607 resultados para Nobel Prizes.
Se revisan los diversos planteamientos desde los cuales la investigación sobre alcaloides resulta de interés. Se señalan hechos históricos relevantes relacionados con estas sustancias, presentándose una serie de cuadros en los que se muestra una panorámica sobre tres alcaloides con gran relevancia farmacológica. En último lugar se realiza una breve reseña sobre las relaciones estructura-actividad ilustrándolo con dos ejemplos: estricnina y morfina.
Se realizan trabajos de investigación bibliográfica entorno a la figura de Santiago Ramón y Cajal, premio Nobel de medicina y uno de los científicos españoles más destacados. Los destinatarios de las actividades son los alumnos de ESO con altas capacidades y especialmente motivados para el estudio. Entre los objetivos están el de lograr mejorar la capacidad de búsqueda de información de los alumnos usando distintas fuentes; mejorar la capacidad de selección de la información relevante y de resumir las ideas más importantes; organizar la información; citar bibliografía; fomentar la lectura de textos científicos; y lograr que sean capaces de expresar los resultados de su investigación oralmente. La actividad principal es que los alumnos elaboran trabajos de diferentes aspectos de la vida, obra y época de Santiago Ramón y Cajal, y se complementa con visitas a bibliotecas, al Instituto Cajal, y a otros centros, un viaje a la localidad natal del científico y la participación en talleres.
La publicaci??n recoge las ponencias, seminarios tem??ticos, mesas redondas, talleres, comunicaciones y debates desarrollados durante la VIII Escuela de Verano, que bajo el t??tulo 'Nuestros Nobel: paradigma de creatividad en Educaci??n de Personas Adultas', se celebr?? en el Centro Regional de Educaci??n de Personas Adultas de la Comunidad de Madrid (CREPA) los d??as 29 y 30 de junio de 2006. .
Tit. de la cub.: Actas de la VIII Escuela de Verano
En p. 144 se hace una relación de diferentes documentos en www (W3)
Discurso del Jefe del Estado, Francisco Franco, que pronunció en la sesión inaugural de los actos conmemorativos del XXV Aniversario de la fundación del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, en el que ensalza la importancia de la creación del Consejo, su larga trayectoria y su evolución en esos años. Anuncia la creación del 'Fondo Nacional para el desarrollo de la investigación científica', que se nutrirá de cien millones de pesetas y anima a los científicos a seguir investigando por bien de la patria.
Se presenta un cuestionario de 200 preguntas sobre la producción literaria de Juan Ramón Jiménez, asícomo también de su vida. Esta recopilación de preguntas tipo test, cada una de ellas con cuatro opciones de respuesta, es una actividad destinada al estudio de la figura del autor y puede ser utilizado por los profesores de literatura.
Título anterior de la publicación : Boletín de la Comisión Española de la UNESCO
Prizes for modernity in the provinces: The Arts Council’s 1950-1951 regional playwriting competition
As part of its contribution to the 1951 Festival of Britain, the Arts Council ran what can be seen in retrospect to be an important playwriting competition. Disregarding the London stage entirely, it invited regional theatres throughout the UK to put forward nominations for new plays within their repertoire for 1950-1951. Each of the five winning plays would receive, what was then, the substantial sum of £100. Originality and innovation featured highly amongst the selection criteria, with 40 per cent of the judges’ marks being awarded for “interest of subject matter and inventiveness of treatment”. This article will assess some of the surprising outcomes of the competition and argue that it served as an important nexus point in British theatrical historiography between two key moments in post-war Britain: the first being the inauguration of the Festival of Britain in 1951, the other being the debut of John Osborne’s Look Back in Anger in May 1956. The article will also argue that the Arts Council’s play competition was significant for two other reasons. By circumventing the London stage, it provides a useful tool by which to reassess the state of new writing in regional theatre at the beginning of the 1950s and to question how far received views of parochialism and conservatism held true. The paper will also put forward a case for the competition significantly anticipating the work of George Devine at the English Stage Company, which during its early years established a reputation for itself by heavily exploiting the repertoire of new plays originally commissioned by regional theatres. This article forms part of a five year funded Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) project, ‘Giving Voice to the Nation: The Arts Council of Great Britain and the Development of Theatre and Performance in Britain 1945-1994’. Details of the Arts Council’s archvie, which is housed at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London can be found at http://www.vam.ac.uk/vastatic/wid/ead/acgb/acgbf.html Keywords: Arts Council of Great Britain, regional theatre, playwriting, Festival of Britain, English Stage Company (Royal Court) , Yvonne Mitchell
The 2008 Nobel prize of physics pay tribute to three theoretical physicist by their work related to some symmetries of Nature. We briefly comments the importance of these works and the context in which they were done.
INTRODUCTION: The Nobel Direct implant (Nobel Biocare AB, Göteborg, Sweden) was developed to minimize marginal bone resorption and to result in "soft tissue integration" for an optimized aesthetic outcome. However, conflicting results have been presented in the literature. The aim of this present study was to evaluate the clinical and microbiologic outcomes of Nobel Direct implants. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten partially edentulous subjects without evidence of active periodontitis (mean age 55 years) received 12 Nobel Direct implants. Implants were loaded with single crowns after a healing period of 3 to 6 months. Treatment outcomes were assessed at month 24. Routine clinical assessments, intraoral radiographs, and microbiologic samplings were made. Histologic analysis of one failing implant and chemical spectroscopy around three unused implants was performed. Paired Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used for the evaluation of bone loss; otherwise, descriptive analysis was performed. RESULTS: Implants were functionally loaded after 3 to 6 months. At 2 years, the mean bone loss of remaining implants was 2.0 mm (SD +/- 1.1 mm; range: 0.0-3.4 mm). Three out of 12 implants with an early mean bone loss >3 mm were lost. The surviving implants showed increasing bone loss between 6 and 24 months (p = .028). Only 3 out of the 12 implants were considered successful and showed bone loss of <1.7 mm after 2 years. High rates of pathogens, including Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Fusobacterium spp., Porphyromonas gingivalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Tanerella forsythia, were found. Chemical spectroscopy revealed, despite the normal signals from Ti, O, and C, also peaks of P, F, S, N, and Ca. A normal histologic image of osseointegration was observed in the apical part of the retrieved implant. CONCLUSION: Radiographic evidence and 25% implant failures are indications of a low success rate. High counts and prevalence of significant pathogens were found at surviving implants. Although extensive bone loss had occurred in the coronal part, the apical portion of the implant showed some bone to implant integration.