986 resultados para Network Governance


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Este estudo teve por objetivo verificar como as características do modelo de rede se manifestam em resposta a desastres de massa, por meio de um estudo de caso. O objeto dessa pesquisa foi o acidente aéreo do voo 447 da Air France, que aconteceu em meados de 2009, no Oceano Atlântico em área próxima ao arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo, circunscrição do estado de Pernambuco. A rede formada para a resposta a esse acidente foi composta pela Aeronáutica, Marinha, Polícia Federal, Secretaria de Defesa Social de Pernambuco, INTERPOL e Secretaria de Estado da Segurança e da Defesa Social da Paraíba, tendo ainda a participação de outras instituições, que forneceram suporte logístico de pessoas e recursos em geral para a missão. As atividades desenvolvidas durante o evento compreenderam busca e resgate dos corpos, sob a coordenação da Aeronáutica e da Marinha, pré-identificação dos corpos, sob a coordenação da Polícia Federal e da Secretaria de Defesa Social de Pernambuco, necrópsia dos corpos e coleta de material postmortem, sob a coordenação da Secretaria de Defesa Social de Pernambuco e da Secretaria de Estado da Segurança e da Defesa Social da Paraíba, coleta de material antemortem, sob a coordenação da INTERPOL e da Polícia Federal, e identificação dos corpos, que teve como coordenadores a Polícia Federal e a Secretaria de Defesa Social de Pernambuco. A pesquisa realizada compreendeu três momentos distintos: a) montagem da estrutura da rede, b) análise das etapas de gerenciamento e, c) identificação das características da rede. A montagem da estrutura da rede permitiu conhecer em detalhes a rede formada, seus integrantes, objetivos e funcionamento, e subsidiar as etapas seguintes. Com isso foi possível fazer uma análise das etapas de gerenciamento da rede, a ativação, o enquadramento, a mobilização e a síntese, e como cada uma delas aconteceu na rede de atendimento do voo 447 da Air France. Por fim, foi possível identificar as principais características do modelo de rede, a pluralidade, a horizontalidade, a capilaridade, a interdependência, a flexibilidade e a dinâmica do estado, e verificar como elas se manifestaram na missão de resposta ao acidente aéreo do voo 447 da Air France.


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Nos estudos sobre redes interorganizacionais, existem esforços focados em entender a formação de redes, assunto esse que gera interesse dos formuladores de políticas públicas já que se busca no associativismo promovido pelo Estado e pelas iniciativas privadas, substância para impulsionar o desenvolvimento local. Diante disso, o objetivo do estudo foi verificar, por meio da formalização do Arranjo Produtivo Local (APL) de calçados de Birigüi (SP), se a presença desses agentes é essencial para a formação da rede interorganizacional. Como sustentações teóricas foram abordadas: a evolução temporal das redes; a Teoria Institucional aplicada às redes interorganizacionais; o capital social presente nos laços de relacionamento; a presença de agentes intermediários como coordenadores na governança das redes. A estratégia de pesquisa adotada baseou-se em entrevistas com 32% dos gestores das empresas que participavam formalmente do APL e com uma gestora do agente intermediador, além de observação e análises de pesquisas prévias sobre a industrialização de Birigüi. Como resultados verificou-se haver um legado regional que sustenta uma base de know-how para a industrialização de calçados. No entanto, percebeu-se que os interesses dos participantes do APL eram predominantemente comerciais, sem haver um nível de capital social e de institucionalização desenvolvidos a ponto de se criarem, de forma legítima, associações provenientes de vontades das próprias organizações. Sem esse ambiente institucional fortemente construído na região, não se verificou um racional claro para o associativismo, havendo a percepção de que os ganhos oriundos da participação na rede são futuros. Concluiu-se que a coordenação realizada por um agente intermediador tem poder de articulação limitado na formação de redes interorganizacionais se não existir uma institucionalização prévia que envolva, principalmente, valores e normas de capital social. Sem esses pré-requisitos, o agente intermediador pode acabar por ter funções de governança para ações assessórias da rede.


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Several commentators have expressed disappointment with New Labour's apparent adherence to the policy frameworks of the previous Conservative administrations. The employment orientation of its welfare programmes, the contradictory nature of the social exclusion initiatives, and the continuing obsession with public sector marketisation, inspections, audits, standards and so on, have all come under critical scrutiny (c.f., Blyth 2001; Jordan 2001; Orme 2001). This paper suggests that in order to understand the socio-economic and political contexts affecting social work we need to examine the relationship between New Labour's modernisation project and its insertion within an architecture of global governance. In particular, membership of the European Union (EU), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Trade Organisation (WTO) set the parameters for domestic policy in important ways. Whilst much has been written about the economic dimensions of 'globalisation' in relation to social work rather less has been noted about the ways in which domestic policy agenda are driven by multilateral governance objectives. This policy dimension is important in trying to respond to various changes affecting social work as a professional activity. What is possible, what is encouraged, how things might be done, is tightly bounded by the policy frameworks governing practice and affected by those governing the lives of service users. It is unhelpful to see policy formulation in purely national terms as the UK is inserted into a network governance structure, a regulatory framework where decisions are made by many countries and organisations and agencies. Together, they are producing a 'new legal regime', characterised by a marked neo-liberal policy agenda. This paper aims to demonstrate the relationship of New Labour's modernisation programme to these new forms of legality by examining two main policy areas and the welfare implications they are enmeshed in. The first is privatisation, and the second is social policy in the European Union. Examining these areas allows a demonstration of how much of the New Labour programme can be understood as a local implementation of a transnational strategy, how parts of that strategy produce much of the social exclusion it purports to address, and how social welfare, and particularly social work, are noticeable by their absence within policy discourses of the strategy. The paper details how the privatisation programme is considered to be a crucial vehicle for the further development of a transnational political-economy, where capital accumulation has been redefined as 'welfare'. In this development, frameworks, codes and standards are central, and the final section of the paper examines how the modernisation strategy of the European Union depends upon social policy marked by an employment orientation and risk rationality, aimed at reconfiguring citizen identities.The strategy is governed through an 'open mode of coordination', in which codes, standards, benchmarks and so on play an important role. The paper considers the modernisation strategy and new legality within which it is embedded as dependent upon social policy as a technology of liberal governance, one demonstrating a new rationality in comparison to that governing post-Second World War welfare, and which aims to reconfigure institutional infrastructure and citizen identity.


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Network governance of collective learning processes is an essential approach to sustainable development. The first section of the article briefly refers to recent theories about both market and government failures that express scepticism about the way framework conditions for market actors are set. For this reason, the development of networks for collective learning processes seems advantageous if new solutions are to be developed in policy areas concerned with long-term changes and a stepwise internalisation of externalities. With regard to corporate actors’ interests, the article shows recent insights from theories about the knowledge-based firm, where the creation of new knowledge is based on the absorption of societal views. This concept shifts the focus towards knowledge generation as an essential element in the evolution of sustainable markets. This involves at the same time the development of new policies. In this context innovation-inducing regulation is suggested and discussed. The evolution of the Swedish, German and Dutch wind turbine industries are analysed based on the approach of governance put forward in this article. We conclude that these coevolutionary mechanisms may take for granted some of the stabilising and orientating functions previously exercised by basic regulatory activities of the state. In this context, the main function of the governments is to facilitate learning processes that depart from the government functions suggested by welfare economics.


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This paper argues that we need to bring government back into discussions about network governance, via the concept of metagovernance which uses water reform in an Australian state as an example. Metagovernance is defined as the government of governance, and is a vital but under researched and under theorised problem because it is difficult and contentious. The paper identifies a range of metagovernance failures in this case and suggests that the lessons learnt by the Australian authorities from the experience have led to some rethinking about the benefits and desirable scope of network governance.


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Part 17: Risk Analysis


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Over recent decades, developments in network governance have seen governments around the world cede considerable authority and responsibility to commercial migration intermediaries for recruiting and managing temporary migrant labour. Correspondingly, a by-product of network governance has been the emergence of soft employment regulation in which voluntary codes of conduct supplement hard (enforceable) legal employment standards. This paper explores these developments in the context of temporary migrant workers employed in Australian horticulture. First the paper analyses the growing use of temporary migrant labour in this industry. It then describes how different types of intermediaries interact with this workforce. The paper then outlines both hard and soft employment regulations, and contrasts them with actual employment conditions, questioning how a network governance approach has affected this vulnerable workforce. The paper concludes that changes in network governance of migration and employment relations have emasculated formal legal regulation, leaving market forces to operate without effective or ethical constraints at the expense of the public good.


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This paper presents data from a study of five English primary schools. It examines some of the challenges associated with school autonomy and collaboration for state primary schools amid the uncertainty and complexity of governance in the present English education context. The paper features the voices of six leaders gathered from interviews that explored their thoughts about the academies movement. It highlights their fears that academisation, and particularly the imperative to join a large academy chain, will undermine their autonomy as individual schools. Accepting of the inevitability of academisation and the forms of network governance this reform offers, it highlights the head teachers’ moves to ensure their autonomy in terms of determining the timing and type of conversion. In relation to these moves, the paper reiterates the significance within effective collaboratives of member schools experiencing a sense of ownership, a common purpose, shared responsibility for students and their learning and relations of trust. The paper considers some of the tensions arising in this space in relation to competition, collaboration and school vulnerability.


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This thesis explores how governance networks prioritise and engage with their stakeholders, by studying three exemplars of “Regional Road Group” governance networks in Queensland, Australia. In the context of managing regionally significant road works programs, stakeholder prioritisation is a complex activity which is unlikely to influence interactions with stakeholders outside of the network. However, stakeholder priority is more likely to influence stakeholder interactions within the networks themselves. Both stakeholder prioritisation and engagement are strongly influenced by the way that the networks are managed, and in particular network operating rules and continuing access to resources.


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Information technology governance (ITG) practices rely on both human and nonhuman actors to support the creation of business value in organisations. The role of nonhuman actors in shaping the ITG practices has been given limited attention within the ITG literature. In proposing a model of ITG, this paper highlights the interplay of human and technological artefacts in shaping the ITG practices. Using a case study approach, this paper explores the relationship and interaction between ITG arrangements and IT infrastructure in an IT centralisation project conducted over a number of years in a university. The analysis from this study highlights how problems in aligning actors’ interests and lack of appropriate strategies lead to a failure in establishing a stable ITG network.


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