans i amics és una variable crucial en la iniciació i manteniment del consum d’aquesta droga. El consum habitual és més freqüent entre aquells que van experimentar més precoçment amb la substància. Entre els homes és més habitual el consum massiu, però més dones efectuen consums considerats d’alt risc. Els joves reconeixen algunes repercussions socials de l’abús de l’alcohol però no en perceben per a la salut física. Aquests resultats mostren la necessitat de: endarrerir l’edat de primera experimentació, informar del risc del consum d’alcohol i fomentar un oci nocturn alternatiu i saludable.
The rule creation to clone selection in different projects is a hard task to perform by using traditional implementations to control all the processes of the system. The use of an algebraic language is an alternative approach to manage all of system flow in a flexible way. In order to increase the power of versatility and consistency in defining the rules for optimal clone selection, this paper presents the software OCI 2 in which uses process algebra in the flow behavior of the system. OCI 2, controlled by an algebraic approach was applied in the rules elaboration for clone selection containing unique genes in the partial genome of the bacterium Bradyrhizobium elkanii Semia 587 and in the whole genome of the bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri. Copyright© (2009) by the International Society for Research in Science and Technology.
Due to the wide diversity of unknown organisms in the environment, 99% of them cannot be grown in traditional culture medium in laboratories. Therefore, metagenomics projects are proposed to study microbial communities present in the environment, from molecular techniques, especially the sequencing. Thereby, for the coming years it is expected an accumulation of sequences produced by these projects. Thus, the sequences produced by genomics and metagenomics projects present several challenges for the treatment, storing and analysis such as: the search for clones containing genes of interest. This work presents the OCI Metagenomics, which allows defines and manages dynamically the rules of clone selection in metagenomic libraries, thought an algebraic approach based on process algebra. Furthermore, a web interface was developed to allow researchers to easily create and execute their own rules to select clones in genomic sequence database. This software has been tested in metagenomic cosmid library and it was able to select clones containing genes of interest. Copyright 2010 ACM.
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Robust analysis of vector fields has been established as an important tool for deriving insights from the complex systems these fields model. Traditional analysis and visualization techniques rely primarily on computing streamlines through numerical integration. The inherent numerical errors of such approaches are usually ignored, leading to inconsistencies that cause unreliable visualizations and can ultimately prevent in-depth analysis. We propose a new representation for vector fields on surfaces that replaces numerical integration through triangles with maps from the triangle boundaries to themselves. This representation, called edge maps, permits a concise description of flow behaviors and is equivalent to computing all possible streamlines at a user defined error threshold. Independent of this error streamlines computed using edge maps are guaranteed to be consistent up to floating point precision, enabling the stable extraction of features such as the topological skeleton. Furthermore, our representation explicitly stores spatial and temporal errors which we use to produce more informative visualizations. This work describes the construction of edge maps, the error quantification, and a refinement procedure to adhere to a user defined error bound. Finally, we introduce new visualizations using the additional information provided by edge maps to indicate the uncertainty involved in computing streamlines and topological structures.
BACKGROUND: Lack of adaptive and enhanced maladaptive coping with stress and negative emotions are implicated in many psychopathological disorders. We describe the development of a new scale to investigate the relative contribution of different coping styles to psychopathology in a large population sample. We hypothesized that the magnitude of the supposed positive correlation between maladaptive coping and psychopathology would be stronger than the supposed negative correlation between adaptive coping and psychopathology. We also examined whether distinct coping style patterns emerge for different psychopathological syndromes. METHODS: A total of 2200 individuals from the general population participated in an online survey. The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory revised (OCI-R) and the Paranoia Checklist were administered along with a novel instrument called Maladaptive and Adaptive Coping Styles (MAX) questionnaire. Participants were reassessed six months later. RESULTS: MAX consists of three dimensions representing adaptive coping, maladaptive coping and avoidance. Across all psychopathological syndromes, similar response patterns emerged. Maladaptive coping was more strongly related to psychopathology than adaptive coping both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. The overall number of coping styles adopted by an individual predicted greater psychopathology. Mediation analysis suggests that a mild positive relationship between adaptive and certain maladaptive styles (emotional suppression) partially accounts for the attenuated relationship between adaptive coping and depressive symptoms. LIMITATIONS: Results should be replicated in a clinical population. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that maladaptive and adaptive coping styles are not reciprocal. Reducing maladaptive coping seems to be more important for outcome than enhancing adaptive coping. The study supports transdiagnostic approaches advocating that maladaptive coping is a common factor across different psychopathologies.