970 resultados para Obama, Barack, 1961
La reforma educativa de Barack Obama, presidente de Estados Unidos, está marcada por dos grandes objetivos: elevar el nivel educativo medio del país y mejorar la igualdad de oportunidades. También, pretende financiar programas estatales que contribuyan a la evaluación de las competencias que tengan que ver con la tecnología; la investigación científica; la resolución de problemas y la presentación y defensa de las ideas de los alumnos. Obama no es partidario de los cheques escolares como herramienta para estimular la competitividad entre las escuelas. Sin embargo, ha mostrado su apoyo a las escuelas concertadas, porque las considera fuentes de innovación y cree que es necesario un mayor control evaluativo sobre las mismas. Una de sus preocupaciones es dotar de una mayor inversión en la formación de los docentes y un aumento de salario de los mismos en función de méritos objetivables. Por otro lado, propone financiar la educación preescolar gratuita y dar ayudas a los estudiantes universitarios que lo necesiten. El dinero que se va a destinar a estos aspectos proviene del ahorro de la guerra de Irak, de algunos programas de la NASA, de fondos procedentes de impuestos y subasta de propiedades federales. Los resultados medios de Estados Unidos en los Informes PISA están por debajo de la media de la OCDE. Obama piensa que la educación científica y tecnológica debe ser la primera prioridad. Propone tres acciones: invertir en captación de mejores recursos humanos para la docencia en el ámbito científico-tecnológico; dar apoyos a los estados en la investigación y el desarrollo curricular y mejorar los mecanismos de evaluación.
This essay examines the persuasive side of language in a speech given by Senator Barack Obama on Super Tuesday in February 2008. It studies how Senator Obama utilizes language to convince and persuade his audience. This is done from an Aristotelian point of view, meaning that the study focuses foremost on how the senator’s word choices relate to Aristotle’s three means of persuasion, ethos, pathos and logos. Those basic guiding principles are relevant to use since Aristotle’s work on the subject of rhetoric is still today one of the most relevant works in that field. The analysis is basically performed through personal observations guided by previous studies, within the frame of Aristotelian rhetoric. The results show how Senator Obama enforces the three means of persuasion through language and how it can be considered persuasive. The study might add to rhetoric studies from a linguistic perspective since it reaches a better understanding of language used in the field of politics, where rhetoric is a prominent component.
Pronouns carry considerable importance in language. The speaker’s identity and connection to the audience emerges through the consistent use of certain pronouns (De Fina, 1995). This research is about the use of we, us, and our in political discourse. Specifically, their use will be examined in the inaugural addresses of George W. Bush in 2005 and Barack Obama in 2009. The aim of this research is to examine the frequencies and the co-occurrences of these pronouns and then compare their use in these two speeches. More specifically, how do the pronouns examined affect the message and enhance hearer credibility. This is done by applying (a) a quantitative corpus linguistics analysis and (b) qualitative analysis of the context of use. The results show that there is a difference in frequency of pronoun use; however, the usage of pronouns is rather similar in the two speeches
Entrevista concedida ao canal de tv Globo News no contexto da visita do presidente norte-americano Barack Obama ao Brasil, em março de 2011
Não é novidade que o presidente dos Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, é um grande entusiasta da tecnologia. Primeiro a contratar um especialista de big data para a Casa Branca, Obama avançou muito na comunicação digital institucional do governo e, na última segunda-feira (18) inovou outra vez ao abrir uma conta pessoal no Twitter (@POTUS, abreviação de "President of the United States"). Popular, o chefe de Estado americano entrou para o livro dos recordes como o mais rápido a obter 1 milhão de seguidores - foram apenas 5 horas.
A repercussão da visita do presidente americano Barack Obama à prisão federal de El Reno, no estado de Oklahoma, foi grande. Nas redes sociais, entre quarta (15) e sexta (17), houve mais de 220 mil menções em inglês à iniciativa histórica de Obama, que se converteu no primeiro presidente dos EUA a visitar, durante o mandato, um presídio federal.
Luego de las resistencias que George W. Bush generó en la región, la llegada de Barack Obama despertó esperanzas en algunos mandatrios latinoamericanos. En el presente artículo analizamos el vínculo entre Estados Unidos y el resto del continente, a partir del análisis de las últimas dos Cumbres de las Américas: la de Puerto España (2009), en la que primó la expectativa por la relación entre iguales que prometió el recién asumido presidente demócrata; y la de Cartagena (2012), cuando emergió una nueva agenda impuesta por América Latina, pese a las presiones de Washington. Estas cumbres se inscriben en diferentes etapas de la relación entre Estados Unidos y el resto del Hemisferio, que muestran alcances y límites de las estrategias de la Casa Blanca, y reconfiguraciones regionales para enfrentar el poder de Estados Unidos.
This is the fourth edition of New Media: An Introduction, with the previous editions being published by Oxford University Press in 2002, 2005 and 2008. As the first edition of the book published in the 2010s, every chapter has been comprehensively revised, and there are new chapters on: • Online News and the Future of Journalism (Chapter 7) • New Media and the Transformation of Higher Education (Chapter 10) • Online Activism and Networked Politics (Chapter 12). It has retained popular features of the third edition, including the twenty key concepts in new media (Chapter 2) and illustrative case studies to assist with teaching new media. The case studies in the book cover: the global internet; Wikipedia; transmedia storytelling; Media Studies 2.0; the games industry and exploitation; video games and violence; WikiLeaks; the innovator’s dilemma; massive open online courses (MOOCs); Creative Commons; the Barack Obama Presidential campaigns; and the Arab Spring. Several major changes in the media environment since the publication of the third edition stand out. Of particular importance has been the rise of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, which draw out even more strongly the features of the internet as networked and participatory media, with a range of implications across the economy, society and culture. In addition, the political implications of new media have become more apparent with a range of social media-based political campaigns, from Barack Obama’s successful Presidential election campaigns to the Occupy movements and the Arab Spring. At the same time, the subsequent developments of politics in these and other cases has drawn attention to the limitations of thinking about the politics or the public sphere in technologically determinist ways. When the first edition of New Media was published in 2002, the concept of new media was seen as being largely about the internet as it was accessed from personal computers. The subsequent decade has seen a proliferation of platforms and devices: we now access media in all forms from our phones and other mobile platforms, therefore we seen television and the internet increasingly converging, and we see a growing uncoupling of digital media content and delivery platforms. While this has a range of implications for media law and policy, from convergent media policy to copyright reform, governments and policy-makers are struggling to adapt to such seismic shifts from mass communications media to convergent social media. The internet is no longer primarily a Western-based medium. Two-thirds of the world’s internet users are now outside of Europe and North America; three-quarters of internet users use languages other than English; and three-quarters of the world’s mobile cellular phone subscriptions are in developing nations. It is also apparent that conducting discussions about how to develop new media technologies and discussions about their cultural and creative content can no longer be separated. Discussions of broadband strategies and the knowledge economy need to be increasingly joined with those concerning the creative industries and the creative economy.
This chapter charts the political transitions in the anti-trafficking agenda and rhetoric of the U.S. Government across three Presidential administrations through a detailed examination of the annual Trafficking in Persons reports released by the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons between 2001 and 2012. We argue that the transitions in language and focus reflect key tensions that have dominated trafficking discourse throughout the Clinton, Bush and Obama Presidencies. These fissures include debate over law enforcement versus rights-based frameworks, competing approaches on victim protection and identification, and ongoing disputes about the relationship between prostitution and human trafficking.
Senator Elizabeth Warren fights the White House over the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership #TPP #TPPA
In his visit to the G20 in Brisbane, President Barack Obama sought to promote his ambitious Pacific Rim trade agreement — the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). He told an audience at the University of Queensland: We’ll keep leading the effort to realize the Trans-Pacific Partnership to lower barriers, open markets, export goods, and create good jobs for our people. But with the 12 countries of the TPP making up nearly 40 percent of the global economy, this is also about something bigger. It is our chance to put in place new, high standards for trade in the 21st century that uphold our values. So, for example, we are pushing new standards in this trade agreement, requiring countries that participate to protect their workers better and to protect the environment better, and protect intellectual property that unleashes innovation, and baseline standards to ensure transparency and rule of law.
After the Australian election, United States President Barack Obama called newly elected Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to congratulate him upon his victory and encourage him to work co-operatively on the regional trade deal the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
This essay provides a critical assessment of the Fair Use Project based at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society. In evaluating the efficacy of the Fair Use Project, it is worthwhile considering the litigation that the group has been involved in, and evaluating its performance. Part 1 outlines the history of the Stanford Center for Internet and Society, and the aims and objectives of the Fair Use Project. Part 2 considers the litigation in Shloss v. Sweeney over a biography concerning Lucia Joyce, the daughter of the avant-garde literary great, James Joyce. Part 3 examines the dispute over the Harry Potter Lexicon. Part 4 looks at the controversy over the Shepard Fairey poster of President Barack Obama, and the resulting debate with Associated Press. Part 5 of the essay considers the intervention of the Fair Use Project as an amicus curiae in the ‘Column case’. Part 6 explores the participation of the Fair Use Project as an amicus curiae in the litigation over 60 Years Later, an unauthorised literary sequel to J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye. Part 7 of the essay investigates the role of the Fair Use project in disputes over copyright law and musical works. Part 8 investigates the role of the Fair Use Project as an advocate in disputes over copyright law, fair use, documentary films, and internet videos. The conclusion has main three arguments. First, it contends that Australia should establish a Fair Use Project to support creative artists in litigation over copyright exceptions. Second, it maintains that Australia should adopt a flexible, open-ended defence of fair use, and draw upon the rich jurisprudence in the United States on the fair use doctrine. Finally, this paper argues that support should be given at an international level to the proposal for a Treaty on Access to Knowledge.
This week there has been discussions between leaders from the Pacific Rim over the Trans-Pacific Partnership in Bali, Indonesia at APEC...