782 resultados para National characteristics, English.
Most essay rating research in language assessment has examined human raters’ essay rating as a cognitive process, thus overlooking or oversimplifying the interaction between raters and sociocultural contexts. Given that raters are social beings, their practices have social meanings and consequences. Hence it is important to situate essay rating within its sociocultural context for a more meaningful understanding. Drawing on Engeström’s (1987, 2001) cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT) framework with a sociocultural perspective, this study reconceptualized essay rating as a socially mediated activity with both cognitive (individual raters’ goal-directed decision-making actions) and social layers (raters’ collective object-oriented essay rating activity at related settings). In particular, this study explored raters’ essay rating at one provincial rating centre in China within the context of a high-stakes university entrance examination, the National Matriculation English Test (NMET). This study adopted a multiple-method multiple-perspective qualitative case study design. Think-aloud protocols, stimulated recalls, interviews, and documents served as the data sources. This investigation involved 25 participants at two settings (rating centre and high schools), including rating centre directors, team leaders, NMET essay raters who were high school teachers, and school principals and teaching colleagues of these essay raters. Data were analyzed using Strauss and Corbin’s (1990) open and axial coding techniques, and CHAT for data integration. The findings revealed the interaction between raters and the NMET sociocultural context. Such interaction can be understood through a surface structure (cognitive layer) and a deep structure (social layer) concerning how raters assessed NMET essays, where the surface structure reflected the “what” and the deep structure explained the “how” and “why” in raters’ decision-making. This study highlighted the roles of goals and rules in rater decision-making, rating tensions and raters’ solutions, and the relationship between essay rating and teaching. This study highlights the value of a sociocultural view to essay rating research, demonstrates CHAT as a sociocultural approach to investigate essay rating, and proposes a direction for future washback research on the effect of essay rating. This study also provides support for NMET rating practices that can potentially bring positive washback to English teaching in Chinese high schools.
Thesis (Ph.D, Education) -- Queen's University, 2016-09-22 22:05:24.246
Flows of cultural heritage in textual practices are vital to sustaining Indigenous communities. Indigenous heritage, whether passed on by oral tradition or ubiquitous social media, can be seen as a “conversation between the past and the future” (Fairclough, 2012, xv). Indigenous heritage involves appropriating memories within a cultural flow to pass on a spiritual legacy. This presentation reports ethnographic research of social media practices in a small independent Aboriginal school in Southeast Queensland, Australia that is resided over by the Yugambeh elders and an Aboriginal principal. The purpose was to rupture existing notions of white literacies in schools, and to deterritorialize the uses of digital media by dominant cultures in the public sphere. Examples of learning experiences included the following: i. Integrating Indigenous language and knowledge into media text production; ii. Using conversations with Indigenous elders and material artifacts as an entry point for storytelling; iii. Dadirri – spiritual listening in the yarning circle to develop storytelling (Ungunmerr-Baumann, 2002); and iv. Writing and publicly sharing oral histories through digital scrapbooking shared via social media. The program aligned with the Australian National Curriculum English (ACARA, 2012), which mandates the teaching of multimodal text creation. Data sources included a class set of digital scrapbooks collaboratively created in a multi-age primary classroom. The digital scrapbooks combined digitally encoded words, images of material artifacts, and digital music files. A key feature of the writing and digital design task was to retell and digitally display and archive a cultural narrative of significance to the Indigenous Australian community and its memories and material traces of the past for the future. Data analysis of the students’ digital stories involved the application of key themes of negotiated, material, and digitally mediated forms of heritage practice. It drew on Australian Indigenous research by Keddie et al. (2013) to guard against the homogenizing of culture that can arise from a focus on a static view of culture. The interpretation of findings located Indigenous appropriation of social media within broader racialized politics that enables Indigenous literacy to be understood as a dynamic, negotiated, and transgenerational flows of practice. The findings demonstrate that Indigenous children’s use of media production reflects “shifting and negotiated identities” in response to changing media environments that can function to sustain Indigenous cultural heritages (Appadurai, 1696, xv). It demonstrated how the children’s experiences of culture are layered over time, as successive generations inherit, interweave, and hear others’ cultural stories or maps. It also demonstrated how the children’s production of narratives through multimedia can provide a platform for the flow and reconstruction of performative collective memories and “lived traces of a common past” (Giaccardi, 2012). It disrupts notions of cultural reductionism and racial incommensurability that fix and homogenize Indigenous practices within and against a dominant White norm. Recommendations are provided for an approach to appropriating social media in schools that explicitly attends to the dynamic nature of Indigenous practices, negotiated through intercultural constructions and flows, and opening space for a critical anti-racist approach to multimodal text production.
National or International Significance Flows of cultural heritage in textual practices are vital to sustaining Indigenous communities - a national and international priority (Commonwealth of Australia, 2011). Indigenous heritage, whether passed on by oral tradition or ubiquitous social media, can be seen as a "conversation between the past and the future" (Fairclough, 2012, p. xv). Indigenous heritage involves appropriating memories within a cultural flow to pass on a spiritual legacy. This presentation reports ethnographic research of social media practices in a small independent Aboriginal school in Southeast Queensland, Australia that is resided over by the Yuggera elders and an Aboriginal principal. Quality of Research The purpose was to rupture existing notions of white literacies in schools, and to deterritorialize the uses of digital media by dominant cultures in the public sphere. Examples of learning experiences included the following: i. Integrating Indigenous language and knowledge into media text production; ii. Classroom visits from Indigenous elders; and iii. Publishing oral histories through digital scrapbooking. The program aligned with the Australian National Curriculum English (ACARA, 2014), which mandates the teaching of multimodal text creation. Data sources included a class set of digital scrapbooks collaboratively created in a preparatory-one primary classroom. The digital scrapbooks combined digitally encoded words, images of material artifacts, and digital music files. A key feature of the writing and digital design task was to retell and digitally display and archive a cultural narrative of significance to the Indigenous Australian community and its memories and material traces of the past for the future. Data analysis of the students' digital stories involved the application of key themes of negotiated, material, and digitally mediated forms of heritage practice. It drew on Australian Indigenous research by Keddie et al. (2013) to guard against the homogenizing of culture that can arise from a focus on a static view of culture. The interpretation of findings located Indigenous appropriation of social media within broader racialized politics that enables Indigenous literacy to be understood as a dynamic, negotiated, and transgenerational flows of practice. It demonstrates that Indigenous children's use of media production reflects "shifting and negotiated identities" in response to changing media environments that can function to sustain Indigenous cultural heritages (Appadurai, 1696, p. xv). Impact on practice, policy or theory The findings are important for teachers at a time when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures is a cross-curricular policy priority in the Australian Curriculum (ACARA, 2014). The findings show how curriculum policies can be applied to classroom practice in ways that are epistemologically consistent with Indigenous ways of knowing and being. Theoretically, it demonstrates how the children's experiences of culture are layered over time, as successive generations inherit, interweave, and hear others' cultural stories or maps. Practically, recommendations are provided for an approach to appropriating social media in schools that explicitly attends to the dynamic nature of Indigenous practices, negotiated through intercultural constructions and flows, and opening space for a critical anti-racist approach to multimodal text production. Timeliness The research is timely in the context of the accessibility and role of digital and multimodal forms of communication, including for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
A presente pesquisa comparativa mostra por que ao longo do século XX se consolidou o sindicalismo docente de base na Argentina, no Brasil e no México e explica as particularidades nacionais desse processo. A categoria sindicalismo docente de base, desenvolvida no contexto da presente investigação, pretende captar um fenômeno que aparece com clareza na segunda metade do século XX: as organizações de professores tem reivindicações fundamentalmente trabalhistas, legitimidade para organizar medidas coletivas de pressão sobre os governos (particularmente greves) e, além disso, a base da categoria tem uma importante gravitação sobre as entidades que pretendem representá-la. A comparação histórica e sociológica permite identificar três processos sucessivos que foram fundamentais para a afirmação do sindicalismo docente de base: a propagação das associações da categoria, a implantação das organizações na base docente e, finalmente, a consolidação do sindicalismo docente de base. Esses processos constituem conjunturas críticas e as características particulares que as práticas sindicais adquiriram nesses contextos tendem a se reproduzir basicamente por dois mecanismos: a tradição sindical e a regulamentação estatal da atividade sindical e do trabalho docente. As práticas sindicais docentes são estruturadas pelas características dos professores e das suas condições de existência. Também são mediadas pelas particularidades das organizações docentes, pela tradição sindical e pela ação governamental perante a atividade reivindicativa e associativa dos trabalhadores. A reconstrução desses elementos estruturantes e dessas mediações contribui para explicar quando as conjunturas críticas aconteceram e quais características particulares apresentaram. No México, a situação política geral e a relação que estabeleceram os quadros docentes com os governos pós-revolucionários em particular, permitiram uma rápida consolidação das associações docentes e uma implantação na base através do Estado na primeira metade do século. Também nesse período, no México, o professorado perdeu parcialmente as suas características femininas e o confronto com as autoridades como forma de pressão coletiva legitimou-se. Isso contrasta com os outros países, nos quais a organização da categoria se generalizou sem apoio estatal decisivo. A concentração da categoria em escolas e cidades fortaleceu a afirmação do sindicalismo docente de base cujas consequências já podem ser vistas nos três países em finais da década de 1950. Nesse contexto, as organizações docentes argentinas se implantaram na base (depois de que falisse a tentativa do governo de implantar o sindicalismo docente através do Estado), mas as brasileiras não. As organizações brasileiras só se implantariam na base após 1978. Processos que na década de 1950 já estavam em desenvolvimento (como a consolidação do professor como trabalhador de base de sistemas burocráticos dirigidos por especialistas, a regulamentação e burocratização da carreira, a perda de importância das recompensas simbólicas como incentivo para exercer o professorado) e outros que apareceriam nas décadas seguintes (como a incorporação crescente da mulher no mercado de trabalho, a radicalização do movimento estudantil e o recrutamento do professorado entre as camadas mais pobres da população) explicam a consolidação do sindicalismo docente de base entre as décadas de 1970 e 1980
Aquest treball presenta una investigació que explora la construcció social de la identitat nacional en 922 nens de 6, 9, 12 i 15 anys d’edat que creixen en diferents contextos socio-polítics i lingüístics. Els resultats mostren diferències en el favoritisme en grups en funció de la identificació subjectiva, però no en percepció d’homogeneïtzació, que no canvia en tots els contextos socio-polítics
Over one-third of global food production goes to waste while over 850million people are fighting chronic hunger. The United States is the world’s largest food waster. One third of America’s food with an economic value of US$161 billion is wasted and less than 7% is recycled. American food waste ends up in landfills creating powerful methane gas emissions. South Korea, on the other hand, has implemented the world’s strictest food waste laws, and today diverts 93% of wasted food away from landfills turning such waste into powerful economic opportunities. This Master Thesis investigates the reasons behind global food waste by comparing South Korea and the US. It explores what these two nations are doing to address their respective food waste problems, South Korea successfully, the US not. The paper looks at the two countries’ respective policies and national characteristics, which impact decision-making and recycling processes. The effort concludes that South Korea has embarked on a necessary paradigm shift turning food waste into powerful economic drivers leading to a sharp decline in food waste. In the US, food waste continues to be a major problem without a national strategy to remedy waste. Any effort in the US, while laudable, is sporadic and local, and hence the US misses out on possibly important economic growth opportunities.
Neste artigo, o legislativo municipal é analisado a partir de dois eixos: (1) a ênfase em suas características nacionais e regionais, com base em dados sobre a composição social e político-partidária do legislativo municipal no Brasil, no período de 1996, 2000 e 2004; e (2) os diferentes modos como os poderes legislativos locais de São Paulo e Santa Catarina percebem os poderes executivos no que se refere ao processo decisório.
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT