959 resultados para Nucleic Acid Denaturation


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Self-amplifying RNA or RNA replicon is a form of nucleic acid-based vaccine derived from either positive-strand or negative-strand RNA viruses. The gene sequences encoding structural proteins in these RNA viruses are replaced by mRNA encoding antigens of interest as well as by RNA polymerase for replication and transcription. This kind of vaccine has been successfully assayed with many different antigens as vaccines candidates, and has been shown to be potent in several animal species, including mice, nonhuman primates, and humans. A key challenge to realizing the broad potential of self-amplifying vaccines is the need for safe and effective delivery methods. Ideally, an RNA nanocarrier should provide protection from blood nucleases and extended blood circulation, which ultimately would increase the possibility of reaching the target tissue. The delivery system must then be internalized by the target cell and, upon receptor-mediated endocytosis, must be able to escape from the endosomal compartment into the cell cytoplasm, where the RNA machinery is located, while avoiding degradation by lysosomal enzymes. Further, delivery systems for systemic administration ought to be well tolerated upon administration. They should be safe, enabling the multiadministration treatment modalities required for improved clinical outcomes and, from a developmental point of view, production of large batches with reproducible specifications is also desirable. In this review, the concept of self-amplifying RNA vaccines and the most promising lipid-based delivery systems are discussed.


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Nine base-quartets were calculated by six semi-empirical methods and ab initio Hartree-Fork method using STO-3G basis set. The results showed that PM3 method can be use to calculate base quartets, the results of PM3 calculations are close to the ab initio


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By differential screening, we cloned the CagCNBP, demonstrated its predominant expression in ovary and testis, and reported its development behavior during folliculogenesis and oogenesis by immunofluorescence localization (Liu and Gui, Gene 365:181-192, 2005), but its developmental behavior during spermatogenesis and its transcript distribution during embryogenesis are not revealed. In the present study, by in situ hybridization, we analyze CagCNBP expression pattern during gibel carp embryogenesis. The CagCNBP transcripts ubiquitously distributed in all embryonic cells in early developmental stage embryos, and peak in midbrain, hindbrain and somites of gibel carp larva during organogenesis. By antibody detection, we reveal CagCNBP protein distribution change during spermatogenesis. The cell-specific distribution of CagCNBP is revealed by immunofluorescence staining, and predominant CagCNBP expression in testis somatic cells and spermatogonia is demonstrated in this paper. For the first time, the CNBP distribution during spermatogenesis in vertebrate has been revealed.


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In vertebrates, folliculogeneis establishes an intricate system for somatic cell-oocyte interaction, and ultimately leads to the acquisition of their respective competences. Although the formation process and corresponding interactions are strikingly similar in diverse organisms, knowledge of genes and signaling pathways involved in follicle formation is very incomplete and the underlying molecular mechanisms remain enigmatic. CNBP has been identified for more than ten years, and the highest level of CNBP transcripts has been observed in adult zebrafish ovary, but little is known about its functional significance during folliculogeneis and oogenesis. In this study, we clone CNBP cDNA from gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio), and demonstrate its predominant expression in gibel carp ovary and testis not only by RTPCR but also by Western blot. Its full-length cDNA is 1402 bp, and has an ORF of 489 nt for encoding a peptide of 163 aa. And its complete amino acid sequence shared 68.5%-96.8% identity with CNBPs from other vertebrates. Based on the expression characterization, we further analyze its expression pattern and developmental behaviour during folliculogeneis and oogenesis. Following these studies, we reveal an unexpected discovery that the CagCNBP is associated with follicular cells and oocytes, and significant distribution changes have occurred in degenerating and regenerating follicles. More interestingly, the CagCNBP is more highly expressed in some clusters of interconnected cells within ovarian cysts, no matter whether the cell clusters are formed from the original primordial germ cells or from the newly formed cells from follicular cells that invaded into the atretic oocytes. It is the first time to reveal CNBP relevance to folliculogeneis and oogenesis. Moreover, a similar stage-specific and cell-specific expression pattern has also been observed in the gibel carp testis. Therefore, further studies on CNBP expression pattern and developmental behaviour will be of significance for understanding functional roles of CNBP during gametogenests. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A quantum chemistry based Green's function formulation of long-range charge transfer in deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA) double helix is proposed. The theory takes into account the effects of DNA's electronic structure and its incoherent interaction with aqueous surroundings. In the implementation, the electronic tight-binding parameters for unsolvated DNA molecules are determined at the HF/6-31G* level, while those for individual nucleobase-water couplings are at a semiempirical level by fitting with experimental redox potentials. Numerical results include that: (i) the oxidative charge initially at the donor guanine site does hop sequentially over all guanine sites; however, the revealed rates can be of a much weaker distance dependence than that described by the ordinary Ohm's law; (ii) the aqueous surroundings-induced partial incoherences in thymine/adenine bridge bases lead them to deviate substantially from the superexchange regime; (iii) the time scale of the partially incoherent hole transport through the thymine/adenine pi stack in DNA is about 5 ps. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The effect of metal ions on the conformation of thymine-containing poly-D-lysine was studied by CD spectra in aqueous solution. Of the metal ions studied,only copper(Ⅱ)ion affected the conformation of mucleic acid analogs .copper(Ⅱ)ion also affected the specifically interacting system made up of thymine-containing poly-D-lysine and polyadenylic acid.


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Nucleic acid was found to induce the aggregation of the positively charged pyrene probe (compound 1); as a result, strong pyrene excimer emission was observed. The intensity of the excimer emission was dependent on the concentration of the pyrene probe and the oligonucleotide length, sequence, and concentration. These results suggest a new strategy for label-free nucleic acid-based biosensing applications.


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Label free electrochemiluminescence (ECL) DNA detection based on catalytic guanine and adenine bases oxidation using tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) [Ru(bpy)(3)(2+)] modified glassy carbon (GC) electrode was demonstrated in this work. The modified GC electrode was prepared by casting carbon nanotubes (CNT)/Nafion/Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) composite film on the electrode surface. ECL signals of doublestranded DNA and their thermally denatured counterparts can be distinctly discriminated using cyclic voltammetry (CV) with a low concentration (3.04 x 10(-8) mol/L for Salmon Testes-DNA). Most importantly, sensitive single-base mismatch detection of p53 gene sequence segment was realized with 3.93 x 10(-10) mol/L employing CV stimulation (ECL signal of C/A mismatched DNA oligonucleotides was 1.5-fold higher than that of fully base-paired DNA oligonucleotides). Label free, high sensitivity and simplicity for single-base mismatch discrimination were the main advantages of the present ECL technique for DNA detection over the traditional DNA sensors.


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We report a novel label-free method for the investigation of the adaptive recognition of small molecules by nucleic acid aptamers using capillary electrophoresis analysis. Cocaine and argininamide were chosen as model molecules, and the two corresponding DNA aptamers were used. These single-strand DNAs folded into their specific secondary structures, which were mainly responsible for the binding of the target molecules with high affinity and specificity. For molecular recognition, the nucleic acid structures then underwent additional conformational changes, while keeping the target molecules stabilized by intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The intrinsic chemical and physical properties of the target molecules enabled them to act as indicators for adaptive binding. Thus any labeling or modification of the aptamers or target molecules were made obsolete. This label-free method for aptamer-based molecular recognition was also successfully applied to biological fluids and therefore indicates that this approach is a promising tool for bioanalysis.