65 resultados para Obsessions


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While control-related cognitions have often been implicated in discussions of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), empirical investigations of the relationship between control-constructs and OCD symptoms have been relatively limited. In this article it was hypothesized that OCD symptoms may be linked with a higher desire to control (DC), but a lower sense of control (SC) over the self and environment, leading to motivation for compulsive symptoms. This hypothesis was investigated in an analogue population, using regression analyses controlling for depression and anxiety. Consistent with predictions, it was found that higher levels of DC and lower levels of SC were associated with higher levels of OCD-related beliefs and symptoms. While control cognitions were linked with the OCD-related beliefs of perfectionism and the over-estimation of threat, they did not relate to cognitions concerning the importance of/need to control thoughts. With respect to specific OCD-symptoms, control cognitions were most strongly related to contamination obsessions/washing compulsions. Implications for theory and treatment are discussed.


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Obsessions – particularly those directly relating to causing harm – often contain or imply evaluative dimensions about the self, reflecting a fear as to who the person might be – or might become. Following from research indicating that such beliefs are relevant to OCD, and the wider literature in social psychology regarding ‘feared’ or ‘undesired’ self-guides, the current study describes the development and validation of a new questionnaire—the Fear of Self Questionnaire, in 8- and 20-item versions.

The questionnaire was piloted in two non-clinical samples (n=258; n=292). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported the unidimensionality of the measure. The questionnaire showed a strong internal inconsistency, and good divergent and convergent validity, including strong relationships to obsessional symptoms and with other processes implicated in cognitive models of OCD (e.g. obsessive beliefs, inferential confusion). Implications are discussed.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Following observations in the literature that obsessions often contain or imply negative evaluative information about the self, Aardema et al. (2013) recently developed a measure of feared-self relevant to OCD. The current study aimed to provide further examination of the relevance of such feared self-beliefs to obsessive compulsive processes - in particular whether they partially underlie doubt in OCD-relevant situations. METHOD: Nonclinical participants (N = 463; 291 females; Mage = 25.17, SD = 7.47), were presented with three vignettes, related to washing, checking and non-OCD relevant themes, which assessed doubt through providing alternating sensory and possibility-based information. RESULTS: Higher levels of OCD symptoms and feared-self beliefs both significantly predicted both higher baseline levels of doubt and greater fluctuation in levels of doubt in both the contamination and checking scenarios, and to a much lesser extent in the control scenario. Feared-self beliefs did not predict fluctuation in doubt over-and-above OCD symptoms, consistent with a mediation model. LIMITATIONS: The main limitation was the use of a non-clinical sample, although this allowed sufficient participant numbers to test hypotheses. CONCLUSIONS: The findings provided further experimental support for reasoning processes in OCD, and suggested that feared self-beliefs may make individuals vulnerable to experiencing doubt. Additionally, these results suggested that individuals with high OCD symptoms and those with high feared self-beliefs are unable to recognise the improbable nature of possibility-based statements. Implications for treatment and theory are discussed.


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Cognitive-behavioural models have linked unacceptable or repugnant thoughts in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) with vulnerable self-themes and fear-of-self concerns. To investigate this notion, Aardema and coworkers recently developed and validated the Fear of Self-Questionnaire (FSQ) in non-clinical samples, finding it had strong internal inconsistency, and good divergent and convergent validity, including strong relationships to obsessional symptoms and with other processes implicated in cognitive models of OCD (e.g., obsessive beliefs and inferential confusion). The current article describes two studies that aim to replicate and extend these findings in clinical OCD and non-clinical samples. Study 1 investigated the psychometric properties of an Italian translation of the FSQ in a non-clinical sample (n=405). Results of confirmatory factor analysis supported the unidimensionality of the scale; the FSQ also showed very good internal consistency and temporal stability. Study 2 investigated the role of fear of self in OCD symptoms, and unacceptable thoughts and repugnant obsessions in particular, using a clinical OCD sample (n=76). As expected, fear of self was a unique, major predictor of unacceptable thoughts independent of negative mood states and obsessive beliefs. Moreover, even when considered with obsessive beliefs, anxiety and depression, the feared self was the only unique predictor of obsessionality, providing support for the notion that self-themes could explain why some intrusions convert into obsessions, whereas others do not. Implications for current cognitive-behavioural models are discussed.


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Objective: For several reasons, many individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) do not seek treatment. However, data on treatment seeking from community samples are scant. This study analyzed service use by adults with OCD living in private households in Great Britain. Methods: Data from the British Survey of Psychiatric Morbidity of 2000, in which 8,580 individuals were surveyed, were analyzed. Service use was compared for those with OCD, with other neuroses, with different subtypes of OCD (only obsessions, only compulsions, or both), and with OCD and comorbid neuroses. Results: Persons with OCD (N=114) were more likely than persons with other neuroses (N=1,395) to be receiving treatment (40% compared with 23%, p<.001). However, those with OCD alone (N=38) were much less likely than those with OCD and a comorbid disorder to be in treatment (14% compared with 56%, p<.001). In the previous year, 9.4% of persons with OCD had seen a psychiatrist and 4.6% had seen a psychologist. Five percent were receiving cognitive-behavioral therapy, 2% were taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and 10% were taking tricyclics. Conclusions: Most persons with OCD were not in contact with a mental health professional, and apparently very few were receiving appropriate treatments. Very few persons with noncomorbid OCD were receiving treatment. Individuals with OCD who are in treatment may not be disclosing their obsessions and compulsions and may be discussing other emotional symptoms, leading to inappropriate treatment strategies. Public awareness of OCD symptoms should be raised, and primary care professionals should inquire about them with all patients who have depressive or anxiety disorders.


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Comorbidity studies have shown an important association between panic disorder (PD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The aim of the current study was to evaluate the prevalence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) and OCD in patients with PD. Forty-eight consecutive PD cases (DSM-IV diagnostic criteria) referred to a Brazilian university hospital clinic were studied. The Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive scale (Y-BOCS) checklist was used to identify the OCS. Subclinical OCD was considered when subjects met all but one DSM-IV criteria for OCD (symptoms did not cause significant distress and interference, did not last more than 1 hour per day, or were not considered excessive or irrational), and OCS when only the criterion for presence of obsessions or compulsions was met. Twenty-nine (60.4%) of the 48 patients evaluated (19 men and 29 women) had at least one OCS: nine (18.8%) had mild OCS, 11 (22.9%) had subclinical OCD, and nine (18.8%) had comorbid OCD. Therefore, 41.7% of the patients had either clinical or subclinical OCD. OCS occurred more frequently in women and, in 70.4% of the cases, preceded the onset of PD. Our results suggest that it is important to evaluate systematically the co-occurrence of OCS in patients with PD, due to the considerable overlap found in symptoms, which may have therapeutic implications. As panic symptoms are usually the main complaint, OCS are often found only when directly investigated. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: There is little information about obsessive-compulsive disorder in large representative community samples. The authors aimed to establish obsessive-compulsive disorder prevalence and its clinical typology among adults in private households in Great Britain and to obtain generalizable estimates of impairment and help-seeking.Method: Data from the British National Psychiatric Morbidity Survey of 2000, comprising 8,580 individuals, were analyzed using appropriate measurements. The study compared individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder, individuals with other neurotic disorders, and a nonneurotic comparison group. ICD-10 diagnoses were derived from the Clinical Interview Schedule-Revised.Results: the authors identified 114 individuals (74 women, 40 men) with obsessive-compulsive disorder, with a weighted 1-month prevalence of 1.1%. Most individuals (55%) in the obsessive-compulsive group had obsessions only. Comorbidity occurred in 62% of these individuals, which was significantly greater than the group with other neuroses (10%). Co-occurring neuroses were depressive episode (37%), generalized anxiety disorder (31%), agoraphobia or panic disorder (22%), social phobia (17%), and specific phobia (15%). Alcohol dependence was present in 20% of participants, mainly men, and drug dependence was present in 13%. Obsessive-compulsive disorder, compared with other neurotic disorders, was associated with more marked social and occupational impairment. One-quarter of obsessive-compulsive disorder participants had previously attempted suicide. Individuals with pure and comorbid obsessive-compulsive disorder did not differ according to most indices of impairment, including suicidal behavior, but pure individuals were significantly less likely to have sought help (14% versus 56%).Conclusions: A rare yet severe mental disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder is an atypical neurosis, of which the public health significance has been underestimated. Unmet need among individuals with pure obsessive-compulsive disorder is a cause for concern, requiring further investigation of barriers to care and interventions to encourage help-seeking.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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CONTEXTO: O transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC) foi considerado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde como a 10ª causa de anos vividos com incapacidade, mas pesquisas sobre qualidade de vida (QV) nesse transtorno ainda são relativamente raras. OBJETIVOS: O objetivo deste trabalho foi fazer uma revisão convencional da literatura a respeito de estudos sobre qualidade de vida no TOC, publicados em português e inglês. MÉTODOS: A busca de artigos foi feita pelos sistemas MEDLINE, PsicoInfo e LILACS, cobrindo o período de 1980 a 2007, utilizando-se como palavras-chave: qualidade de vida, transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo, prejuízo funcional e incapacidade. RESULTADOS: Estudos populacionais apresentam indicadores indiretos de comprometimento na QV em pessoas com TOC, como mais desemprego, menor renda e menor índice de união conjugal estável, além de taxas relativamente altas de ideação e tentativas de suicídio. Estudos clínicos encontraram mais comprometimento na QV no TOC em comparação com algumas doenças clínicas crônicas, outros transtornos de ansiedade, quadros depressivos e mesmo esquizofrenia, em alguns aspectos. CONCLUSÃO: O impacto negativo do TOC sobre a QV de seus portadores pode ser grande, afetando vários domínios da vida e repercutindo também nos familiares. A reabilitação psicossocial deve ser vista como parte integrante essencial do tratamento e é preciso aumentar a conscientização da população sobre o problema, assim como o acesso a tratamentos adequados, para minimizar tal impacto, por vezes devastador.


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Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a very heterogeneous condition, not always easy to be identified. Obsessions are intrusive thoughts, impulses or images that cause anxiety or other emotional discomfort, whereas compulsions are repetitive behaviors or mental acts voluntarily performed to counterbalance or minimize the discomfort, or magically prevent any feared events. The most common symptoms are contamination, aggressive, somatic and sexual obsessions and washing, checking, repeating, counting and ordering compulsions. Patients usually have multiple symptoms simultaneously, which often change over time. Although the insight is typically preserved, it varies among patients and also fluctuates in the same patient in different ocasions. The main features are: exacerbated appraisal of risks, pathological doubts and incompleteness, as well as excessive sense of responsibility and guilt and thought/action fusion. As patients frequently feel ashamed of their symptoms, they can be reticent about them. Consequently, it usually takes time till they get adequate treatment.


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Os inquéritos populacionais são importantes, pois amostras clínicas tendem a apresentar vieses de seleção. Aspectos sociodemográficos e relacionados à própria condição mórbida podem interferir na procura por tratamento. Pela natureza egodistônica do transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo, seus portadores tendem a ocultar o problema, podendo não procurar ou demorar a procurar tratamento. Porém, a maior parte do conhecimento atual sobre o transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo advém de amostras clínicas, que não representam a totalidade dos casos. Foi feita uma revisão convencional da literatura através do Medline, PsicoInfo e Lilacs de inquéritos populacionais sobre o transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo, cobrindo o período de 1980 a 2004, utilizando-se como palavras-chave epidemiologia, transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo, inquéritos populacionais e prevalência. Estudos realizados em diferentes países indicam para o transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo uma prevalência atual em torno de 1,0% e ao longo da vida de 2,0 a 2,5%. Diferentemente de amostras clínicas, em quase todas as amostras populacionais há predomínio de mulheres e portadores que têm apenas obsessões. A freqüente comorbidade com outros transtornos mentais, particularmente depressão e outros transtornos ansiosos, repete-se em casos da população geral, que apresentam ainda uma associação com abuso de substâncias. Muitos portadores não estão em tratamento, particularmente os casos puros. Indicadores de incapacitação funcional demonstram um considerável impacto negativo do transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo. É preciso melhorar o conhecimento da população e dos profissionais de saúde sobre os sintomas do transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo para aumentar a procura de atendimento, assim como a correta identificação e abordagem terapêutica deste grave problema de saúde.