128 resultados para NPC


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Ferrocenyl platinum(II) complexes (1-3), viz. Pt(Fc-tpy)Cl]Cl (1), Pt(Fc-tpy)(NPC)]Cl (2, HNPC = N-propargyl carbazole) and Pt(Fc-bpa)Cl]Cl (3), were prepared, characterized and their anti-proliferative properties in visible light in human keratinocyte (HaCaT) cell lines have been studied. Pt(Ph-tpy)Cl]Cl (4) was prepared and used as a control. Complexes 1 and 3, structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography, show distorted square-planar geometry for the platinum(II) centre. Complexes 1 and 2 having the Fc-tpy ligand showed an intense absorption band at similar to 590 nm. The ferrocenyl complexes are redox active showing the Fc(+)-Fc couple near 0.6 V vs. SCE in DMF-0.1 M tetrabutylammonium perchlorate (TBAP). Complexes 1-3 showed external binding to calf thymus DNA. Both 1 and 2 showed remarkable photocytotoxicity in HaCaT cell lines giving respective IC50 values of 9.8 and 12.0 mu M in visible light of 400-700 nm with low dark toxicity (IC50 > 60 mu M). Fluorescent imaging studies showed the spread of the complexes throughout the cell localising both in cytoplasm and the nucleus. The ferrocenyl complexes triggered apoptosis on light exposure as evidenced from the Annexin V-FITC/PI and DNA ladder formation assays. Spectral studies revealed the formation of ferrocenium ions upon photo-irradiation generating cytotoxic hydroxyl radicals via a Fenton type mechanism. The results are rationalized from a TDDFT study that shows involvement of ferrocene and the platinum coordinated terpyridine moiety as respective HOMO and LUMO.


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Analytical closed-form expressions for harmonic distortion factors corresponding to various pulsewidth modulation (PWM) techniques for a two-level inverter have been reported in the literature. This paper derives such analytical closed-form expressions, pertaining to centered space-vector PWM (CSVPWM) and eight different advanced bus-clamping PWM (ABCPWM) schemes, for a three-level neutral-point-clamped (NPC) inverter. These ABCPWM schemes switch each phase at twice the nominal switching frequency in certain intervals of the line cycle while clamping each phase to one of the dc terminals over certain other intervals. The harmonic spectra of the output voltages, corresponding to the eight ABCPWM schemes, are studied and compared experimentally with that of CSVPWM over the entire modulation range. The measured values of weighted total harmonic distortion (WTHD) of the line voltage V-WTHD are used to validate the analytical closed-form expressions derived. The analytical expressions, pertaining to two of the ABCPWM methods, are also validated by measuring the total harmonic distortion (THD) in the line current I-THD on a 2.2-kW constant volts-per-hertz induction motor drive.


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Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are very selective filters that sit on the membrane of the nucleus and monitor the transport between the cytoplasm and the nucleoplasm. For the central plug of NPC two models have been suggested in the literature. The first suggests that the plug is a reversible hydrogel while the other suggests that it is a polymer brush. Here we propose a model for the transport of a protein through the plug, which is general enough to cover both the models. The protein stretches the plug and creates a local deformation, which together with the protein, we refer to as the bubble. We start with the free energy for creation of the bubble and consider its motion within the plug. The relevant coordinate is the center of the bubble which executes random walk. We find that for faster relaxation of the gel, the diffusion of the bubble is greater. (C) 2014 Elsevier-B.V. All rights reserved.


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A simple methodology has been developed for the synthesis of functional nanoporous carbon (NPC) materials using a metal-organic framework (IRMOF-3) that can act as a template for external carbon precursor (viz, sucrose) and also a self-sacrificing carbon source. The resultant graphitic NPC samples (abbreviated as NPC-0, NPC-150, NPC-300, NPC-500 and NPC-1000 based on sucrose loading) obtained through loading different amounts of sucrose exhibit tunable textural parameters. Among these, NPC-300 shows very high surface area (BET approximate to 3119 m(2)/g, Langmuir approximate to 4031 m(2)/g) with a large pore volume of 1.93 cm(3)/g. High degree of porosity coupled with polar surface functional groups, make NPC-300 remarkable candidate for the uptake of H-2 (2.54 wt% at 1 bar, and 5.1 wt% at 50 bar, 77 K) and CO2 (64 wt% at 1 bar, 195 K and 16.9 wt% at 30 bar, 298 K). As a working electrode in a supercapacitor cell, NPC-300 shows excellent reversible charge storage thus, demonstrating multifunctional usage of the carbon materials. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The voltage ripple and power loss in the DC-capacitor of a voltage source inverter depend on the harmonic currents flowing through the capacitor. This paper presents a double Fourier series based analysis of the harmonic contents of the DC capacitor current in a three-level neutral-point clamped (NPC) inverter, modulated with sine-triangle pulse-width modulation (SPWM) or conventional space vector pulse-width modulation (CSVPWM) schemes. The analytical results are validated experimentally on a 3-kVA three-level inverter prototype. The capacitor current in an NPC inverter has a periodicity of 120(a similar to) at the fundamental or modulation frequency. Hence, this current contains third-harmonic and triplen-frequency components, apart from switching frequency components. The harmonic components vary with modulation index and power factor for both PWM schemes. The third harmonic current decreases with increase in modulation index and also decreases with increase in power factor in case of both PWM methods. In general, the third harmonic content is higher with SPWM than with CSVPWM at a given operating condition. Also, power loss and voltage ripple in the DC capacitor are estimated for both the schemes using the current harmonic spectrum and equivalent series resistance (ESR) of the capacitor.


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Gaur egun informazio teknologiei esker edozein gairi buruz eskuratu dezakegun informazioa izugarria da. Proteinei buruzko informazioa leku askotan sakabanatuta dago eta informazio hori bilatu eta biltzeak garrantzi handia du ikerketa proiektu bat abiatzerakoan. Proteomikak oso lagin konplexuetan dauden proteinak identifikatu eta kuantifikatzen ditu. Orain arte proteomika egiteko modurik arruntena shotgun proteomika izan da, bere helburua ahalik eta proteina gehien inolako aurreiritzirik gabe analizatzea delarik. Orain dela gutxi, proteomika kuantitatibo ituratua aplikatzen hasi da, proteina jakin batzuk oso modu sentikorrean eta fidagarrian kuantifikatzeko asmotan, Western plapaketaren alternatiba izatera helduz. Behin metodo ituratua diseinatu eta gero, lagin askotan erabiltzeko aukera ematen du, baina estrategia honek proteina bakoitzarentzako metodo ituratua diseinatzea eskatzen du. Nukleoko poro-konplexuak [Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs)] nukleoaren azalean zeharreko zitoplasma eta nukleoplasmaren arteko proteinen eta azido nukleikoen garraioan dira bitartekari. Aldi berean, iragazkortasun-hesia osatzen dute sarbidea mugatuz. NPCak zelulako konplexu handienetarikoak dira. Euren tamaina handia izanik ere (60 MDa ornodunen kasuan), gutxi gora behera nukleoporina (Nups) izeneko 30 proteina desberdinez osatuta daude. Nukleoporina desberdinak azpikonplexuak osatuz agertu ohi dira. Nup93 konplexuak, NPC egiturara errekrutatutako bigarren azpi-konplexurik handienak, NPCaren mihiztaduran ezinbesteko rola betetzen duela argitaratu dute berriki. Hizkuntza/Idioma: Euskera


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We investigate the nanoscale periodic corrugation (NPC) structures on the dynamic fracture surface of a typical tough bulk metallic glass, submitted to high-velocity plate impact and scanned by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) of the recorded AFM profiles reveals that the valley landscapes of the NPC are nearly memoryless, characterized by Hurst parameter of 0.52 and exhibiting a self-similar fractal character with the dimension of about 1.48. Our findings confirm the existence of the “quasi-cleavage” fracture underpinned by tension transformation zones (TTZs) in metallic glasses.


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As an animator and practice-based researcher with a background in games development, I am interested in technological change in the video game medium, with a focus on the tools and technologies that drive game character animation and interactive story. In particular, I am concerned with the issue of ‘user agency’, or the ability of the end user to affect story development—a key quality of the gaming experience and essential to the aesthetics of gaming, which is defined in large measure by its interactive elements. In this paper I consider the unique qualities of the video game1 as an artistic medium and the impact that these qualities have on the production of animated virtual character performances. I discuss the somewhat oppositional nature of animated character performances found in games from recent years, which range from inactive to active—in other words, low to high agency. Where procedural techniques (based on coded rules of movement) are used to model dynamic character performances, the user has the ability to interactively affect characters in real-time within the larger sphere of the game. This game play creates a high degree of user agency. However, it lacks the aesthetic nuances of the more crafted sections of games: the short cut-scenes, or narrative interludes where entire acted performances are mapped onto game characters (often via performance capture)2 and constructed into relatively cinematic representations. While visually spectacular, cut-scenes involve minimal interactivity, so user agency is low. Contemporary games typically float between these two distinct methods of animation, from a focus on user agency and dynamically responsive animation to a focus on animated character performance in sections where the user is a passive participant. We tend to think of the majority of action in games as taking place via playable figures: an avatar or central character that represents a player. However, there is another realm of characters that also partake in actions ranging from significant to incidental: non-playable characters, or NPCs, which populate action sequences where game play takes place as well as cut scenes that unfold without much or any interaction on the part of the player. NPCs are the equivalent to supporting roles, bit characters, or extras in the world of cinema. Minor NPCs may simply be background characters or enemies to defeat, but many NPCs are crucial to the overall game story. It is my argument that, thus far, no game has successfully utilized the full potential of these characters to contribute toward development of interactive, high performance action. In particular, a type of NPC that I have identified as ‘pivotal’3—those constituting the supporting cast of a video game—are essential to the telling of a game story, particularly in genres that focus on story and characters: adventure games, action games, and role-playing games. A game story can be defined as the entirety of the narrative, told through non-interactive cut-scenes as well a interactive sections of play, and development of more complex stories in games clearly impacts the animation of NPCs. I argue that NPCs in games must be capable of acting with emotion throughout a game—in the cutscenes, which are tightly controlled, but also in sections of game play, where player agency can potentially alter the story in real-time. When the animated performance of NPCs and user agency are not continuous throughout the game, the implication is that game stories may be primarily told through short movies within games, making it more difficult to define video games animation as a distinct artistic medium.


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Neurogenesis occurs in two distinct regions of the adult brain; the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the dentate gyrus (DG) in the hippocampus, and the subventricular zone (SVZ) lining the lateral ventricles. It is now well-known that adult hippocampal neurogenesis can be modulated by a number of intrinsic and extrinsic factors e.g. local signalling molecules, exercise, environmental enrichment and learning. Moreover, levels of adult hippocampal neurogenesis decrease with age, at least in rodents, and alterations in hippocampal neurogenesis have been reported in animal models and human studies of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative conditions. Neuroinflammation is a common pathological feature of these conditions and is also a potent modulator of adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Recently, the orphan nuclear receptor TLX has been identified as an important regulator of adult hippocampal neurogenesis as its expression is necessary to maintain the neural precursor cell (NPC) pool in the adult DG. Likewise, exposure of animals to voluntary exercise has been consistently demonstrated to promote adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Lentivirus (LV)- mediated gene transfer is a useful tool to elucidate gene function and to explore potential therapeutic candidates across an array of conditions as it facilitates sustained gene expression in both dividing and post-mitotic cell populations. Both intrinsic and extrinsic factors are important regulators of adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Examining how these factors are affected by an inflammatory stimulus, and the subsequent effects on adult hippocampal neurogenesis provides important information for the development of novel treatment strategies for neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative conditions in which adult hippocampal neurogenesis is impaired. The aims of the series of experiments presented in this thesis were to examine the effect of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1β (IL-1β) on adult hippocampal NPCs both in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, we have shown that IL-1β reduces proliferation of adult hippocampal NPCs in a dose and time-dependent manner. In addition, we have demonstrated that TLX expression is reduced by IL-1β. Blockade of IL-1β signalling prevented both the IL-1β-induced reduction in cell proliferation and TLX expression. In vivo, we examined the effect of short term and long term exposure to LV-IL-1β in sedentary mice and in mice exposed to voluntary running. We demonstrated that impaired hippocampal neurogenesis is only evident after long term exposure to IL-1β. In mice exposed to voluntary running, hippocampal neurogenesis is significantly increased following short-term but not long-term exposure to running. Moreover, short-term running effectively prevents any IL-1β-induced effects on hippocampal neurogenesis; however, no such effects are seen following long-term exposure to running.


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The first Australian palliative care nurse practitioner (NP) was endorsed in 2003. In 2009 the Victoria Department of Health funded the development of the Victorian Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner Collaborative (VPCNPC). Its aim was to promote the NP role, develop resources, and provide education and mentorship to NPs, nurse practitioner candidates (NPCs), and health service managers. Four key objectives were developed: identify the demographic profile of palliative care NPCs in Victoria; develop an education curriculum and practical resources to support the training and education of palliative care NPCs and NPs; provide mentorship to NPs, NPCs, and service managers; and ensure effective communication with all key stakeholders. An NPC survey was also conducted to explore NPC demographics, models of care, the hours of study required for the role, the mentoring process, and education needs. This paper reports on the establishment of the VPCNPC, the steps taken to achieve its objectives, and the results of the survey. The NP role in palliative care in Australia continues to evolve, and the VPCNPC provides a structure and resources to clearly articulate the benefits of the role to nursing and clinical services. The advanced clinical practice role of the nurse practitioner (NP) has been well established in North America for several decades and across a range of specialties (Ryan-Woolley et al, 2007; Poghosyan et al, 2012). The NP role in Australia and the UK is a relatively new initiative that commenced in the early 2000s (Gardner et al, 2009). There are over 1000 NPs across all states and territories of Australia, of whom approximately 130 work in the state of Victoria (Victorian Government Health Information, 2012). Australian NPs work across a range of specialties, including palliative, emergency, older person, renal, cardiac, respiratory, and mental health care. There has been increasing focus nationally and internationally on developing academic programmes specifically for nurses working toward NP status (Gardner et al, 2006). There has been less emphasis on identifying the comprehensive clinical support requirements for NPs and NP candidates (NPCs) to ensure they meet all registration requirements to achieve and/or maintain endorsement, or on articulating the ongoing requirements for NPs once endorsed. Historically in Australia there has been a lack of clarity and limited published evidence on the benefits of the NP role for patients, carers, and health services (Quaglietti et al, 2004; Gardner and Gardner, 2005; Bookbinder et al, 2011; Dyar et al, 2012). An NP is considered to be at the apex of clinical nursing practice. The NP role typically entails comprehensively assessing and managing patients, prescribing medicines, making direct referrals to other specialists and services, and ordering diagnostic investigations (Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2009). All NPs in Australia are required to meet the following generic criteria: be a registered nurse, have completed a Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia approved postgraduate university Master's (nurse practitioner) degree programme, and be able to demonstrate a minimum of 3 years' experience in an advanced practice role (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2011). An NPC in Victoria is a registered nurse employed by a service or organisation to work toward meeting the academic and clinical requirements for national endorsement as an NP. During the period of candidacy, which is of variable duration, NPCs consolidate their competence to work at the advanced practice level of an NP. The candidacy period is a process of learning the new role while engaging with mentors (medical and nursing) and accessing other learning opportunities both within and outside one's organisation to meet the educational requirements. Integral to the NP role is the development of a model of care that is responsive to identified service delivery gaps that can be addressed by the skills, knowledge, and expertise of an NP. These are unique to each individual service. The practice of an Australian NP is guided by national standards (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia 2014). It is defined by four overarching standards: clinical, education, research, and leadership. Following the initial endorsement of four Victorian palliative care NPs in 2005, there was a lull in recruitment. The Victoria Department of Health (DH) recognised the potential benefits of NPs for health services, and in 2008 it provided funding for Victorian public health services to scope palliative care NP models of care that could enhance service delivery and patient outcomes. The scoping strategy was effective and led to the appointment of 16 palliative care nurses to NPC positions over the ensuing 3 years. The NPCs work across a broad range of care settings, including inpatient, community, and outpatient in metropolitan, regional, and rural areas of Victoria. At the same time, the DH also funded the Centre for Palliative Care to establish the Victorian Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner Collaborative (VPCNPC) to support the NPs and NPCs. The Centre is a state-wide service that is part of St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne and a collaborative Centre of the University of Melbourne. Its primary function is to provide training and conduct research in palliative care. The purpose of the VPCNPC was to provide support and mentorship and develop resources targeted at palliative care NPs, NPCs, and health service managers. Membership of the VPCNPC is open to all NPs, NPCs, health service managers, and nurses interested in the NP role. The aim of this paper is to describe the development of the VPCNPC, its actions, and the outcomes of these actions.


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Após uma revisão de aspectos filogénicos, ontogénicos e embriológicos contribuindo para a estruturação anatómica e fisiológica da nasofaringe, é efectuada uma análise das características clínicas do carcinoma da nasofaringe numa população portuguesa, comparando-as com a literatura. É efectuada análise de taxa de incidência da doença, razão de géneros, frequência relativa dos diversos subtipos de acordo com a classificação OMS, acuidade relativa dos estadiamentos TMN e sobrevivência em função do tratamento. A relação entre carcinoma da nasofaringe e infecção pelo vírus de Epstein – Barr em Portugal é estudada através da análise de detecção de DNA de EBV em tecido tumoral da nasofaringe e sangue periférico de doentes com NPC e em indivíduos saudáveis. São também efectuados estudos caso-controlo no sentido de perspectivar a relevância de dois polimorfismos genéticos na susceptibilidade genética para a doença. Esta Dissertação pretende ainda contribuir para a compreensão dos mecanismos biológicos de CN e a sua relação com o EBV numa região não endémica de baixo risco, como é Portugal, realçando a relevância da definição de um perfil biológico preditivo para o desenvolvimento de CN na população portuguesa.


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The objective of this master’s thesis is to investigate the loss behavior of three-level ANPC inverter and compare it with conventional NPC inverter. The both inverters are controlled with mature space vector modulation strategy. In order to provide the comparison both accurate and detailed enough NPC and ANPC simulation models should be obtained. The similar control model of SVM is utilized for both NPC and ANPC inverter models. The principles of control algorithms, the structure and description of models are clarified. The power loss calculation model is based on practical calculation approaches with certain assumptions. The comparison between NPC and ANPC topologies is presented based on results obtained for each semiconductor device, their switching and conduction losses and efficiency of the inverters. Alternative switching states of ANPC topology allow distributing losses among the switches more evenly, than in NPC inverter. Obviously, the losses of a switching device depend on its position in the topology. Losses distribution among the components in ANPC topology allows reducing the stress on certain switches, thus losses are equally distributed among the semiconductors, however the efficiency of the inverters is the same. As a new contribution to earlier studies, the obtained models of SVM control, NPC and ANPC inverters have been built. Thus, this thesis can be used in further more complicated modelling of full-power converters for modern multi-megawatt wind energy conversion systems.


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Le Jeu, un phénomène difficile à définir, se manifeste en littérature de différentes manières. Le présent travail en considère deux : l’écriture à contrainte, telle que la pratique l’Oulipo, et l’écriture de l’imaginaire, en particulier les romans de Fantasy française. La première partie de cette étude présente donc, sous forme d’essai, les origines et les visées des deux groupes d’écrivains, mettant en lumière les similitudes pouvant être établies entre eux malgré leurs apparentes différences. Tandis que l’Oulipo cherche des contraintes capables de générer un nombre infini de textes et explore la langue par ce moyen, la Fantasy se veut créatrice de mondes imaginaires en puisant généralement à la source de Tolkien et des jeux de rôle. Il en résulte que le jeu, dans les deux cas, se révèle un puissant moteur de création, que le récit appelle un lecteur-explorateur et qu’il crée une infinité de mondes possibles. Malgré tout, des divergences demeurent quant à leurs critiques, leurs rapports avec le jeu et les domaines extralittéraires, et leurs visées. Considérant ce fait, je propose de combiner les deux styles d’écriture en me servant du cycle des Hortense de Jacques Roubaud (structuré au moyen de la sextine) et des Chroniques des Crépusculaires de Mathieu Gaborit (figure de proue en fantasy « pure »). Ce projet a pour but de combler le fossé restant encore entre les deux groupes. Ainsi, la seconde partie de mon travail constitue une première tentative de réunion des deux techniques d’écriture (à contrainte et de l’imaginaire). Six héros (trois aventuriers et trois mercenaires) partent à la recherche d’un objet magique dérobé à la Reine du Désert et capable de bouleverser l’ordre du monde. Le récit, divisé en six chapitres, rapporte les aventures de ce groupe jusqu’à leur rencontre avec l’ennemi juré de la Reine, un puissant sorcier elfe noir. Chaque chapitre comporte six sections plus petites où sont permutés – selon le mouvement de la sextine – six éléments caractéristiques des jeux de rôles : 1-Une description du MJ (Maître du Jeu) ; 2-Un combat ; 3-Une énigme à résoudre ou un piège à désarmer ; 4-Une discussion entre les joueurs à propos de leurs avatars ; 5-L’acquisition d’un nouvel objet ; 6-Une interaction avec un PNJ (Personnage Non Joueur). Tout au long du texte, des références aux Chroniques des Crépusculaires de Mathieu Gaborit apparaissent, suivant également un ordre sextinien. D’autres allusions, à Tolkien, Queneau, Perec ou Roubaud, agrémentent le roman.


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Enfermer le porteur de l’information génétique dans le noyau a obligée la cellule a créé un système de transport complexe, qui permet l’export d’un ARNm du noyau au cytoplasme. Le mécanisme général de l’export des ARNm est encore mal connu, même si les facteurs principaux ont été découverts il y a longtemps. De récents progrès en microscopie nous ont permis d’étudier directement le comportement des ARNm durant le processus d’export. Durant ma maitrise, nous avons été capables de localiser et suivre des ARNm en temps réel pour la première fois chez Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nous avons créé un gène rapporteur en mettant le gène GLT1 sous le contrôle du promoteur GAL1. Nous avons aussi marqué l’ARNm de GLT1 avec plusieurs boucles PP7. L’ARNm sera visible après l’attachement de plusieurs protéines PP7-GFP aux boucles. En utilisant la technique d’imagerie en cellules vivantes, nous sommes capable de visualiser et suivre chaque ARNm, depuis son relâchement du site de transcription jusqu’à l’export. Une fois relâché du site de transcription, l’ARNm diffuse librement dans le nucléoplasme, mais une fois à la périphérie nucléaire, il commence à « scanner » l’enveloppe nucléaire avant d’être exporté. Nous avons trouvé que le « scanning » dépend de la présence des Myosin Like Proteins (Mlp1p et Mlp2p), protéines qui forment le panier nucléaire, car suite à la délétion de MLP1 et MLP2, les ARNm n’étaient plus capable de « scanner ». Nous avons également trouvé que la partie C-terminale de Mlp1p était nécessaire au « scanning ». De plus, suite à la délétion du gène TOM1, gène codant pour une ubiquitine ligase, les ARNm ont un comportement similaire aux ARNm d’une souche ∆mlp1/mlp2, suggérant que le « scanning » permet à Tom1p d’ubiquitiner Yra1p, ce qui causera son relâchement de l’ARNm. Également, nous avons montré que les ARNm endogènes MDN1 et CBL2 scannent aussi la périphérie nucléaire. Ensemble, nos résultats suggèrent que le scanning est un processus par lequel passent tout les ARNm nucléaire lorsqu’ils se retrouvent à la périphérie du noyau, pour initier plusieurs étapes de réarrangements nécessaires à leurs export. De plus, nous avons examiné le rôle de Yhr127p, une protéine nouvellement identifiée qui se lie à l’ARN. Après avoir marqué cette protéine avec la GFP, nous avons montré qu’elle forme des foci dans le noyau et que ces derniers vont disparaitre suite à l’arrêt de la transcription. La délétion de YHR127 à conduit à une augmentation de la transcription de quelques gènes spécifiques, mais n’affecte pas la capacité de la cellule à exporter les ARNm. Nos résultats suggèrent que cette protéine joue un rôle dans la régulation de la transcription et/ou dans la stabilité de l’ARNm.