979 resultados para Naval battles.
The mud-filled, blood-soaked trenches of the Low Countries and North-Eastern Europe were essential battlegrounds during the First World War, but the war reached many other corners of the globe, and events elsewhere significantly affected its course.
Covering the twelve months of 1916, eminent historian Keith Jeffery uses twelve moments from a range of locations and shows how they reverberated around the world. As well as discussing better-known battles such as Gallipoli, Verdun and the Somme, Jeffery examines Dublin, for the Easter Rising, East Africa, the Italian front, Central Asia and Russia, where the killing of Rasputin exposed the internal political weakness of the country's empire. And, in charting a wide range of wartime experience, he studies the 'intelligence war', naval engagements at Jutland and elsewhere, as well as the political consequences that ensued from the momentous US presidential election.
Using an extraordinary range of military, social and cultural sources, and relating the individual experiences on the ground to wider developments, these are the stories lost to history, the conflicts that spread beyond the sphere of Europe and the moments that transformed the war. - See more at: http://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/1916-9781408834305/#sthash.axFq0psR.dpuf
How did our ancestors build their homes? What weapons did they use? What religious rituals did they follow? What did they eat? How did technology develop over the centuries? These are just some of the questions answered in Battles, Boats & Bones, which offers a fascinating insight into the daily lives of our ancestors stretching back as far as the Early Neolithic period. Bringing together details and interpretations of discoveries made as a result of 25 archaeological excavations across Northern Ireland over the last 20 years, the book is a window into our collective past. https://www.tsoshop.co.uk/gempdf/Timeline_Circles.swf
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
De modo a eliminar a propagação de fissuras ocorridas em condutas de evacuação de produtos da combustão de turbinas a gás utilizadas para propulsão naval, neste estudo é feita a avaliação de diferentes geometrias alternativas para a estrutura mencionada, assim como se avalia a possibilidade de substituição local, nas zonas críticas, do material actualmente utilizado na conduta por uma nova liga de alta resistência. A possibilidade de utilizar um novo aço inoxidável austenítico Cr-Mn, de alta resistência (ThyssenKrupp, 2009), está a ser estudada e alguns resultados experimentais efectuados a este material, obtidos a temperatura ambiente e a alta temperatura, são apresentados. Este trabalho pode ser dividido em duas partes principais. Uma primeira parte onde se apresenta a análise experimental realizada e uma segunda parte, que trata a simulação numérica da conduta por elementos finitos. Na análise experimental foram realizados ensaios de tracção uniaxial, ensaios de dureza e de caracterização geométrica do cordão de soldadura de ligações soldadas de tipo topo a topo entre o aço AISI 316L e o aço Cr-Mn. Alguns dos resultados experimentais obtidos em provetes soldados com combinações dos materiais de base, aço AISI316L e Cr-Mn, a 24ºC e 350ºC, são: a tensão de cedência do aço Cr-Mn é cerca de 66% e 35% mais elevada que a obtida para o aço AISI 316L, a 24 e 350ºC, respectivamente; a tensão de rotura é também 33% e 19% mais elevada que o aço AISI 316L, para as mesmas temperaturas. Os ensaios de dureza revelam valores médios que estão de acordo com as propriedades mecânicas obtidas à temperatura ambiente. Tendo como referência os resultados experimentais obtidos para as propriedades mecânicas dos materiais, assim como a distribuição de temperaturas e de pressão interna devido aos gases resultantes da combustão, foi feita a simulação numérica de diferentes geometrias da conduta, tendo sido determinado o nível das tensões presentes na superfície da conduta. A distribuição de temperatura e pressão introduzidas nas análises numéricas foram calculadas e verificada a sua validade por comparação com os resultados obtidos por (Cruz, 2009). Os resultados das análises numéricas sugerem que a alteração da geometria actual da conduta pode ser benéfica uma vez que as tensões principais máximas induzidas na estrutura podem diminuir mais de 26%, quando comparadas com as tensões termomecânicas induzidas na geometria actual da conduta.
Recaí sob a responsabilidade da Marinha Portuguesa a gestão da Zona Económica Exclusiva de Portugal, assegurando a sua segurança da mesma face a atividades criminosas. Para auxiliar a tarefa, é utilizado o sistema Oversee, utilizado para monitorizar a posição de todas as embarcações presentes na área afeta, permitindo a rápida intervenção da Marinha Portuguesa quando e onde necessário. No entanto, o sistema necessita de transmissões periódicas constantes originadas nas embarcações para operar corretamente – casos as transmissões sejam interrompidas, deliberada ou acidentalmente, o sistema deixa de conseguir localizar embarcações, dificultando a intervenção da Marinha. A fim de colmatar esta falha, é proposto adicionar ao sistema Oversee a capacidade de prever as posições futuras de uma embarcação com base no seu trajeto até à cessação das transmissões. Tendo em conta os grandes volumes de dados gerados pelo sistema (históricos de posições), a área de Inteligência Artificial apresenta uma possível solução para este problema. Atendendo às necessidades de resposta rápida do problema abordado, o algoritmo de Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming baseado em referências de Vanneschi et al. apresenta-se como uma possível solução, tendo já produzido bons resultados em problemas semelhantes. O presente trabalho de tese pretende integrar o algoritmo de Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming desenvolvido com o sistema Oversee, a fim de lhe conceder capacidades preditivas. Adicionalmente, será realizado um processo de análise de desempenho a fim de determinar qual a ideal parametrização do algoritmo. Pretende-se com esta tese fornecer à Marinha Portuguesa uma ferramenta capaz de auxiliar o controlo da Zona Económica Exclusiva Portuguesa, permitindo a correta intervenção da Marinha em casos onde o atual sistema não conseguiria determinar a correta posição da embarcação em questão.
[Mazarinade. 1649]
[Mazarinade. 1649]
Transcript (original grammar and spelling retained): My dear wife I take this time to inform you that I am well hoping that these few lines will Reach you and find you the same I shall in form you of all our Battles that we have had sence I left home we crossed in to Canada the 2 day of July and took fort Erie on the 3 day of July without loss of one man. We then marched down to Chipway eighteen miles below the Fort Erie we got there on the forth day and had our first battle on the 5 day our loss was not jistly known But the inemy loss was double to ours. The 6 day we started with the 2 Brigade to make a bridge a crost the crick two miles a bove the fort in Building the Bridge the inemy Brought up their Canon and playd upon us with their artiliery a bout two hours We drove them from the fort our loss was none the inemy loss was nineteen ciled dead on the ground we then marched to Queenston when we got thare our inemy had fledfrom the fort we then remained thair to Queenston ten days then we marched down to Fort George But that caurdly Chaney did not a rive with the fleet so we had to return back to Queenston thare was a bout six hundred militia formed on the heights of land thay fired up on us from their pickets and retreated to the mane body our flankers ciled and wounded and took about twenty before they got to the Maine body we then marched up the hill they gave us two firs but did not damage and then retreated from the field we stayed there one knight and then marched to Chipway and stayed there one night and the next day just as the sun set the first Brigade marched up in order to give them Battle a bout two miles from the Crick and began the Battle the 2 Brigade has to March up to the Niagara path and ingaged them we charged up on their artlery and took all their Canon Miller commanded the four companys that charged....the battles lasted three hours and forty minutes our loss was about 8 hundred cild and wounded our inemies loss was a bout fourteen hundred cild and wounded the next morning we Marched up in order to give them Battle a gin but thay was afraid to ingage us we then marched to Fort Erie and went to fortiffing and made a strong place the inemy folered us up and Began to cananade and held it fifty three days thay a tacked the fort the fifteenth of august thay atacked a bout one hiour be fore day Light we saw them and Blue up our maggerzean & two hundred of our inemy our loss wasa bout forty cild and wounded and our inemy loss was a bout one thousand on the 7 Day of September we atacked them and took their batteries and Broke all their canon and drove them from the field our loss was a Bout two hundred cild and wounded our inemy loss was a Bout 8 hundred cild and wounded...we crossed in to Canada with five thousand and came out with fifteen hundred we then Marched to Sackett’s harbor....am well and harty for the present....a bout comming home it uncarting for there is not any....given this winter as yet But I shall try to Come home if I Can But if I Cant I want you should take good car of the Phiddness[?] I have not Received any Money as yet But soon as I do receive some I send some home. I want you should write to me as soon as you receive this and and how Much Stock you wintor I Received your Letter with Great pleasure I feel uneasy a bout you I am a frade that you are sick or dead this is from your husband Chase Clough
Full title is "A Full and Correct Account of the Chief Naval Occurrences of the Late War Between Great Britain and the United States of America; preceded by a Cursory Examination of the American Accounts of their Naval Actions Fought Previous to that Period: to Which is Added an Appendix; with Plates" This is an expanded version of author William James' pamphlet "An Inquiry into the Merits of the Principal Naval Actions between Great Britain and the United States." (Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1816) In this work he discussed how American ships, during the War of 1812, were larger and more heavily armed and manned than those of the British. He therefore, stated that American victories were due only to their greater numerical force and not their superior seamanship. Naval Occurrences is a thorough documentation of the naval operations from the British perspective that addresses contradictions and inconsistencies within the American official documents as well as political and media accounts. This is perhaps his motivation for the words "Corrected Account" within the title. James' sentiments towards the US most likely sprouted from being held prisoner while visiting in 1812. (He was falsely accused of being a renegade seeking revenge on the US.) In 1813, he escaped to Halifax where he began writing on various naval topics. James became one of the leading authorities on British Naval History.
This newspaper was published bi-weekly from June 1812 to September 1814 by S. Woodworth and Co. in New York. Editor Samuel Woodworth formed the content of the newspaper using official documents from both the American and British side with the intention to report the events of the war. Article topics in this issue include: Page 1: Letter from Maj. Gen. Van Rensselaer to Maj. Gen. Henry Dearborn describing in detail the battle of Queenston; Page 2: Letter from Maj. Gen. Van Rensselaer to Maj. Gen. Henry Dearborn describing in detail the battle of Queenston; report of U.S. war sloop Wasp capturing the British war ship Frolic and the subsequent capture of the Wasp by another British war ship, Poictiers; copy of statement by U.S. President James Madison detailing battles in Detroit, Queenston, and his plans for the war; Page 3: copy of statement by U.S. President James Madison detailing battles in Detroit, Queenston, and his plans for the war; Page 4: copy of statement by U.S. President James Madison detailing battles in Detroit, Queenston, and his plans for the war; U.S. President James Madison promotes Capt. Z. Taylor to rank of Major for his part in defense of Ft. Harrison; report of various Naval movements;
Volume of songs sung in praise of celebrated American War of 1812 heroes.