941 resultados para Newton-Raphson, Metodo
针对Bzier曲线间最近距离计算问题,提出一种简捷、可靠的计算方法.该方法以Bernstein多项式算术运算为工具,建立Bzier曲线间最近距离的计算模型;然后充分利用Bzier曲面的凸包性质和de Casteljau分割算法进行求解.该方法几何意义明确,能有效地避免迭代初始值的选择和非线性方程组的求解,并可进一步推广应用于计算Bzier曲线/曲面间的最近距离.实验结果表明,该方法简捷、可靠且容易实现,与Newton-Raphson方法的融合可进一步提高该方法的运行速度.
数控加工作为现代制造中的标志性加工技术,在航空航天、运载工具、动力装备等领域的精密复杂型面加工中占据着主导地位。随着国内高速数控加工中心及高档数控机床等硬件设备的日趋成熟和普及,围绕高速数控加工的一些深层次问题便逐步显现出来,这突出表现在数控机床的高速加工特性与传统加工方法之间的矛盾。本文将主要围绕复杂型面高速数控加工中的两大关键技术:曲面造型技术与刀位规划策略,展开论述,着重解决其中的一些关键科学问题,以期为复杂型面的高速数控加工提供新的技术支持。 1. 以罐车曲面重构为例,详细论述了从不完整散乱数据到曲面精确重构的整个过程,着重解决了自由曲面重构理论在实际应用中遇到的一些问题。针对不完整散乱数据,提出一种散乱数据的有序化处理方法,同时给出了面向NURBS的数据自动参数化策略,用于构造罐车的系列截面轮廓线。然后以曲面蒙皮操作为基础实现罐车曲面的快速重构。最后利用参数曲面的离散表达,完成罐车容积的快速检定并借以验证罐车曲面重建的精确性。 2. 以Bézier曲线/曲面为基础,运用多元Bernstein多项式算术运算,将点到复杂曲线/曲面最近点的计算转化为Bernstein多项式方程的求解,进而基于Bernstein基函数的线性精度性质,给出一种新的最近点计算模型。然后通过de Casteljau快速分割算法和二叉/四叉树递归分解的搜索策略寻找最近点。该方法可以有效避免繁琐的迭代计算和对初始值的选择,并从计算效率入手,对其加以改进,成功实现了分割算法与Newton-Raphson方法的融合。再利用B样条曲线/曲面与Bézier曲线/曲面之间成熟的转换算法,将所提出的方法进一步推广到应用更为广泛的B样条曲线/曲面。 3. 通过对刀具轨迹有效性的分析,将刀具轨迹规划分为曲面上曲线族的选择和有效合理排布方式的设计两个方面,为刀具轨迹规划提供了新的设计思路。并以此为基础,对最优刀具轨迹的定义进行了重新阐述,指出今后刀具轨迹规划的研究必须综合考虑轨迹的几何、刀具的运动以及机床的动力学特性。 4. 针对数控加工中心高速加工特性,提出一种等参数螺旋轨迹生成方法。该方法以减少抬刀和路径转接为目的,并综合考虑刀具轨迹几何与运动力学性能,特别适合自由曲面的高速数控加工。同时,在刀具路径的链接、误差分析等方面,也提出了一些颇具特色的方法,从而避免了传统偏置轨迹繁琐的自交干涉检测,能够有效抑制刀具负载的波动,减小刀具的磨损。 5. 在正确重建网格模型拓扑关系的基础上,从离散微分几何学这一新的角度入手,给出了一种新的三角网格曲面微分几何特性分析方法,进而以参数曲面上曲线偏置方法为基础,结合三角网格曲面的拓扑结构和局部区域的精确拟合,建立了网格曲面上的曲线偏置模型,并将计算最近点的方法进一步推广用来计算曲面上的偏置点,从而避免了繁琐的迭代计算。以此为基础,对网格模型的边界轮廓进行等残留偏置,给出了网格曲面上的等残留刀具轨迹生成方法。可进一步利用螺旋线连接各条轨迹,生成更为光滑刀具路径。
The MOS transistor physical model as described in [3] is presented here as a network model. The goal is to obtain an accurate model, suitable for simulation, free from certain problems reported in the literature [13], and conceptually as simple as possible. To achieve this goal the original model had to be extended and modified. The paper presents the derivation of the network model from physical equations, including the corrections which are required for simulation and which compensate for simplifications introduced in the original physical model. Our intrinsic MOS model consists of three nonlinear voltage-controlled capacitors and a dependent current source. The charges of the capacitors and the current of the current source are functions of the voltages $V_{gs}$, $V_{bs}$, and $V_{ds}$. The complete model consists of the intrinsic model plus the parasitics. The apparent simplicity of the model is a result of hiding information in the characteristics of the nonlinear components. The resulted network model has been checked by simulation and analysis. It is shown that the network model is suitable for simulation: It is defined for any value of the voltages; the functions involved are continuous and satisfy Lipschitz conditions with no jumps at region boundaries; Derivatives have been computed symbolically and are available for use by the Newton-Raphson method. The model"s functions can be measured from the terminals. It is also shown that small channel effects can be included in the model. Higher frequency effects can be modeled by using a network consisting of several sections of the basic lumped model. Future plans include a detailed comparison of the network model with models such as SPICE level 3 and a comparison of the multi- section higher frequency model with experiments.
We present a fast and efficient hybrid algorithm for selecting exoplanetary candidates from wide-field transit surveys. Our method is based on the widely used SysRem and Box Least-Squares (BLS) algorithms. Patterns of systematic error that are common to all stars on the frame are mapped and eliminated using the SysRem algorithm. The remaining systematic errors caused by spatially localized flat-fielding and other errors are quantified using a boxcar-smoothing method. We show that the dimensions of the search-parameter space can be reduced greatly by carrying out an initial BLS search on a coarse grid of reduced dimensions, followed by Newton-Raphson refinement of the transit parameters in the vicinity of the most significant solutions. We illustrate the method's operation by applying it to data from one field of the SuperWASP survey, comprising 2300 observations of 7840 stars brighter than V = 13.0. We identify 11 likely transit candidates. We reject stars that exhibit significant ellipsoidal variations caused indicative of a stellar-mass companion. We use colours and proper motions from the Two Micron All Sky Survey and USNO-B1.0 surveys to estimate the stellar parameters and the companion radius. We find that two stars showing unambiguous transit signals pass all these tests, and so qualify for detailed high-resolution spectroscopic follow-up.
This paper is concerned with the finite element simulation of debonding failures in FRP-strengthened concrete beams. A key challenge for such simulations is that common solution techniques such as the Newton-Raphson method and the arc-length method often fail to converge. This paper examines the effectiveness of using a dynamic analysis approach in such FE simulations, in which debonding failure is treated as a dynamic problem and solved using an appropriate time integration method. Numerical results are presented to show that an appropriate dynamic approach effectively overcomes the convergence problem and provides accurate predictions of test results.
Neste trabalho apresenta-se um modelo de elementos finitos, baseado na teoria clássica de placas, para a análise linear e não-linear de estruturas do tipo placa/casca integrando sensores e actuadores piezoeléctricos. É usado um simples e eficiente elemento placa/casca triangular plano de 3 nós, e em cuja formulação se introduz um grau de liberdade referente ao potencial eléctrico, por cada camada piezoeléctrica do elemento finito. É utilizada a formulação Lagrangeana actualizada associada à tecnica de Newton - Raphson para a solução iterativa das equações de equilibrio .O modelo pode ser aplicado a cascas piezolaminadas com geometria e carregamento arbitrários. Apresentam-se vários exemplos ilustrativos cujos resultados mostram a eficiencia do modelo proposto.
Neste trabalho apresenta-se um modelo de elementos finitos, baseado na teoria clássica de placas, para a análise linear e não-linear de estruturas do tipo placa/casca integrando sensores e actuadores piezoeléctricos. É usado um simples e eficiente elemento placa/casca triangular plano de 3 nós, e em cuja formulação se introduz um grau de liberdade referente ao potencial eléctrico, por cada camada piezoeléctrica do elemento finito. É utilizada a formulação Lagrangeana actualizada associada à tecnica de Newton - Raphson para a solução iterativa das equações de equilibrio .O modelo pode ser aplicado a cascas piezolaminadas com geometria e carregamento arbitrários. Apresentam-se vários exemplos ilustrativos cujos resultados mostram a eficiencia do modelo proposto.
A non-conforming three-node triangular finite element with 18 degree of freedom, is used in conjugation with the Kirchhoff theory for the non-linear analysis of thin composite plate-shell structure. The formulation of the geometrically non-linear analysis is based on an updated Lagrangian formulation associated with the Newton-Raphson iterative technique, which incorporates an automatic arc-length control procedure.
This paper deals with the geometrically non linear analysis of thin plate/shell laminated structures with embedded integrated piezoelectric actuors or sensors layers and/or patches.The model is based on the Kirchhoff classical laminated theory and can be applied to plate and shell adaptive structures with arbitrary shape, general mechanical and electrical loadings. the finite element model is a nonconforming single layer triangular plate/shell element with 18 degrees of fredom for the generalized displacements and one eçlectrical potential degree of freedom for each piezoelectric layer or patch. An updated Lagrangian formulation associated to Newton-Raphson technique is used to solve incrementally and iteratively the equilibrium equation.The model is applied in the solution of four illustrative cases, and the results are compared and discussedwith alternative solutions when available.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia
Approximation de la distribution a posteriori d'un modèle Gamma-Poisson hiérarchique à effets mixtes
La méthode que nous présentons pour modéliser des données dites de "comptage" ou données de Poisson est basée sur la procédure nommée Modélisation multi-niveau et interactive de la régression de Poisson (PRIMM) développée par Christiansen et Morris (1997). Dans la méthode PRIMM, la régression de Poisson ne comprend que des effets fixes tandis que notre modèle intègre en plus des effets aléatoires. De même que Christiansen et Morris (1997), le modèle étudié consiste à faire de l'inférence basée sur des approximations analytiques des distributions a posteriori des paramètres, évitant ainsi d'utiliser des méthodes computationnelles comme les méthodes de Monte Carlo par chaînes de Markov (MCMC). Les approximations sont basées sur la méthode de Laplace et la théorie asymptotique liée à l'approximation normale pour les lois a posteriori. L'estimation des paramètres de la régression de Poisson est faite par la maximisation de leur densité a posteriori via l'algorithme de Newton-Raphson. Cette étude détermine également les deux premiers moments a posteriori des paramètres de la loi de Poisson dont la distribution a posteriori de chacun d'eux est approximativement une loi gamma. Des applications sur deux exemples de données ont permis de vérifier que ce modèle peut être considéré dans une certaine mesure comme une généralisation de la méthode PRIMM. En effet, le modèle s'applique aussi bien aux données de Poisson non stratifiées qu'aux données stratifiées; et dans ce dernier cas, il comporte non seulement des effets fixes mais aussi des effets aléatoires liés aux strates. Enfin, le modèle est appliqué aux données relatives à plusieurs types d'effets indésirables observés chez les participants d'un essai clinique impliquant un vaccin quadrivalent contre la rougeole, les oreillons, la rub\'eole et la varicelle. La régression de Poisson comprend l'effet fixe correspondant à la variable traitement/contrôle, ainsi que des effets aléatoires liés aux systèmes biologiques du corps humain auxquels sont attribués les effets indésirables considérés.
Exam questions and solutions in LaTex. Diagrams for the questions are all together in the support.zip file, as .eps files
Exam questions and solutions in LaTex. Diagrams for the questions are all together in the support.zip file, as .eps files
Exam questions and solutions in PDF
Exam questions and solutions in PDF