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Malgré des recherches intensives portant sur l’hérédité et les aspects biologiques de la rétinite pigmentaire (RP), peu de recherches fondées ont porté sur les aspects psychologiques. Ces quelques études suggèrent que les personnes atteintes de rétinite pigmentaire s’adaptent différemment à la déficience visuelle. Le but de la présente étude était donc de vérifier si les personnes atteintes de rétinite pigmentaire s’adaptaient différemment d’un point de vue psychologique par rapport à des personnes ayant une déficience visuelle causée par une autre pathologie. Des entrevues téléphoniques incluant des personnes ayant la rétinite pigmentaire, la rétinopathie diabétique (RD) et l’albinisme ont été menées. Cinq questionnaires ont été utilisés afin d’évaluer le bien-être psychologique et de recueillir les données démographique. Les résultats de la première étude démontrent qu’il n’existe aucune différence entre les individus atteints de rétinite pigmentaire et ceux ayant d’autres pathologies visuelles d’un point de vue « bien-être psychologique ». En fait, les facteurs démographiques, la baisse de vision, les fluctuations et le type de perte de vision semblent être les seuls facteurs directement corrélés à l’adaptation et au bien-être psychologique. Dans la deuxième étude, aucune différence n’a pu être établie entre les trois types de pathologies. Ce sont plutôt, des facteurs comme la perception des capacités fonctionnelles, l’identité personnelle, l’appréhension de la perception sociale et le niveau d’indépendance qui étaient davantage reliés au bien-être psychologique associé à la déficience visuelle. Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que les personnes atteintes de Rétinite pigmentaire ne présentent pas de différences au niveau du bien-être psychologique et de l’adaptation. Les facteurs démographiques et psychologiques sont plus importants que la pathologie elle-même.


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Purpose. Depression is common in people with vision impairment and further reduces levels of functioning independent of vision loss. However, depression most often remains undetected and untreated this group. Eye health  professionals (EHPs) (ophthalmic nurses, ophthalmologists, optometrists, and orthoptists) and rehabilitation workers (RWs) may be able to play a role in detecting depression. This study aimed to identify current practice and investigate factors associated with depression management strategies.
Methods. A self-administered cross-sectional survey of EHPs and RWs assessed current practice including confidence in working with depressed people with vision impairment; barriers to recognition, assessment, and management of depression; beliefs about the consequences, duration, and efficacy of treatment for depression in individuals with vision impariment.
Results. Ninety-four participants aged 23 to 69 years took part. Thirty-seven participants (39.8%) stated that they attempted to identify depression as part of patient management, with RWs significantly more likely to do so (n = 17, 60.7%) than EHPs (n = 20, 30.8%; p = 0.007). Intention to identify depression was not associated with sociodemographic factors, professional experience in eye care services, or the length and number of patient consultations, but a significant relationship was found for confidence, barriers, and beliefs about depression (p < 0.05). No consistent depression management strategy emerged and a range of barriers were highlighted.
Conclusions. Training programs are needed to provide EHPs and RWs with the skills and resources to address depression in people with vision loss under their care and to support the development of procedures by which concerns about depression can be identified objectively, documented, and included as part of a referral to appropriate services.


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PURPOSE. To develop a new test of activities of daily living (ADLs) appropriate for the low-vision population: the Melbourne Low-Vision ADL Index (MLVAI).

METHODS. The MLVAI was designed as a desk-based clinical assessment, comprising 18 observed items on complex ADLs in part (a) and 9 questions on broad self-care ADLs in part (b). Each item was rated on a five-level descriptive scale from 0 to 4, based on independence, speed, and accuracy of performance. It was designed to be administered under standardized conditions with regard to the instructions, illumination, and working distances. The validity and reliability of the new MLVAI was determined for 122 subjects who were representative of the general low-vision population, in a cross-sectional study.

RESULTS. Two items were found to be redundant and were eliminated from the test. Thus, the final test comprised 25 items, with 100 being the highest possible score. Cronbach’s α indicated an internal reliability of 0.96, and an intraclass correlation coefficient indicated an overall reliability of 0.95. The SE of measurement was 4.5. According to Spearman’s correlation coefficient, the test–retest reliability was 0.94 (P < 0.001), and the interpractitioner reliability for five different pairs of practitioners was 0.90 or higher (P < 0.001). With regard to validity, there was a moderately high correlation with vision impairment (r = −0.68, P < 0.001). Using Rasch analysis, content validity was also demonstrated by good separation indexes (4.70 and 9.88) and high reliability scores (0.96 and 0.99) for the person and items parameters, respectively. Separate calculation of indexes and reliability scores for parts (a) and (b) indicated high content validity and reliability of each part. However, the separation indexes and reliability scores were higher for part (a) than for part (b). The correlation coefficient for part (a) and part (b) was 0.68.

CONCLUSIONS. The MLVAI is a highly valid and reliable standardized test of ADL performance for the general low-vision population. It may be used to assess patients with low vision and has the potential to be used as a measure of low-vision rehabilitation outcomes.


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Background: Chronic diseases and impairments are prevalent among older Americans. However, prevalence data for Alaska Native (AN) elders are limited, with estimates usually extrapolated from national studies in which AN elders may not be well-represented. The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of selected chronic diseases, impairments, and measured medical risk factors among a large community sample of AN elders.

Methods: Design, setting, and participants. A community-based cross-sectional study of baseline information from 656 AN elders aged 55 years or over who participated in the Alaska Education and Research Towards Health (EARTH) Study, March 2004 to August 2006. Measurements. Self-reported lifetime prevalence of 17 doctor-diagnosed chronic diseases, and point prevalence of vision, hearing, oral, and general health impairment were estimated from data collected using audio computer-assisted self-administered questionnaires. In addition, height, weight, blood pressure, fasting blood lipids, and fasting blood glucose levels were measured.

Results: The four most prevalent chronic diseases among AN elders were high blood pressure (55%), arthritis (49%), high cholesterol (42%), and adult bone fracture/break (35%). The median number of chronic diseases reported was three (inter-quartile range, 2 to 5). The prevalence of self-reported vision impairment was 15%, hearing impairment 18%, and having had all natural teeth removed 25%. Almost 50% were obese. High blood pressure (systolic ≥ 140 mm Hg and/or diastolic ≥ 90 mm Hg) was measured in 23%, high low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (≥ 130 mg/dL) in 39%, and high fasting plasma glucose (> 125 mg/dL) in 9%. Obesity was more prevalent among women than men. There were also significant regional differences in rates of obesity and high LDL cholesterol.

Conclusion: These data may be useful in public health programs and health services planning.


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In this paper I draw upon findings of a recent qualitative project conducted in Queensland, Australia in which all actors – the researcher and 5 participants aged 13-17 years — were linked together by our shared experiences of being students with impaired vision (VI) and who were educated in inclusive secondary schools in Australia during the last two decades. The narrative demonstrates the alienating legacy of two everyday routines of schooling, the placement and the daily commute. In the paper I show how referential knowledge acquisition of a trans-identity research alliance can reveal barriers to inclusion that might be ordinarily overlooked. Theoretically I map the research relationship formed between myself and participants using both Foucault’s analysis of how human beings are made subjects (1982) and Bourdieu’s understanding of reflexive interviewing in qualitative research (1998). The empirical contribution of this paper is to demonstrate how special education discourses render subjects more “special” than the sum of their actual impairments, and methodologically to highlight the role of qualitative inquiry in the field of inclusive schooling.


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The prevalence of visual impairment due to uncorrected refractive error has not been previously studied in Canada. A population-based study was conducted in Brantford, Ontario. The target population included all people 40 years of age and older. Study participants were selected using a randomized sampling strategy based on postal codes. Presenting distance and near visual acuities were measured with habitual spectacle correction, if any, in place. Best corrected visual acuities were determined for all participants who had a presenting distance visual acuity of less than 20/25. Population weighted prevalence of distance visual impairment (visual acuity <20/40 in the better eye) was 2.7% (n = 768, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.8–4.0%) with 71.8% correctable by refraction. Population weighted prevalence of near visual impairment (visual acuity <20/40 with both eyes) was 2.2% (95% CI 1.4–3.6) with 69.1% correctable by refraction. Multivariable adjusted analysis showed that the odds of having distance visual impairment was independently associated with increased age (odds ratio, OR, 3.56, 95% CI 1.22–10.35; ≥65 years compared to those 39–64 years), and time since last eye examination (OR 4.93, 95% CI 1.19–20.32; ≥5 years compared to ≤2 years). The same factors appear to be associated with increased prevalence of near visual impairment but were not statistically significant. The majority of visual impairment found in Brantford was due to uncorrected refractive error. Factors that increased the prevalence of visual impairment were the same for distance and near visual acuity measurements.


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This longitudinal study addresses the reversibility of color vision losses in subjects who had been occupationally exposed to mercury vapor. Color discrimination was assessed in 20 Hg-exposed patients (mean age = 42.4 +/- 6.5 years; 6 females and 14 males) with exposure to Hg vapor during 10.5 +/- 5.3 years and away from the work place (relative to 2002) for 6.8 +/- 4.2 years. During the Hg exposure or up to one year after ceasing it, mean urinary Hg concentration was 47 +/- 35.4 mu g/g creatinine. There was no information on Hg urinary concentration at the time of the first tests, in 2002 (Ventura et al., 2005), but at the time of the follow-up tests, in 2005, this value was 1.4 +/- 1.4 mu g/g creatinine for patients compared with 0.5 +/- 0.5 mu g/g creatinine for controls (different group from the one in Ventura et al. (2005)). Color vision was monocularly assessed using the Cambridge Colour Test (CCT). Hg-exposed patients had significantly worse color discrimination (p < 0.02) than controls, as evaluated by the size of MacAdam`s color discrimination ellipses and color discrimination thresholds along protan, deutan, and tritan confusion axes. There were no significant differences between the results of the study in Ventura et al. (2005) and in the present follow-up measurements, in 2005, except for worsening of the tritan thresholds in the best eye in 2005. Both chromatic systems, blue-yellow and red-green, were affected in the first evaluation (Ventura et al., 2005) and remained impaired in the follow-up testing, in 2005. These findings indicate that following a long-term occupational exposure to Hg vapor, even several years away from the source of intoxication, color vision impairment remains irreversible.


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Purpose. To analyze the diagnostic validity of accommodative and binocular tests in a sample of patients with a large near exophoria with moderate to severe symptoms. Methods. Two groups of patients between 19 and 35 years were recruited from a university clinic: 33 subjects with large exophoria at near vision and moderate or high visual discomfort and 33 patients with normal heterophoria and low visual discomfort. Visual discomfort was defined using the Conlon survey. A refractive exam and an exhaustive evaluation of accommodation and vergence were assessed. Diagnostic validity by means of receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves, sensitivity (S), specificity (Sp), and positive and negative likelihood ratios (LR+, LR−) were assessed. This analysis was also carried out considering multiple tests as serial testing strategy. Results. ROC analysis showed the best diagnostic accuracy for receded near point of convergence (NPC) recovery (area = 0.929) and binocular accommodative facility (BAF) (area = 0.886). Using the cut-offs obtained with ROC analysis, the best diagnostic validity was obtained for the combination of NPC recovery and BAF (S  =  0.77, Sp = 1, LR+ = value tending to infinity, LR− = 0.23) and the combination of NPC break and recovery with BAF (S  =  0.73, Sp = 1, LR+ = tending to infinity, LR− = 0.27). Conclusions. NPC and BAF tests were the tests with the best diagnostic accuracy for subjects with large near exophoria and moderate to severe symptoms.


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Purpose: Many practitioners base the prescription of near vision additions on the assertion that only one half or two-thirds of an individual’s amplitude of accommodation is sustainable for a prolonged period. To better understand how much eye focus needs to be restored for presbyopic corrections to be adequate, this study investigated the robustness of the pre-presbyopic human accommodative system during a sustained and intensive near vision task. Methods: Twenty-one pre-presbyopic volunteers (aged 26.1 ± 4.7 years) participated in the study. Binocular subjective amplitude of accommodation was measured before and after a prolonged reading exercise, using the RAF rule. During the 30 min reading task, the subject’s closest comfortable eye-to-text distance and pupil size was monitored. Accommodative accuracy to 0.2, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 D stimuli was determined objectively using a validated binocular open-view autorefractor immediately before, and after the reading task. Results: Amplitude of accommodation (p = 0.09) and accommodative accuracy (p > 0.05) were statistically unchanged following the intensive near task. The mean proportion of accommodation exerted throughout the near exercise was 80.6% (range 45.3 ± 3.7 to 96.6 ± 4.3%), which increased as the task progressed (F = 2.24, p = 0.02). The mean percentage of accommodation utilised increased with subject age (r = 0.517, p = 0.016). Conclusion: The pre-presbyopic human accommodative system is robust to fatigue during intense and prolonged near work. A greater proportion of one’s amplitude of accommodation may be continuously exerted than previously suggested.


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It is well established that a synkinetic relationship exists between the accommodation and vergence components of the oculomotor near response such that increased accommodation will initiate a vergence response (i.e. accommodative convergence) and conversely increased vergence will drive accommodation (i.e. convergent accommodation) . The synkinesis associated with sustained near-vision was examined in a student population consisting of emmetropes, late-onset myopes (LOMs) i.e. myopia onset at 15 years of age or later and early-onset myopes (EOMs) i.e. myopia onset prior to 15 years of age. Oculomotor synkinesis was investigated both under closed-loop conditions and with either accommodation or vergence open-loop. Objective measures of the accommodative response were made using an infra-red optometer. Differences in near-response characteristics were observed between LOMs and EOMs under both open- and closed-loop conditions. LOMs exhibit significantly higher levels of disparity-induced accommodation (accommodation driven by vergence under closed-loop conditions) and lower response accommodative convergence/accommodation (AC/A) ratios when compared with EOMs. However no difference in convergent accommodation/convergence (CA/C) ratios were found between the three refractive groups. Accommodative adaptation was examined by comparing the pre- to post-task shift in dark focus (DF) following near-vision tasks. Accommodative adaptation was observed following tasks as brief as 15s. Following a 45s near-vision task, subjects having pre-task DF greater than +0.750 exhibited a marked negative shift in post-task DF which was shown to be induced by beta-adrenergic innervation to the ciliary muscle. However no evidence was found to support the proposal of reduced adrenergic innervation to the ciliary muscle in LOMs. Disparity-vergence produced a reduction in accommodative adaptation suggesting that oculomotor adaptation was not driven by the output of the near-response crosslinks. In order to verify this proposition, the effect of vergence adaptation on CA/C was investigated and it was observed that prism adaptation produced no significant change in the CA/C ratio. This would indicate that in a model of accommodation-vergence interaction, the near response cross-links occur after the input to the adaptive components of the oculomotor response rather than before the adaptive elements as reported in previous literature. The findings of this thesis indicate differences in the relative composition of the aggregate accommodation and vergence responses in the three refractive groups examined. They may also have implications with regard to the aetiology of late-onset myopia.


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Purpose: To compare vision-related quality-of-life measures between children wearing orthokeratology (OK) contact lenses and distance single-vision (SV) spectacles. Methods: Subjects 6 to 12 years of age and with myopia of -0.75 to -4.00 diopters and astigmatism less than or equal to 1.00 diopters were prospectively assigned OK contact lens or SV spectacle correction. A pediatric refractive error profile questionnaire was administered at 12- and 24-month intervals to evaluate children's perceptions in terms of overall vision, near vision, far distance vision, symptoms, appearance, satisfaction, activities, academic performance, handling, and peer perceptions. The mean score of all items was calculated as the overall score. Additionally, parents/guardians were asked to rate their child's mode of visual correction and their intention to continue treatment after study completion. Results: Thirty-one children were fitted with OK contact lenses and 30 with SV spectacles. Children wearing OK contact lenses rated overall vision, far distance vision, symptoms, appearance, satisfaction, activities, academic performance, handling, peer perceptions, and the overall score significantly better than children wearing SV spectacles (all P<0.05). Near vision and handling were, respectively, rated better (P<0.001) and similar (P=0.44) for SV spectacles in comparison to OK contact lenses. No significant differences were found between 12 and 24 months for any of the subjective ratings assessed (all P>0.05). Parents/guardians of children wearing OK contact lenses rated visual correction method and intention to continue treatment higher than parents of children wearing SV spectacles (P=0.01). Conclusion: The results indicate that the significant improvement in vision-related quality of life and acceptability with OK contact lenses is an incentive to engage in its use for the control of myopia in children.


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Vision rehabilitation staff were trained to deliver problem-solving therapy for primary care (PSTPC) over the telephone to adults with depressive symptoms and low vision. Training was a 2-day workshop, completion of training cases, and assessment of treatment fidelity. Staff perspectives of training and challenges in PST-PC delivery were explored. Telephone-administered semistructured interviews were conducted pre- and post-workshop and following PST-PC competency. In all, 14 staff (mean age = 47.64 years, SD = 12.68 years, 93% females) achieved competency and 6 withdrew. Results showed an increased understanding of PST-PC from pre- to post-workshop (Z = −2.71, p = .007) and pre-workshop to post-competency (Z = −3.09, p = .002). A high level of satisfaction with training was reported. Staff challenges included the clients’ ability to define problems and brainstorm solutions. Training enabled staff to competently deliver PST-PC and may serve as a model for integrating depression care into vision rehabilitation services recommended by international guidelines.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the mediating role of coping self-efficacy (CSE) between two types of illness cognitions (i.e., acceptance and helplessness) and depressive symptoms in persons with low vision.

METHODS: This was a single-group, cross-sectional study. Patients with visual acuity < 6/12 in the better eye and at least minimal depressive symptoms (≥5 on the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 [PHQ-9]) were recruited from vision rehabilitation services and participated in telephone-administered structured interviews at one time point. Measures were the PHQ-9, CSE Scale, and Illness Cognition Questionnaire. Structural equation modeling (SEM) devised the causal flow of illness cognitions and their observed indirect effects on depressive symptoms via the CSE mediators: problem focused, emotion focused, and social support.

RESULTS: The study comprised 163 patients (mean age 62 years; 61% female), most with age-related macular degeneration (26%) and moderate vision impairment (44%, <6/18-6/60). Structural equation modeling indices indicated a perfect fit (χ2 < 0.001, P = 1.00), accounting for 55% of the variance in depressive symptoms. Lower levels of acceptance and higher levels of helplessness illness cognitions were associated with lower self-efficacy in problem-focused coping (β = 0.38, P < 0.001, β = -0.28, P < 0.01, respectively), which in turn was associated with greater depressive symptom severity (β = -0.54, P < 0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: Lack of acceptance and greater helplessness relating to low vision led to a lack of perceived capability to engage in problem-focused coping, which in turn promoted depressive symptoms. Third-wave cognitive-behavioral treatments that focus on acceptance may be efficacious in this population.


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The Way-fi nding in the Built Environment project is a worldwide review identifying those way-fi nding systems and technologies that could be used to make it easier and safer for people with a sensory impairment (and in particular a vision impairment) to fi nd their way around buildings and large public spaces. The project makes recommendations on how these technologies and systems may be incorporated, by law or otherwise, into Australia’s building and construction practice. Way-fi nding aims to ensure that people with a sensory impairment know where they are in a building or an environment, where their desired location is, and how to get there from their present location. It is unlawful to discriminate against people with a disability under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.


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The population is ageing. Globally, the number of older adults (aged 60 years or over) is expected to more than double, from 841 million people in 2013 to more than 2 billion in 2050.1 In light of the increasing size of the older adult population, there is a pressing need to better identify the nature of, and mechanisms underlying, age-related vision impairment and the functional impact it has on the performance of everyday activities in older adults. The content of this feature issue reflects the diversity of research currently being undertaken on the topic of the ageing visual system and the important visual challenges that this presents for our ageing patient population. The scope is broad and includes topics relating to three main related themes: 1) The treatment of age-related ocular disorders and diseases and their consequences, including presbyopia and AMD; 2) The impact of age-related visual changes on everyday activities in older people, including mobility, driving and falls, and; 3) The interaction of age-related visual impairments and other age-related impairments including hearing and cognitive changes.