717 resultados para Nanoimprint lithography (NIL)


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A series of high-performance polycarbonates have been prepared with glass-transition temperatures and decomposition temperatures that are tunable by varying the repeat-unit chemical structure. Patterning of the polymers with extreme UV lithography has been achieved by taking advantage of direct photoinduced chain scission of the polymer chains, which results in a molecular-weight based solubility switch. After selective development of the irradiated regions of the polymers, feature sizes as small as 28.6 nm have been printed and the importance of resist-developer interactions for maximizing image quality has been demonstrated.


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Some initial EUVL patterning results for polycarbonate based non-chemically amplified resists are presented. Without full optimization the developer a resolution of 60 nm line spaces could be obtained. With slight overexposure (1.4 × E0) 43.5 nm lines at a half pitch of 50 nm could be printed. At 2x E0 a 28.6 nm lines at a half pitch of 50 nm could be obtained with a LER that was just above expected for mask roughness. Upon being irradiated with EUV photons, these polymers undergo chain scission with the loss of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The remaining photoproducts appear to be non-volatile under standard EUV irradiation conditions, but do exhibit increased solubility in developer compared to the unirradiated polymer. The sensitivity of the polymers to EUV light is related to their oxygen content and ways to increase the sensitivity of the polymers to 10 mJ cm-2 is discussed.


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Some initial EUVL patterning results for polycarbonate based non-chemically amplified resists are presented. Without full optimization the developer a resolution of 60 nm line spaces could be obtained. With slight overexposure (1.4 × E0) 43.5 nm lines at a half pitch of 50 nm could be printed. At 2x E0 a 28.6 nm lines at a half pitch of 50 nm could be obtained with a LER that was just above expected for mask roughness. Upon being irradiated with EUV photons, these polymers undergo chain scission with the loss of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The remaining photoproducts appear to be non-volatile under standard EUV irradiation conditions, but do exhibit increased solubility in developer compared to the unirradiated polymer. The sensitivity of the polymers to EUV light is related to their oxygen content and ways to increase the sensitivity of the polymers to 10 mJ cm-2 is discussed.


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Three strategies for approaching the design and synthesis of non-chemically amplified resists (non-CARs) are presented. These are linear polycarbonates, star polyester-blk-poly(methyl methacrylate) and comb polymers with polysulfone backbones. The linear polycarbonates were designed to cleave when irradiated with 92 eV photons and high Tg alicyclic groups were incorporated into the backbone to increase Tg and etch resistance. The star block copolymers were designed to have a core that is sensitive to 92 eV photons and arms that have the potential to provide properties such as high Tg and etch resistance. Similarly the polysulfone comb polymers were designed to have an easily degradable polymer backbone and comb-arms that impart favorable physical properties. Initial patterning results are presented for a number of the systems.


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Natural nanopatterned surfaces (nNPS) present on insect wings have demonstrated bactericidal activity [1, 2]. Fabricated nanopatterned surfaces (fNPS) derived by characterization of these wings have also shown superior bactericidal activity [2]. However bactericidal NPS topologies vary in both geometry and chemical characteristics of the individual features in different insects and fabricated surfaces, rendering it difficult to ascertain the optimum geometrical parameters underling bactericidal activity. This situation calls for the adaptation of new and emerging techniques, which are capable of fabricating and characterising comparable structures to nNPS from biocompatible materials. In this research, CAD drawn nNPS representing an area of 10 μm x10 μm was fabricated on a fused silica glass by Nanoscribe photonic professional GT 3D laser lithography system using two photon polymerization lithography. The glass was cleaned with acetone and isopropyl alcohol thrice and a drop of IP-DIP photoresist from Nanoscribe GmbH was cast onto the glass slide prior to patterning. Photosensitive IP-DIP resist was polymerized with high precision to make the surface nanopatterns using a 780 nm wavelength laser. Both moving-beam fixedsample (MBFS) and fixed-beam moving-sample (FBMS) fabrication approaches were tested during the fabrication process to determine the best approach for the precise fabrication of the required nanotopological pattern. Laser power was also optimized to fabricate the required fNPS, where this was changed from 3mW to 10mW to determine the optimum laser power for the polymerization of the photoresist for fabricating FNPS...


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We report low-dimensional fabrication of technologically important giant dielectric material CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) using soft electron beam lithographic technique. Sol-gel precursor solution of CCTO was prepared using inorganic metal nitrates and Ti-isopropoxide. Employing the prepared precursor solution and e-beam lithographically fabricated resist mask CCTO dots with similar to 200 nm characteristic dimension were fabricated on platinized Si (111) substrate. Phase formation, chemical purity and crystalline nature of fabricated low dimensional structures were investigated with X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED), respectively. Morphological investigations were carried out with the help of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). This kind of solution based fabrication of patterned low-dimensional high dielectric architectures might get potential significance for cost-effective technological applications. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Micro- and nano-mechanical resonators have been proposed for a variety of applications ranging from mass sensing to signal processing. Often their actuation and/or detection involve external subsystems that are much larger than the resonator itself. We have designed a simple microcantilever resonator with integrated sensor and actuator, facilitating the integration of large arrays of resonators. This unique design can be manufactured with a low-cost fabrication process, involving just a single step of lithography. The bilayer cantilever of gold and silicon dioxide is used as piezoresistive sensor as well as thermal bimorph actuator. The ac current used for actuation and the dc current used for piezoresistive detection are separated in the frequency-domain using a bias-tee circuit configuration. The resonant response is measured by detecting the second harmonic of the actuation current using a lock-in amplifier.


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Patterning nanostructures on flexible substrates plays a key role in the emerging flexible electronics technology. The flexible electronic devices are inexpensive and can be conformed to any shape. The potential applications for such devices are sensors, displays, solar cells, RFID, high-density biochips, optoelectronics etc. E-beam lithography is established as a powerful tool for nanoscale fabrication, but its applicability on insulating flexible substrates is often limited because of surface charging effects. This paper presents the fabrication of nanostructures on insulating flexible substrates using low energy E-beam lithography along with metallic layers for charge dissipation. Nano Structures are patterned on different substrates of materials such as acetate and PET foils. The fabrication process parameters such as the proximity gap of exposure, the exposure dosage and developing conditions have been optimized for each substrate.


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We review the two kinds of forces that near-resonant light exerts on atoms the spontaneous force that is used for laser cooling, and the stimulated force that is used for coherent manipulation of atoms. We will discuss an experiment where laser cooling is used to collimate an atomic beam of sodium atoms, and the stimulated force within one period of a one-dimensional standing wave is used as a lens to focus the atoms to a narrow line about 20 nm wide. This kind of atom lithography is an example of the general field of atom optics in which light is used to manipulate atoms.


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We propose two-photon excitation-based light-sheet technique for nano-lithography. The system consists of 2 -configured cylindrical lens system with a common geometrical focus. Upon superposition, the phase-matched counter-propagating light-sheets result in the generation of identical and equi spaced nano-bump pattern. Study shows a feature size of as small as few tens of nanometers with a inter-bump distance of few hundred nanometers. This technique overcomes some of the limitations of existing nano-lithography techniques, thereby, may pave the way for mass-production of nano-structures. Potential applications can also be found in optical microscopy, plasmonics, and nano-electronics. Microsc. Res. Tech. 78:1-7, 2015. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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This study explores a number of low-viscosity glass-forming polymers for their suitability as high-speed materials in electrohydrodynamic (EHD) lithography. The use of low-viscosity polymer films significantly reduces the patterning time (to below 10 s) compared to earlier approaches, without compromising the high fidelity of the replicated structures. The rapid pace of this process requires a method to monitor the completion of EHD pattern formation. To this end, the leakage current across the device is monitored and the sigmoidal shape of the current curve is correlated with the various stages of EHD pattern formation.