940 resultados para ONE-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS


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In this work it is analyzed a one-dimensional lattice which is composed by mass-spring systems with one additional Rosen-Morse potential on site. This kind of lattice is used to study thermodynamic properties of DNA, especially its thermal denaturation. on the context of this work, the Rosen-Morse potential simulates hydrogen bonds between double strands of the molecule. From the graphic of the average stretching of base pairs versus temperature it is possible to observe the thermal denaturation of the system. This result shows that it is possible to obtain phase transition with an asymmetric potential without an infinite barrier.


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We present the zero-temperature phase diagram of the one-dimensional t(2g)-orbital Hubbard model, obtained using the density-matrix renormalization group and Lanczos techniques. Emphasis is given to the case of the electron density n=5 corresponding to five electrons per site, while several other cases for electron densities between n=3 and 6 are also studied. At n=5, our results indicate a first-order transition between a paramagnetic (PM) insulator phase, with power-law slowly decaying correlations, and a fully polarized ferromagnetic (FM) state by tuning the Hund's coupling. The results also suggest a transition from the n=5 PM insulator phase to a metallic regime by changing the electron density, either via hole or electron doping. The behavior of the spin, charge, and orbital correlation functions in the FM and PM states are also described in the text and discussed. The robustness of these two states against varying parameters suggests that they may be of relevance in quasi-one-dimensional Co-oxide materials, or even in higher dimensional cobaltite systems as well.


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We prove that a 'positive probability' subset of the boundary of '{uniformly expanding circle transformations}' consists of Kupka-Smale maps. More precisely, we construct an open class of two-parameter families of circle maps (f(alpha,theta))(alpha,theta) such that, for a positive Lebesgue measure subset of values of alpha, the family (f(alpha,theta))(theta) crosses the boundary of the uniformly expanding domain at a map for which all periodic points are hyperbolic (expanding) and no critical point is pre-periodic. Furthermore, these maps admit an absolutely continuous invariant measure. We also provide information about the geometry of the boundary of the set of hyperbolic maps.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The role played by the attainable set of a differential inclusion, in the study of dynamic control systems and fuzzy differential equations, is widely acknowledged. A procedure for estimating the attainable set is rather complicated compared to the numerical methods for differential equations. This article addresses an alternative approach, based on an optimal control tool, to obtain a description of the attainable sets of differential inclusions. In particular, we obtain an exact delineation of the attainable set for a large class of nonlinear differential inclusions.


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By means of nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate T-1(-1), we follow the spin dynamics as a function of the applied magnetic field in two gapped quasi-one-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets: the anisotropic spin-chain system NiCl2-4SC(NH2)(2) and the spin-ladder system (C5H12N)(2)CuBr4. In both systems, spin excitations are confirmed to evolve from magnons in the gapped state to spinons in the gapless Tomonaga-Luttinger-liquid state. In between, T-1(-1) exhibits a pronounced, continuous variation, which is shown to scale in accordance with quantum criticality. We extract the critical exponent for T-1(-1), compare it to the theory, and show that this behavior is identical in both studied systems, thus demonstrating the universality of quantum-critical behavior.


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We investigate the nonequilibrium roughening transition of a one-dimensional restricted solid-on-solid model by directly sampling the stationary probability density of a suitable order parameter as the surface adsorption rate varies. The shapes of the probability density histograms suggest a typical Ginzburg-Landau scenario for the phase transition of the model, and estimates of the "magnetic" exponent seem to confirm its mean-field critical behavior. We also found that the flipping times between the metastable phases of the model scale exponentially with the system size, signaling the breaking of ergodicity in the thermodynamic limit. Incidentally, we discovered that a closely related model not considered before also displays a phase transition with the same critical behavior as the original model. Our results support the usefulness of off-critical histogram techniques in the investigation of nonequilibrium phase transitions. We also briefly discuss in the appendix a good and simple pseudo-random number generator used in our simulations.


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The quality of temperature and humidity retrievals from the infrared SEVIRI sensors on the geostationary Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellites is assessed by means of a one dimensional variational algorithm. The study is performed with the aim of improving the spatial and temporal resolution of available observations to feed analysis systems designed for high resolution regional scale numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. The non-hydrostatic forecast model COSMO (COnsortium for Small scale MOdelling) in the ARPA-SIM operational configuration is used to provide background fields. Only clear sky observations over sea are processed. An optimised 1D–VAR set-up comprising of the two water vapour and the three window channels is selected. It maximises the reduction of errors in the model backgrounds while ensuring ease of operational implementation through accurate bias correction procedures and correct radiative transfer simulations. The 1D–VAR retrieval quality is firstly quantified in relative terms employing statistics to estimate the reduction in the background model errors. Additionally the absolute retrieval accuracy is assessed comparing the analysis with independent radiosonde and satellite observations. The inclusion of satellite data brings a substantial reduction in the warm and dry biases present in the forecast model. Moreover it is shown that the retrieval profiles generated by the 1D–VAR are well correlated with the radiosonde measurements. Subsequently the 1D–VAR technique is applied to two three–dimensional case–studies: a false alarm case–study occurred in Friuli–Venezia–Giulia on the 8th of July 2004 and a heavy precipitation case occurred in Emilia–Romagna region between 9th and 12th of April 2005. The impact of satellite data for these two events is evaluated in terms of increments in the integrated water vapour and saturation water vapour over the column, in the 2 meters temperature and specific humidity and in the surface temperature. To improve the 1D–VAR technique a method to calculate flow–dependent model error covariance matrices is also assessed. The approach employs members from an ensemble forecast system generated by perturbing physical parameterisation schemes inside the model. The improved set–up applied to the case of 8th of July 2004 shows a substantial neutral impact.


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This dissertation presents an effective quasi one-dimensional (1-D) computational simulation tool and a full two-dimensional (2-D) computational simulation methodology for steady annular/stratified internal condensing flows of pure vapor. These simulation tools are used to investigate internal condensing flows in both gravity as well as shear driven environments. Through accurate numerical simulations of the full two dimensional governing equations, results for laminar/laminar condensing flows inside mm-scale ducts are presented. The methodology has been developed using MATLAB/COMSOL platform and is currently capable of simulating film-wise condensation for steady (and unsteady flows). Moreover, a novel 1-D solution technique, capable of simulating condensing flows inside rectangular and circular ducts with different thermal boundary conditions is also presented. The results obtained from the 2-D scientific tool and 1-D engineering tool, are validated and synthesized with experimental results for gravity dominated flows inside vertical tube and inclined channel; and, also, for shear/pressure driven flows inside horizontal channels. Furthermore, these simulation tools are employed to demonstrate key differences of physics between gravity dominated and shear/pressure driven flows. A transition map that distinguishes shear driven, gravity driven, and “mixed” driven flow zones within the non-dimensional parameter space that govern these duct flows is presented along with the film thickness and heat transfer correlations that are valid in these zones. It has also been shown that internal condensing flows in a micro-meter scale duct experiences shear driven flow, even in different gravitational environments. The full 2-D steady computational tool has been employed to investigate the length of annularity. The result for a shear driven flow in a horizontal channel shows that in absence of any noise or pressure fluctuation at the inlet, the onset of non-annularity is partly due to insufficient shear at the liquid-vapor interface. This result is being further corroborated/investigated by R. R. Naik with the help of the unsteady simulation tool. The condensing flow results and flow physics understanding developed through these simulation tools will be instrumental in reliable design of modern micro-scale and spacebased thermal systems.


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An exact treatment of adsorption from a one-dimensional lattice gas is used to eliminate and correct a well-known inconsistency in the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (B.E.T.) equation—namely, Gibbs excess adsorption is not taken into account and the Gibbs integral diverges at the transition point. However, neither model should be considered realistic for experimental adsorption systems.


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"Prepared for the Air Force Ballistic Missile Division, Headquarters Air Research and Development Command, under contract AF 04(647)-309 advanced propulsion systems."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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We present a review of the latest developments in one-dimensional (1D) optical wave turbulence (OWT). Based on an original experimental setup that allows for the implementation of 1D OWT, we are able to show that an inverse cascade occurs through the spontaneous evolution of the nonlinear field up to the point when modulational instability leads to soliton formation. After solitons are formed, further interaction of the solitons among themselves and with incoherent waves leads to a final condensate state dominated by a single strong soliton. Motivated by the observations, we develop a theoretical description, showing that the inverse cascade develops through six-wave interaction, and that this is the basic mechanism of nonlinear wave coupling for 1D OWT. We describe theory, numerics and experimental observations while trying to incorporate all the different aspects into a consistent context. The experimental system is described by two coupled nonlinear equations, which we explore within two wave limits allowing for the expression of the evolution of the complex amplitude in a single dynamical equation. The long-wave limit corresponds to waves with wave numbers smaller than the electrical coherence length of the liquid crystal, and the opposite limit, when wave numbers are larger. We show that both of these systems are of a dual cascade type, analogous to two-dimensional (2D) turbulence, which can be described by wave turbulence (WT) theory, and conclude that the cascades are induced by a six-wave resonant interaction process. WT theory predicts several stationary solutions (non-equilibrium and thermodynamic) to both the long- and short-wave systems, and we investigate the necessary conditions required for their realization. Interestingly, the long-wave system is close to the integrable 1D nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) (which contains exact nonlinear soliton solutions), and as a result during the inverse cascade, nonlinearity of the system at low wave numbers becomes strong. Subsequently, due to the focusing nature of the nonlinearity, this leads to modulational instability (MI) of the condensate and the formation of solitons. Finally, with the aid of the probability density function (PDF) description of WT theory, we explain the coexistence and mutual interactions between solitons and the weakly nonlinear random wave background in the form of a wave turbulence life cycle (WTLC).


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We determine numerically the single-particle and the two-particle spectrum of the three-state quantum Potts model on a lattice by using the density matrix renormalization group method, and extract information on the asymptotic (small momentum) S-matrix of the quasiparticles. The low energy part of the finite size spectrum can be understood in terms of a simple effective model introduced in a previous work, and is consistent with an asymptotic S-matrix of an exchange form below a momentum scale p*. This scale appears to vanish faster than the Compton scale, mc, as one approaches the critical point, suggesting that a dangerously irrelevant operator may be responsible for the behaviour observed on the lattice.