41 resultados para Neoseiulus


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O ácaro-vermelho da macieira, Panonychus ulmi (Acari: Tetranychidae), é uma importante praga na cultura da macieira em Fraiburgo - SC, e o controle biológico aplicado foi implantado em meados dos anos 90. O objetivo deste trabalho foi demonstrar os benefícios econômicos da utilização do controle biológico no manejo do ácaro-vermelho. A avaliação foi realizada em dois pomares comerciais de macieiras. Em um deles, foi implantado o controle biológico aplicado de ácaros, baseado na liberação do ácaro predador Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae), seleção de inseticidas e manejo de ervas invasoras, e o outro pomar seguiu o manejo convencional de artrópodes, baseado na aplicação de produtos químicos para o controle de insetos, ácaros fitófagos e ervas invasoras. A análise econômica mostrou que os custos com mão-de-obra e máquinas foram semelhantes em ambos os pomares, entretanto os custos com acaricidas foram significativamente inferiores no pomar onde o manejo foi o controle biológico, demonstrando que, apesar da necessidade de investimentos em instalações para a criação do ácaro predador e custos de manutenção das mesmas, a estratégia biológica foi economicamente viável.


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This paper describes the first polytomous computerised identification key within the family Phytoseiidae. It applies to the females of the world species of the subgenus Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) de Leon. This group is one of the largest within the family Phytoseiidae and the sub-family Typhlodrominae, with nearly 350 species currently recognised worldwide. No identification tool of these species exists at the world level, which makes their identification very difficult and unsecure. Thirty five characters were used to characterise each of the 343 species. Among these characters, 14 are discrete and 21 are continuous. The polytomous key was constructed using the free software DELTA 1.04 (DEscription Language for TAxonomy) and is freely available at the web site: http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/CBGP/phytoseiidae/anthoseiuskeypresentation.html. We hope that this work will open new perspectives for the identification of species of other genera (especially the largest ones, e.g. Neoseiulus, Euseius, Amblyseius) which contains more than 150 species and for which no key presently exists. We also expect that the present work will make the identification of the world species of Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) easier and more secure. Finally, we expect a contribution from the whole Phytoseiidae scientist community to improve subsequent versions of the key.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Four surveys of Phytoseiidae species associated with native plants were conducted in ten fragments of Cerrado sensu stricto to determine the species associated with the plants of this region. Twelve of the most common plant species were sampled in each fragment. Twenty six phytoseiid species were recorded during the surveys. Stryphnodendron adstringens was the host plant that had the highest number of species (eight species). Amblyseius neochiapensis Lofego, Moraes and McMurtry 2000 and Neoseiulus tunus (De Leon) 1967 were the most common phytoseiid species. These species occurred on 24 and 20 host species, respectively. Approximately 76 % of the phytoseiids found belonged to the subfamily Amblyseiinae Muma, 1961. Almost 27 % of phytoseiid species recorded were associated with only one plant species. In addition, approximately two thirds of species found in this study also occur in the Atlantic Forest. The comparison of our results from the central areas with previous surveys in peripheral areas of the Cerrado showed that only 12 phytoseiid species were common to both areas.


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Cultivation of strawberry in plastic tunnels has increased considerably in Norway and in southeastern Brazil, mainly in an attempt to protect the crop from unsuitable climatic factors and some diseases as well as to allow growers to expand the traditional production season. It has been hypothesized that cultivation under tunnels could increase the incidence of one of its major pests in many countries where strawberry is cultivated, including Norway and Brazil, the two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the use of tunnels on the incidence of T. urticae and on its natural enemies on strawberry in two ecologically contrasting regions, Norway (temperate) and southeastern Brazil (subtropical). In both countries, peak densities of T. urticae in tunnels and in the open fields were lower than economic thresholds reported in the literature. Factors determining that systematically seem to be the prevailing relatively low temperature in Norway and high relative humidity in both countries. The levels of occurrence in Norway and Brazil in 2010 were so low that regardless of any potential effect of the use of tunnel, no major differences were observed between the two cropping systems in relation to T. urticae densities. In 2009 in Norway and in 2011 in Brazil, increase in T. urticae population seemed to have been restrained mainly by rainfall in the open field and by predatory mites in the tunnels. Phytoseiids were the most numerous predatory mite group of natural occurrence on strawberry, and the prevalence was higher in Brazil, where the most abundant species on strawberry leaves were Neoseiulus anonymus and Phytoseiulus macropilis. In Norway, the most abundant naturally occurring phytoseiids on strawberry leaves were Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) rhenanus and Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) pyri. Predatory mites were very rare in the litter samples collected in Norway. Infection rate of the pest by the fungus Neozygites floridana (Neozygitaceae) was low. The results of this work suggest that in Norway the use of tunnels might not affect the population densities of T. urticae on strawberry in years of lower temperatures. When temperature is not a limiting factor for the development of T. urticae in that country (apparently always the case in southern Brazil), strawberry cultivation in the tunnels may allow T. urticae to reach higher population levels than in open fields (because of the provided protection from the direct impact of rainfall), but natural enemies may prevent higher levels from being reached.


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Little has been published about the phytoseiid mite fauna of Thailand. This paper presents information about the morphology and distribution of phytoseiid mites collected in Thailand between 1991 and 2011 on different plant species, a list of the species presently known from that country, and a key for their identification. Twenty six species belonging to 11 genera were collected and identified in this study, six of which are reported for the first time from Thailand. In total, 38 species of phytoseiid species of 13 genera are reported, 29 of Amblyseiinae, seven of Phytoseiinae and two of Typhlodrominae.


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The coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis Keifer, is one of the main pests of coconut palms (Cocos nucifera) in northeastern Brazil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the levels of the coconut mite and other mites on coconut palms in the state of So Paulo and to estimate the possible role of predatory mites in the control of this pest. The effect of cultivated genotypes and sampling dates on the mite populations was also estimated. We sampled attached fruits, leaflets, inflorescences, and fallen fruits. The coconut mite was the main phytophagous mite found on attached and fallen fruits, with average densities of 110.0 and 20.5 mites per fruit, respectively. The prevalent predatory mites on attached and fallen fruits were Proctolaelaps bulbosus Moraes, Reis & Gondim Jr. and Proctolaelaps bickleyi (Bram), both Melicharidae. On leaflets, the tenuipalpids Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijsks) and Tenuipalpus coyacus De Leon and the tetranychid Oligonychus modestus (Banks) were the predominant phytophagous mites. On both leaflets and inflorescences, the predominant predatory mites belonged to the Phytoseiidae. Neoseiulus baraki (Athias-Henriot) and Neoseiulus paspalivorus (De Leon), predators widely associated with the coconut mite in northeastern Brazil and several other countries, were not found. The low densities of the coconut mite in So Paulo could be related to prevailing climatic conditions, scarcity of coconut plantations (hampering the dispersion of the coconut mite between fields), and to the fact that some of the genotypes cultivated in the region are unfavorable for its development.


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Western flower thrips (WFT), Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), is an important pest of vegetable crops worldwide and has developed resistance to many insecticides. The predatory mites Neoseiulus (=Amblyseius) cucumeris (Oudemans), the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.), and an insecticide (imidacloprid) were tested for their efficacy to reduce WFT population density and damage to French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) pods under field conditions in two planting periods. Metarhizium anisopliae was applied as a foliar spray weekly at a rate of one litre spray volume per plot while imidacloprid was applied as a soil drench every two weeks at a rate of two litres of a mixture of water and imidacloprid per m(2). Neoseiulus cucumeris was released every two weeks on plant foliage at a rate of three mites per plant. Single and combined treatment applications reduced WFT population density by at least three times and WFT damage to French bean pods by at least 1.7 times compared with untreated plots. The benefit-cost ratios in management of WFT were profitable with highest returns realized on imidacloprid treated plots. The results indicate that M. anisopliae, N. cucumeris, and imidacloprid have the potential for use in developing an integrated pest management program against WFT on French beans.


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O morango é de grande importância socioeconômica, pois gera muita mão de obra. O ácaro rajado é uma das principais pragas da cultura. Em alta população pode reduzir a produção em até 80% ou causar a morte da planta. O principal método de controle é o químico, porém em muitos casos este é ineficiente, principalmente devido ao desenvolvimento de populações do ácaro resistentes. O uso inadequado de acaricidas também contribui para o reaparecimento da praga, devido à eliminação dos inimigos naturais. Entre as alternativas de controle, destacam-se o uso de fungos entomopatogênicos, como Beuaveria bassiana e os ácaros predadores Neoseiulus californicus e Phytoseiulus macropilis. Objetivou-se avaliar a dinâmica populacional dos dois ácaros predadores na presença de T. urticae em morango e comparar a eficiência de controle dos predadores com acaricida e com um inseticida biológico a base de B. bassiana. Verificou-se diferença significativa (pLSD, 5%) nas áreas abaixo das curvas da flutuação populacional da fase móvel do ácaro rajado (AACP), nos tratamentos Pm (Phytoseiulus macropilis), Nc (Neoseiulus califrnicus) e acaricida. Os tratamentos Pm+Nc (P. macropilis + N. californicus) e Beauveria bassiana não diferiram da testemunha. Na fase de ovo não houve diferença entre os tratamentos. Apesar de a população de T. urticae ter sido naturalmente reduzida observou-se que a presença dos ácaros predadores P. macropilis e N. californicus contribuíram para a redução fase móvel da praga nos primeiros 24 dias. O acaricida foi eficiente na redução inicial da população da praga, porém permitiu a reinfestação após 31 dias.


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O ácaro rajado, Tetranychus urticae, é uma das pragas mais importantes na cultura do morangueiro no Brasil, causando redução na produtividade e até morte das plantas. A fim de controlar as pragas de forma racional (com base em critérios econômicos, ecológicos e sociais), o Manejo Integrado de Pragas é pré-requisito obrigatório para Produção Integrada de Frutas (PIF). Nesse contexto, o monitoramento do Nível de Dano Econômico (NDE) é considerado ferramenta fundamental para tomada de decisão do controle. Com objetivo de determinar o controle integrado de ácaro rajado, esta praga-chave do morango foi monitorada nas plantas da Unidade Demonstrativa da Produção Integrada de Morango em Atibaia, SP. Foram avaliadas três cultivares: Oso Grande, Camino Real e Camarosa. Foram realizadas 13 amostragens desde a implantação da cultura até o presente momento. Nesse período a estratégia empregada para o controle dessa praga foi a liberação de Neoseiulus californicus quando foram detectadas infestações entre 1 e 3 ácaros T. urticae por folíolo, em pelo menos 30% dos folíolos avaliados. Outros aspectos (tratos culturais, disposição do terreno, manejo de áreas vizinhas) importantes para a definição das estratégias de controle da praga também foram observados. O monitoramento será realizado até o final da safra de 2008.