908 resultados para O-STAR
Let Sk denote the complete bipartite graph K-1k and let e,, denote the ii-cube. We prove that the obvious necessary conditions for the existence of an S-k-decomposition of Q(n) are sufficient.
A k-star is the graph K-1,K-k. We prove a general theorem about k-star factorizations of Cayley graphs. This is used to give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of k-star factorizations of any power (K-q)(S) of a complete graph with prime power order q, products C-r1 x C-r2 x ... x C-rk of k cycles of arbitrary lengths, and any power (C-r)(S) of a cycle of arbitrary length. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Matemática na especialidade de Equações Diferenciais, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa,Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Graphics based systems of Augmented and Alternative Communication are widely used to promote communication in people with Autism Spectrum Disorders. This study discusses an integration of Augmented Reality in communication interventions, by relating elements of Augmented and Alternative Communication and Applied Behaviour Analysis strategies. An architecture for an Augmented Reality based interactive system to assist interventions is proposed. STAR provides an Augmented Reality tool to assist interventions performed by therapists and support for parents to join in and participate in the child’s intervention. Finally we report on the usage of the Augmented Reality tool in interventions with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Multiarm star polymers are attractive materials due to their unusual bulk and solution properties. They are considered analogues of dendrimers with a wide range of applications, such as drug delivery, membranes, coatings and lithography.1 The advent of controlled polymerization made possible the existence of this unique class of organic nanoparticles (ONPs).2 Two major synthetic strategies are usually employed in the preparation of star polymers, the core-first and arm-first approaches. The core-first approach involves a controlled living polymerization using a multiarm initiator core while the arm-first methodology is based in the quenching of living polymers with multifunctional coupling agent or bifunctional vinyl compounds. Herein, we present the synthesis and characterization of a new star polymer, the multiarm star poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate). The tetra-armed star polymer was prepared by reversible addition fragmentation chain-transfer (RAFT) polymerization using the core-first approach. The RAFT chain-transfer agent (RAFT CTA) pentaerythritol tetrakis[2-(dodecylthiocarbonothioylthio)-2-methylpropionate] was used as multiarm initiator core were 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) was polymerized using AIBN as radical initiator. Structural characterization was performed by 1H NMR and FTIR. The new polymer is able to uptake large quantities of organic solvents, forming gels. The rheological behavior of these gels was also investigated.
The present paper is devoted to the study of linear maps preserving certain relations, such as the sharp partial order and the star partial order in semisimple Banach algebras and C*-algebras.
A history of British star-fishes, and other animals of the class Echinodermata. By Edward Forbes ...
The breakdown of the Bretton Woods system and the adoption of generalized oating exchange rates ushered in a new era of exchange rate volatility and uncer- tainty. This increased volatility lead economists to search for economic models able to describe observed exchange rate behavior. In the present paper we propose more general STAR transition functions which encompass both threshold nonlinearity and asymmetric e¤ects. Our framework allows for a gradual adjustment from one regime to another, and considers threshold e¤ects by encompassing other existing models, such as TAR models. We apply our methodology to three di¤erent exchange rate data-sets, one for developing countries, and o¢ cial nominal exchange rates, the sec- ond emerging market economies using black market exchange rates and the third for OECD economies.
The breakdown of the Bretton Woods system and the adoption of generalized oating exchange rates ushered in a new era of exchange rate volatility and uncer- tainty. This increased volatility lead economists to search for economic models able to describe observed exchange rate behavior. The present is a technical Appendix to Cerrato et al. (2009) and presents detailed simulations of the proposed methodology and additional empirical results.
In the mid-1940s, American film industry was on its way up to its golden era as studios started mass-producing iconic feature films. The escalating increase in popularity of Hollywood stars was actively suggested for its direct links to box office success by academics. Using data collected in 2007, this paper carries out an empirical investigation on how different factors, including star power, affect the revenue of ‘home-run’ movies in Hollywood. Due to the subjective nature of star power, two different approaches were used: (1) number of nominations and wins of Academy Awards by the key players, and (2) average lifetime gross revenue of films involving the key players preceding the sample year. It is found that number of Academy awards nominations and wins was not statistically significant in generating box office revenue, whereas star power based on the second approach was statistically significant. Other significant factors were critics’ reviews, screen coverage and top distributor, while number of Academy awards, MPAA-rating, seasonality, being a sequel and popular genre were not statistically significant.
In this paper we consider extensions of smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) models to situations where the threshold is a time-varying function of variables that affect the separation of regimes of the time series under consideration. Our specification is motivated by the observation that unusually high/low values for an economic variable may sometimes be best thought of in relative terms. State-dependent logistic STAR and contemporaneous-threshold STAR models are introduced and discussed. These models are also used to investigate the dynamics of U.S. short-term interest rates, where the threshold is allowed to be a function of past output growth and inflation.
In previous years, several publications have reported cases of infants presenting neurological and gastrointestinal symptoms after ingestion of star anise tea. Such teas are sometimes given in various cultures for the treatment of infant colic pains. In most cases, the cause of intoxication was contamination of Chinese star anise (Illicium verum) by Japanese star anise (Illicium anisatum). Indeed, the toxicity of Illicium anisatum, also known as Shikimi, is caused by its content in potent neurotoxins (anisatin, neoanisatin, and pseudoanisatin), due to their activity as non-competitive antagonists of GABA receptors. The main reasons explaining the frequent contaminations are the strong macroscopic resemblance of the 2 substances, as well as the fact that the fruits are often sold partially broken or in ground form. Therefore, in most cases, chemical analysis is required to determine the possible adulterations. CASE REPORT: A 2-month-old infant, in good general health, was brought to the emergency unit after 3 consecutive episodes of central cyanosis and tetany of the limbs with spontaneous recovery the same afternoon. The child was also very irritable, regurgitated a lot, and positioned himself in opisthotonos. Between these episodes, the neurological exam showed some perturbations (horizontal nystagmus and Bell's phenomenon, hypertony of the extensor muscles, and mild hypotony of the axial flexor muscles) with slow improvement over the following hours. The remaining clinical exam, the laboratory work (complete blood count, renal, hepatic, and muscular tests, capillary blood gas, plasmatic amino acids, and urinary organic acids), and the electroencephalogram findings were all normal. In the course of a detailed interview, the parents reported having given 3 bottles to their child, each one containing 200 mL of an infusion with 4 to 5 fruits of star anise, in the hours preceding the symptoms to relieve colic pains. The last seizure-like event took place approximately 8h after the last ingestion. We could prove the ingestion of anisatin, the toxic substance found in Japanese star anise, and the contamination of Chinese star anise by the Japanese species. Indeed, the anisatin analysis by liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy (LC-MS) in a urine sample taken 22 h after the last infusion ingestion showed trace amounts of the substance. In another urine sample taken 33 h after ingestion, no anisatin could be detected. Furthermore, the analysis of the fruit sample gave an anisatin concentration of 7800 μg/kg while the maximum tolerance value in Switzerland is 1000 μg/kg. CONCLUSION: The evaluation of ALTE in infants should always include the possibility of intoxication. Star anise is generally considered a harmless medicine. Nevertheless, it can sometimes cause a severe intoxication resulting in various neurological and gastrointestinal symptoms. To prevent such events, not only the parents, but also the care personnel and pharmacists must be informed about the possible adverse effects caused either by the overdose of Chinese star anise or by the eventual contamination of herbal teas with Japanese star anise. A better control of the substances by the health authorities is also necessary.
Financiación Proyecto de Investigación DIAB06/2012 «Detección y control de factores de riesgo y complicaciones vasculares en los pacientes diabéticos de la zona de salud de Torrejoncillo(Cáceres)». Fundación para la Formación y la Investigación de los Profesionales de Salud de Extremadura.