665 resultados para Normalização BIM


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The introduction of Building Information Modelling (BIM) to the design, construction and operation of buildings is changing the way that the building construction industry works. BIM involves the development of a full 3D virtual model of a building which not only contains the 3D information necessary to show the building as it will appear, but also contains significant additional data about each component in the building. BIM represents both physical and virtual objects in a building. This includes the rooms and spaces within and around the building. The additional data stored on each part of the building can support building maintenance opera- tions and, more importantly from the perspective of this paper, support the generation and running of simula- tions of the operation of the building and behaviour of people within it under both normal and emergency scenarios. The initial discussion is around the use of BIM to support the design of resilient buildings which references the various codes and standards that define current best practice. The remainder of the discussion uses various recent events as the basis for discussion on how BIM could have been used to support rapid recovery and re- building.


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The overarching research work is based on two approaches: - Conceptual Analysis, Extraction and Linking - Experimentation with Product Libraries - Conceptual Analysis, Extraction and Linking: This aspect of the research has been achieved through the development of a conceptual framework for facilitating the understanding of the constituting components of BIM, Specifications and Cost Planning under investigation. The framework builds on theories spanning the constituent research themes and was used as a basis for justifying the elected approaches adopted throughout the research work. By means of tags and codes, a system for classifying building specification information has been developed as a differentiator between the chosen research approach and existing classification strategies in industry. Furthermore, syntactic links between extracted classes of specification information and cost planning have been established and will be adopted as a basis for authenticating the impact of specification information within BIM models. - Experimentation with Product Libraries Following the extraction and classification of BIM, Specifications and Cost Planning information, early experimentation on linking specifications to BIM models by means of a raas-based product library have been successful. A comparative analysis between a range of existing product libraries has also been realised. The outcomes have been amply documented in papers, all of which have received positive reviews. Ongoing experiments and analysis with the product library involve integrating the cost planning component for authenticating the completeness, relevance and impact of embedded specification within BIM models.


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With the increase in complexity of engineering projects and design quality in the construction industry, the traditional two-dimensional "Information Island" approach to design is becoming less able to meet current design needs due to its lack of coordination and information sharing. Collaborative design using a Build Information Modeling (BIM) technology platform promises to provide an effective means of designing and communicating through networking and real-time data sharing. This paper first analyzes the shortcomings of the two-dimensional design process and the potential application of collaborative design. By combining the attributes of BIM, a preliminary BIM-based building design collaborative platform is developed to improve the design approach and support a more collaborative design process. A real-life case is presented to demonstrate the feasibility and validity of the platform and its use in practice. From this, it is shown that BIM has the potential to realize effective information sharing and reduce errors, thereby improving design quality. The BIM-based building design collaborative platform presented is expected to provide the support needed for the extensive application of BIM in collaborative design and promote a new attitude to project management.


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Successful management of design changes is critical for the efficient delivery of construction projects. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is envisioned to play an important role in integrating design, construction and facility management processes through coordinated changes throughout the project life-cycle. BIM currently provides significant benefits in coordinating changes across different views in a single model, and identifying conflicts between different discipline-specific models. However, current BIM tools provide limited support in managing changes across several discipline-specific models. This paper describes an approach to represent, coordinate, and track changes within a collaborative multi-disciplinary BIM environment. This approach was informed by a detailed case study of a large, complex, fast-tracked BIM project where we investigated numerous design changes, analyzed change management processes, and evaluated existing BIM tools. Our approach characterises design changes in an ontology to represent changed component attributes, dependencies between components, and change impacts. It explores different types of dependencies amongst different design changes and describes how a graph based approach and dependency matrix could assist with automating the propagation and impact of changes in a BIM-based project delivery process.


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BIM as a suite of technologies has been enabled by the significant improvements in IT infrastructure, the capabilities of computer hardware and software, the increasing adoption of BIM, and the development of Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) which facilitate the sharing of information between firms. The report highlights the advantages of BIM, particularly the increased utility and speed, better data quality and enhanced fault finding in all construction phases. Additionally BIM promotes enhanced collaborations and visualisation of data mainly in the design and construction phase. There are a number of barriers to the effective implementation of BIM. These include, somewhat paradoxically, a single detailed model (which precludes scenarios and development of detailed alternative designs); the need for three different interoperability standards for effective implementation; added work for the designer which needs to be recognised and remunerated; the size and complexity of BIM, which requires significant investment in human capital to enable the realisation of its full potential. There are also a number of challenges to implementing BIM. The report has identified these as a range of issues concerning: IP, liability, risks and contracts, and the authenticity of users. Additionally, implementing BIM requires investment in new technology, skills training and development of news ways of collaboration. Finally, there are likely to be Trade Practices concerns as requiring certain technology owned by relatively few firms may limit


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This paper explores the effects of PLM and BIM on professional practice. It draws on existing literature documenting the experiences of both communities of practice to explain shifts in professional boundaries. A review of case study based literature compares the nature of changes triggered by PLM and BIM relative to the new activities, roles/responsibilities and knowledge competencies, and supply chain relationships. The paper synthesises these changes and reflects PLM and BIM experiences against each other so as to contrast the continuing evolution of professional practice and lessons learned.


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Building information modelling (BIM) radically changes the practices in architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) and creates new job opportunities. Many governments, such as the United Kingdom, have made BIM a mandatory requirement. This substantially drives the demand for a BIM-literate workforce. Universities are facing the challenge to incorporate BIM into their curricula and produce “BIM ready” graduates to meet the needs of the industry. Like other universities, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is at the heart of this change and aspires to develop collaborative BIM education across AEC. Previous BIM education studies identify that inadequate BIM awareness of AEC academics is one of the challenges for developing a BIM curriculum and there is a dearth in the learning and teaching support for academics on BIM education. Equipping the AEC academics for a more BIM focused curriculum is all the while more important. This paper aims to leverage knowledge drawn from a Learning & Teaching project currently undertaken at QUT. Its specific objectives are to: 1) review the existing learning and teaching initiatives on BIM education; and 2) briefly describe the learning and teaching activities on collaborative BIM education at QUT. Significance of the paper lies on revealing the importance of building up the capacity of AEC academics for collaborative BIM education. The paper contributes to sparking the interests in better equipping AEC academics to understand what curriculum changes would assist in BIM uptake within the relevant courses to provide context for changes in units; and how the use of BIM can improve the understanding by students of the large amounts of professional knowledge they need to function effectively as graduates.


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Cost estimating has been acknowledged as a crucial component of construction projects. Depending on available information and project requirements, cost estimates evolve in tandem with project lifecycle stages; conceptualisation, design development, execution and facility management. The premium placed on the accuracy of cost estimates is crucial to producing project tenders and eventually in budget management. Notwithstanding the initial slow pace of its adoption, Building Information Modelling (BIM) has successfully addressed a number of challenges previously characteristic of traditional approaches in the AEC, including poor communication, the prevalence of islands of information and frequent reworks. Therefore, it is conceivable that BIM can be leveraged to address specific shortcomings of cost estimation. The impetus for leveraging BIM models for accurate cost estimation is to align budgeted and actual cost. This paper hypothesises that the accuracy of BIM-based estimation, as more efficient, process-mirrors of traditional cost estimation methods, can be enhanced by simulating traditional cost estimation factors variables. Through literature reviews and preliminary expert interviews, this paper explores the factors that could potentially lead to more accurate cost estimates for construction projects. The findings show numerous factors that affect the cost estimates ranging from project information and its characteristic, project team, clients, contractual matters, and other external influences. This paper will make a particular contribution to the early phase of BIM-based project estimation.


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Cost estimating is a key task within Quantity Surveyors’ (QS) offices. Provision of an accurate estimate is vital to ensure that the objectives of the client are met by staying within the client’s budget. Building Information Modelling (BIM) is an evolving technology that has gained attention in the construction industries all over the world. Benefits from the use of BIM include cost and time savings if the processes used by the procurement team are adapted to maximise the benefits of BIM. BIM can be used by QSs to automate aspects of quantity take-off and the preparation of estimates, decreasing turnaround time and assist in controlling errors and inaccuracies. The Malaysian government has decided to require the use of BIM for its projects beginning from 2016. However, slow uptake is reported in the use of BIM both within companies and to support collaboration within the Malaysian industry. It has been recommended that QSs to start evaluating the impact of BIM on their practices. This paper reviews the perspectives of QSs in Malaysia towards the use of BIM to achieve more dependable results in their cost estimating practice. The objectives of this paper include identifying strategies in improving practice and potential adoption drivers that lead QSs to BIM usage in their construction projects. From the expert interviews, it was found out that, despite still using traditional methods and not practising BIM, the interviewees still acquire limited knowledge related to BIM. There are some drivers that potentially motivate them to employ BIM in their practices. These include client demands, innovation in traditional methods, speed in estimating costs, reduced time and costs, improvement in practices and self-awareness, efficiency in projects, and competition from other companies. The findings of this paper identify the potential drivers in encouraging Malaysian Quantity Surveyors to exploit BIM in their construction projects.


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Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a digital process that encompasses all aspects, disciplines and systems of built assets within a single virtual model. This allows stakeholders to collaborate more accurately and efficiently than with traditional processes. Case study 1 Design: New Generation Rollingstock Maintenance Centre, Queensland. Case Study 2 Construction: Perth Children's Hospital, Western Australia. Case Study 3 Asset Management: Sydney Opera House, New South Wales. This project sought to provide the built environment industry with a framework to measure and maximize benefits from implementing BIM across the life-cycle phases of a built asset.


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The delivery of products and services for construction-based businesses is increasingly becoming knowledge-driven and information-intensive. The proliferation of building information modelling (BIM) has increased business opportunities as well as introduced new challenges for the architectural, engineering and construction and facilities management (AEC/FM) industry. As such, the effective use, sharing and exchange of building life cycle information and knowledge management in building design, construction, maintenance and operation assumes a position of paramount importance. This paper identifies a subset of construction management (CM) relevant knowledge for different design conditions of building components through a critical, comprehensive review of synthesized literature and other information gathering and knowledge acquisition techniques. It then explores how such domain knowledge can be formalized as ontologies and, subsequently, a query vocabulary in order to equip BIM users with the capacity to query digital models of a building for the retrieval of useful and relevant domain-specific information. The formalized construction knowledge is validated through interviews with domain experts in relation to four case study projects. Additionally, retrospective analyses of several design conditions are used to demonstrate the soundness (realism), completeness, and appeal of the knowledge base and query-based reasoning approach in relation to the state-of-the-art tools, Solibri Model Checker and Navisworks. The knowledge engineering process and the methods applied in this research for information representation and retrieval could provide useful mechanisms to leverage BIM in support of a number of knowledge intensive CM/FM tasks and functions.


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Three strategically important uses of IT in the construction industry are the storage and management of project documents on webservers (EDM), the electronic handling of orders and invoices between companies (EDI) and the use of 3-D models including non-geometrical attributes for integrated design and construction (BIM). In a broad longitudinal survey study of IT use in the Swedish Construction Industry the extent of use of these techniques was measured in 1998, 2000 and 2007. The results showed that EDM and EDI are currently already well-established techniques whereas BIM, although it promises the biggest potential benefits to the industry, only seems to be at the beginning of adoption. In a follow-up to the quantitative studies, the factors affecting the decisions to implement EDM, EDI and BIM as well as the actual adoption processes, were studied using semi-structured interviews with practitioners. The theoretical basis for the interview studies was informed by theoretical frameworks from IT-adoption theory, where in particular the UTAUT model has provided the main basis for the analyses presented here. The results showed that the decisions to take the above technologies into use are made on three differ- ent levels: the individual level, the organizational level in the form of a company, and the organiza- tional level in the form of a project. The different patterns in adoption can to some part be explained by where the decisions are mainly taken. EDM is driven from the organisation/project level, EDI mainly from the organisation/company level, and BIM is driven by individuals pioneering the technique.


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Refletindo sobre homossexualidade, Aids e seus desdobramentos sociais e subjetivos nos últimos 30 anos, procuramos nesta dissertação discutir o fenômeno bareback sexo sem camisinha - nomeado nos Estados Unidos na segunda metade da década de 1990. Sua disseminação na mídia tem causado, com frequência, reações que reconectam a homossexualidade a loucura, doença e morte. Devido à restrita produção acadêmica no Brasil, objetivamos contribuir por meio deste trabalho com algumas considerações essenciais ao debate. Percorremos alguns deslocamentos historicamente importantes relativos à homossexualidade, a condução das condutas - práticas de governo, risco, Aids e ao próprio bareback. Neste sentido, o trabalho associa um estudo teórico sobre este objeto a entrevistas realizadas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa empírica exploratoria recolheu dados e discursos sobre este fenômeno em nossa realidade e contexto, tendo como terreno a Associação Brasileira Interdisciplinar de Aids (ABIA) e o Grupo Pela Vidda-RJ, duas organizações não-governamentais que trabalham com a Aids, e no Grupo Arco-íris, ONG integrante do Movimento LGBT. Duas pessoas de cada uma destas ONGs foram entrevistadas. Buscamos entender como essas instituições, locais privilegiados de nossa incursão, vêm abordando o fenômeno, quais suas posições e impressões. Paralelamente, contactamos alguns voluntários adeptos do sexo bareback, por considerarmos seus discursos indispensáveis e capazes de tornar este trabalho mais rico e diverso, no entendimento do bareback, a partir de suas experiências individuais. Para tal, utilizamos dois sites de bareback internacionais (barebackrt.com e bareback.com) que hospedam perfis de brasileiros, alguns residentes na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, onde três praticantes foram integrados à pesquisa. Nossa hipótese é que as tentativas em decifrar o bareback, dar-lhe um sentido, uma verdade, acabam percorrendo trilhas normativas que têm seus limites expostos à medida que percebemos que a diversidade das práticas erótico-sexuais, da singularidade e subjetividade dos sujeitos transcendem qualquer tentativa de normatização / normalização. Assim, acreditamos que o que chamamos de bareback, seja fenômeno, subcultura, prática ou comportamento, não pode ser definido enquanto conjunto coeso de discursos, fantasias e práticas erótico-sexuais, mas pelo contrário, apresenta-se por meio de múltiplas faces ainda mais variadas, restando apenas à alusão que lhe é característica: o sexo sem camisinha, que nem sempre significará sexo sem proteção. Desta forma, tendo como perspectiva a noção de condução das condutas e cuidado de si proposta por Michel Foucault, discutimos o significado das práticas sexuais dissidentes e as questões referentes a normalização, patologização e formas de resistência.


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A questão central desta Tese diz respeito à emergência de uma singular modalidade de assistência social no campo das políticas públicas e sociais no pós 1930, direcionada aos trabalhadores assalariados da área urbana e suas famílias. A produção discursiva sobre as condições de vida e de trabalho do operariado, no bojo das novas teorias científicas e enunciados médicos-sanitários reivindicava uma organização geral da sociedade. Afirmava-se a urgência de uma intervenção política estatal de cunho preventivo e coercitivo no modo de vida desses indivíduos em sociedade. O que se colocava até então como um caso de polícia ou de caridade passa a ser nomeado como questão social legitimando novas formas de exercício de poder e a conformação do Estado em suas novas atribuições de promotor da justiça social. Nesta pesquisa de doutoramento investiguei o exercício dessas estratégias de poder nas intervenções realizadas pelas visitadoras sociais no cotidiano de um grupo de operários e operárias da Cia (têxtil) Nova América na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, objetivando pela investigação minuciosa dessas práticas relativamente microscópicas iluminar uma rede muito maior de ardis e disputas de poder. As ações de ordenação do dia a dia desse operariado implicava a fiscalização do emprego dos serviços sociais disponibilizados pelo Estado e empresa, o monitoramento do uso do tempo e dos espaços, e finalmente a doutrinação em valores e práticas instituídas em nome da preservação e otimização da vida. Tais intervenções aconteciam em diferentes espaços: no interior da Fábrica, na vila operária Cidade Jardim Nova América e nas dependências da Associação Atlética Nova América e ficaram registradas em textos e imagens no boletim mensal da Fábrica. Esses periódicos constituem o principal corpus documental formado por sessenta e seis periódicos que abrangem o período entre novembro de 1944 e dezembro de 1953: Boletim Nova América - Órgão da Associação Atlética Nova América. Acionei como instrumento teórico-metodológico as reflexões do pensador francês Michel Foucault sobre biopolítica, ou a estatização da vida nos liames do biopoder enquanto gestão da vida em sua plenitude ocupando-se de não apenas garantir o corpo dócil e útil pelas técnicas disciplinares, mas, principalmente, assegurar no investimento sobre o corpo e mente desses indivíduos o saber normalizador para melhor manejá-los. Nesse sentido, no campo das políticas sociais, tanto estatais quanto empresariais, utilizei a noção de poder pastoral, atualizada por Foucault, para identificar o modo como em nome e pelo bem dos assistidos se constituiu um eficiente dispositivo de poder operando em intervenções e controle da vida das pessoas: as visitadoras sociais.


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Esta dissertação busca analisar os discursos e práticas sobre educação em sexualidade que se produzem contemporaneamente e que têm a escola como lócus mediante um estudo de caso. Foram examinadas as proposições em projetos e políticas públicas sobre a educação nessa temática. Escolheu-se como estudo de caso o curso Gênero e Diversidade na Escola (GDE), realizado no ano de 2010, oferecido pelo Centro Latino Americano em Sexualidade e Direitos Humanos, na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Trata-se de um curso semipresencial de extensão que visa à formação de professores da Educação Básica na temática de gênero, diversidade sexual e relações étnico-raciais. Foi realizada uma análise documental utilizando os registros escritos produzidos por professores cursistas que participaram do mencionado curso. O objetivo era identificar as tensões existentes entre ideias prévias dos participantes e o conteúdo posto em debate, caracterizado por uma perspectiva dos direitos humanos. A partir da análise das políticas públicas e dos discursos dos professores sobre sexualidade, considera-se que a escola se constitui como instância comprometida com uma perspectiva normalizadora. A construção da perspectiva dos direitos humanos presente na proposição da maior parte das políticas contemporâneas é considerada um projeto ainda a ser realizado, tanto pela problematização dos aspectos normalizadores que elas mesmas contêm quanto a partir de iniciativas de formação de professores numa perspectiva crítica e dialógica.