58 resultados para NMF


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Esse artigo é o segundo de uma série que tem como objetivo a análise do impacto dos desalinhamentos cambiais nas regras e instrumentos da OMC. O primeiro artigo apontou os efeitos do câmbio nas tarifas, especialmente os efeitos sobre o artigo II do GATT 5 . O presente trabalho analisará os efeitos dos desalinhamentos no artigo I do GATT, o princípio basilar da nação mais favorecida (NMF).


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This article presents a detailed study of the application of different additive manufacturing technologies (sintering process, three-dimensional printing, extrusion and stereolithographic process), in the design process of a complex geometry model and its moving parts. The fabrication sequence was evaluated in terms of pre-processing conditions (model generation and model STL SLI), generation strategy and physical model post-processing operations. Dimensional verification of the obtained models was undertook by projecting structured light (optical scan), a relatively new technology of main importance for metrology and reverse engineering. Studies were done in certain manufacturing time and production costs, which allowed the definition of an more comprehensive evaluation matrix of additive technologies.


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Monte Carlo simulations of water-amides (amide=fonnamide-FOR, methylfonnamide-NMF and dimethylformamide-DMF) solutions have been carried out in the NpT ensemble at 308 K and 1 atm. The structure and excess enthalpy of the mixtures as a function of the composition have been investigated. The TIP4P model was used for simulating water and six-site models previously optimized in this laboratory were used for simulating the liquid amides. The intermolecular interaction energy was calculated using the classical 6-12 Lennard-Jones potential plus a Coulomb term. The interaction energy between solute and solvent has been partitioned what leads to a better understanding of the behavior of the enthalpy of mixture obtained for the three solutions experimentally. Radial distribution functions for the water-amides correlations permit to explore the intermolecular interactions between the molecules. The results show that three, two and one hydrogen bonds between the water and the amide molecules are formed in the FOR, NMF and DMF-water solutions, respectively. These H-bonds are, respectively, stronger for DMF-water, NMF-water and FOR-water. In the NMF-water solution, the interaction between the methyl group of the NMF and the oxygen of the water plays a role in the stabilization of the aqueous solution quite similar to that of an H-bond in the FOR-water solution. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ab initio (restricted Hartree-Fock and DFT) and molecular mechanics calculations at MM2 level were performed for N-methylformamide (NMF) molecule and for three dimers in order to investigate the relative stability of the cis and trans conformers. The ab initio calculations show that no intramolecular interaction is relevant for the stability of the conformers explored. The trans conformer is the most stable. The MM calculations revealed that a double H-bonded cyclic cis-cis dimer is the most stable among the studied dimers, followed by a 'linear' H-bonded trans-trans dimer. This 'linear' dimer, however, is prevalent in the liquid phase. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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20% N-methylformamide (NMF) mixtures with water and with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) have been studied. A comparison between the hydrogen bonding (H-bond) donation of N-methylformamide with both solvents in the mixtures is presented. Results of radial distribution functions, pair distribution energies, molecular dipole moment correlation, and geometry of the H-bonded species in each case are shown. The results indicate that the NMF-solvent H-bond is significantly stronger with DMSO than with water. The solvation shell is best organized in the DMSO mixture than in the aqueous one. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, magnetic photocatalysts were synthesized containing differents levels of TiO2 (40, 60 e 80%) supported at the supporter of C/LV, forming the photocatalysts 40, 60, 80Ti/C/LV, using tar pitch as carbon (C) source and red mud (LV) as iron source. The prepared magnetic photocatalysts and TiO2 were used to degrade the Remazol Black textile dye (PR5) and the organic material present in samples of a textile dye effluent. The characterization of photocatalysts by Raman, X-Ray Diffraction, Transmission Electron Micoscope and Scanning, Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry, Termogravimetry and Elemental Analysis, confirms the presence of carbon and magnetite in support C/LV and the presence of TiO2 in prepared photocatalysts. The photocatalytic reactions with TiO2 were analyzed by different experimental conditions, such as: mass of TiO2 (30-240 mg), solution pH (2-10), light intensity (0.871 and 1.20 mWcm-2), type of radiation (UV and sunlight-1.420 mWcm-2), radiation incidence area (44.2 to 143.1 cm2) and dissolved oxygen (OD, 1.9 and 7.6 mg L- 1). Results showed that reactions with the following conditions: 220 mg of TiO2, pH 10, solar radiation, 7.6 mg L-1 of OD and an incidence area of radiation of 143.1 cm2 showed the best results for degradation of PR5 dye. Photocatalytic reactions with magnetic photocatalysts for degrading PR5 shows that efficiency increases with TiO2 content in the C/LV support, where, above 60% of TiO2, there was not significant increase in reaction velocity. In addition, solar radiation has proved to be advantageous for photocatalytic reactions. In order to verify the presence of a non-magnetic fraction in the photocatalyst 60Ti/C/LV0, magnetic separation was proceeded. The characterizations of the magnetic (FM) and nonmagnetic (NMF) fraction confirmed that about 25% of TiO2 did not fixed in 60Ti/C/LV photocatalyst. Results of photocatalytic reactions with FM and FNM showed that both phases have photocatalytic activity for degradation of PR5. The reactions executed for the degradation of organic matter present in the actual sample of textile effluent showed that TiO2 and magnetic photocatalyst 60Ti/C/ LV have better results for color removal (85 to 35%), soluble solids ( 11 and 3%), DQO (90 and 86%) and turbidity (94 and 11%) than the treatment done by the textile industry. Sedimentation kinetics tests in presence of a magnet showed that photocatalysts are separated faster from aqueous environment than pure TiO2. Obtained results showed that magnetic photocatalysts have excellent photocatalytic activity and can be separated from the reaction environment on a simple and quick way when a magnetic field is applied.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Il crescente utilizzo di sistemi di analisi high-throughput per lo studio dello stato fisiologico e metabolico del corpo, ha evidenziato che una corretta alimentazione e una buona forma fisica siano fattori chiave per la salute. L'aumento dell'età media della popolazione evidenzia l'importanza delle strategie di contrasto delle patologie legate all'invecchiamento. Una dieta sana è il primo mezzo di prevenzione per molte patologie, pertanto capire come il cibo influisce sul corpo umano è di fondamentale importanza. In questo lavoro di tesi abbiamo affrontato la caratterizzazione dei sistemi di imaging radiografico Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA). Dopo aver stabilito una metodologia adatta per l'elaborazione di dati DXA su un gruppo di soggetti sani non obesi, la PCA ha evidenziato alcune proprietà emergenti dall'interpretazione delle componenti principali in termini delle variabili di composizione corporea restituite dalla DXA. Le prime componenti sono associabili ad indici macroscopici di descrizione corporea (come BMI e WHR). Queste componenti sono sorprendentemente stabili al variare dello status dei soggetti in età, sesso e nazionalità. Dati di analisi metabolica, ottenuti tramite Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) su campioni di urina, sono disponibili per circa mille anziani (provenienti da cinque paesi europei) di età compresa tra i 65 ed i 79 anni, non affetti da patologie gravi. I dati di composizione corporea sono altresì presenti per questi soggetti. L'algoritmo di Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) è stato utilizzato per esprimere gli spettri MRS come combinazione di fattori di base interpretabili come singoli metaboliti. I fattori trovati sono stabili, quindi spettri metabolici di soggetti sono composti dallo stesso pattern di metaboliti indipendentemente dalla nazionalità. Attraverso un'analisi a singolo cieco sono stati trovati alti valori di correlazione tra le variabili di composizione corporea e lo stato metabolico dei soggetti. Ciò suggerisce la possibilità di derivare la composizione corporea dei soggetti a partire dal loro stato metabolico.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-04