922 resultados para Natural fibre composite


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Spongiolite from Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), natural inorganic composite constituted of silica needles, was treated with concentrated phosphoric acid at high temperatures. Superficial coating of the needles was proved to be constituted of silicon diphosphate, a compound offering six-coordinated silicon sites. Owing to the affinity of three charged ions to phosphate groups, this coating acts as specific adsorbent for the rare earth elements which prefer octahedral coordination (starting from samarium, yttrium included). The uptake of lanthanum and neodymium are significantly lower due to different coordination tendencies. Lanthanide fixation upon silica with PO4 groups anchored on its surface may be useful in the manufacturing of special phosphate-silicate glasses. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Il documento pre-normativo italiano sul rinforzo di strutture in c.a. mediante l’uso di materiale fibrorinforzato. 1.1 INTRODUZIONE La situazione unica dell’Italia per quanto riguarda la conservazione delle costruzioni esistenti, è il risultato della combinazione di due aspetti, come primo, il medio-alto rischio sismico di una gran parte di territorio, come testimoniato dalla zonizzazione sismica recente, e come secondo aspetto, l'estrema complessità di un ambiente edilizio che non ha confronto nel mondo. Le tipologie della costruzione in Italia si distinguono a quelle stimate come patrimonio storico, che in alcuni casi risalgono a circa 2000 anni fa, a quelle che sono state costruite in ultimi cinque secoli, durante e dopo il Rinascimento, che sono considerate come patrimonio culturale ed architettonico dell' Italia (e del mondo!), infine a quelle fatte in tempi recenti, considerevolmente durante e dopo il boom economico del l960 ed ora visti come antiquate. Le due prime categorie in gran parte sono composte dalle edilizie di muratura, mentre agli ultimi principalmente appartengono le costruzioni di cemento armato.


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Der Fokus dieser Doktorarbeit liegt auf der kontrollierten Benetzung von festen Oberflächen, die in vielen Bereichen, wie zum Beispiel in der Mikrofluidik, für Beschichtungen und in biologischen Studien von Zellen oder Bakterien, von großer Bedeutung ist.rnDer erste Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich der Frage, wie Nanorauigkeit das Benetzungsverhalten, d.h. die Kontaktwinkel und die Pinningstärke, von hydrophoben und superhydrophoben Beschichtungen beeinflusst. Hierfür wird eine neue Methode entwickelt, um eine nanoraue Silika-Beschichtung über die Gasphase auf eine superhydrophobe Oberfläche, die aus rauen Polystyrol-Silika-Kern-Schale-Partikeln besteht, aufzubringen. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Topographie und Dichte der Nanorauigkeiten bestimmt, ob sich die Superhydrophobizität verringert oder erhöht, d.h. ob sich ein Flüssigkeitstropfen im Nano-Wenzel- oder Nano-Cassie-Zustand befindet. Das verstärkte Pinning im Nano-Wenzel-Zustand beruht auf dem Eindringen von Flüssigkeitsmolekülen in die Nanoporen der Beschichtung. Im Nano-Cassie-Zustand dagegen sitzt der Tropfen auf den Nanorauigkeiten, was das Pinning vermindert. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse werden mit molekulardynamischen Simulationen in Bezug gesetzt, die den Einfluss der Oberflächenbeschichtungsdichte und der Länge von fluorinierten Silanen auf die Hydrophobizität einer Oberfläche untersuchen. rnEs wurden bereits verschiedenste Techniken zur Herstellung von transparenten superhydrophoben, d.h. extrem flüssigkeitsabweisenden, Oberflächen entwickelt. Eine aktuelle Herausforderung liegt darin, Funktionalitäten einzuführen, ohne die superhydrophoben Eigenschaften einer Oberfläche zu verändern. Dies ist extrem anspruchsvoll, da funktionelle Gruppen in der Regel hydrophil sind. In dieser Arbeit wird eine innovative Methode zur Herstellung von transparenten superhydrophoben Oberflächen aus Janus-Mikrosäulen mit variierenden Dimensionen und Topographien entwickelt. Die Janus-Säulen haben hydrophobe Seitenwände und hydrophile Silika-Oberseiten, die anschließend selektiv und ohne Verlust der superhydrophoben Eigenschaften der Oberfläche funktionalisiert werden können. Diese selektive Oberflächenfunktionalisierung wird mittels konfokaler Mikroskopie und durch das chemische Anbinden von fluoreszenten Molekülen an die Säulenoberseiten sichtbar gemacht. Außerdem wird gezeigt, dass das Benetzungsverhalten durch Wechselwirkungen zwischen Flüssigkeit und Festkörper in der Nähe der Benetzungslinie bestimmt wird. Diese Beobachtung widerlegt das allgemein akzeptierte Modell von Cassie und Baxter und beinhaltet, dass hydrophile Flächen, die durch mechanischen Abrieb freigelegt werden, nicht zu einem Verlust der Superhydrophobizität führen müssen, wie allgemein angenommen.rnBenetzung kann auch durch eine räumliche Beschränkung von Flüssigkeiten kontrolliert werden, z.B. in mikrofluidischen Systemen. Hier wird eine modifizierte Stöber-Synthese verwendet, um künstliche und natürliche Faser-Template mit einer Silika-Schicht zu ummanteln. Nach der thermischen Zersetzung des organischen Templat-Materials entstehen wohldefinierte Silika-Kanäle und Kanalkreuzungen mit gleichmäßigen Durchmessern im Nano- und Mikrometerbereich. Auf Grund ihrer Transparenz, mechanischen Stabilität und des großen Länge-zu-Durchmesser-Verhältnisses sind die Kanäle sehr gut geeignet, um die Füllgeschwindigkeiten von Flüssigkeiten mit variierenden Oberflächenspannungen und Viskositäten zu untersuchen. Konfokale Mikroskopie ermöglicht es hierbei, die Füllgeschwindigkeiten über eine Länge von mehreren Millimetern, sowie direkt am Kanaleingang zu messen. Das späte Füllstadium kann sehr gut mit der Lucas-Washburn-Gleichung beschrieben werden. Die anfänglichen Füllgeschwindigkeiten sind jedoch niedriger als theoretisch vorhergesagt. Wohingegen die vorhergehenden Abschnitte dieser Arbeit sich mit der quasistatischen Benetzung beschäftigen, spielt hier die Dynamik der Benetzung eine wichtige Rolle. Tatsächlich lassen sich die beobachteten Abweichungen durch einen geschwindigkeitsabhängigen Fortschreitkontaktwinkel erklären und durch dynamische Benetzungstheorien modellieren. Somit löst diese Arbeit das seit langem diskutierte Problem der Abweichungen von der Lucas-Washburn-Gleichung bei kleinen Füllgeschwindigkeiten.


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Devido às necessidades da indústria atual é cada vez mais importante a utilização de métodos de união de materiais distintos. A utilização de adesivos no processo de produção de materiais compósitos tem uma grande aplicação, uma vez que permite ligar os diferentes materiais e ainda reduzir significativamente o peso do conjunto. Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo aumentar a resistência à delaminação de materiais compósitos no sentido da espessura, concretamente dos plásticos reforçados com fibras de carbono (CFRP), através da utilização de placas da liga de alumínio 2024-T3. Este conceito é muito semelhante ao utilizado nos laminados por fibras e metal (LFM) para aumentar a sua resistência à delaminação. Pretendeu-se também a identificação da configuração da junta que apresenta melhores resultados, comparativamente à junta de referência composta apenas por CFRP. Inicialmente, produziram-se apenas juntas de CFRP que foram utilizadas como comparação com os laminados de fibras e metal. Com o objetivo de melhorar a adesão entre os CFRP e a liga de alumínio, foram realizados três tratamentos superficiais diferentes, nomeadamente a lixagem, a anodização e o ataque com ácido. Posteriormente, foram produzidas as juntas com as seguintes configurações: CFRP-AL-CFRP, CFRP-AL-CFRP-AL-CFRP e AL-CFRP-AL. A realização deste trabalho permitiu concluir que com a adição de placas de alumínio, se conseguiu um melhoramento da resistência à delaminação das fibras de carbono e ainda um aumento da resistência específica no sentido da sua espessura. A JSS com a configuração AL-CFRP-AL e com comprimento de sobreposição de 50 mm foi a configuração que apresentou uma força de rotura mais elevada, ou seja, uma maior resistência à delaminação, comparativamente à junta de referência e às restantes configurações em estudo. A falha coesiva verificada perto da interface da junta AL-CFRP-AL, pode ser devida ao elevado comprimento de sobreposição e às diferentes elasticidades do alumínio e do CFRP, o que naturalmente levou a elevadas tensões localizadas nas extremidades da junta. Os resultados demostraram que é possível aumentar a resistência transversal do compósito utilizando uma placa de alumínio.


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The present study deals with the short isora fibre reinforced natural rubber composites. In recent years there has been a tremendous advancement in the field of science and technology of short fibre reinforced polymer composites. The low density, high strength, high stiffness to weight ratio, excellent durability and design flexibility are the primary reasons for their use in many diversified fields such as air crafts, automobiles, marine industry etc. Compared to the various natural and synthetic fibres used as reinforcement for elastomer composites isora fibre is superior in many aspects. `Isora' is a natural lignocellulosic fibre which is easily available in South India especially in Kerala. The fibre is separated from the bark of the Helicteres isora plant by retting process. This fibre has excellent mechanical properties and is easily amenable to physical and chemical modifications. The study shows that composites with poor interfacial bonding tend to dissipate more energy than that with to interfacial bonding. The mechanical loss also can be related to interfacial bonding. The effect of chemical treatment of isora fibre on damping was also studied. Both in the low and high temperature region which indicates that this composite posseses low damping and hence good interfacial bonding characteristics. Hence these composites are better candidates for high damping applications. Composites with longitudinally oriented fibres showed high storage modulus than transversely oriented ones due to the effective stress transfer between fibre and matrix.


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This study investigates the effect of foam core density and skin type on the behaviour of sandwich panels as structural beams tested in four-point bending and axially compressed columns of varying slenderness and skin thickness. Bio-composite unidirectional flax fibre-reinforced polymer (FFRP) is compared to conventional glass-FRP (GFRP) as the skin material used in conjunction with three polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam cores with densities of 32, 64 and 96 kg/m3. Eighteen 1000 mm long flexural specimens were fabricated and tested to failure comparing the effects of foam core density between three-layer FFRP skinned and single-layer GFRP skinned panels. A total of 132 columns with slenderness ratios (kLe/r) ranging from 22 to 62 were fabricated with single-layer GFRP skins, and one-, three-, and five-layer FFRP skins for each of the three foam core densities. The columns were tested to failure in concentric axial compression using pinned-end conditions to compare the effects of each material type and panel height. All specimens had a foam core cross-section of 100x50 mm with 100 mm wide skins of equal thickness. In both flexural and axial loading, panels with skins comprised of three FFRP layers showed equivalent strength to those with a single GFRP layer for all slenderness ratios and core densities examined. Doubling the core density from 32 to 64 kg/m3 and tripling the density to 96 kg/m3 led to flexural strength increases of 82 and 213%, respectively. Both FFRP and GFRP columns showed a similar variety of failure modes related to slenderness. Low slenderness of 22-25 failed largely due to localized single skin buckling, while those with high slenderness of 51-61 failed primarily by global buckling followed by secondary skin buckling. Columns with intermediate slenderness experienced both localized and global failure modes. High density foam cores more commonly exhibited core shear failure. Doubling the core density of the columns resulted in peak axial load increases, across all slenderness ratios, of 73, 56, 72 and 71% for skins with one, three and five FFRP layers, and one GFRP layer, respectively. Tripling the core density resulted in respective peak load increases of 116, 130, 176 and 170%.


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Objectives: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the Vickers hardness (VHN) of a Light Core (Bisco) composite resin after root reinforcement, according to the light exposure time, region of intracanal reinforcement and lateral distance from the light-transmitting fibre post. Methods: Forty-five 17-mm long roots were used. Twenty-four hours after obturation, the root canals were emptied to a depth of 12 mm and the root dentine was artificially flared to produce a 1 mm space between the fibre post and the canal walls. The roots were bulk restored with the composite resin, which was photoactivated through the post for 40 s (G1, control), 80 s (G2) or 120 s (G3). Twenty-four hours after post-cementation, the specimens were sectioned transversely into three slices at depths of 2, 6 and 10 mm, corresponding to the coronal, middle and apical regions of the reinforced root. Composite VHN was measured as the average of three indentations (100 g/15 s) in each region at lateral distances of 50, 200 and 350 mu m from the cement/post-interface. Results: Three-way analysis of variance (alpha = 0.05) indicated that the factors time, region and distance influenced the hardness and that the interaction time x region was statistically significant (p = 0.0193). Tukey`s test showed that the mean VHN values for G1 (76.37 +/- 8.58) and G2 (74.89 +/- 6.28) differed significantly from that for G3 (79.5 +/- 5.18). Conclusions: Composite resin hardness was significantly lower in deeper regions of root reinforcement and in lateral areas distant from the post. Overall, a light exposure time of 120 s provided higher composite hardness than the shorter times (40 and 80 s). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper the adequacy and the benefit of incorporating glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) waste materials into polyester based mortars, as sand aggregates and filler replacements, are assessed. Different weight contents of mechanically recycled GFRP wastes with two particle size grades are included in the formulation of new materials. In all formulations, a polyester resin matrix was modified with a silane coupling agent in order to improve binder-aggregates interfaces. The added value of the recycling solution was assessed by means of both flexural and compressive strengths of GFRP admixed mortars with regard to those of the unmodified polymer mortars. Planning of experiments and data treatment were performed by means of full factorial design and through appropriate statistical tools based on analyses of variance (ANOVA). Results show that the partial replacement of sand aggregates by either type of GFRP recyclates improves the mechanical performance of resultant polymer mortars. In the case of trial formulations modified with the coarser waste mix, the best results are achieved with 8% waste weight content, while for fine waste based polymer mortars, 4% in weight of waste content leads to the higher increases on mechanical strengths. This study clearly identifies a promising waste management solution for GFRP waste materials by developing a cost-effective end-use application for the recyclates, thus contributing to a more sustainable fibre-reinforced polymer composites industry.


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In this study, a new waste management solution for thermoset glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) based products was assessed. Mechanical recycling approach, with reduction of GFRP waste to powdered and fibrous materials was applied, and the prospective added-value of obtained recyclates was experimentally investigated as raw material for polyester based mortars. Different GFRP waste admixed mortar formulations were analyzed varying the content, between 4% up to 12% in weight, of GFRP powder and fibre mix waste. The effect of incorporation of a silane coupling agent was also assessed. Design of experiments and data treatment was accomplished through implementation of full factorial design and analysis of variance ANOVA. Added value of potential recycling solution was assessed by means of flexural and compressive loading capacity of GFRP waste admixed mortars with regard to unmodified polymer mortars. The key findings of this study showed a viable technological option for improving the quality of polyester based mortars and highlight a potential cost-effective waste management solution for thermoset composite materials in the production of sustainable concrete-polymer based products.


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The development and applications of thermoset polymeric composites, namely fibre reinforced plastics (FRP), have shifted in the last decades more and more into the mass market [1]. Despite of all advantages associated to FRP based products, the increasing production and consume also lead to an increasing amount of FRP wastes, either end-of-lifecycle products, or scrap and by-products generated by the manufacturing process itself. Whereas thermoplastic FRPs can be easily recycled, by remelting and remoulding, recyclability of thermosetting FRPs constitutes a more difficult task due to cross-linked nature of resin matrix. To date, most of the thermoset based FRP waste is being incinerated or landfilled, leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs to FRP producers and suppliers. This actual framework is putting increasing pressure on the industry to address the options available for FRP waste management, being an important driver for applied research undertaken cost efficient recycling methods. [1-2]. In spite of this, research on recycling solutions for thermoset composites is still at an elementary stage. Thermal and/or chemical recycling processes, with partial fibre recovering, have been investigated mostly for carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) due to inherent value of carbon fibre reinforcement; whereas for glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP), mechanical recycling, by means of milling and grinding processes, has been considered a more viable recycling method [1-2]. Though, at the moment, few solutions in the reuse of mechanically-recycled GFRP composites into valueadded products are being explored. Aiming filling this gap, in this study, a new waste management solution for thermoset GFRP based products was assessed. The mechanical recycling approach, with reduction of GFRP waste to powdered and fibrous materials was applied, and the potential added value of obtained recyclates was experimentally investigated as raw material for polyester based mortars. The use of a cementless concrete as host material for GFRP recyclates, instead of a conventional Portland cement based concrete, presents an important asset in avoiding the eventual incompatibility problems arisen from alkalis silica reaction between glass fibres and cementious binder matrix. Additionally, due to hermetic nature of resin binder, polymer based concretes present greater ability for incorporating recycled waste products [3]. Under this scope, different GFRP waste admixed polymer mortar (PM) formulations were analyzed varying the size grading and content of GFRP powder and fibre mix waste. Added value of potential recycling solution was assessed by means of flexural and compressive loading capacities of modified mortars with regard to waste-free polymer mortars.


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The use of solid wastes and natural fibres to the production of innovative composites is now a matter of environmental need. A set of hybrid composites constituted of waste rubber particles and sugarcane bagasse fibres into a thermoset composite material are drilled to determine the effect of rubber particle addition and size, sugarcane fibre addition and length and fibre chemical treatment on damage extension and related mechanical properties. Damage extension is determined by enhanced radiography for further damage measurement – diameter and areas – and correlated with mechanical test results — bearing test. The results demonstrated significant effect of the rubber and fibre additions on mechanical properties of the composites.


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Reconstruction of defects in the craniomaxillofacial (CMF) area has mainly been based on bone grafts or metallic fixing plates and screws. Particularly in the case of large calvarial and/or craniofacial defects caused by trauma, tumours or congenital malformations, there is a need for reliable reconstruction biomaterials, because bone grafts or metallic fixing systems do not completely fulfill the criteria for the best possible reconstruction methods in these complicated cases. In this series of studies, the usability of fibre-reinforced composite (FRC) was studied as a biostable, nonmetallic alternative material for reconstructing artificially created bone defects in frontal and calvarial areas of rabbits. The experimental part of this work describes the different stages of the product development process from the first in vitro tests with resin-impregnated fibrereinforced composites to the in vivo animal studies, in which this FRC was tested as an implant material for reconstructing different size bone defects in rabbit frontal and calvarial areas. In the first in vitro study, the FRC was polymerised in contact with bone or blood in the laboratory. The polymerised FRC samples were then incubated in water, which was analysed for residual monomer content by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). It was found that this in vitro polymerisation in contact with bone and blood did not markedly increase the residual monomer leaching from the FRC. In the second in vitro study, different adhesive systems were tested in fixing the implant to bone surface. This was done to find an alternative implant fixing system to screws and pins. On the basis of this study, it was found that the surface of the calvarial bone needed both mechanical and chemical treatments before the resinimpregnated FRC could be properly fixed onto it. In three animal studies performed with rabbit frontal bone defects and critical size calvarial bone defect models, biological responses to the FRC implants were evaluated. On the basis of theseevaluations, it can be concluded that the FRC, based on E-glass (electrical glass) fibres forming a porous fibre veil enables the ingrowth of connective tissues to the inner structures of the material, as well as the bone formation and mineralization inside the fibre veil. Bone formation could be enhanced by using bioactive glass granules fixed to the FRC implants. FRC-implanted bone defects healed partly; no total healing of defects was achieved. Biological responses during the follow-up time, at a maximum of 12 weeks, to resin-impregnated composite implant seemed to depend on the polymerization time of the resin matrix of the FRC. Both of the studied resin systems used in the FRC were photopolymerised and the heat-induced postpolymerisation was used additionally.


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The development of load-bearing osseous implant with desired mechanical and surface properties in order to promote incorporation with bone and to eliminate risk of bone resorption and implant failure is a very challenging task. Bone formation and resoption processes depend on the mechanical environment. Certain stress/strain conditions are required to promote new bone growth and to prevent bone mass loss. Conventional metallic implants with high stiffness carry most of the load and the surrounding bone becomes virtually unloaded and inactive. Fibre-reinforced composites offer an interesting alternative to metallic implants, because their mechanical properties can be tailored to be equal to those of bone, by the careful selection of matrix polymer, type of fibres, fibre volume fraction, orientation and length. Successful load transfer at bone-implant interface requires proper fixation between the bone and implant. One promising method to promote fixation is to prepare implants with porous surface. Bone ingrowth into porous surface structure stabilises the system and improves clinical success of the implant. The experimental part of this work was focused on polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) -based composites with dense load-bearing core and porous surface. Three-dimensionally randomly orientated chopped glass fibres were used to reinforce the composite. A method to fabricate those composites was developed by a solvent treatment technique and some characterisations concerning the functionality of the surface structure were made in vitro and in vivo. Scanning electron microscope observations revealed that the pore size and interconnective porous architecture of the surface layer of the fibre-reinforced composite (FRC) could be optimal for bone ingrowth. Microhardness measurements showed that the solvent treatment did not have an effect on the mechanical properties of the load-bearing core. A push-out test, using dental stone as a bone model material, revealed that short glass fibre-reinforced porous surface layer is strong enough to carry load. Unreacted monomers can cause the chemical necrosis of the tissue, but the levels of leachable resisidual monomers were considerably lower than those found in chemically cured fibre-reinforced dentures and in modified acrylic bone cements. Animal experiments proved that surface porous FRC implant can enhance fixation between bone and FRC. New bone ingrowth into the pores was detected and strong interlocking between bone and the implant was achieved.