908 resultados para O53 - Asia including Middle East


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バングラデシュにおいて、貧困削減と人間の安全保障は喫緊の課題である。人口の約4割が貧困線以下の生活水準を余儀なくされているうえ、人権問題や災害対策等々の非経済的側面においても問題山積である。具体的に大きな問題と考えられているのは、暴力、差別、難民、子ども、天災である。天災以外は日常リスクの範疇に入る問題であり、特にマイノリティ、難民、女性、子どもといった脆弱層に対して配慮が必要とされる。  近年のバングラデシュの経済パフォーマンスは他の最貧国と比較すると優れている。経済成長率はここ10年程度、平均5%という比較的高い値で推移している。結果として所得面のみならず非所得面(教育、ジェンダー、保健)における貧困削減も一定程度進んでいるが、貧困削減と人間の安全保障は依然として大きな課題である。  「人間の安全」は国家が保障することが望ましいのであるが、現状においてバングラデシュでは、残念ながら国家に多くを期待できない。人々の安全を守るはずの警察でさえ、機能に大きな問題があるといわれている。  バングラデシュにおける貧困削減、人間の安全保障を達成するために日本が援助する際に留意すべきことは2点ある。第一は、国家のガバナンスの改善への協力の必要性である。具体的には公務員の能力開発への貢献が考えられる。第二は、バングラデシュが経済成長、貧困削減共に一定程度の成果を上げていることから、貧困層の人々の生活がこれ以上悪くならぬよう支えるための援助のみならず、より積極的に、貧困層の所得稼得の能力や機会を増大させることを企図した援助も有効と考えられることである。後者のタイプの援助としては投資奨励や輸出奨励のための援助が含まれよう。輸出やそれを目的とした投資を奨励することにより、貧困層の雇用機会拡大が期待できるからである。事実、バングラデシュにおいては輸出指向の縫製業が貧困層に大きな雇用機会を提供していることが知られている。  このようにバングラデシュにおいては、これまで達成した経済成長をより進めて貧困削減の歩みを速めることと、都市・農村における人間の安全保障の達成が同時に求められているのである。


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The Philippines is regarded as a highly oligopolistic economy, and it is argued that this is a cause of the relative stagnation of the economy to neighbouring East Asian economies. This presumption might be associated with increasing returns to scale and market power, which are consistent with the procyclical total factor productivity that is observed in the Philippines and the United States. However, this study found no strong evidence supporting increasing returns for aggregate manufacturing and three-digit manufacturing industries during 1956-1980 in the Philippines, based on data constructed by Hooley (1985). Further, this study does not support external effect discussed in Caballero and Lyons (1992).


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A shortage of medical personnel has become a critical problem for developing countries attempting to expand the provision of medical services for the poor. In order to highlight the driving forces determining the international allocation of medical personnel, the cases of four countries, namely the Philippines and South Africa as source countries and Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom as destination countries, are examined. The paper concludes that changes in demand generated in major destination countries determine the international allocation of medical personnel at least in the short run. Major destination countries often alter their policies on how many medical staff they can accept, and from where, while source countries are required to make appropriate responses to the changes in demand.


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1993年にアメリカのロチェスター大学でSergio Rebelo準教授(当時)の経済成長論を履修した。ある授業でRebelo教授に「しばしば人的資本と技術は混同されがちだけれども、両者は財の性質上、大きく異なっている。技術、中でも他人に簡単に伝達できるように文書や設計図に記されている知識は公共財的性質を持っているが、人的資本はむしろ通常の財に似ている。知識は他人に簡単に漏洩し盗用されやすいが、人的資本はその所有者が専有可能である。その上、人的資本はその所有者が死んでしまえば消失するが、知識は記録として残る。この意味で、人的資本蓄積は有限だが、知識の蓄積は無限に可能である」と教わった。自分はそれまで、新古典派成長理論で仮定される「労働に体化された技術進歩」ばかり勉強していたので、技術と人的資本を同一視していた。それだけにこの説明は非常に新鮮であった。(以下略)


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Thailand's economic cooperation with neighboring countries, including not only trade and investment but also economic assistance, is tied inseparably to regional development within Thailand. Assistance to develop infrastructure along economic corridors, for example, promotes Thai regional development. This study examines the trade and investment relationships between Thailand and its neighboring countries, as well as related economic policies of Thailand. The study also examines the type of economic assistance being extended, and the resulting regional development taking place. And lastly, the study considers policies for further cooperation by Thailand and the implications this has for Japanese economic cooperation.


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Economic backwardness often influences the growth of firms in developing countries. In this paper, we investigate the growth conditions and paths available for latecomers competing with first movers. Employing the concepts of boundaries of the firm and the disadvantage of backwardness, we present a case study of China's mobile handset industry and proceed to develop a simple model. We find that although significant disadvantage does not allow latecomers to grow, there are possibilities for changing the conditions of growth if latecomers can utilize outside resources and/or indigenous advantages.


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Rural road in Lao PDR defined as connecting road from village to main road, where it will lead them to market and access to other economic and social service facilities. However, due to mostly rural people accustom with subsistence farming, connecting road seems less important for rural people as their main farming produce is for own consumption rather than markets. After the introduction and implementation of New Economic Mechanism (NEM) since 1986, many rural villages have gradually developed and integrated into market system where people have significantly changed their livelihood with a better system. This progress has significantly contributed in improving income earning of people, better living standard and reduce poverty. The paper aims to illustrate the significant of rural road as connecting road from village to markets or a market access approach of farm produces. It also demonstrates through which approach, rural farmers/people could improve their income earning, develop their farming system, living standard and reduce poverty.


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In the wake of economic globalization and development in Thailand, movement of people and commodities at the Thai borders is also becoming pronounced. Economic interdependence between Thailand and neighboring countries is growing through border customhouses. As a policy, Thailand is trying to stimulate trade and investment with neighboring countries following the ACMECS (Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy) scheme. In this report, first, movement of people and goods at the borders will be examined. Second, clarification of where and how development is proceeding will be presented. Last, this study will attempt to review the perspectives of policies on neighboring countries after Thaksin.