114 resultados para Numancia (Frigate)
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v. 2, pt. 1
The aim of this validation study was to assess the measurement properties of the CECA (Spanish acronym for the Specific Questionnaire for Condylomata Acuminata) in patients with anogenital condylomas. A total of 247 patients aged > 18 years completed the questionnaire on 2 occasions as well as the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). The CECA questionnaire showed good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha values of 0.86 and 0.91 in the emotional and sexual activity dimensions) and good testretest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient 0.76 emotional dimension, 0.82 sexual activity dimension). Patients with de novo lesions and those with more extensive lesions and larger number of warts showed poorer health-related quality of life. CECA and DLQI scores correlated moderately. Patients whose lesions cleared at follow-up or with a reduction of >or= 50% showed a better improvement of health-related quality of life. The CECA questionnaire is a valid, reliable and sensitive tool for the assessment of health-related quality of life in patients with anogenital warts.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência do herbicida sulfosate, aplicado isoladamente e em misturas com diferentes adjuvantes, comparado com o herbicida glifosate, ambos aplicados com baixo volume de calda, no controle da planta daninha arroz vermelho (Oryza sativa L.) sob aplicação em condições de préplantio da cultura do arroz. O experimento foi conduzido em campo, sendo a área experimental instalada na cultura de arroz irrigado, variedade IAC-101. A área de pousio recebeu uma lâmina de água de 5 a 10cm de pro fundidade por dois dias, e após a retirada, o arroz vermelho começou a germinar. Quando o mesmo atingiu cerca de 20-25cm de altura, procedeu-se a aplicação de herbicidas de manejo (pré-plantio) . Após 16 dias da aplicação foi efetuado o plantio da cultura com densidade de 60-80 sementes/metro linear e profundidade de 3cm, sendo o espaçamento utilizado de 21,8cm entre linhas. Foram testados tratamentos com os seguintes produtos: sulfosate a 1,20; 1,44 e 1,68Kg i.a./ha e glifosate a 1,20; 1,44 e 1,68Kg i.a./ha, ambos os produtos aplicados isolados e em misturas com os seguintes adjuvantes: Poliglicol, Organosilicone e Amina Graxa, além de uma testemunha não capinada. Para a avaliação do efeito dos tratamentos empregados foram realizadas as seguintes avaliações: fitotoxicidade aperente, porcentagem de controle do arroz vermelho; altura do arroz vermelho (em cm); estande da cultura (no de per filhos/metro linear) e altura da cultura (em cm). Através dos resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que os herbicidas sulfosate, glifosate nas formulações comerciais Rodeo e Roundup, nas doses de 1,20; 1,44 e 1,68Kg i.a./ha, aplicados isolados (exceto o Rodeo) e conjuntamente com os adjuvantes poliglicol (Mojante), organosilicone (Silwet) e amina graxa (Frigate) (exceto Roundup, que foi utilizado apenas com o adjuvante amina graxa e sozinho), propiciaram excelente nível de controle do arroz vermelho, quando aplicados em pós-emergência e área total, e pré-plantio da cultura de arroz, implantada no sistema de plantio direto. Também foi verificado que não ocorreu diferença quanto à eficiência entre sulfosate e glifosate no controle do arroz vermelho, ambos controlando de forma eficiente a planta daninha.
Caption title.
Ordered to be printed 10th May 1813.
A semi-weekly paper that was published from 1801 to 1817. It was previously called the Independent chronicle and the universal advertiser, and was later the Independent chronicle and Boston patriot (Semiweekly). Publishers were Abijah Adams and Ebenezer Rhoades. Topics of interest in this issue include: Page 1: notice from the U.S. War Department seeking proposals for the supply of rations to troops; account of the battle of Bridgewater; list of important military figures wounded in the battle; news of prisoner exchange; Americans and the British negotiate and new prisoner exchange convention; Page 2: report of more British troops sailing to North America; report of some Indian tribes signing a treaty to fight against the British; report of battle near Detroit; report of militia moving from Fredricksburg, Virginia to Baltimore, Maryland; report of troop numbers and casualties in the battle of Bridgewater; report that Commodore Chauncey has recovered from his illness; news of American Naval forces sailing from Sackett's Harbor; Indian tribes sign peace treaty with U.S.; news of U.S. relations with Indians in the southern U.S.; account of battle of Bridgewater and list of casualties; report of the number of men killed and wounded on both sides in the battle of Chippewa; Page 3: report of surprise attack on the British; news of warship movements in and out of Halifax; frigate Java launched in Baltimore; news of British ship movements; 3 companies of Massachusetts militia arrive at Fort Warren; news of ship movements in and out of the Port of Boston; various Marshal's notices alleging U.S. ships supplying goods to the British;
Full Title:Proceedings of a court of inquiry, convened on board the United States frigate the President, in the harbour of New York, on the thirteenth day of August, 1811, pursuant to the following warrant : To Stephen Decatur, esquire, a captain in the Navy of the United States.
Ordered to be printed 10th May 1813.
Volumes of interest were published between 1812 and 1815 with articles about the War of 1812. Issue for July 16, 1814 includes a long report on the capture of Fort Erie on the Canadian-U.S. frontier, also a prominent front page headline and a very long and detailed report of the capture of the U.S. frigate USS Essex.
Volumes of interest were published between 1812 and 1815 with articles about the War of 1812. Issue for Oct. 5, 1813 includes: A report announces the arrival of Commodore Rodgers in the U.S. frigate President, in the harbor from his "brilliant cruise" of five months. There is also a list of the captures Rodgers made during his cruise. The feature item in this issue, however, is the famous dispatch sent by Oliver Hazard Perry at the Battle of Lake Erie to General William Henry Harrison. The dispatch, taken from the Chillicothe Supporter, of Sept. 15, is datelined "U.S. Brig Niagara, off the Western Sister, head of Lake Erie, September 10th, 1813, 4 P.M.", and reads: "Dear General, we have met the enemy; and they are ours! Two ships, two brigs, one schooner and one sloop. Yours with great respect and esteem." The dispatch is signed in type: O. H. Perry.
Warships are generally sleek, slender with V shaped sections and block coefficient below 0.5, compared to fuller forms and higher values for commercial ships. They normally operate in the higher Froude number regime, and the hydrodynamic design is primarily aimed at achieving higher speeds with the minimum power. Therefore the structural design and analysis methods are different from those for commercial ships. Certain design guidelines have been given in documents like Naval Engineering Standards and one of the new developments in this regard is the introduction of classification society rules for the design of warships.The marine environment imposes subjective and objective uncertainties on ship structure. The uncertainties in loads, material properties etc.,. make reliable predictions of ship structural response a difficult task. Strength, stiffness and durability criteria for warship structures can be established by investigations on elastic analysis, ultimate strength analysis and reliability analysis. For analysis of complicated warship structures, special means and valid approximations are required.Preliminary structural design of a frigate size ship has been carried out . A finite element model of the hold model, representative of the complexities in the geometric configuration has been created using the finite element software NISA. Two other models representing the geometry to a limited extent also have been created —- one with two transverse frames and the attached plating alongwith the longitudinal members and the other representing the plating and longitudinal stiffeners between two transverse frames. Linear static analysis of the three models have been carried out and each one with three different boundary conditions. The structural responses have been checked for deflections and stresses against the permissible values. The structure has been found adequate in all the cases. The stresses and deflections predicted by the frame model are comparable with those of the hold model. But no such comparison has been realized for the interstiffener plating model with the other two models.Progressive collapse analyses of the models have been conducted for the three boundary conditions, considering geometric nonlinearity and then combined geometric and material nonlinearity for the hold and the frame models. von Mises — lllyushin yield criteria with elastic-perfectly plastic stress-strain curve has been chosen. ln each case, P-Delta curves have been generated and the ultimate load causing failure (ultimate load factor) has been identified as a multiple of the design load specified by NES.Reliability analysis of the hull module under combined geometric and material nonlinearities have been conducted. The Young's Modulus and the shell thickness have been chosen as the variables. Randomly generated values have been used in the analysis. First Order Second Moment has been used to predict the reliability index and thereafter, the probability of failure. The values have been compared against standard values published in literature.
Proyecto realizado por el Claustro de Profesores del Colegio Rural Agrupado 'La Demanda' de Huerta de Rey (Burgos) con los siguientes objetivos: 1) Identificar los principales elementos del entorno natural, analizando sus caracter??sticas m??s relevantes (Clunia se encuentra enclavada dentro del ??mbito del Colegio Rural Agrupado). 2) Reconocer las transformaciones relacionadas con el paso del tiempo en Clunia mediante la comprensi??n de puntos fundamentales de la civilizaci??n romana. 3) Participar en actividades grupales. El sistema de trabajo llevado a cabo se ha basado en: 1) Constatar el conocimiento previo sobre Clunia. 2) Comenzar un per??odo de sensibilizaci??n y recogida de informaci??n de Clunia (bibliograf??a). 3) Considerar los aspectos did??cticos de Clunia en relaci??n con el Proyecto Curricular y elaboraci??n de una Unidad Did??ctica sobre la misma. 4) Visita a restos hist??ricos romanos de la Comunidad (Clunia, Ba??os de Valdearados y Museo de Burgos, Numancia en Soria, Segovia). 5) Memoria y reflexi??n final. El inter??s de la experiencia ha radicado en el respeto por el patrimonio cultural que se ha sugerido a los ni??os y por el conocimiento e inter??s demostrado sobre diversos vestigios de la ??poca romana (la ciudad, los edificios, las ocupaciones, los objetos, etc), con la utilizaci??n de diversas ??reas educativas. Dentro de la Unidad Did??ctica (que puede tener una utilizaci??n previa a la visita a Clunia), se han separado las actividades se??aladas para cada uno de los tres ciclos de Educaci??n primaria, teniendo muy presente que todos los puntos en un ciclo estuvieran relacionados con los ejercicios a desarrollar por el resto de los escolares. As??, se ha intentado atender la adaptaci??n de los contenidos y la presencia de alumnos de diferentes ciclos dentro de una misma aula. Los materiales utilizados han sido libros sobre el mundo romano, gu??as sobre Clunia y medios gr??ficos (prensa y diapositivas). El trabajo no ha sido publicado.
Se trata de la instalación de una biblioteca en la escuela, que permita a los alumnos iniciarse en la lectura, consultar libros y desarrollar cualquier tema sin demasiada complicación. De esta forma el alumno tendrá a su disposición un fondo donde pueda buscar y asimilar por sí mismo los conocimientos teóricos adquiridos en clase. Se intentará que la biblioteca sea un lugar agradable, con acceso cómodo a los libros y con espacio suficiente para trabajar y estudiar sin molestarse mutuamente. Los objetivos generales son: motivar al alumno al gusto por el libro, crear hábitos de estudio e investigación y fomentar la lectura y la creatividad literaria. Se llevaron a cabo actividades de 'animación a la lectura' basadas en juegos..