953 resultados para NR Latex


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Latex collected from natural rubber trees forming membranes can be used as biomaterials in several fields being the temperature a key parameter. Thermogravimetry (TG) coupled to Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a useful technique to investigate the thermal degradation of both latex and cast films (membranes), wich were obtained from Hevea brasiliensis (RRIM 600 clone) and used without stabilization. The membranes were prepared by casting the latex onto a glass substrate at 65 degrees C for 6 h. The thermal degradation was followed by FTIR spectra acquisition along the process, allowing the identification of the gaseous components evolved upon the thermal treatment. According to TG measurements, the main processes of thermal degradation of the latex and membranes occur at three temperature intervals for both.


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A series of NR composites filled with modified kaolinite (MK), carbon black (CB) and the hybrid fillercontained MK and CB, were prepared by melt blending. The microstructure, combustion and thermaldecomposition behaviors of NR composites were characterized by TEM, XRD, infrared spectroscopy, conecalorimeter test (CCT) and thermal-gravimetric analysis (TG). The results show that the filler hybridizationcan improve the dispensability and shape of the kaolinite sheets in the rubber matrix and change theinterface bond between kaolinite particles and rubber molecules. NR-3 filled by 10 phr MK and 40 phr CBhas the lowest heat release rate (HRR), mass loss rate (MLR), total heat release (THR), smoke productionrate (SPR) and the highest char residue among all the NR composites. Therefore, the hybridization ofthe carbon black particles with the kaolinite particles can effectively improve the thermal stability andcombustion properties of NR composites.


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Latex allergy is a serious, possibly life threatening health hazard in the perioperative environment. Policy and procedures should be developed to identify patients who may be sensitive to latex and to ensure the avoidance of latex products in their care. Healthcare workers should also take steps to avoid exposure and protect themselves from hypersensitivity reactions.


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Cross-link density, microstructure and mechanical properties of styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) composites filled with different particle sized kaolinites are investigated. With the increase of kaolinite particle size, the cross-link density of the filled SBR composites, the dispersibility and orientation degree of kaolinite particles gradually decrease. Some big cracks in filled rubber composites are distributed along the fringe of kaolinite aggregates, and the absorbance of all the absorption bands of kaolinites gradually increase with the increase of kaolinite particle size. All mechanical property indexes of kaolinite filled SBR composites decrease due to the decrease of cross-linking and reduction of interface interaction between filler and rubber matrix.


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A LATEX style file, named qutthesis.sty, is developed, for writing PhD or Research Masters thesis. Developed by Professor Glen Yu-Chu Tian, it tries to fulfill QUT’s Thesis requirements but it is unofficial.


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Aim Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (nr-axSpA) is axial inflammatory arthritis where plain radiographic damage is not evident. An unknown proportion of these patients will progress to ankylosing spondylitis (AS). The increasing recognition of nr-axSpA has been greatly assisted by the widespread use of magnetic resonance imaging. The aim of this article was to construct a set of consensus statements based on a literature review to guide investigation and promote best management of nr-axSpA. Methods A literature review using Medline was conducted covering the major investigation modalities and treatment options available. A group of rheumatologists and a radiologist with expertise in investigation and management of SpA reviewed the literature and formulated a set of consensus statements. The Grade system encompassing the level of evidence and strength of recommendation was used. The opinion of a patient with nr-axSpA and a nurse experienced in the care of SpA patients was also sought and included. Results The literature review found few studies specifically addressing nr-axSpA, or if these patients were included, their results were often not separately reported. Fourteen consensus statements covering investigation and management of nr-axSpA were formulated. The level of agreement was high and ranged from 8.1 to 9.8. Treatment recommendations vary little with established AS, but this is primarily due to the lack of available evidence on the specific treatment of nr-axSpA. Conclusion The consensus statements aim to improve the diagnosis and management of nr-axSpA. We aim to raise awareness of this condition by the public and doctors and promote appropriate investigation and management.


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The threat and management of glyphosate# resistant weeds are major issues facing northern region growers. At present five weeds are confirmed glyphosate-resistant: barnyard grass, liverseed grass, windmill grass, annual ryegrass and flaxleaf fleabane. This project used 25 experiments to investigate the ecology of the grass weeds, plus new or improved chemical and non-chemical control tactics for them. The refined glyphosate resistance model developed in this project used the experiments' findings to predict the long-term impacts on evolution of resistance and on seed bank numbers of resistant weeds. These data led to revised management and resistance avoidance strategies, which were published in the Reporter newsletter, and via an on-line risk assessment tool. - See more at: http://finalreports.grdc.com.au/UQ00054#sthash.oTkCN4Sk.dpuf


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During the past 10 years, this project tested 23 barley and 51 wheat varieties with 19 and 34 registered herbicides, respectively. It concentrated on new varieties and herbicides. The research highlighted that Northern Region (NR) wheat and barley varieties differed considerably in their sensitivity to these herbicides. Overall, 9 per cent of wheat variety x herbicide combinations and 6 per cent of barley variety x herbicide combinations had significant yield losses (3 to 38%) from herbicides at recommended rates and crop stages. In addition, 21 to 23 per cent had significant yield losses from herbicides at double rates, indicating a narrow margin of crop safety.


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Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.), a major weed causing economic, environmental, and human and animal health problems in Australia and several countries in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific, has been a target for biological control in Australia since the mid-1970s. Nine species of insects and two rust fungi have been introduced as biological control agents into Australia. These include Carmenta sp. nr ithacae, a root feeding agent from Mexico. The larvae of C. sp. nr ithacae bore through the stem-base into the root where they feed on the cortical tissue of the taproot. During 1998-2002, 2,816 larval-infested plants and 387 adults were released at 31 sites across Queensland, Australia. Evidence of field establishment was first observed in two of the release sites in central Queensland in 2004. Annual surveys at these sites and nonrelease sites during 2006-2011 showed wide variations in the incidence and abundance of C. sp. nr ithacae between years and sites. Surveys at three of the nine release sites in northern Queensland and 16 of the 22 release sites in central Queensland confirmed the field establishment of C. sp. nr ithacae in four release sites and four nonrelease sites, all in central Queensland. No field establishment was evident in the inland region or in northern Queensland. A CLIMEX model based on the native range distribution of C. sp. nr ithacae predicts that areas east of the dividing range along the coast are more suitable for field establishment than inland areas. Future efforts to redistribute this agent should be restricted to areas identified as climatically favorable by the CLIMEX model.


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In this paper, we present a growing and pruning radial basis function based no-reference (NR) image quality model for JPEG-coded images. The quality of the images are estimated without referring to their original images. The features for predicting the perceived image quality are extracted by considering key human visual sensitivity factors such as edge amplitude, edge length, background activity and background luminance. Image quality estimation involves computation of functional relationship between HVS features and subjective test scores. Here, the problem of quality estimation is transformed to a function approximation problem and solved using GAP-RBF network. GAP-RBF network uses sequential learning algorithm to approximate the functional relationship. The computational complexity and memory requirement are less in GAP-RBF algorithm compared to other batch learning algorithms. Also, the GAP-RBF algorithm finds a compact image quality model and does not require retraining when the new image samples are presented. Experimental results prove that the GAP-RBF image quality model does emulate the mean opinion score (MOS). The subjective test results of the proposed metric are compared with JPEG no-reference image quality index as well as full-reference structural similarity image quality index and it is observed to outperform both.


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Polymeric admixtures to concrete ingredients modify the properties of the processed concrete. Ductility is one such property modification. This investigation deals with the development of a method of incorporating natural rubber latex into concrete ingredients with only marginal effects on the compressive strength of base plain concrete. This retention of the strength has been effected by reducing the water/cement ratio with the aid of a superplasticizer. The quantity of natural rubber latex is expressed as the dry rubber content by percentage of volume of concrete. The compressive and tensile strengths, as well as post peak ductile behaviour have been the basis for comparison with those of unmodified concrete.


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Avhandlingen kartlägger användandet av metaforer i ekonomijournalistik då den globala ekonomikrisen anlände till Finland under hösten 2008. Syftet med den här kvalitativa forskningen är inte bara att presentera olika metaforer utan också påvisa att metaforer bildar större helheter. Med hjälp av en metaforanalys redogör denna studie vilka metaforer förekom i ekonominyheter och hur de reflekterar ekonomikrisen och den verklighet vi lever i. Forskningen presenterar också deltagarna i ekonomikrisdiskussionen och diskuterar deras position i samhället i förhållande till maktfrågan. Den tredelning av metaforer som Lakoff och Johnson presenterar i sin bok Metaphors we live by (1980) ligger till grund för den här undersökningen. I den här forskningen delas metaforer enligt den kognitiva metaforteorin till tre större grupper; strukturella, ontologiska och orientationella metaforer. Användning av metaforer i undersökta artiklar var rikligt och den största gruppen utgjordes av strukturella metaforer. Mest förekom krigs-, spel-, sjukdoms- och naturmetaforer. Den största gruppen var krigsmetaforer vilka tillsammans med spelmetaforer användes mest i början av rapporteringen om den ekonomiska recessionen. Färg- och religionsmetaforer förekom också om än i ett mindre antal. Ontologiska metaforer förekom i form av personifiering. Bland annat var marknad och börs de fenomen som fick personliga drag då de var i panik, reagerade föll eller sov. Av de orientationella metaforer var horisontella upp-ner -metaforer vanligare än de vertikala fram-bak -metaforerna. Denna studie visar att de metaforer som journalisterna använde i sina artiklar bildade större helheter. Med hjälp av dessa metaforer ville man förtydliga att den ekonomiska recessionen ansågs vara en överraskning, speciellt för makthavare och ekonomiexperter. Krisen slog till i Finland överraskande och med en mycket stark volym och osäkerheten om framtiden förstärktes med metaforanvändandet. Avhandlingen har också ett samhälleligt perspektiv. I den undersöks deltagarna i ekonomikrisdiskussionen samt deras position i samhället. Forskningsresultatet är relaterat till maktfrågan med stöd av maktforskarna Michel Foucault och Ilkka Ruostetsaari. I dagens samhälle och globala värld har ekonomins makt bara ökat. Analysen av det empiriska materialet visar att näringslivet dominerade debatten och därmed hör det till makteliten. Alla diskussionsdeltagare använder metaforer, dock används de kraftigaste metaforerna av journalister.


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New materials in concrete constructions have been widely used to improve various properties such as impact resistance, strength and durability. Polymer modified concrete is one of the new materials which has been developed for potential application in the construction industry. This Paper describes the use of polymer latex for foundation blocks subjected to dynamic loads. Experiments were conducted using ordinary concrete and latex modified concrete footings of three different thicknesses, for three static loads at four excitation levels. Experimental results have revealed that the amplitude of resonance is reduced considerably in the latex modified concrete footings.


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Two fractions showing proteolytic enzymes have been obtained from the latex of Synadenium grantii Hook, 'f', using gel-filtration and anion-exchange chromatographic techniques. Both these proteases have the same molecular mass of 76+/-2 kDa each. They exhibit maximal activity at pH 7.0 and at a temperature of 60 degreesC. They display stability over a pH range from 5-10 and are also highly thermostable. Irreversible inhibition by PMSF indicates that they are serine proteases. In addition, histidine residues also appear to play an important role in catalysis as evidenced by inhibition with DEPC. They also exhibit similarity with respect to pH and temperature optima, kinetic properties and thermal stability. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.