979 resultados para OUTPATIENT TREATMENT
ABSTRACTObjective:to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of non-operative management (NOM) of liver injury, being the only abdominal injury, from gunshot wounds to the abdomen.Methods:patients who had liver damage diagnosed as single abdominal injury caused by PAF in the right thoracoabdominal region, hemodynamically stable were studied. All underwent examination with computed tomography. Were analyzed: age, gender, levels of trauma, hemodynamic condition and the abdominal examination on admission, the results of the CT scan, the extra-abdominal lesions found, the serum levels of hemoglobin, clinical course, complications, length of hospital stay, outpatient treatment and death.Results:during the study period 169 patients, treated non-operatively, presented liver gunshot wounds. Of these, only 28 patients (16.6%) had liver injury as the only abdominal injury and consequently met the inclusion criteria for this study. The average age was 27.7 years and 25 patients (89.2%) were male. The overall average of verified trauma scores were: RTS 7.45, ISS 10.9, and TRISS 98.7%. The most frequent injuries were grade II and grade III (85.7%). Complications occurred in only one patient who presented a progressive decline in hemoglobin. He underwent a CT scan which showed blush in the liver parenchyma. An arteriography was performed, which showed a successfully embolized arteriovenous fistula. There were no deaths in the patient sample. The average hospital stay was 5.3 days.Conclusion:isolated hepatic injury in gunshot abdominal trauma is uncommon. However, the NOM protocol for this type of injury is safe and has low morbidity. This approach should only be followed in institutions with adequate infrastructure, where an experienced and cohesive team is able to follow a specific protocol, with rigorous periodic evaluation of its results.
Objective : To characterize patients with chronic subdural hematoma undergoing surgery and to identify prognostic indicators. Methods : We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients diagnosed with chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) undergoing surgical treatment. We analyzed: age, period from trauma to diagnostic imaging, pre and postoperative Glasgow coma scale, type of surgery, associated comorbidities, use of postoperative drainage and outpatient treatment. Results : The sample consisted of 176 patients, 126 male and 50 female patients (ratio 2.5 : 1), ages ranged from six months to 97 years, with an average of 59.3 years. CSDH was caused by trauma in 52% of patients, with the time from trauma to imaging averaging 25.05 days; 37.7% were hypertensive patients and 20% had a neurological disease. Eighty-five (48.3%) patients were elderly and altered consciousness was present in 63% of cases. Of the 91 (51.7%) non-elderly patients, 44% presented with headache, altered consciousness occurred in 40% and motor abnormalities in 27.5%. The CSDH was located on the right in 41%, left in 43% and bilaterally in 16% of patients. Conclusion : the change of consciousness was the most common clinical alteration in the elderly and headache in non-elderly. The most associated comorbidity was the arterial hypertension and the most frequent cause, head trauma. The trepanation with two oriffices associated with a closed drainage system was the most used operating, with high efficacy and low complication rate.
En la actualidad tanto el consumo de alcohol y marihuana, como las conductas suicidas (ideación e intención suicida) en adultos jóvenes, constituyen un problema de salud pública cuyo impacto a nivel social y emocional, irrumpe el estilo de vida no sólo de quien es consumidor y lleva a cabo conductas suicidas sino al núcleo familiar y social circundante. Hay una especial preocupación por el temprano consumo de estas sustancias, oscilando entre los 15 años en el caso de los hombres y en las mujeres a los 18 años. El objetivo de esta revisión teórica es revisar la evidencia teórica y empírica sobre la conducta suicida (ideación e intención) y el consumo de alcohol y marihuana en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes. Entre otros, los resultados muestran que el consumo de alcohol y la conducta suicida están relacionados y que no hay evidencia empírica sobre la relación entre el consumo de marihuana y esta conducta.
Purpose: there are many studies reporting the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation, but few of them exhibit the behavior and activities of these services. This article presents the characteristics of services, parts management and training level of team members, in addition to the variables or instruments used to measure the effectiveness and impact in these programs. Method: it was made a cross sectional convenience sample which included seven pulmonary rehabilitation services in four Colombian cities (Bogotá, Medellín, Manizales and Cali), selected by the coverage, for having at least one year of experience and for being formally established and recognized nationwide. The interdisciplinary team of each service answered a survey that was validated through a pilot test and expert consensus. Participation was voluntary. Results: labor onset pulmonary rehabilitation services correspond to an average of a decade, with COPD and asthma pathologies of attention. The programs are characterized by an outpatient treatment with an average duration of eight to twelve weeks, with a frequency of an hour three times a week. Also, the director of the service is regularly a pulmonologist and the coordinator a physiotherapist (57.14%). The posgradual training of these professionals is notable, and they report to have procedural, administrative and communicative skills, but qualify regular there research skills. The physical and technological resources are well tested. 71.42% have done impact studies, but only 28.57% have been published. All have in common training in upper limbs, lower limbs, respiratory muscles, counseling, functional assessment and quality of life. The effectiveness and impact of programs is measured by the walking test, quality of life questionnaires and activities of daily living.
Este artigo é uma reflexão teórica acerca de como os familiares estiveram incluídos na assistência ao portador de sofrimento psíquico. Iniciamos a partir da constituição da psiquiatria enquanto ciência médica e buscamos chegar até os nossos dias. Percebemos que a família foi excluída do cuidado ao doente mental e que só veio receber a atenção e ser investigada a partir da Segunda Guerra Mundial quando começou o processo de desospitalização. No Brasil as estratégias visando auxiliar a família no enfrentamento do sofrimento psíquico ainda se encontram incipientes.
OBJETIVO: Estudar prospectivamente a população internada em um hospital-dia (HD) em relação a fatores que poderiam influenciar na melhora e na duração da internação. MÉTODOS: Foram entrevistados, para obtenção de dados sociodemográficos e avaliação da evolução, 34 pacientes internados no Hospital-Dia da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Unesp, durante um ano. O diagnóstico psiquiátrico foi avaliado pela CIDI (Composite International Diagnostic Interview), a sintomatologia psiquiátrica pela BPRS (Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale) e a incapacitação psicossocial pela DAS (Psychiatric Disability Assessment Schedule). Todos os pacientes foram acompanhados, e seus familiares, entrevistados. RESULTADOS: Predominaram mulheres (76%), jovens (61,8%), sem vínculo conjugal (71%), sem trabalho (82,4%), com diagnóstico de transtornos afetivos (44,1%) e com internações psiquiátricas prévias (44%). Apenas quatro (12%) pacientes apresentavam uma síndrome maior segundo BPRS. Houve considerável incapacitação psicossocial dos pacientes em alguns papéis sociais. Maior renda per capita foi um fator associado à melhor evolução. As internações duraram em média 74 dias. Pacientes com internações prévias tenderam a permanecer menos tempo no HD. CONCLUSÕES: Portadores de transtornos afetivos e quadros não-psicóticos geralmente não necessitam de internação por período integral em hospital psiquiátrico. Contudo, os pacientes deste estudo tiveram um elevado número de internações psiquiátricas prévias, provavelmente por necessitarem de um nível de atendimento além das possibilidades dos ambulatórios. Entretanto, pacientes com maior número de internações -- em tese mais graves -- tenderam a permanecer menos tempo no HD, o que suscita dúvidas quanto à sua adesão a serviços abertos, bem como aos possíveis fatores facilitadores dessa adesão. em um momento de crescimento expressivo no número de serviços de internação parcial no Brasil, como nos últimos anos, mais estudos são necessários a fim de esclarecer para quem e para quê são destinados esses serviços.
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
O objetivo foi analisar os atendimentos por queimaduras em serviços de emergência, e fatores associados. Estudo transversal de 761 atendimentos coletados pelo Sistema de Vigilância de Violências e Acidentes em 2009. A maioria foi do sexo masculino (58,6%); adultos de 30 a 49 anos (23,1%) e crianças de 0 a 9 anos (23%). A residência foi o local de ocorrência mais frequente (62,1%), especialmente para crianças e mulheres; em seguida comércio, serviços, indústria e construção (19,1%), especialmente entre homens de 20 a 49 anos. Queimaduras no trabalho foram 29,1% do total. Uso de álcool chegou a 5,1%. Agentes causadores em todas as idades: substância quente (43,6%) e fogo/chama (24,2%); na faixa produtiva: substâncias químicas. As queimaduras entre 0 e 14 anos foram associadas com residência, substância e objeto quente e internação hospitalar; entre os de 15 a 49 anos associaram-se com fogo/chama e choque elétrico, via pública e alta da emergência. Estratégias de prevenção para crianças e trabalhadores devem ser implantadas.
Three-month anticoagulation is recommended to treat provoked or first distal deep-vein thrombosis (DVT), and indefinite-duration anticoagulation should be considered for patients with unprovoked proximal, unprovoked recurrent, or cancer-associated DVT. In the prospective Outpatient Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Switzerland (OTIS-DVT) Registry of 502 patients with acute objectively confirmed lower extremity DVT (59% provoked or first distal DVT; 41% unprovoked proximal, unprovoked recurrent, or cancer-associated DVT) from 53 private practices and 11 hospitals, we investigated the planned duration of anticoagulation at the time of treatment initiation. The decision to administer limited-duration anticoagulation therapy was made in 343 (68%) patients with a median duration of 107 (interquartile range 91-182) days for provoked or first distal DVT, and 182 (interquartile range 111-184) days for unprovoked proximal, unprovoked recurrent, or cancer-associated DVT. Among patients with provoked or first distal DVT, anticoagulation was recommended for < 3 months in 11%, 3 months in 63%, and for an indefinite period in 26%. Among patients with unprovoked proximal, unprovoked recurrent, or cancer-associated DVT, anticoagulation was recommended for < 6 months in 22%, 6-12 months in 38%, and for an indefinite period in 40%. Overall, there was more frequent planning of indefinite-duration therapy from hospital physicians as compared with private practice physicians (39% vs. 28%; p=0.019). Considerable inconsistency in planning the duration of anticoagulation therapy mandates an improvement in risk stratification of outpatients with acute DVT.
Treatment guidelines recommend strong consideration of thrombolysis in patients with acute symptomatic pulmonary embolism (PE) that present with arterial hypotension or shock because of the high risk of death in this setting. For haemodynamically stable patients with PE, the categorization of risk for subgroups may assist with decision-making regarding PE therapy. Clinical models [e.g. Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI)] may accurately identify those at low risk of overall death in the first 3 months after the diagnosis of PE, and such patients might benefit from an abbreviated hospital stay or outpatient therapy. Though some evidence suggests that a subset of high-risk normotensive patients with PE may have a reasonable risk to benefit ratio for thrombolytic therapy, single markers of right ventricular dysfunction (e.g. echocardiography, spiral computed tomography, or brain natriuretic peptide testing) and myocardial injury (e.g. cardiac troponin T or I testing) have an insufficient positive predictive value for PE-specific mortality to drive decision-making toward such therapy. Recommendations for outpatient treatment or thrombolytic therapy for patients with PE necessitate further development of prognostic models and conduct of clinical trials that assess various treatment strategies.
This study investigates predictors of outcome in a secondary analysis of dropout and completer data from a randomized controlled effectiveness trial comparing CBTp to a wait-list group (Lincoln et al., 2012). Eighty patients with DSM-IV psychotic disorders seeking outpatient treatment were included. Predictors were assessed at baseline. Symptom outcome was assessed at post-treatment and at one-year follow-up. The predictor x group interactions indicate that a longer duration of disorder predicted less improvement in negative symptoms in the CBTp but not in the wait-list group whereas jumping-to-conclusions was associated with poorer outcome only in the wait-list group. There were no CBTp specific predictors of improvement in positive symptoms. However, in the combined sample (immediate CBTp+the delayed CBTp group) baseline variables predicted significant amounts of positive and negative symptom variance at post-therapy and one-year follow-up after controlling for pre-treatment symptoms. Lack of insight and low social functioning were the main predictors of drop-out, contributing to a prediction accuracy of 87%. The findings indicate that higher baseline symptom severity, poorer functioning, neurocognitive deficits, reasoning biases and comorbidity pose no barrier to improvement during CBTp. However, in line with previous predictor-research, the findings imply that patients need to receive treatment earlier.
Objective: Since the beginning of the integrated care model for severely ill patients with psychotic disorders ("Hamburg model") in 2007 different clinical parameters have been consecutively assessed within a naturalistic, observational, prospective study.Methods: Clinical outcome of the 2-year and 4-year follow-ups of n = 158 patients.Results: A significant and ongoing improvement of psychopathology, severity of illness, functional outcome, quality of life and satisfaction with care in this sample of severely ill and merely chronic patients with psychosis was shown. Moreover, medication adherence improved and quality and quantity of outpatient treatment increased.Conclusion: The ongoing psychosocial stabilisation of the patients most likely result from a combination of various factors: continuity of care, multimodal and individualized care, therapeutic specialisation and the multidisciplinary ACT team. Results provide clinical and scientific evidence for future implementations of the integrated care model "Hamburg Model" for the treatment of psychosis.
Although the processes involved in rational patient targeting may be obvious for certain services, for others, both the appropriate sub-populations to receive services and the procedures to be used for their identification may be unclear. This project was designed to address several research questions which arise in the attempt to deliver appropriate services to specific populations. The related difficulties are particularly evident for those interventions about which findings regarding effectiveness are conflicting. When an intervention clearly is not beneficial (or is dangerous) to a large, diverse population, consensus regarding withholding the intervention from dissemination can easily be reached. When findings are ambiguous, however, conclusions may be impossible.^ When characteristics of patients likely to benefit from an intervention are not obvious, and when the intervention is not significantly invasive or dangerous, the strategy proposed herein may be used to identify specific characteristics of sub-populations which may benefit from the intervention. The identification of these populations may be used both in further informing decisions regarding distribution of the intervention and for purposes of planning implementation of the intervention by identifying specific target populations for service delivery.^ This project explores a method for identifying such sub-populations through the use of related datasets generated from clinical trials conducted to test the effectiveness of an intervention. The method is specified in detail and tested using the example intervention of case management for outpatient treatment of populations with chronic mental illness. These analyses were applied in order to identify any characteristics which distinguish specific sub-populations who are more likely to benefit from case management service, despite conflicting findings regarding its effectiveness for the aggregate population, as reported in the body of related research. However, in addition to a limited set of characteristics associated with benefit, the findings generated, a larger set of characteristics of patients likely to experience greater improvement without intervention. ^
El escrito reflexiona sobre la adecuación teórica y metodológica del recurso a las categorías institución total, dispositivo y disciplina, para investigar problemáticas recientes en el campo de la salud-enfermedad-atención, particularmente las denominadas adicciones a las drogas. De la mano de numerosas investigaciones empíricas, ciertos conceptos se anudan en los análisis, asociándose disciplina-encierro, e institución total-espacio cerrado. El escrito propone el desacople de estas nociones y la recuperación de su productividad analítica, desde la investigación en un dispositivo terapéutico ambulatorio para la adicción a drogas del Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Se aborda esta problemática desde una perspectiva etnográfica, con análisis documental, observación participante y entrevistas realizadas a profesionales de la salud de la institución, personal de apoyo y usuarios. Se concluye que las formulaciones de Goffman y Foucault ayudan a comprender la existencia de modalidades de tratamiento para las adicciones a las drogas que, sin fundarse en el encierro como técnica primordial de control de los cuerpos, sostienen un proceso de clausura y despojo significativos; y que la renuncia a homologar la clausura, y el espacio cerrado a una materialidad, permitió dar realce a una vivencia de despojo subjetivo de parte de quienes se encuentran en tratamiento en la institución