924 resultados para Nursing -- Study and teaching


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El cine es una de las recreaciones humanas más extraordinarias que se conoce desde la perspectiva de la comunicación. En el contexto del cine como recurso formativo, se inscribe la asignatura optativa Metodología de la Investigación mediante el cine, que ya cuenta con seis ediciones en la Diplomatura de Enfermería (Universidad de Barcelona). En cada edición se ha escogido, como objeto (sujeto) de estudio, un problema de salud diferente: cáncer, trastornos de la nutrición, Violencia Contra la Mujer (VCM), etc. La VCM es la expresión de un orden social basado en la desigualdad, que deriva de la asignación de roles diferentes a los hombres y a las mujeres, en función de su sexo. El cine como ficción muestra la realidad de la VCM de diversas formas, pero hace falta trascender el simple visionado de las imágenes para escuchar y mirar la VCM científicamente. Este trabajo describe el plan docente de la optativa Metodología de la Investigación mediante el cine, que incluye el taller: Análisis cinematográfico aplicado a la VCM. Este taller se considera como la intervención correspondiente a un diseño preexperimental de comparación con grupo estático y cuyos resultados se presentan en este trabajo


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El 17th Annual Meeting of the Florence Network (FN) va tenir lloc del 21 al 25 d’abril de 2009 a The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THU) Academy of Health-School of Nursing, sota el lema: “Patient/client centred healthcare”. The Ducht perspective with an international touch”, i es va centrar en l’actual situació dels drets dels pacients a Holanda aplicat en diferents camps de les cures infermeres. L’Escola d’Infermeria de la Universitat de Girona hi va participar amb l’assistència de dues professores i quatre estudiants. E nombre total d’estudiants que varen assistir a la FN es de 47. La procedència dels mateixos en total de 9 països diferents. De tots ells assistien per primer cop 18 persones 4 ho feien per segona vegada i 1 per tercera . Els objectius del treball que es presenta son els següents: 1, Conèixer l’opinió dels estudiants respecte a la seva participació a la Florence Network. 2, Saber quin perfil tenen els universitaris que hi assisteixen 3, Detectar els punts forts i els punts febles que destaquen els estudiants després de participar a la Florence Network


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El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en la idea de integrar los recursos basados en la Web 2.0 a la asignatura de Enfermería Comunitaria para favorecer el trabajo grupal. El profesional de Enfermería Comunitaria debe ser capaz de trabajar en equipo para desarrollar iniciativas de promoción y educación para la salud y de reconocer la complementariedad de la multiprofesionalidad. Para desarrollar estas habilidades en las prácticas de la asignatura se propone la planificación de un programa de educación para la salud a partir de un trabajo en grupo. Para facilitar esta actividad se plantea al alumnado la incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TICS) al trabajo cooperativo


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L'Aprenentatge Basat en Problemes (ABP) en el grau d'infermeria de l'Escola Universitària d'Infermeria del Mar (EUI Mar) es va posar en pràctica des de l'inici del Grau, en el curs 2009-2010. Donat que és una estratègia incorporada recentment per l'equip, dins d'un procés d'innovació docent integral, i amb l'objectiu de millorar la qualitat, es va dissenyar un qüestionari ad hoc, per tal de conèixer la satisfacció del professorat. En la present comunicació, descriurem la implementació de l'ABP en la nostra institució, i analitzarem els resultats del nivell de satisfacció dels professors que hi han participat


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La idea de proponer a los estudiantes como evaluadores de sus propios compañeros en los nuevos planes de estudio tiene varias funciones, como la de desarrollar competencias tales como la capacidad de análisis y síntesis, la actitud crítica y la responsabilidad, además de mostrar a estos la objetividad de los criterios de evaluación en los nuevos planes de estudio. En el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), se plantea la necesidad de proponer un cambio en el proceso evaluativo para favorecer el desarrollo de competencias específicas y transversales. Por último, también se analizan las implicaciones que puede tener este enfoque sobre el trabajo de los docentes y del alumnado


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Nurses' factual knowledge increased and oxygen administration decisions improved following education. Variability in nurses' knowledge and decisions, both before and after education, suggests that factual knowledge is only one component of clinical decisions. If nursing education is to improve clinical practice, then we need to better understand the relationship between factual knowledge and clinical decisions.


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Objectives: to evaluate the cognitive learning of nursing students in neonatal clinical evaluation from a blended course with the use of computer and laboratory simulation; to compare the cognitive learning of students in a control and experimental group testing the laboratory simulation; and to assess the extracurricular blended course offered on the clinical assessment of preterm infants, according to the students. Method: a quasi-experimental study with 14 Portuguese students, containing pretest, midterm test and post-test. The technologies offered in the course were serious game e-Baby, instructional software of semiology and semiotechnique, and laboratory simulation. Data collection tools developed for this study were used for the course evaluation and characterization of the students. Nonparametric statistics were used: Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon. Results: the use of validated digital technologies and laboratory simulation demonstrated a statistically significant difference (p = 0.001) in the learning of the participants. The course was evaluated as very satisfactory for them. The laboratory simulation alone did not represent a significant difference in the learning. Conclusions: the cognitive learning of participants increased significantly. The use of technology can be partly responsible for the course success, showing it to be an important teaching tool for innovation and motivation of learning in healthcare.


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Despite optimistic claims about the research-teaching nexus, Australian academics still face tension between research and teaching. The teaching and research priorities, beliefs and behaviours of 70 Professorial and Associate Professorial academics in Science, Information Technology and Engineering were examined in this study. The academics from 4 faculties in 3 Australian universities, were asked to rank 16 research activities and 16 matched learning and teaching (L&T) activities from each of three perspectives: job satisfaction, leadership behaviour, and perceptions of professional importance. The findings, which were remarkably consistent across the three universities, were unequivocally in favour of Research. The only L&T activity that was ranked consistently well was “Improving student satisfaction ratings for Teaching”. The data demonstrates that Australian government and university initiatives to raise the status of L&T activity are not impacting significantly on Australia’s future leaders of university learning.


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This paper presents findings from an empirical study of key aspects of the teaching and research priorities, beliefs and behaviours of 72 professorial and associate professorial academics in Science, Information Technology and Engineering across four faculties in three Australian universities. The academics ranked 16 research activities and 16 matched learning and teaching (L&T) activities from three perspectives: job satisfaction, role model behaviour and perceptions of professional importance. The findings were unequivocally in favour of research in all three areas and remarkably consistent across the universities. The only L&T activity that was ranked consistently well was 'improving student satisfaction ratings for teaching', an area in which academics are increasingly held accountable. Respondents also indicated that their seniors encourage research efforts more than L&T efforts. Recommendations include that higher education rewards for quality L&T are maintained or improved and that recognition of L&T research domains is further strengthened.


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This report provides an account of the first large-scale scoping study of work integrated learning (WIL) in contemporary Australian higher education. The explicit aim of the project was to identify issues and map a broad and growing picture of WIL across Australia and to identify ways of improving the student learning experience in relation to WIL. The project was undertaken in response to high levels of interest in WIL, which is seen by universities both as a valid pedagogy and as a means to respond to demands by employers for work-ready graduates, and demands by students for employable knowledge and skills. Over a period of eight months of rapid data collection, 35 universities and almost 600 participants contributed to the project. Participants consistently reported the positive benefits of WIL and provided evidence of commitment and innovative practice in relation to enhancing student learning experiences. Participants provided evidence of strong partnerships between stakeholders and highlighted the importance of these relationships in facilitating effective learning outcomes for students. They also identified a range of issues and challenges that face the sector in growing WIL opportunities; these issues and challenges will shape the quality of WIL experiences. While the majority of comments focused on issues involved in ensuring quality placements, it was recognised that placements are just one way to ensure the integration of work with learning. Also, the WIL experience is highly contextualised and impacted by the expectations of students, employers, the professions, the university and government policy.


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Current Australian policies and curricular frameworks demand that teachers and students use technology creatively and meaningfully in classrooms to develop students into 21C technological citizens. English teachers and students also have to learn new metalanguage around visual grammar since multimodal tasks often combine creative with critical General Capabilities (GC) with that of the of ICTs and literacy in the Australian Curriculum: English (AC:E). Both teachers and learners come to these tasks with varying degrees of techno-literacy, skills and access to technologies. This paper reports on case-study research following a technology based collaborative professional development (PD) program between a university Lecturer facilitator and English Teachers in a secondary Catholic school. The study found that the possibilities for creative and critical engagement are rich, but there are real grounded constraints such as lack of time, impeding teachers’ ability to master and teach new technologies in classrooms. Furthermore, pedagogical approaches are affected by technical skill levels and school infrastructure concerns which can militate against effective use of ICTs in school settings. The research project was funded by the Brisbane Catholic Education Office and focused on how teachers can be supported in these endeavours in educational contexts as they prepare students of English to be creative global citizens who use technology creatively.


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There are currently many changes happening in nursing and healthcare in Australia. Healthcare reform has been high on the national government agenda and has created many changes in healthcare including eHealth. Healthcare information technologies and informatics are providing many challenges and excitement for the future of healthcare in Australia. The challenge for professional nursing organisations and nursing leaders of Australia is to be proactive in developments and initiatives for nursing to remain visible and viable in health care systems to safeguard the profession for the future as health care reform is implemented.