903 resultados para Negative control


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar a qualidade do selamento promovido por 3 cimentos reparadores endodônticos: Ceramicrete, iRoot-BP Plus e BioAggregate, com o ProRoot MTA branco, utilizando o modelo de infiltração de glicose sob pressão. 64 incisivos centrais superiores, recém-extraídos e sem tratamento endodôntico foram selecionados. A instrumentação do canal radicular foi realizada em todos os dentes com brocas Gates-Glidden e limas K-Flexofile (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues Suíça), 1mm aquém do ápice. A patência foraminal foi confirmada a cada instrumento usado. Os dentes tiveram suas coroas removidas padronizando-os em 15mm de comprimento. Foi realizada apicetomia a 3mm do ápice e o preparo da cavidade retrógrada com o auxílio do ultrassom Various 350 (NSKNakanishi Inc., Tóquio, Japão) e da ponta E32D (NSKNakanishi Inc., Tóquio, Japão). As raízes foram distribuídas, randomicamente, em quatro grupos experimentais (n=15): G1Ceramicrete, G2iRoot BP Plus, G3BioAggregate e G4ProRoot MTA branco. Como controle negativo (n=2) foram utilizados dentes hígidos, e como controle positivo (n=2), dentes acessados e com patência confirmada. Os cimentos reparadores foram manipulados seguindo as recomendações do fabricante e inseridos na cavidade retrógrada utilizando a mesma ponta ultrassônica usada no preparo. As amostras foram mantidas na presença de umidade por 72h para o completo endurecimento dos materiais. As raízes foram montadas em um dispositivo de dupla-câmara selada para a infiltração da glicose. Foram utilizados 0,75ml de solução de glicose a 1Mol/L na câmara superior e 0,75ml de água destilada na câmara inferior. Os dispositivos foram conectados a um sistema de distribuição de pressão, que permitiu a infiltração de 32 amostras em uma mesma etapa. A solução de glicose foi forçada apicalmente sob uma pressão de 15psi durante 1 hora. Uma alíquota de 10l foi coletada da câmara inferior para quantificar a glicose infiltrada. A concentração de glicose foi determinada com o auxílio do Kit GlucoseHK (Megazyme, Wicklow, Irlanda) e de um espectrofotômetro de luz visível (Campsec M330, Cambridge, Reino Unido) em um comprimento de onda de 340nm. O teste não-paramétrico Kruskal-Wallis e o teste Dunns foram utilizados na análise estatística. Os resultados encontrados demonstraram que houve diferença significativa entre os grupos experimentais (p=0,0036). O BioAggregate apresentou a maior concentração de glicose-1,85(g/L), seguido do ProRoot MTA-1,2; IRoot BP-0,85 e Ceramicrete-0,75. Não houve diferença entre os três novos cimentos reparadores e o material padrão-ouro (p>0,05). Não houve diferença entre Ceramicrete e iRoot BP Plus (p>0,05), porém estes foram estatisticamente diferentes do BioAggregate (p<0,05). Diante dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que: nenhum dos cimentos testados foi capaz de promover selamento hermético; os três novos cimentos testados não revelaram o mesmo padrão de selamento; os três novos cimentos testados revelaram um padrão de selamento semelhante a do ProRoot MTA branco; e o Ceramicrete e o iRoot BP Plus apresentaram padrão de selamento superior em comparação com o BioAggregate.


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O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu na análise da infiltração apical em dentes retrobturados por três materiais: MTA, iROOT SP e Endo CPM Sealer. Para tal, foram utilizados 51 dentes humanos extraídos, incisivos centrais superiores, que foram instrumentados manualmente com limas tipo K, pela técnica Crown-down, obturados com compactação lateral e, após serem apicectomizados a 3mm aquém do ápice foram submetidos à retrobturação, com os três materiais propostos. As amostras foram divididas, randomicamente, em três grupos: GI MTA, GII iROOT SP e GIII Endo CPM Sealer, cada grupo com 15 amostras. Os dentes foram inseridos em tubos de eppendorfs, e feitos a impermeabilização do remanescente radicular utilizando duas camadas de cianocrilato, epóxi, e outra camada de esmalte. Em cada eppendorf foi adicionado caldo TSB estéril e uma suspensão de Enterococcos faecalis e adaptado ao frasco de vidro com meio de cultura enterococcosel. A infiltração bacteriana foi verificada pela turvação do meio de cultura. Após a análise no período de 60 dias, podemos concluir que durante esse tempo ocorreram infiltrações no Grupo I, 43,75 % das amostras apresentaram turvamento do meio de cultura demonstrando persistência da infecção. Já no Grupo II, 31,25 % das amostras tiveram crescimento bacteriano. Por fim no Grupo III, 25,00 % houve a infiltração. Grupos controle positivo e negativo para crescimento bacteriano foram realizados (n=3, cada). Os cimentos testados comportaram-se de maneira semelhante frente à infiltração bacteriana durante o período testado.


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A malária é uma doença infecciosa causada por protozoários do gênero Plasmodium, transmitidos ao homem, principalmente, através da picada do mosquito infectado. O tratamento é realizado por meio do uso de drogas, como a cloroquina, uma vez que não há vacina eficiente contra a doença. Porém, a resistência dos parasitos aos medicamentos tem levado à busca por novas substâncias com atividade antimalárica, inclusive de origem vegetal. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a atividade antimalárica de extratos metanólicos de Norantea brasiliensis cultivada sob condições in vivo e in vitro, espécie nativa ocorrente em restingas, com potencial medicinal já comprovado para várias atividades. Foram desenvolvidos protocolos de calogênese e cultura de raízes da espécie visando à definição de um sistema de produção de metabólitos. Para a cultura in vitro, explantes foram inoculados em meio líquido e sólido contendo diferentes fitorreguladores e concentrações. A partir da cultura de tecidos, foram testados extratos do material produzido biotecnologicamente para comparação com o material botânico cultivado no campo. Os testes sobre o potencial antimalárico foram realizados in vivo, utilizando-se camundongos infectados pelo Plasmodium berghei ANKA, e in vitro utilizando o Plasmodium falciparum. Em seguida foram administrados a cloroquina e os extratos vegetais. A parasitemia foi observada seguindo os protocolos já estabelecidos pelo Laboratório de Imunofarmacologia do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC). Resultados mostraram que explantes foliares e caulinares de plantas germinadas in vitro, inoculados em meio sólido B5 suplementado com 2,0 mg.mL-1 de ANA, são as melhores fontes para a produção de raízes, apresentando maiores valores de peso fresco e peso seco, mostrando-se um sistema promissor para a produção in vitro de metabólitos da espécie. A avaliação da atividade antimalárica in vivo revelou seu potencial a partir de extrato de raízes de planta cultivada in vivo, na concentração de 50 mg/kg apresentando redução significativa da parasitemia quando comparada com o controle não tratado. Paralelamente, nos testes in vitro a concentração de 100 μg/kg do extrato de raízes de planta cultivada in vivo apresentou diferença significativa quando comparada com as outras concentrações testadas e o controle negativo. Além disso, há uma tendência de aumento do efeito inibitório conforme o aumento da concentração do extrato. Os resultados indicam o potencial de atividade antimalárica em raízes de N. brasiliensis, sendo este estudo o primeiro realizado para a espécie


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The FOB-3, anew type fiber optic biosensor, is designed to rapidly detect a variety of biological agents or analytes with better stability, sensitivity and specificity. In order to detect Y. Pestis, a sandwich immunoassay was developed by using the purified antibody against antigen FI immobilized on polystyrene probes as the capture antibody and the monoclonal antibody-Cy5 conjugate as the detector. After a series of optimization for the stability, sensitivity and specificity of the FOB-3, 50-1000 ng/ml of antigen FI and 6 x 10(1)-6 x 10(7) CFU/ml Y. pestis could be detected constantly in about 20 min, and Y pestis could be detected specifically from Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. enterocolitica, B. anthracis and E. coli. Then, 39 blind samples, including 27 tissues of mice infected with Y pestis and 12 tissues of healthy mice as negative control, were detected with the FOB-3. 92.6% infected tissues were identified from the tissues of healthy mice and the tissues containing more than 100 CFU/ml bacteria could be detected by the biosensor. The results demonstrated the feasibility of the FOB-3 as an effective method to detect Y. pestis rapidly and directly from the infected animal specimens with the advantage of portability, simple-operation as well as high sensitivity and specificity. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A cistite hemorrágica (CH) consiste em um processo inflamatório difuso de origem infecciosa ou não que resulta em um sangramento da mucosa vesical. As CH crônicas recorrentes induzidas pela ciclofosfamida (CYP) são um desafio na prática clínica pela alta morbidade e por vezes mortalidade dos pacientes. O tratamento da CH induzida pela ciclofosfamida consiste no uso de MESNA, disulfiram, N-acetil-cisteína, anti-inflamatório, oxigênio hiperbárico, hiper-hidratação e irrigação vesical, mas novas terapias têm sido investigadas, inclusive usando produtos naturais. A espécie vegetal Chenopodium ambrosioides L., conhecida popularmente como mastruz, mastruço e erva-de-Santa-Maria, tem sido relatada pela população como anti-inflamatório e analgésico. O presente estudo investigou os efeitos do extrato bruto hidroalcoólico de folhas de Chenopodium ambrosioides na CH induzida pela ciclofosfamida em ratos. Vinte e nove ratos receberam 150 mg/kg de CYP por via intraperitoneal (i.p.) para indução de CH e em seguida foram divididos em três grupos: controle negativo (CN), tratados com soro fisiológico a 0,9%; extrato bruto hidroalcoólico de Chenopodium ambrosioides (EBHCa), tratado com dose única de 50 mg/kg de extrato bruto hidroalcoólico de Chenopodium ambrosioides (EBH) e controle positivo (CP), tratados com dose única de 15 mg/kg de diclofenaco de potássio, todos por gavagem. Após 48 horas da indução da CH os animais foram sacrificados para retirada da bexiga, que foi preparada para análise histopatológica e imuno-histoquímica. O EBH foi capaz de diminuir o peso da bexiga e histologicamente a inflamação aguda e crônica da bexiga, a extensão do infiltrado inflamatório na parede vesical e a neoformação capilar do mesmo modo que o diclofenaco de potássio, quando comparados ao grupo CN. Observou-se ainda uma redução da expressão imuno-histoquímica de cicloxigenase-2 (COX-2) e do fator nuclear kappa B (NFB) na bexiga. No presente estudo o EBH das folhas de Chenopodium ambrosioides apresentou atividade anti-inflamatória, semelhante ao diclofenaco de potássio, no tratamento da CH induzida pela CYP.


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A Fibrose Cística (FC) é uma doença letal, de caráter autossômico recessivo, que acomete populações de diferentes etnias. A doença caracteriza-se pelo comprometimento sistêmico das glândulas exócrinas e, na maioria dos pacientes, a doença pulmonar acaba tornando-se a patologia predominante. A infecção por P. aeruginosa é a principal causa de mortalidade dos pacientes com FC. O Sistema de Secreção Tipo III da bactéria é expresso na fase aguda da doença e é responsável por injetar proteínas citotóxicas no interior da célula eucariótica. Há um grande interesse em se investigar a resposta de anticorpos anti P. aeruginosa em pacientes com FC a fim de diagnosticar a colonização e ou infecção pulmonar antes da cultura, permitindo a antibioticoterapia preventiva, a fim de se evitar a infecção pulmonar crônica. Nesta tese, investigamos a resposta de anticorpos (IgG+IgM+IgA) contra as proteínas do SSTT de P. aeruginosa, através do Western-Blot. Participaram do estudo 51 pacientes com FC, de 1.1 a 16.8 anos acompanhados no Departamento de Pneumologia do Instituto Fernandes Figueira - FioCruz, durante um período aproximado de 2 anos. De cada paciente foram coletadas de 1 a 4 amostras de sangue, com intervalo médio de 6 meses entre as coletas. O grupo controle negativo consistiu de 28 indivíduos não fibrocísticos, de 2 a 17 anos, atendidos no Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto - HUPE UERJ. As proteínas do SSTT foram extraídas das cepas PAO1 e PAOΔExsA (regulador da expressão do SSTT) de P. aeruginosa. Controles positivos e negativos foram utilizados em todas as reações. Para a identificação das proteínas do SSTT na reação utilizou-se antisoro de camundongos imunizados com a proteína recombinante PcrV. Doze (75%) dos 16 pacientes fibrocísticos considerados não infectados por P. aeruginosa tiveram a primeira sorologia positiva para PopB e 15 (93,75%) para ExoS/ExoT, indicando a colonização ou infecção por P. aeruginosa. Aproximadamente 25% e 35,7% dos soros do grupo controle mostraram reatividade fraca com PopB ou ExoS/ExoT, respectivamente. O tempo decorrido entre a primeira sorologia positiva e o primeiro isolamento de P. aeruginosa nestes pacientes variou de 18 a 30 meses. Concluindo, é possível fazer o diagnóstico sorológico da infecção pulmonar por P. aeruginosa antes do isolamento da bactéria pela cultura.


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The effects of beta-glucan, an immunostimulatory agent, on the superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities of erythrocytes and Mx gene expression were studied from grass carp that were challenged with grass carp hemorrhage virus (GCHV). The SOD and CAT activities in erythrocytes and Mx gene expression in spleen from the fish were detected by spectrophotometry and RT-PCR, respectively. Negative control fish were injected with PBS; positive control groups were injected with either P-glucan or GCHV only; and the experimental groups were pre-injected with beta-glucan 15 days prior to injection with GCHV. The results show that the SOD and CAT activities were higher in fish injected with beta-glucan for 15 days than the negative control group injected with PBS. The SOD and CATactivities significantly decreased when the fish were challenged with GCHV, but it was higher in the group pre-treated with beta-glucan than in infected fish not pre-treated, 15 days after GCHV infection. Mx gene expression levels increased during the early stages (at 12 h and 36 h) of GCHV infection, and it remained at higher levels from the 6th till the 10th day in the beta-glucan pre-treated group, but it was failing from the 6th day in the beta-glucan untreated group. The GCHV-infected group pre-treated with P-glucan had a higher survival rate (60%) than the group not pre-treated with P-glucan (20%), suggesting that beta-glucan possesses or enhances anti-viral responses. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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雌激素是人体内重要的激素之一,具有广泛的生理功能。雌激素缺乏与许多疾病相关,如卵巢功能低下,更年期综合征以及骨质疏松等;雌激素过剩也将导致某些疾病,如乳腺癌、卵巢癌、子宫内膜癌等。目前,如何降低肿瘤组织中的雌激素水平而达到治疗肿瘤的目的,已经得到广泛的研究,但促雌激素生成或调节卵巢功能药物或其相关研究则很少。 本实验室前期的研究发现,瓦山安息香属植物果实中的乙醇提取物具有促雌激素生成作用,通过活性追踪和结构鉴定,确认促E2 生成的主要成分为苯并呋喃类化合物。苯并呋喃类化合物的作用与芳香酶有关,但其确切的作用机理有待证实和深入研究。 为了探讨安息香苯并呋喃类化合物的促雌激素合成的作用机理,拟采用如下的实验方案: 1、细胞学方面,对小鼠3T3-L1 前脂肪细胞、人乳腺癌细胞MCF-7、MDA-MB-231 以及人卵巢癌细胞OVCAR-3、OVCAR-4、OVCAR-5、OVCAR-8、IGROV1 等细胞株,采用RT-PCR 和ELISA 方法研究芳香酶Aro基因的表达和雌二醇E2 的生成,芳香酶抑制剂Formestane 作为阳性对照,研究时效曲线和量效曲线,确定安息香苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 的有效浓度和作用时间。 2、RNAi 方面,设计合成了针对人芳香酶Aro基因的3 对RNAi 序列,转染入细胞,芳香酶促进剂Forskolin 和地塞米松、芳香酶抑制剂Formestane 作为阳性对照,采用实时定量PCR 技术,研究RNA 干扰后,安息香苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 对人芳香酶Aro基因表达水平瓦山安息香苯并呋喃促雌激素合成的机理研究的影响。 3、雌激素受体方面,设计一段ERE 的雌激素调控元件,构建重组荧光素酶报告基因载体,瞬时转染人乳腺癌细胞株MDA-MB-231,建立针对雌激素受体的报告基因筛选模型,观察安息香苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 对雌激素受体的选择性和亲和力,从受体水平考察安息香苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 促进雌激素生成的药理学机理。 实验结果显示: 1、分化后的小鼠3T3-L1 前脂肪细胞、人乳腺癌细胞MCF-7 、MDA-MB-231 以及人卵巢癌细胞OVCAR-3、OVCAR-4、OVCAR-8 等细胞株具有芳香酶基因的表达。睾酮向雌二醇的转化能够被芳香酶抑制剂Formestane 所阻断,其中OVCAR-3 最适合进行下一步的RNAi研究。 2、RNAi 实验结果显示,设计的3 对RNAi 序列中R2 的干扰效果最强,相应的阴性对照C2 与R2 的表达量相差118 倍(24 小时)和19 倍(48 小时),显示R2/C2 这组序列可用于进一步的RNAi 试验。以R2 干扰OVCAR-3 细胞株,药物作用24、48 小时后,芳香酶抑制剂Formestane 与R2 相对表达量相比分别为0.83 倍和0.04 倍;芳香酶促进剂Forskolin 与R2 相对表达量相比分别为3.61 和1.84 倍;芳香酶促进剂地塞米松与R2 相对表达量相比分别为5.76 倍和3.49倍;苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 与R2 相对表达量相比分别为8.13 倍和4.59 倍。实验证实安息香苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 能够促进因RNAi 而发生基因沉默的人芳香酶Aro表达水平的上调。 3、雌激素受体实验结果显示,构建成功重组pERE-pGL3-promoter 荧光素酶报告基因载体和基于报告基因系统的雌激素受体激动剂或拮抗剂的细胞筛选模型。实验结果表明安息香苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 与雌激素受体ERα和ERβ亲和力选择性之比约为3:1 ,SP25通过与雌激素受体ERα结合作用其受体,刺激芳香酶的表达。 本课题通过RNA 干扰、ELISA、荧光实时定量PCR、报告基因筛选模型等技术手段,从细胞水平、蛋白酶水平和基因表达水平、雌激素受体水平等方面系统地研究了从瓦山安息香属植物果实中提取的苯并呋喃SP25 促进促雌激素生成的机理研究。试验结果显示苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 促雌激素生成的主要作用机制是直接促进芳香酶基因表达水平,以及与雌激素受体a 结合,刺激芳香酶活性。 Estrogen is an important hormone that has versatile physiologicalfunctions. Lack of estrogen will lead to many diseases such as lower ovarianfunction, climacteric syndrome and osteoporosis. Excessive estrogen alsoinduces breast carcinoma, oophoroma and endometrial carcinoma and otherdiseases. To depress the estrogen level in tumor tissue to cure carcinomawas widely studied, but there is only few studies reported on the induction ofestrogen and on the regulation of ovary function. We found that the extracts from seeds of Styrax perkinsiae couldpromote the synthesis of estrogen. The active compounds benzofurans wereidentified. Effect of benzofurans may be related to aromatase, but the mechanism was not clear. To reveal the mechanism of these benzofurans to promote estrogensynthesis, the following protocols were adopted: 1 Cytology: 3T3-L1 preadipocytes,human ovary carcinoma celllines OVCAR-3,OVCAR-4,OVCAR-5,OVCAR-8,IGROV1 andbreast carcinoma cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 were usedto determine Aro gene expression and estrogen production withRT-PCR AND ELISA methods. Formestane, an aromataseinhibitor, was used as positive control. And dose-curve,time-curve and the effective concentration of SP25 were also studied. 2 Designed 3 pairs of RNAi for human aromatase gene, andtransfected into cell. Aromatase inducer Forskolin andDexamethasone, and aromatase inhibitor Formestane were usedas positive controls. We studied the change of Aro expressionlevel with SP25 by using real-time PCR after RNA interfering. 3 Estrogen Receptor: We constructed the recombined Luciferasereport vector and establish a screening system for estrogenagonist and antagon. With this system, we studied the affinity ofSP25 and estrogen receptor. Results: 1 Differentiated 3T3-L1 preadipocytes¡¢human ovary carcinomacell lines:OVCAR-3, OVCAR-4, OVCAR-8 and breast carcinomacell lines MCF-7, MDA-MB-231 had detected aromatase geneexpression.And OVCAR-3 is more suitable for further aromatasegene function research. 2 In RNAi assay, R2 has a strong interfering effcet in OVCAR-3 cellline, and ratio of C2 (the negative control) to R2 were 118 times(24 hours) and 19 times (48 hours). This means sucessful inRNA interfering. After R2 acted on OVCAR-3 cell line, the ratiosof formestane to R2 were 0.83 and 0.04 times, 5.76 and 3.49times (Dex), 3.61 and 1.84 times (forskolin) and 8.13 and 4.59times (sp25) after drug treated 24 or 48 hours respectively.These results indicated that SP25 can directly induce aromatasegene up-regulation. 3 We had constructed pERE-pGL3-promoter recombined vectorand the Luciferase report gene screening system. Luciferasereport gene assay showed that sp25 had a higher affinity with strogen receptor alpha than estrogen receptor beta, this indicated that SP25 can act on estrogen receptor and induce aromatase. Our results revealed that the mechanisms of benzofuran to promoteestrogen were the upregulation aromatase gene expression and promotion ofaromatase activity and have partially elective affinity with estrogen receptoralpha.


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We have developed a new experimental system based on a microfluidic chip to determine severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-Cov). The system includes a laser-induced fluorescence microfluidic chip analyzer, a glass microchip for both polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and capillary electrophoresis, a chip thermal cycler based on dual Peltier thermoelectric elements, a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) SARS diagnostic kit, and a DNA electrophoretic sizing kit. The system allows efficient cDNA amplification of SARS-CoV followed by electrophoretic sizing and detection on the same chip. To enhance the reliability of RT-PCR on SARS-CoV detection, duplex PCR was developed on the microchip. The assay was carried out on a home-made microfluidic chip system. The positive and the negative control were cDNA fragments of SARS-CoV and parainfluenza virus, respectively. The test results showed that 17 positive samples were obtained among 18 samples of nasopharyngeal swabs from clinically diagnosed SARS patients. However, 12 positive results from the same 18 samples were obtained by the conventional RT-PCR with agarose gel electrophoresis detection. The SARS virus species can be analyzed with high positive rate and rapidity on the microfluidic chip system.


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In this study, the background activity of beta-glucuronidase (GUS) was analyzed histochemically and fluorometrically in the negative control of Laminaria japonica (Phaeophyta) thalli, showing low level of activity. GUS gene transformation without selectable gene in L. japonica was performed using four different promoters, i.e., Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (CaMV35S) from cauliflower mosaic virus, ubiquitin promoter (UBI) from maize, adenine-methyl transfer enzyme gene promoter (AMT) from virus in green alga Chlorella, and fucoxanthin chlorophyll a/c-binding protein gene promoter (FCP) from diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. The GUS transient activity was determined fluorometrically after bombarding sliced parthenogenetic sporophytes explants, and it was found that the activity resulting from CaMV35S and FCP promoters (in 114.3 and 80.6 pmol MU min(-1) (mg protein)(-1), respectively) was higher than for the other two promoters. The female gametophytes were bombarded and regenerated parthenogenetic sporophytes. FCP was the only promoter that resulted in detectable GUS chimeric expression activity during histochemical staining and polymerase chain reaction. Results of Southern blot showed that GUS gene was integrated with the L. japonica genome.


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This thesis work covered the fabrication and characterisation of impedance sensors for biological applications aiming in particular to the cytotoxicity monitoring of cultured cells exposed to different kind of chemical compounds and drugs and to the identification of different types of biological tissue (fat, muscles, nerves) using a sensor fabricated on the tip of a commercially available needle during peripheral nerve block procedures. Gold impedance electrodes have been successfully fabricated for impedance measurement on cells cultured on the electrode surface which was modified with the fabrication of gold nanopillars. These nanostructures have a height of 60nm or 100nm and they have highly ordered layout as they are fabricated through the e-beam technique. The fabrication of the threedimensional structures on the interdigitated electrodes was supposed to improve the sensitivity of the ECIS (electric cell-substrate impedance sensing) measurement while monitoring the cytotoxicity effects of two different drugs (Antrodia Camphorata extract and Nicotine) on three different cell lines (HeLa, A549 and BALBc 3T3) cultured on the impedance devices and change the morphology of the cells growing on the nanostructured electrodes. The fabrication of the nanostructures was achieved combining techniques like UV lithography, metal lift-off, evaporation and e-beam lithography techniques. The electrodes were packaged using a pressure sensitive, medical grade adhesive double-sided tape. The electrodes were then characterised with the aid of AFM and SEM imaging which confirmed the success of the fabrication processes showing the nanopillars fabricated with the right layout and dimensions figures. The introduction of nanopillars on the impedance electrodes, however, did not improve much the sensitivity of the assay with the exception of tests carried out with Nicotine. HeLa and A549 cells appeared to grow in a different way on the two surfaces, while no differences where noticed on the BALBc 3T3 cells. Impedance measurements obtained with the dead cells on the negative control electrodes or the test electrodes with the drugs can be compared to those done on the electrodes containing just media in the tested volume (as no cells are attached and cover the electrode surface). The impedance figures recorded using these electrodes were between 1.5kΩ and 2.5 kΩ, while the figures recorded on confluent cell layers range between 4kΩ and 5.5kΩ with peaks of almost 7 kΩ if there was more than one layer of cells growing on each other. There was then a very clear separation between the values of living cell compared to the dead ones which was almost 2.5 - 3kΩ. In this way it was very easy to determine whether the drugs affected the cells normal life cycle on not. However, little or no differences were noticed in the impedance analysis carried out on the two different kinds of electrodes using cultured cells. An increase of sensitivity was noticed only in a couple of experiments carried out on A549 cells growing on the nanostructured electrodes and exposed to different concentration of a solution containing Nicotine. More experiments to achieve a higher number of statistical evidences will be needed to prove these findings with an absolute confidence. The smart needle project aimed to reduce the limitations of the Electrical Nerve Stimulation (ENS) and the Ultra Sound Guided peripheral nerve block techniques giving the clinicians an additional tool for performing correctly the peripheral nerve block. Bioimpedance, as measured at the needle tip, provides additional information on needle tip location, thereby facilitating detection of intraneural needle placement. Using the needle as a precision instrument and guidance tool may provide additional information as to needle tip location and enhance safety in regional anaesthesia. In the time analysis, with the frequency fixed at 10kHz and the samples kept at 12°C, the approximate range for muscle bioimpedance was 203 – 616 Ω, the approximate bioimpedance range for fat was 5.02 - 17.8 kΩ and the approximate range for connective tissue was 790 Ω – 1.55 kΩ. While when the samples were heated at 37°C and measured again at 10kHz, the approximate bioimpedance range for muscle was 100-175Ω. The approximate bioimpedance range of fat was 627 Ω - 3.2 kΩ and the range for connective tissue was 221-540Ω. In the experiments done on the fresh slaughtered lamb carcass, replicating a scenario close to the real application, the impedance values recorded for fat were around 17 kΩ, for muscle and lean tissue around 1.3 kΩ while the nervous structures had an impedance value of 2.9 kΩ. With the data collected during this research, it was possible to conclude that measurements of bioimpedance at the needle tip location can give valuable information to the clinicians performing a peripheral nerve block procedure as the separation (in terms of impedance figures) was very marked between the different type of tissues. It is then feasible to use an impedance electrode fabricated on the needle tip to differentiate several tissues from the nerve tissue. Currently, several different methods are being studied to fabricate an impedance electrode on the surface of a commercially available needle used for the peripheral nerve block procedure.


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Cellular therapies have recently employed the use of small RNA molecules, particularly microRNAs (miRNAs), to regulate various cellular processes that may be altered in disease states. In this study, we examined the effect of transient muscle-specific miRNA inhibition on the function of three-dimensional skeletal muscle cultures, or bioartificial muscles (BAMs). Skeletal myoblast differentiation in vitro is enhanced by inhibiting a proliferation-promoting miRNA (miR-133) expressed in muscle tissues. As assessed by functional force measurements in response to electrical stimulation at frequencies ranging from 0 to 20 Hz, peak forces exhibited by BAMs with miR-133 inhibition (anti-miR-133) were on average 20% higher than the corresponding negative control, although dynamic responses to electrical stimulation in miRNA-transfected BAMs and negative controls were similar to nontransfected controls. Immunostaining for alpha-actinin and myosin also showed more distinct striations and myofiber organization in anti-miR-133 BAMs, and fiber diameters were significantly larger in these BAMs over both the nontransfected and negative controls. Compared to the negative control, anti-miR-133 BAMs exhibited more intense nuclear staining for Mef2, a key myogenic differentiation marker. To our knowledge, this study is the first to demonstrate that miRNA mediation has functional effects on tissue-engineered constructs.


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Conflicting results have been reported on the detection of paramyxovirus transcripts in Paget's disease, and a possible explanation is differences in the sensitivity of RT-PCR methods for detecting virus. In a blinded study, we found no evidence to suggest that laboratories that failed to detect viral transcripts had less sensitive RT-PCR assays, and we did not detect measles or distemper transcripts in Paget's samples using the most sensitive assays evaluated.

Introduction: There is conflicting evidence on the possible role of persistent paramyxovirus infection in Paget's disease of bone (PDB). Some workers have detected measles virus (MV) or canine distemper virus (CDV) transcripts in cells and tissues from patients with PDB, but others have failed to confirm this finding. A possible explanation might be differences in the sensitivity of RT-PCR methods for detecting virus. Here we performed a blinded comparison of the sensitivity of different RT-PCR-based techniques for MV and CDV detection in different laboratories and used the most sensitive assays to screen for evidence of viral transcripts in bone and blood samples derived from patients with PDB.

Materials and Methods: Participating laboratories analyzed samples spiked with known amounts of MV and CDV transcripts and control samples that did not contain viral nucleic acids. All analyses were performed on a blinded basis.

Results: The limit of detection for CDV was 1000 viral transcripts in three laboratories (Aberdeen, Belfast, and Liverpool) and 10,000 transcripts in another laboratory (Manchester). The limit of detection for MV was 16 transcripts in one laboratory (NIBSC), 1000 transcripts in two laboratories (Aberdeen and Belfast), and 10,000 transcripts in two laboratories (Liverpool and Manchester). An assay previously used by a U.S.-based group to detect MV transcripts in PDB had a sensitivity of 1000 transcripts. One laboratory (Manchester) detected CDV transcripts in a negative control and in two samples that had been spiked with MV. None of the other laboratories had false-positive results for MV or CDV, and no evidence of viral transcripts was found on analysis of 12 PDB samples using the most sensitive RT-PCR assays for MV and CDV.

Conclusions: We found that RT-PCR assays used by different laboratories differed in their sensitivity to detect CDV and MV transcripts but found no evidence to suggest that laboratories that previously failed to detect viral transcripts had less sensitive RT-PCR assays than those that detected viral transcripts. False-positive results were observed with one laboratory, and we failed to detect paramyxovirus transcripts in PDB samples using the most sensitive assays evaluated. Our results show that failure of some laboratories to detect viral transcripts is unlikely to be caused by problems with assay sensitivity and highlight the fact that contamination can be an issue when searching for pathogens by sensitive RT-PCR-based techniques.


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Whereas osmotic stress response induced by solutes has been well-characterized in fungi, less is known about the other activities of environmentally ubiquitous substances. The latest methodologies to define, identify and quantify chaotropicity, i.e. substance-induced destabilization of macromolecular systems, now enable new insights into microbial stress biology (Cray et al. in Curr Opin Biotechnol 33:228–259, 2015a, doi:10.​1016/​j.​copbio.​2015.​02.​010; Ball and Hallsworth in Phys Chem Chem Phys 17:8297–8305, 2015, doi:10.​1039/​C4CP04564E; Cray et al. in Environ Microbiol 15:287–296, 2013a, doi:10.​1111/​1462-2920.​12018). We used Aspergillus wentii, a paradigm for extreme solute-tolerant fungal xerophiles, alongside yeast cell and enzyme models (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) and an agar-gelation assay, to determine growth-rate inhibition, intracellular compatible solutes, cell turgor, inhibition of enzyme activity, substrate water activity, and stressor chaotropicity for 12 chemically diverse solutes. These stressors were found to be: (i) osmotically active (and typically macromolecule-stabilizing kosmotropes), including NaCl and sorbitol; (ii) weakly to moderately chaotropic and non-osmotic, these were ethanol, urea, ethylene glycol; (iii) highly chaotropic and osmotically active, i.e. NH4NO3, MgCl2, guanidine hydrochloride, and CaCl2; or (iv) inhibitory due primarily to low water activity, i.e. glycerol. At ≤0.974 water activity, Aspergillus cultured on osmotically active stressors accumulated low-M r polyols to ≥100 mg g dry weight−1. Lower-M r polyols (i.e. glycerol, erythritol and arabitol) were shown to be more effective for osmotic adjustment; for higher-M r polyols such as mannitol, and the disaccharide trehalose, water-activity values for saturated solutions are too high to be effective; i.e. 0.978 and 0.970 (25 ºC). The highly chaotropic, osmotically active substances exhibited a stressful level of chaotropicity at physiologically relevant concentrations (20.0–85.7 kJ kg−1). We hypothesized that the kosmotropicity of compatible solutes can neutralize chaotropicity, and tested this via in-vitro agar-gelation assays for the model chaotropes urea, NH4NO3, phenol and MgCl2. Of the kosmotropic compatible solutes, the most-effective protectants were trimethylamine oxide and betaine; but proline, dimethyl sulfoxide, sorbitol, and trehalose were also effective, depending on the chaotrope. Glycerol, by contrast (a chaotropic compatible solute used as a negative control) was relatively ineffective. The kosmotropic activity of compatible solutes is discussed as one mechanism by which these substances can mitigate the activities of chaotropic stressors in vivo. Collectively, these data demonstrate that some substances concomitantly induce chaotropicity-mediated and osmotic stresses, and that compatible solutes ultimately define the biotic window for fungal growth and metabolism. The findings have implications for the validity of ecophysiological classifications such as ‘halophile’ and ‘polyextremophile’; potential contamination of life-support systems used for space exploration; and control of mycotoxigenic fungi in the food-supply chain.


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Context. The magnetic activity of planet-hosting stars is an importantfactor for estimating the atmospheric stability of close-in exoplanetsand the age of their host stars. It has long been speculated thatclose-in exoplanets can influence the stellar activity level. However,testing for tidal or magnetic interaction effects in samples ofplanet-hosting stars is difficult because stellar activity hindersexoplanet detection, so that stellar samples with detected exoplanetsshow a bias toward low activity for small exoplanets.

Aims: Weaim to test whether exoplanets in close orbits influence the stellarrotation and magnetic activity of their host stars.

Methods: Wedeveloped a novel approach to test for systematic activity-enhancementsin planet-hosting stars. We use wide (several 100 AU) binary systems inwhich one of the stellar components is known to have an exoplanet, whilethe second stellar component does not have a detected planet andtherefore acts as a negative control. We use the stellar coronal X-rayemission as an observational proxy for magnetic activity and analyzeobservations performed with Chandra and XMM-Newton.

Results: Wefind that in two systems for which strong tidal interaction can beexpected the planet-hosting primary displays a much higher magneticactivity level than the planet-free secondary. In three systems forwhich weaker tidal interaction can be expected the activity levels ofthe two stellar components agree with each other.

Conclusions:Our observations indicate that the presence of Hot Jupiters may inhibitthe spin-down of host stars with thick outer convective layers. Possiblecauses for this effect include a transfer of angular momentum from theplanetary orbit to the stellar rotation through tidal interaction, ordifferences during the early evolution of the system, where the hoststar may decouple from the protoplanetary disk early because of a gapopened by the forming Hot Jupiter.