823 resultados para Nutrition in ovo


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This review provides an overview of the main scientific outputs of a network (Action) supported by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) in the field of animal science, namely the COST Action Feed for Health (FA0802). The main aims of the COST Action Feed for Health (FA0802) were: to develop an integrated and collaborative network of research groups that focuses on the roles of feed and animal nutrition in improving animal wellbeing and also the quality, safety and wholesomeness of human foods of animal origin; to examine the consumer concerns and perceptions as regards livestock production systems. The COST Action Feed for Health has addressed these scientific topics during the last four years. From a practical point of view three main scientific fields of achievement can be identified: feed and animal nutrition; food of animal origin quality and functionality and consumers’ perceptions. Finally, the present paper has the scope to provide new ideas and solutions to a range of issues associated with the modern livestock production system.


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Improving lifestyle behaviours has considerable potential for reducing the global burden of non-communicable diseases, promoting better health across the life-course and increasing well-being. However, realising this potential will require the development, testing and implementation of much more effective behaviour change interventions than are used conventionally. Therefore, the aim of this study was to conduct a multi-centre, web-based, proof-of-principle study of personalised nutrition (PN) to determine whether providing more personalised dietary advice leads to greater improvements in eating patterns and health outcomes compared to conventional population-based advice. A total of 5,562 volunteers were screened across seven European countries; the first 1,607 participants who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were recruited into the trial. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the following intervention groups for a 6-month period: Level 0-control group-receiving conventional, non-PN advice; Level 1-receiving PN advice based on dietary intake data alone; Level 2-receiving PN advice based on dietary intake and phenotypic data; and Level 3-receiving PN advice based on dietary intake, phenotypic and genotypic data. A total of 1,607 participants had a mean age of 39.8 years (ranging from 18 to 79 years). Of these participants, 60.9 % were women and 96.7 % were from white-European background. The mean BMI for all randomised participants was 25.5 kg m(-2), and 44.8 % of the participants had a BMI ≥ 25.0 kg m(-2). Food4Me is the first large multi-centre RCT of web-based PN. The main outcomes from the Food4Me study will be submitted for publication during 2015.


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Objectives: The goal of this study was to understand the relationship between economic change (wage labor, retirement, and the Bolsa Familia program) and dietary patterns in the rural Amazon and to determine the extent to which these changes followed the pattern of the nutrition transition. Methods: The study was longitudinal. The weighed-inventory method and economic interviews were used to collect data on dietary intake and household economics in a sample of 30 and 52 women in 2002 and 2009, respectively. Twenty of the women participated in both years and make-up the longitudinal sub-sample. Comparative statistics were used to identify changes in dietary patterns over time and multiple linear regressions were used to explore the relationship between economics, subsistence strategies, and diet. Results: There was a significant decline in kcal (P < 0.01) and carbohydrate (P < 0.01) but no change in protein intake over time in both the larger and smaller, longitudinal subsample. The percent of energy, carbohydrate, protein, and fat purchased increased in the larger and longitudinal samples (P <= 0.02) and there was an increase in refined carbohydrate and processed, fatty-meat consumption over time. The abandonment of manioc gardens was associated with increased dependence on purchased food (P = 0.03) while receipt of the Bolsa Familia was associated with increased protein intake and adequacy (P = 0.02). Conclusions: The dietary changes observed are only in partial agreement with predictions of the nutrition transition literature. The relationship between the economic and diet changes was shaped by the local context which should be considered when implementing CCT programs, like the Bolsa Familia. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 23:458-469, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Both N excess and deficiency may affect cotton yield and quality. It would therefore be useful to base the N management fertilization on the monitoring of the nutritional status. This study investigated the correlations among the following determination methods of the N nutritional status of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., var. Latifolia): chlorophyll readings (SPAD-502 (R), Minolta), specific-ion nitrate meter (Nitrate Meter C-141, Horiba-Cardy (R)), and laboratory analysis (conventional foliar diagnosis). Samples were taken weekly from two weeks before flowering to the fifth week after the first flower. The experiment was conducted on the Fazenda Santa Tereza, Itapeva, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The crop was fertilized with 40 kg ha(-1) N at planting and 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 kg ha(-1) of side-dressed N. The range of leaf N contents reported as adequate for samples taken 80-90 days after plant emergence (traditional foliar diagnosis) may be used as reference from the beginning of flowering when the plant is not stressed. Specific-ion nitrate meter readings can be used as a nutritional indicator of cotton nutrition from one week after pinhead until the third week of flowering. In this case, plants are well-nourished when readings exceed 8,000 mg L(-1) NO(3)(-). The chlorophyll meter can also be used to estimate the nutritional status of cotton from the third week of flowering. In this case the readings should be above 48 in well-nourished plants.


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Ovos embrionados provenientes de matrizes pesadas foram inoculados na câmara de ar com microbiota cecal total, microbiota cecal diluída e cultura de Lactobacillus salivarius, no 18º dia de incubação. Dois dias após o nascimento, as aves foram desafiadas com Salmonella enterica sorovar Enteritidis (SE) e, cinco dias após o desafio, avaliou-se a presença da bactéria no fígado e ceco. O efeito de exclusão competitiva, após o desafio com SE, somente foi observado pela ausência da bactéria no fígado das aves tratadas in ovo com L. salivarius. A inoculação in ovo de microbiota cecal indefinida ou diluída não reduziu a colonização de SE no fígado e no ceco das aves, incluindo, neste último, também o tratamento com L. salivarius. Nenhum dos tratamentos in ovo determinou índice de eclodibilidade superior a 65%.


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Toxic levels of Al and low availability of Ca have been shown to decrease root growth, which can also be affected by P availability. In the current experiment, initial plant growth and nutrition of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum var. Latifolia) were studied as related to its root growth in response to phosphorus and lime application. The experiment was conducted in Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil, in pots containing a Dark Red Latosol (Acrortox, 20% clay, 72% sand). Lime was applied at 0.56, 1.12 and 1.68 g kg -1 and phosphorus was applied at 50, 100 and 150 mg kg -1. Two cotton (cv. IAC 22) plants were grown per pot for up to 42 days after plant emergence. There was no effect of liming on shoot dry weight, root dry matter yield, root surface and length, but root diameter was decreased with the increase in soil Ca. Shoot dry weight, as well as root length, surface and dry weight were increased with soil P levels up to 83 mg kg -1. Phosphorus concentration in the shoots was increased from 1.6 to 3.0 g kg -1 when soil P was increased from 14 to 34 mg kg -1. No further increases in P concentration were observed with higher P rates. The shoot/root ratio was also increased with P application as well as the amount of nutrients absorbed per unit of root surface. In low soil P soils the transport of the nutrient to the cotton root surface limits P uptake. In this case an increase in root growth rate due to P fertilisation does not compensate for the low P diffusion in the soil.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The presence of mulch on the soil surface after the mechanical harvesting of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) enhances the cycling of nutrients, especially K, which can decrease K fertilizer recommendations for the crop. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of K addition to an Oxisol, with an initial concentration 0.07 cmol(c) K kg(-1), in first and second ratoon (no-till) sugarcane cultures by a conservationist system, i.e. rational use of fertilizers, use of alternative inputs and especially the maintenance of residues in soil that was previously burned to facilitate cutting. The following K doses were tested: 0, 32.5, 65, 130, and 195 kg K2O ha(-1), arranged in a randomized block design with five replicates. Potassium content in the soil and in the plant, as well as the yield and the quality of stalks were evaluated. Soil K application increased K concentration in soil and plant, and was reflected in the prodUction of stalks, with higher production (87.5 and 107.5 t ha(-1)) with the use of 120 and 123 kg K2O ha(-1) in first and second ratoon sugarcane, respectively. At the first 2 yr it was not possible to reduce the K fertilization in ratoon. Therefore, with the introduction of the conservationist system there was an increase (20 t ha(-1)) at the second ratoon regarding the first one with the same applied rate.


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One of the challenges of the postgenomic era is characterizing the function and regulation of specific genes. For various reasons, the early chick embryo can easily be adopted as an in vivo assay of gene function and regulation. The embryos are robust, accessible, easily manipulated, and maintained in the laboratory. Genomic resources centered on vertebrate organisms increase daily. As a consequence of optimization of gene transfer protocols by electroporation, the chick embryo will probably become increasingly popular for reverse genetic analysis. The challenge of establishing chick embryonic electroporation might seem insurmountable to those who are unfamiliar with experimental embryological methods. To minimize the cost, time, and effort required to establish a chick electroporation assay method, we describe and illustrate in great detail the procedures involved in building a low-cost electroporation setup and the basic steps of electroporation


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Alpha- und Beta-Dystroglycan, die zentralen Komponenten eines multimeren Dystrophin-assoziierten Proteinkomplexes wurden bislang im Wesentlichen in der Skelettmuskulatur charakterisiert. Dort stellt der DAG eine molekulare Verbindung zwischen dem Aktin-Zytoskelett der Muskelfaser und einer Basalmembran her, die die einzelne Muskelfaser umhüllt. Dystroglycan vermittelt auf diese Weise die mechanische Festigkeit der Muskelfasern während der Kontraktion. Außerdem dient der DAG als Gerüst für die Anlagerung von Proteinen. Mutationen in den strukturgebenden oder signaltransduzierenden Proteinen des DAG verursachen Muskeldystrophie. Besonders schwere Muskeldystrophien werden durch Mutationen hervorgerufen, die eine veränderte Glykosylierung von Dystroglycan und damit eine verminderte Bindung von alpha-Dystroglycan an Matrixproteine verursachen. Dies führt zu einer Beeinträchtigung der Basalmembranbiosynthese sowie sich daraus ergebende Störungen in der Migration, Schichtung und Differenzierung von Nervenzellen im ZNS. Welche Rolle Dystroglycan im sich entwickelnden ZNS spielt, sollte in dieser Arbeit an der Hühnerretina untersucht werden. Durch Anwendung der in ovo Elektroporation wurden zwei modifizierte Dystroglycankonstrukte in Neuroepithelzellen transfiziert. Die Überexpression eines verkürtzten Dystroglycanproteins, verursachte eine Abrundung der Neuroepithelzellen. Dies führte zur Hyperproliferation der Zellen deren Folge die Bildung von Verdickungen in der Retina war sowie eine verstärkte Bildung postmitotischer Neurone. Die Elektroporation eines nicht-spaltbaren Dystroglycans, führte im Gegensatz dazu zu einer Abnahme der Anzahl proliferierender und differenzierender Nervenzellen. Als Konsequenz veränderte sich die Orientierung der Axone von retinalen Ganglienzellen. Nach der Überexpression des verkürzten Dystroglycans verloren die Axone ihre zentripetale Orientierung auf den optischen Nerv, während die Elektroporation von Wt-Dystroglycan und nicht-spaltbarem Dystroglycan nur einen gelegentlichen Richtungswechsel der Axone verursachte. Die Daten zeigen, dass Dystroglycan einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Proliferation, Differenzierung und Polarität der Neuroepithelzellen ausübt. Dies geschieht vermutlich durch die Vermittlung der Adhäsion des Endfußes von Neuroepithelzellen an die Basalmembran. Die Veränderungen nach der Überexpression der modifizierten Dystroglycankonstrukte liefern möglicherweise eine Erklärung für den ZNS-Phänotyp der sich bei verschiedenen Formen von Muskeldystrophie zeigt.


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The objective of this thesis was to study the response mechanisms of grapevine to Fe-deficiency and to potential Fe chlorosis prevention strategies. The results show that the presence of bicarbonate in the nutrient solution shifted the activity of PEPC and TCA cycle enzymes and the accumulation/translocation of organic acids in roots of Fe-deprived plants. The rootstock 140 Ruggeri displayed a typical behavior of calcicole plants under bicarbonate stress. The Fe chlorosis susceptible rootstock 101-14 reacted to a prolonged Fe-deficiency reducing the root activity of PEPC and MDH. Noteworthy, it accumulates high levels of citric acid in roots, indicating a low capacity to utilizing, transporting and/or exudating organic acids into the rhizosfere. In contrast, 110 Richter rootstock is capable to maintain an active metabolism of organic acids in roots, accumulating them to a lesser extent than 101-14. Similarly to 101-14, SO4 genotype displays a strong decrease of mechanisms associated to Fe chlorosis tolerance (PEPC and MDH enzymes). Nevertheless it is able to avoid excessive accumulation of citric acid in roots, similar as 110 Richter rootstock. Intercropping with Festuca rubra increased leaf chlorophyll content and net photosynthesis. In addition, intercropping reduces the activity of PEPC in roots, similary to Fe-chelate supply. Applications of NH4+ with nitrification inhibitor prevents efficiently Fe-deficiency, increases chlorophyll content, and induces similar root biochemical responses as Fe-EDDHA. Without the addition of nitrification inhibitors, the effectiveness of NH4+ supply on Fe chlorosis prevention resulted significantly lower. The aspects intertwined in this investigation highlight the complexity of Fe physiology and the fine metabolic tuning of grapevine genotypes to Fe availability and soil-related environmental factors. The experimental evidences reveal the need to carry out future researches on Fe nutrition maintaining a continous flow of knowledge between theoretical and agronomical perspectives for fully supporting the efforts devoted to convert science into practice.


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