860 resultados para Nursing Administration Research


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El presente documento hace un análisis de la influencia que ejercen los diferentes tipos de liderazgo, carismático y transaccional, de un directivo de una organización sobre los subordinados de la misma, que a su vez afecta positiva o negativamente el nivel de resiliencia de los mismos. De la misma forma, se ha identificado la relación que existe entre el nivel de resiliencia de los subordinados de una organización y el cumplimiento de objetivos corporativos de la misma. Todo lo anterior se justifica en la economía globalizada de la que ahora hacemos parte que obliga a las empresas a generar nuevas estrategias de competitividad dentro de ambientes turbulentos y cambiantes donde, el desarrollar y motivar el recurso humano de la organización toma importancia para la ejecución exitosa de estrategias diferenciales.


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O uso da tecnologia de informática é uma realidade em todas as áreas do conhecimento humano, nos dias atuais. A incorporação tecnológica se faz nos serviços e no ensino, nos diferentes processos de trabalho do enfermeiro. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar um site desenvolvido sobre o tema Escala de Pessoal de Enfermagem, relevante na gestão de recursos humanos em saúde. A metodologia envolveu pesquisa quantitativa com docentes da área de administração em enfermagem, e alunos das oito Universidades Públicas do estado de São Paulo que formam enfermeiros. Entre os principais resultados, apontamos que 85% dos avaliadores consideraram o site excelente ou satisfatório. Além disso, foram analisados os comentários enviados por e-mail e as autoras fazem uma auto-avaliação. O site foi considerado de utilidade tanto para a prática profissional (81,7% entre excelente e satisfatório) como para o ensino (84,6% entre excelente e satisfatório).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this quantitative, correlational and descriptive study was to analyze the time the nursing staff spends to assist patients in Adult Intensive Care Units, as well as to verify its correlation with quality care indicators. The average length of time spent on care and the quality care indicators were identified by consulting management instruments the nursing head of the Unit employs. The average hours of nursing care delivered to patients remained stable, but lower than official Brazilian agencies' indications. The correlation between time of nursing care and the incidence of accidental extubation indicator indicated that it decreases with increasing nursing care delivered by nurses. The results of this investigation showed the influence of nursing care time, provided by nurses, in the outcome of care delivery.


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INTRODUCTION: Evaluation of nursing competency is critical to assuring patient safety and maintaining high professional standards in the practice of nursing. All nurses must graduate from an approved nursing program and successfully pass the national board exam before receiving initial licensure. State boards of nursing fulfill the role of gatekeeper, seeking to assure the public that nurses provide safe, competent care. In turn, high public awareness and patient advocacy initiatives require close monitoring of nursing competency. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The objective of this article is to introduce the main blocks in building virtual front and back offices of public administration. Virtual administration is probably kind of an ultimate or top stage of ICT platforms of e-government. First a justification is given why 3D government fits in the recent EU directives of e-government development. The relevant scholarship contains a brief description of the visualized e-government, and then a fully illustrated, step by step survey reveals the itinerary to construct virtual government which is the main result of the study. The article concludes with a discussion on the practical benefit of such a research if there is one.


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The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that motivate nursing faculty to use service learning. The study was based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), which implies that the target behavior of intention to use service learning in higher education is influenced by the predictor variables of behavior beliefs (attitude), normative beliefs (peer influence), and control beliefs (confidence and resources). External variables were also considered (years of teaching experience, tenure status, and the type of curriculum). ^ Group interviews and a pilot test were conducted to create the instrument for the study, and Cronbach alpha were calculated for survey item reliability. The participants were full time undergraduate nursing faculty members ( n = 160) in the Southeastern United States who taught in universities with accredited nurse education programs. Demographic data as well as scores on scaled survey responses were used to evaluate the intention of nursing faculty to use service learning in their classes. ^ Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and path analysis were applied to the data. The correlation findings indicated that there were statistically significant relationships between behavior beliefs, normative beliefs, and control beliefs and nursing faculty intention to use service learning. The path analysis also indicated that behavior beliefs and normative beliefs were significant, while control beliefs were not a strong influence on intention to use service learning. Normative beliefs showed the strongest direct influence. The use of a community based curriculum also had a positive influence on intention, and faculty with tenure status were more likely to have positive behavior beliefs (attitude) towards service learning. Finally, as teaching experience increased, positive attitudes towards the intention to use service learning decreased. Seventy-nine percent of the variation in the intention to use service learning was explained by the theory of planned behavior, the type of curriculum, teaching experience, and tenure status. These results will assist nursing administration and faculty to design strategies to facilitate the implementation of service learning pedagogy, as well as a community based curriculum which will help meet the 21st century goals set forth from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. ^


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The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that motivate nursing faculty to use service learning. The study was based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), which implies that the target behavior of intention to use service learning in higher education is influenced by the predictor variables of behavior beliefs (attitude), normative beliefs (peer influence), and control beliefs (confidence and resources). External variables were also considered (years of teaching experience, tenure status, and the type of curriculum). Group interviews and a pilot test were conducted to create the instrument for the study, and Cronbach alpha were calculated for survey item reliability. The participants were full time undergraduate nursing faculty members (n=-160) in the Southeastern United States who taught in universities with accredited nurse education programs. Demographic data as well as scores on scaled survey responses were used to evaluate the intention of nursing faculty to use service learning in their classes. Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and path analysis were applied to the data. The correlation findings indicated that there were statistically significant relationships between behavior beliefs, normative beliefs, and control beliefs and nursing faculty intention to use service learning. The path analysis also indicated that behavior beliefs and normative beliefs were significant, while control beliefs were not a strong influence on intention to use service learning. Normative beliefs showed the strongest direct influence. The use of a community based curriculum also had a positive influence on intention, and faculty with tenure status were more likely to have positive behavior beliefs (attitude) towards service learning. Finally, as teaching experience increased, positive attitudes towards the intention to use service learning decreased. Seventy-nine percent of the variation in the intention to use service learning was explained by the theory of planned behavior, the type of curriculum, teaching experience, and tenure status. These results will assist nursing administration and faculty to design strategies to facilitate the implementation of service learning pedagogy, as well as a community based curriculum which will help meet the 21st century goals set forth from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.


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Critical thinking in learners is a goal of educators and professional organizations in nursing as well as other professions. However, few studies in nursing have examined the role of the important individual difference factors topic knowledge, individual interest, and general relational reasoning strategies in predicting critical thinking. In addition, most previous studies have used domain-general, standardized measures, with inconsistent results. Moreover, few studies have investigated critical thinking across multiple levels of experience. The major purpose of this study was to examine the degree to which topic knowledge, individual interest, and relational reasoning predict critical thinking in maternity nurses. For this study, 182 maternity nurses were recruited from national nursing listservs explicitly chosen to capture multiple levels of experience from prelicensure to very experienced nurses. The three independent measures included a domain-specific Topic Knowledge Assessment (TKA), consisting of 24 short-answer questions, a Professed and Engaged Interest Measure (PEIM), with 20 questions indicating level of interest and engagement in maternity nursing topics and activities, and the Test of Relational Reasoning (TORR), a graphical selected response measure with 32 items organized in scales corresponding to four forms of relational reasoning: analogy, anomaly, antithesis, and antinomy. The dependent measure was the Critical Thinking Task in Maternity Nursing (CT2MN), composed of a clinical case study providing cues with follow-up questions relating to nursing care. These questions align with the cognitive processes identified in a commonly-used definition of critical thinking in nursing. Reliable coding schemes for the measures were developed for this study. Key findings included a significant correlation between topic knowledge and individual interest. Further, the three individual difference factors explained a significant proportion of the variance in critical thinking with a large effect size. While topic knowledge was the strongest predictor of critical thinking performance, individual interest had a moderate significant effect, and relational reasoning had a small but significant effect. The findings suggest that these individual difference factors should be included in future studies of critical thinking in nursing. Implications for nursing education, research, and practice are discussed.


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L’importance du rôle de l’infirmière dans le système de santé autant au niveau de l’accessibilité que la qualité et la sécurité des soins et services donnés à la population est reconnue. Pour être en mesure d’exercer pleinement ce rôle, les infirmières doivent être en mesure d’exercer à leur pleine étendue de pratique. Les infirmières œuvrant dans le domaine de la santé mentale n’y font pas exception. Or, les recherches démontrent que les infirmières ne parviennent pas à mettre en oeuvre l’ensemble des activités pour lesquelles elles détiennent la formation et l’expérience. Cette recherche vise à mesurer l’étendue de pratique effective des infirmières oeuvrant en santé mentale ainsi qu’à identifier l’influence du niveau de formation sur cette étendue de pratique. Cette étude prend appui sur le SCOP model de Déry et al. (2015) qui mentionne que certaines caractéristiques de l’environnement et individuelles, telles que le niveau de formation, peuvent influencer l’étendue effective de la pratique des infirmières. Le déploiement de cette étendue de pratique a le potentiel d’influencer à son tour la satisfaction professionnelle des infirmières (Déry et al., 2013), la qualité des soins aux patients ainsi que d’autres variables organisationnelles telles que l’accessibilité, les durées moyennes de séjours et les coûts. Un devis corrélationnel descriptif a été retenu pour cette étude. Un questionnaire de type Likert a été complété par les infirmières (n=80) d’un Institut universitaire en santé mentale du Québec. Des analyses de la variance ont été utilisées pour comparer les moyennes d’étendue de pratique selon les ni-veaux de formation. Les résultats démontrent un déploiement sous-optimal de l’étendue de la pratique des infirmières (4,24/6; E.T.= 0,63). Cette étendue de pratique est tout de même supérieure à l’étendue de pratique des infirmières d’autres milieux qui a été mesurée à l’aide du questionnaire de l’étendue de la pratique infirmière (QÉPI). Les analyses effectuées concernant l’influence du niveau de formation sur l’étendue de pratique n’ont révélées aucune différence significative entre les niveaux de formation F (3, 77) = 0,707, p = 0,551. Le niveau de formation des infirmières, la présence d’un biais de représentation, le manque de puissance statistique et certaines caractéristiques de l’emploi peuvent expliquer ces résultats. Les résultats de cette étude semblent constituer une recherche empirique initiale puisqu'il s’agit à ce jour de l’unique recherche à avoir mesuré l’étendue de pratique des infirmières œuvrant en santé mentale à l’aide du QÉPI et à avoir tenté de connaître l’influence que pouvait avoir le niveau de formation sur l’étendue de leur pratique.


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L’importance du rôle de l’infirmière dans le système de santé autant au niveau de l’accessibilité que la qualité et la sécurité des soins et services donnés à la population est reconnue. Pour être en mesure d’exercer pleinement ce rôle, les infirmières doivent être en mesure d’exercer à leur pleine étendue de pratique. Les infirmières œuvrant dans le domaine de la santé mentale n’y font pas exception. Or, les recherches démontrent que les infirmières ne parviennent pas à mettre en oeuvre l’ensemble des activités pour lesquelles elles détiennent la formation et l’expérience. Cette recherche vise à mesurer l’étendue de pratique effective des infirmières oeuvrant en santé mentale ainsi qu’à identifier l’influence du niveau de formation sur cette étendue de pratique. Cette étude prend appui sur le SCOP model de Déry et al. (2015) qui mentionne que certaines caractéristiques de l’environnement et individuelles, telles que le niveau de formation, peuvent influencer l’étendue effective de la pratique des infirmières. Le déploiement de cette étendue de pratique a le potentiel d’influencer à son tour la satisfaction professionnelle des infirmières (Déry et al., 2013), la qualité des soins aux patients ainsi que d’autres variables organisationnelles telles que l’accessibilité, les durées moyennes de séjours et les coûts. Un devis corrélationnel descriptif a été retenu pour cette étude. Un questionnaire de type Likert a été complété par les infirmières (n=80) d’un Institut universitaire en santé mentale du Québec. Des analyses de la variance ont été utilisées pour comparer les moyennes d’étendue de pratique selon les ni-veaux de formation. Les résultats démontrent un déploiement sous-optimal de l’étendue de la pratique des infirmières (4,24/6; E.T.= 0,63). Cette étendue de pratique est tout de même supérieure à l’étendue de pratique des infirmières d’autres milieux qui a été mesurée à l’aide du questionnaire de l’étendue de la pratique infirmière (QÉPI). Les analyses effectuées concernant l’influence du niveau de formation sur l’étendue de pratique n’ont révélées aucune différence significative entre les niveaux de formation F (3, 77) = 0,707, p = 0,551. Le niveau de formation des infirmières, la présence d’un biais de représentation, le manque de puissance statistique et certaines caractéristiques de l’emploi peuvent expliquer ces résultats. Les résultats de cette étude semblent constituer une recherche empirique initiale puisqu'il s’agit à ce jour de l’unique recherche à avoir mesuré l’étendue de pratique des infirmières œuvrant en santé mentale à l’aide du QÉPI et à avoir tenté de connaître l’influence que pouvait avoir le niveau de formation sur l’étendue de leur pratique.


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The analysis of interviews with open-ended questions is a common practice amongst researchers in the field of Management. The difficulty therein is to convert the linguistic data into categories or quantitative values for subsequent statistical treatment. Proposals made to this end generally entail counting lexical occurrences which, since they are founded on previously established meanings, fail to include semantic associations made by interviews. This article aims to present an analysis tool comprising a set of techniques apt to generate linguistic units that can be statistically described, compared, modeled and inferred: the Quantitative Propositional Analysis (QPA), Its main difference from other such methods lies in the choice of a proposition - and not the lexical unit - as analysis unit. We present the application of this method through a study about the international expansion of retail firms.