613 resultados para Nests


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The main characteristics of 55 nests of Protopolybia exigua exigua were periodically evaluated in Ribeirão Preto, southeastern Brazil. Although the queens' life-span can eventually reach one year, nests barely thrive for six months because most of them are periodically invaded by the scavenger phorid fly, Megaselia aff. picta. Under heavy infestation the adult wasp population partially closes the nest entrance, migrates and constructs a new nest in the neighborhood. Afterwards the old-nest's entrance can be completely closed by the wasps which results in blocking the parasitoid flies inside. In the tropics, predation by ants is considered the main selective pressure which shaped most of the bionomic characteristics of Polistinae wasps. It is suggested that Megaselia can easily overcome the usual wasps defensive tactics just because they are so specialized against ants. Aerial raids, fast erratic-jerking movements, rapid and efficient oviposition behavior, etc. can eventually turn Megaselia into a very important enemy of some social wasps.


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Armitermes euamignathus Silvestri (Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) is a mound building termite that is common in Brazilian regions of the Cerrado vegetation. Multiple neotenic reproductives were found in three isolated nests of these species localized in other secondary habitats different from Cerrado vegetation. The number of second form queens was always higher than the number of secondary males. In two of these nests, the primary king was present along with the second form reproductives. Eggs and brood were found in the three nests but mature alates were present in only one. Multiple neotenic reproductives were never found in the studied Cerrado region where the nests contained only the primary pair. A study of oviposition rate between primary queens and nymphoid reproductives showed an increased number of eggs in the colony headed by neotenic reproductives.


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Killer activity was screened in 99 yeast strains isolated from the nests of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens against 6 standard sensitive strains, as well as against each other. Among this yeast community killer activity was widespread since 77 strains (78 %) were able to kill or inhibit the growth of at least one standard strain or nest strain. Toxin production was observed in representatives of all the studied genera including Aureobasidium, Rhodotorula, Tremella and Trichosporon, whose killer activity has not yet been described.


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This study describes, for the first time, the occurrence of two patterns of honey storage in nests of the paper wasp Polistes simillimus. During the period of January of 1997 to September of 2000 we visited 262 colonies of P. simillimus, found at several places in States of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, in the southeast region of Brazil. Only in 2.67% of the colonies of P. simillimus searched presented the behavior of honey storage. Two of these colonies were in the pre-emergency phase, two in the post-emergency and three in decline. The results suggest that the honey storage can be correlated with the number of present individuals in the colony, because the colonies in decline, with larger number of individuals, presented many more cells occupied with honey than the nests in pre and post-emergency. There was not a pattern for the distribution of the cells with honey in the nests in decline. The honey storage in the colonies in pre and post-emergency of P. simillimus, suggests a strategy to increase success of foraging activity in the function of parental care. Already for the colonies in decline, this strategy seems to be associated with the individuals' survival in the aggregation, since the wasps are awaiting the passage of the unfavorable climatic conditions for the dispersion and foundation of new colonies.


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Brazil possesses the richest diversity of Epiponini wasps in the world. However, field identification of genera of these wasps, based on morphological features, is difficult without optical equipment. Therefore, this work presents a key to the Brazilian Epiponini genera based on the structural features of the nests.


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This work was carried out to determine the internal and external structures of Atta bisphaerica (Forel) nests. Six nests were excavated and during excavation, all data referring to chambers and tunnels were recorded. Three nests had been internally cement-moulded, which enabled a better view of the chamber and tunnel structures. Atta bisphaerica nests presented a similar structural pattern, varying only in the number of chambers as a function of external mound area. Chambers were spherical with two communication tunnels. Internal tunnels had an elliptical section, sometimes circular, indirectly linked to chambers through ramifications and directly through short tunnels. Entrance holes were linked to the area of highest chamber concentration by tunnels from the elliptical section, which led to the nest in a radial manner. Knowledge of the colony's three-dimensional architecture permits successful application of chemical control processes, reduces the quantity of product applied, and consequently diminishes costs and environmental damage.


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The South American pepper frog, Leptodactylus labyrinthicus, is a large species that lays eggs in foam nests in holes dug out of the banks of different bodies of water. Recently, it was reported that only 6-10% of eggs are fertilized in foam nests of L. labyrinthicus and the remaining unfertilized eggs are consumed by the tadpoles inside the nest. Here we tested experimentally the influence of the ingestion of trophic eggs on the survivorship and growth of L. labyrinthicus tadpoles. Tadpoles fed on trophic eggs and subsequently fed on dry fish food grew larger than those fed only on dry fish food, and this suggests that the ingestion of trophic eggs is an adaptation to improve tadpole growth. The ingestion of trophic eggs also seems to be important for the maintenance of tadpoles in environments with unpredictable rainfall, as they were able to survive for about 70 days feeding only on these trophic eggs and one tadpole managed to complete metamorphosis feeding on trophic eggs only. Details of the spawning behaviour observed in the field, occurrence of multiple mating, and predation on eggs by terrestrial invertebrates and vertebrates are also reported.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The nesting biology and social behavior of the euglossine bee species Euglossa melanotricha was analyzed based on the monitoring of eight nests found in man-made cavities and transferred to observation boxes. Euglossa melanotricha females usually construct their nests in cavities in the ground, in buildings, or in mounds. In this study, we present new data on the nesting biology of E. melanotricha. The process of reactivation of nests was commonly observed with one to three females participating in the reactivation. The duration of the process of reactivation ranged from 10 to 78 days (n = 31) and were longer during the rainy season. Time spent (in days) for provisioning, oviposition and closing a single cell was higher in reactivations that occurred during the dry period. 151 emergences were observed (39 males and 112 females). 90 (80.3%) of the emerged females returned to the natal nest, but only 35(38.9%) remained and actively participated in the construction and provisioning of cells. The other 55 abandoned the nests after several days without performing any work in the nest. Matrifilial nest structure was regulated by dominance-subordinate aggressive behavior among females, where the dominant female laid almost all eggs. Task allocation was recognized by behavioral characteristics, namely, agonism and oophagy in cells oviposited by other females. Euglossa melanotricha is multivoltine and its nesting is asynchronous with respect to season. Our observations suggest a primitively eusocial organization. These observations of E. melanotricha provide valuable information for comparison with other species of Euglossa in an evolutionary context.


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Sexual selection arises through variation in reproductive success. This thesis investigates different aspects important in sexual selection, namely nest building, sperm competition, paternity and paternal care, and their mutual interrelationships. In the studied species, the sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus) and the common goby (Pomatoschistus microps), sperm competition did arise when small males, so called sneakers, sneaked into other males nests and released sperm. They seemed to use female behaviour as their prime cue for a sneaking opportunity. However, also nest-holders, both with and without eggs, were found to fertilize eggs in the nests of other males. Clearly, nest-holding males tried to prevent other males from spreading their sperm in their nests, since they showed aggression towards such males. A nest building experiment indicated that the small nest-openings found in the sneaker male treatment were sexually selected through protection against sneaking or by female choice. Yet, no behavioural or genetical support for the hypothesis that the nest functions as a physical or visual defence, or that sneaker males prefer to sneak upon nests with wide nest-openings, were found in the other studies. Still, individual nest-holding males showed a higher mucus preparation effort inside the nest in the presence of a sneaker male than when alone. In close relatives, such mucus contains sperm, suggesting an importance in sperm competition. However, the mucus may also have pheromone and anti-bacterial functions and may constitute a mating effort, as found in other gobies. Both a behavioural and a mate choice experiment suggested that the males were not less eager to spawn in the presence of a sneaker male. Sneak intrusion did not affect nest defence, fanning or filial cannibalism, nor had paternity an effect on filial cannibalism. This and various life history aspects, together with the fact that the parasitic male only fertilized a fraction of the clutches, would predict females to ignore sneaker males. This was also the case, as the presence of sneaker males was found not to affect female spawning decision. Still, several females spawned in two nests, which coincided with parasitic spawnings, suggesting a cost of disturbance for the females and thus a substantial cost to the nest-holding males in terms of lost mating success. However, females paid attention to other traits in their choice of mate since spawning was associated with sand volume of the nest, but not with nest-opening width. Also, female (but not male) courtship was correlated with partial clutch filial cannibalism, indicating that females are able to anticipate future male cannibalism. In a partial correlation of nest opening, sand volume, male courtship display, displacement fanning and male size, a large number of traits were correlated both positively and negatively with regard to how we may expect them to be appreciated by females. For instance, males which fan well also build large nests or display intensely (but not both). Together with all the other results of this thesis, this shows the entangled selection pressures working on breeding animals, as well as the different male and female tactics employed to maximize their reproduction.


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Sibling and parente-offspring conflicts arise mainly over the amount and distribution of parental care, especially food. In altricial bird species where the young depend on parents for obtaining food, parents may control sibling competition by the choice of their respective provisioning locations. In great tits, the parents use fixed provisioning positions on the nest rim that are determined early in the breeding cycle and maintained until. edging. The two parents may choose positions that are close to each other, or far apart, and thereby increase or relax the pressure for optimal feeding positioning among nestlings. As an inspiration to this study we previously found that the two parents provide food from closer positions if the nest is infested by ectoparasites. Here, we tested the hypothesis that the parental choice of relative provisioning locations could be strategically used to control nestling competition. We forced parents to feed from either one or two provisioning locations and assessed the induced change in nestling movement, weight gain, and food distribution among siblings. We show that the angular distance between male and female locations influences the level of behavioural competition and affects nestling weight gain and food distribution. It is the first evidence for hole-nesting birds, where it was assumed that the nestling closest to the entrance hole was fed first, that the apparent choice of feeding positions by parents could be a way of controlling sibling competition and thereby also taking partial control over the outcome of parente-offspring conflict. (c) 2007 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We encountered recently 3 cases with a histopathologic diagnosis of melanoma in situ on sun-damaged skin (male = 2, female = 1; median age: 59 years; range: 52-60 years). The diagnosis was based mainly on the finding of actinic elastosis in the dermis and increased number of melanocytes in the epidermis and was confirmed by strong positivity for Melan-A in single cells and in small nests ("pseudomelanocytic nests"), located at the dermoepidermal junction. Indeed, examination of slides stained with hematoxylin and eosin revealed the presence of marked hyperpigmentation and small nests of partially pigmented cells at the dermoepidermal junction, positive for Melan-A. The histologic and especially the immunohistochemical features were indistinguishable from those of melanoma in situ on chronic sun-damaged skin. In addition, a variably dense lichenoid inflammation was present. Clinicopathologic correlation, however, showed, in all patients, the presence of a lichenoid dermatitis (phototoxic reaction, 1 case; lichen planus pigmentosus, 1 case; and pigmented lichenoid keratosis, 1 case). Our cases clearly show the histopathologic pitfalls represented by lichenoid reactions on chronic sun-damaged skin. Immunohistochemical investigations, especially if performed with Melan-A alone, may lead to confusing and potentially disastrous results. The unexpected staining pattern of Melan-A in cases like ours raises concern about the utility of this antibody in the setting of a lichenoid tissue reaction on chronic sun-damaged skin. It should be underlined that pigmented lesions represent a paradigmatic example of how immunohistochemical results should be interpreted carefully and always in conjunction with histologic and clinical features.