156 resultados para OTC


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This study documents validation of vertebral band-pair formation in spotted gully shark (Triakis megalopterus) with the use of fluorochrome injection and tagging of captive and wild sharks over a 21-year period. Growth and mortality rates of T. megalopterus were also estimated and a demographic analysis of the species was conducted. Of the 23 OTC (oxytetracycline) -marked vertebrae examined (12 from captive and 11 from wild sharks), seven vertebrae (three from captive and four from wild sharks) exhibited chelation of the OTC and fluoresced under ultraviolet light. It was concluded that a single opaque and translucent band pair was deposited annually up to at least 25 years of age, the maximum age recorded. Reader precision was assessed by using an index of average percent error calculated at 5%. No significant differences were found between male and female growth patterns (P>0.05), and von Bertalanffy growth model parameters for combined sexes were estimated to be L∞=1711.07 mm TL, k=0.11/yr and t0=–2.43 yr (n=86). Natural mortality was estimated at 0.17/yr. Age at maturity was estimated at 11 years for males and 15 years for females. Results of the demographic analysis showed that the population, in the absence of fishing mortality, was stable and not significantly different from zero and particularly sensitive to overfishing. At the current age at first capture and natural mortality rate, the fishing mortality rate required to result in negative population growth was low at F>0.004/ yr. Elasticity analysis revealed that juvenile survival was the principal factor in explaining variability in population growth rate.


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The purpose of this study was to validate aging results of juvenile Shortfin Mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) by vertebral band counts. Vertebrae of 29 juvenile Shortfin Mako marked with oxytetracycline (OTC) were obtained from tag-recapture activities to determine centrum growth-band deposition. Tagging occurred off southern California from 1996 to 2010, and time at liberty of the 29 sharks ranged from 4 months to 4.4 years (mean=1.3 years). Growth information also was obtained from length-frequency modal analyses (MULTIFAN and MIXDIST) by using a 29-year data set of commercial and research catch data, in addition to a tag-recapture growth model (e.g, the GROTAG model). For vertebrae samples used for age validation, shark size at time of release ranged from 79 to 142 cm fork length (FL) and from 98 to 200 cm FL at recapture. Results from band counts of vertebrae distal to OTC marks indicate 2 band pairs (2 translucent and 2 opaque) are formed each year for Shortfin Mako of the size range examined. Length-frequency analyses identified 3 age class modes. Growth rate estimates from 26.5 to 35.5 cm/year were calculated for the first age-class mode (85 cm FL) and from 22.4 to 28.6 cm/year for the second age-class mode (130 cm FL). Results from the tag-recapture growth model revealed fast growth during time at liberty for tagged fish of the 2 youngest age classes. Collectively, these methods suggest rapid growth of juvenile Shortfin Mako in the southern California study area and indicate biannual deposition of growth bands in vertebrae for the first 5 years.


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This study was undertaken to resolve problems in age determination of sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria). Aging of this species has been hampered by poor agreement (averaging less than 45%) among age readers and by differences in assigned ages of as much as 15 years. Otoliths from fish that had been injected with oxytetracycline (OTC) and that had been at liberty for known durations were used to determine why age determinations were so difficult and to help determine the correct aging procedure. All fish were sampled from Oregon southwards, which represents the southern part of their range. The otoliths were examined with the aid of image processing. Some fish showed little or no growth on the otolith after eight months at liberty, whereas otoliths from other fish grew substantially. Some fish lay down two prominent hyaline zones within a single year, one in the summer and one in the winter. We classified the otoliths by morphological type and found that certain types are more likely to lay down multiple hyaline zones and other types are likely to lay down little or no zones. This finding suggests that some improvement could be achieved by detailed knowledge of the growth characteristics of the different types. This study suggests that it may not be possible to obtain reliable ages from sablefish otoliths. At the very least, more studies will be required to under-stand the growth of sablefish otoliths.


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On 10 July 1999, vertebrae bearing an oxytetracycline (OTC) time mark were retrieved from a tagged leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata) recaptured in San Francisco Bay, CA, after being at liberty for almost 20 years. An additional long-term leopard shark tag return was received in June 2001, for which growth information (but not vertebrae) was obtained. The first recapture is significant in that it represents the longest at-liberty period for an age-validated (OTC-injected) shark, extends and completes age validation for this species, spanning all age classes up to its estimated average maximum age, and provides an example of the persistence of the OTC time mark in an elasmobranch at liberty for almost 20 years. The recaptured leopard shark made in 2001 also provides valuable information on long-term growth from time of release to time of recapture. Findings are documented here so that other researchers are aware that validation is complete for this species, to present pertinent evidence of considerable interannual variability in growth in this species, and to report observations on processing difficulties relating to the ephemeral nature of the 20-yr-old OTC mark.


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Growth, recruitment, and abundance of young-of-the-year (YOY) striped mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) in estuarine habitats in South Carolina from 1998 to 2000 were examined and compared to historical data (1986–91) of growth, recruitment, and abundance. Daily growth increments from the sagittal otoliths of juvenile striped mullet were validated by using fish immersed in oxytetracycline hydrochloride (OTC) for five hours from the Charleston Harbor Estuary system. The distribution of back-calculated birthdates indicated that striped mullet spawn from October to late April and estuarine recruitment occurs from January through May. Juveniles were more abundant in mesohaline and polyhaline salinity regimes but were found throughout the estuary. Juvenile growth after recruitment into the estuary can be described by the relationship Total length (mm) = 0.341 (Age)1.04 (r2=0.741, P=0.001). Growth of juveniles according to the analysis of size-frequency data from historical surveys (1986 to 1991) in the same estuaries gave the relationship Total length (mm) = 8.77 (month)1.12 (r2=0.950, P=0.001). The similarity in the growth curves for both groups of fish suggests that juvenile striped mullet in South Carolina have consistent annual growth during the first year of life.


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We examined 536 permit (Trachinotus falcatus, 65–916 mm FL) collected from the waters of Florida Keys and from the Tampa Bay area on Florida’s Gulf coast to describe their growth and reproduction.Among permit that we sexed, females ranged from 266 to 916 mm in length (mean=617) and males ranged from 274 to 855 mm (mean=601). Ages of 297 permit ranging from 102 to 900 mm FL were estimated from thin-sectioned otoliths (sagittae). The large proportion of otoliths with an annulus on the margin and an otolith from an OTC-injected fish suggested that a single annulus was formed each year during late spring or early summer.Permit reach a maximum age of at least 23 years.Permit grew rapidly until an age of about five years, and then growth slowed considerably. Male and female von Bertalanffy growth models were not significantly different, and the sexes-combined growth model was FL=753.1(1–e –0.348(Age+0.585)). Gonad development was seasonal, and spawning occurred during late spring and summer over artificial and natural reefs at depths of 10–30 m. Ovaries that contained oocytes in the final stages of oocyte maturation or postovulatory follicles were found during May–July. We estimated that 50% of the females in the population had reached sexual maturity by 547 mm and an age of 3.1 years and that 50% of the males in the population had reached sexual maturity by 486 mm and an age of 2.3 years. Because Florida regulations restrict the maximum size of permit caught in recreational and commercial fisheries to 20-inch (508-mm), most fish harvested are sexually immature. With the current size selectivity of the fishery, the spawning stock biomass of permit could decrease quickly in response to moderate levels of fishing mortality; thus, the regulations in place in Florida to restrict harvest levels appear to be justified.


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臭氧属于二次污染物,它是由机动车、工厂等人为源以及天然源排放的氮氧化物(NOx)和挥发性有机物(VOCs)等一次污染物在大气中经过光化学反应形成的。O3 是光化学烟雾的主要成分,可对植物生长产生抑制。近几十年来,全球O3 污染的格局正在发生着巨大改变。由于北美及西欧等经济发达地区采取了有效控制臭氧形成前体物的措施,其空气中的O3 浓度在减少,而亚洲等经济发展中地区的O3 形成前体物的排放却在急剧攀升,导致大气中O3 浓度显著增加。中国经济的快速发展以及汽车保有量的迅猛增加导致O3 前体物的大量排放,许多经济较发达的地区空气中的O3 浓度超过了75ppb。由于O3 污染将导致农作物产量显著降低,因此,亚洲尤其是中国O3 污染对本地区农业生产的影响引起了国内外科学家的广泛关注。然而,在中国开展的关于O3 对植物生长及生产影响的研究相对较少,但已有的几篇研究报道确实指出目前中国部分地区的O3 浓度可导致冬小麦产量大幅下降,并预测到2020 年由O3 污染将引起小麦产量进一步降低。 植物对臭氧的反应或敏感性取决于诸如叶片导度、叶片结构及生化解毒等很多方面。首先,由于高叶片导度将吸收较多的臭氧量,因此,叶片导度通常被认为是决定抗性最为重要的因子。处于湿润条件下的植物,通常具有较高叶片导度,受到臭氧危害的程度一般也较大。其次,植物抗氧化胁迫能力的大小也决定着其对臭氧的敏感性。同一植株的老叶首先表现出伤害症状,这是由于老叶的抗氧化能力差于新叶,体现在抗坏血酸和谷胱甘肽含量及抗坏血酸氧化物酶和谷胱甘肽还原酶活性低于新叶。另外,叶片对臭氧的敏感程度与其叶片结构关系密切,拥有较大的细胞间隙对抗污染特性至关重要,由于叶片上表面的栅栏组织较海绵组织致密,因此通常较早表现出伤害症状。 影响植物对臭氧反应的环境因子很多,诸如光照、水气压亏、温度等。由于臭氧主要通过气孔进入植物体内,因此目前的研究主要集中在能显著调节气孔导度的环境因子,如土壤水分状况和在未来可能会与大气中臭氧浓度同步增加的CO2 浓度。CO2 浓度升高可降低植物的气孔导度,因此,CO2 浓度升高可减少叶片对O3 的吸收量。同时,大气CO2 浓度升高可提高净同化速率,可导致气孔的部分关闭而减少蒸腾,从而显著提高植株的水分利用效率,最终促进作物生长并提高产量。然而,二者对作物产量的交互影响尚不明确。水分胁迫被认为是影响O3 对植株伤害的一个重要环境因子。与正常供水相比,水分胁迫常常伴随着气孔导度的降低,导致进入到植株体内的O3 量相对较少而减轻植株受到的伤害程度。然而水分供应不足本身将导致小麦生长降低及产量下降。因此,水分亏缺可能会保护植株免受O3 伤害,同时也可能会加剧对植株的胁迫。 高浓度臭氧环境下,植物表现出较低的气孔导度。但研究表明,对臭氧敏感性不同的植物其气孔导度对臭氧的反应程度不同。臭氧对气孔的作用将影响植物生产力,同时也将影响植物对其它环境胁迫如干旱等的反应。短时间臭氧熏蒸小麦导致叶片细胞膜系统受损、光合产物输出受阻;而长期受臭氧污染后,小麦叶片的光合速率、光化学效率、叶绿素含量和蔗糖含量均显著降低,并与臭氧剂量的大小和峰值出现的早晚有关。O3 浓度升高将抑制光合作用,减少气孔导度,加强呼吸作用,改变C 同化物分配,加快叶片的衰老。众多研究表明,O3 导致的光合能力下降主要是由Rubisco 最大羧化效率降低导致;而O3 对光合器官捕获光的能力及光合电子传递速率的影响是光合作用下降的另一个原因。 尽管已有不少关于不同物种间对O3 敏感性的种间差异研究,然而育种方法或育种地点对中国不同冬小麦品种的O3 敏感性的影响尚不清楚。因此,我们假设育种年代、育种方法及地点将交互影响冬小麦品种对O3 的生长及生理响应。为进一步明确基因对冬小麦O3 敏感性的控制,研究了普通六倍体冬小麦的近缘体对O3 敏感性的差异。CO2 浓度升高及干旱胁迫对小麦臭氧敏感性的影响也进行了研究。论文主要从生理生化、生长及产量水平上来阐释O3 浓度升高、CO3加倍、干旱对冬小麦生长及生产影响的机理。 本研究主要是在温室中的上部开口的生长箱(open-top chamber, OTC)中进行。先后开展了四个盆栽实验研究,主要目的是确定中国不同基因型冬小麦种或品种对臭氧的敏感性及其反应机理;确定CO2 浓度升高及干旱在减轻O3 伤害方面的作用及其机理。实验材料为中国不同年代选育出的小麦品种,即1745年至2004 年间选育出的20 个品种和7 个小麦材料。主要评价指标包括相对生长速率、异速生长系数、叶绿素荧光、抗氧化活性、可溶性蛋白质含量、膜酯过氧化、气体交换、光合能力、叶绿素含量、暗呼吸、生物量及籽粒产量。实验研究得到的主要结果如下: 1) O3 升高显著降低整株及地上和地下部分的相对生长速率,显著降低异速生长系数、可变荧光、最大光化学效率、量子产额、光化学淬灭系数以及电子传递速率,但提高了非光化学淬灭系数。冬小麦不同品种对O3 的敏感性随育种年代的增加而增大,并与对照植株相对生长速率呈正相关。尽管近年来环境中的O3 浓度比过去显著增加,但新近育出的品种对臭氧的抗性却没有表现出协同进化效应。通过杂交选育的品种对臭氧的敏感性大于通过引进的和重选的品种。从生长和光合生理上来看,不同小麦品种对臭氧的敏感性与育种地点没有相关性,表明冬小麦品种对臭氧的适应能力与其生长环境下的臭氧浓度无关。因此,对臭氧相对敏感的冬小麦品种主要是由培育中较高相对生长速率或较高光合能力的杂交育种方式决定的,而与选育地点环境中的臭氧浓度无关。 2) 臭氧显著降低叶片中抗坏血酸(AsA)和可溶性蛋白的含量,但提高了过氧化物酶(POD)的活性和膜酯过氧化物(MDA)的含量。臭氧浓度升高抑制饱和光强下的净光合速率(Asat),降低气孔导度(gs)和总叶绿素含量,而显著提高暗呼吸速率(Rd)和胞间CO2 浓度(Ci)。臭氧导致总生物量降低,但地下部生物量受到的影响大于地上部。不同基因型小麦对臭氧的潜在敏感性与实际观察到的抗臭氧能力存在很大差异。冬小麦品种对臭氧的敏感性与臭氧环境下植株气孔导度和暗呼吸速率相关。臭氧导致Ci 浓度升高以及膜酯过氧化,由此得出臭氧导致的净光合速率主要是由于臭氧降低了叶肉细胞活性及细胞膜的完整性。新品种对臭氧相对敏感,主要是由于其具有较高的气孔导度抗氧化能力下降幅度较大以及较低的暗呼吸速率,从而对蛋白和细胞膜完整性造成较高的氧化伤害。 3) 臭氧对冬小麦光合和生长的影响存在着显著的种间差异。原初栽培种表现出最大的抗性,当代品种次之,而野生种对臭氧最为敏感。在普通冬小麦不同基因组供体中,钩刺山羊草(Aegilops tauschii,DD)对臭氧最敏感,其次为栽培一粒小麦(T. monococcum,AA),而圆锥小麦(Triticum turgidum ssp.Durum,AABB)对臭氧的抗性最大。因此,当代冬小麦品种对臭氧的敏感性可能是与其D 染色体供体-钩刺山羊草对臭氧敏感有关,而与其A、B 染色体供体-圆锥小麦的关系相对较小。 4) CO2 浓度升高提高了老品种和新品种的Asat,最大羧化速率(Vcmax),最大电子传递速率(Jmax)、光和CO2 饱和光合速率(Amax)。与之相反,臭氧显著降低了这些生理参数。虽然两品种对CO2 的响应没有显著性差异,但CO2浓度升高均有效保护了臭氧对它们的伤害。这种效应与CO2 浓度升高引起的气孔导度降低无关,而与代谢活性的提高有关。 5) 水分胁迫和臭氧分别都显著降低了 Asat 和gs。干旱显著降低Vcmax 和羧化效率(CE),而对Jmax 和暗呼吸(R)的影响不显著。臭氧显著降低冬小麦不同基因型的Vcmax,Jmax,R 和CE。二者均降低了生物量的积累及最终籽粒产量。与六倍体小麦相比,四倍体小麦对干旱相对敏感,但对臭氧却表现出较高抗性。干旱降低了气孔导度从而显著减少了植株对臭氧的吸收量,但两基因型的反应截然不同。干旱使臭氧对六倍体小麦产量和收获指数的伤害分别减少了约16%和50%,而干旱对该四倍体小麦的保护效应不大。


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氮素是影响内蒙古温带典型草原植物生长和初级生产力的主要因素之一,土壤氮素的可利用性及其对全球环境变化的响应对于预测生态系统碳氮平衡显得尤为重要。空气中的游离氮和土壤中的有机氮必须通过固氮作用和矿化作用,转化为无机氮才能被绝大多数高等植物直接利用,氮素转化决定土壤氮素有效性。因此,研究环境变化对草原灌丛豆科固氮植物小叶锦鸡儿和草原优势植物种羊草土壤氮素转化重要生物过程的影响,对于进一步了解草原氮库变化及其对环境变化的可能响应有重要意义。 在中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位站,利用开顶式生长室(Open-top chamber,OTC)控制实验模拟环境变化,经过三年的实验处理,研究氮素、水分和CO2浓度变化对小叶锦鸡儿根瘤生长和共生固氮、小叶锦鸡儿和羊草土壤净氮矿化速率的影响。观察小叶锦鸡儿根瘤形态和数量、测定根瘤长度和生物量以及固氮酶活性、测定土壤净氮矿化速率和土壤酶活性,探讨小叶锦鸡儿和羊草土壤氮素转化对环境变化响应机理。 结果表明,三年生桶培小叶锦鸡儿根瘤多着生于侧根,以浅黄色的小型球状根瘤为主,其次是棕褐色的棒状和纺锤状根瘤,较大型的褐色Y状根瘤相对较少。添加氮素极显著地抑制根瘤生长发育及其固氮酶活性,这种抑制效应随着水分增加和CO2浓度升高有所减缓。随着水分的增加,根瘤形态多样,根瘤着生部位由主根渐向侧根再向须根发展,根瘤数量和重量也显著增加。水分和CO2浓度升高,固氮酶活性增加但是未达到显著水平。小叶锦鸡儿根瘤生长及其固氮酶活性在加水条件下最好,水分可能是限制内蒙古半干旱草原小叶锦鸡儿固氮能力的关键因素。 环境变化影响小叶锦鸡儿土壤无机氮库。添加氮素处理,土壤无机氮库显著增加。添加氮素后,土壤脲酶活性显著降低,铵态氮和无机氮都出现明显的氮固持,但硝化速率增加,可能是由于添加氮素后土壤化学性质改变更利于硝化细菌进行硝化活动。随着水分和CO2浓度的升高,由于植物生长需求更多氮素的供应,土壤无机氮库显著降低。水分和CO2浓度处理对小叶锦鸡儿土壤脲酶活性和净氮矿化速率没有显著影响,但是能一定程度上减缓了氮素的负效应,促使无机氮的转化,使土壤微生物对铵态氮和无机氮的固持减少。但是蛋白酶活性和硝酸还原酶活性对三种环境因子响应均不敏感,脲酶对环境因子的变化最为敏感。小叶锦鸡儿土壤氮素转化与土壤理化性质密切相关,环境因子通过影响土壤脲酶活性以及土壤酸碱度等影响土壤矿化速率,进而影响土壤无机氮浓度和植物可利用氮。 羊草土壤无机氮库与小叶锦鸡儿土壤无机氮库对环境变化的响应较为一致,添加氮素羊草土壤无机氮含量显著增加,水分增加土壤无机氮含量显著降低。添加氮素使硝化速率显著增大,氨化速率和净氮矿化速率降低,但是未达到显著水平,铵态氮和无机氮出现固持现象。水分的增加降低土壤无机氮库,刺激脲酶活性,微生物对铵态氮的矿化作用增加,但是硝态氮的矿化作用受抑制,对净氮矿化没有影响。CO2浓度升高对羊草土壤无机氮库和土壤氮素矿化都没有显著地影响,但是CO2浓度升高在适宜水分下通过刺激土壤微生物活性,促进脲酶活性和无机氮的转化。羊草土壤酶活性对氮素和CO2浓度的响应与小叶锦鸡儿土壤酶活性的响应一致。 综上,不同环境因子对氮素转化过程影响不同,氮素添加抑制小叶锦鸡儿根瘤及其固氮酶活性,降低小叶锦鸡儿和羊草土壤净氮矿化速率。水分和CO2浓度升高一定程度上缓解了氮素对固氮酶活性以及土壤净氮素矿化速率的抑制作用,有利于土壤氮素转化。


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